Full Summary:

Hyoudou Issei remembers little to nothing about his life before attending the church at the age of five. He was trained by the strongest exorcists of the Vatican to become part of the elite task force: The Templars. For a time, he put his faith in the God of the bible and used his strength to slay evil in his name. He coldly murdered many evil creatures, be it devils, fallen angels, vampires or even werewolves. And after taking out several SS-class stray devils on his own, it became undeniable that he was the strongest Templar the church ever had at its disposal. That was when his hidden powers surfaced. To say that the church wasn't scared shitless of magic would be an understatement. It would have been fine if it was normal magic; however, he had shown great potential towards unholy magic—even going as far as summoning that wicked thing. The church, judging him guilty, concluded that he was a nuisance and must be dealt with. Issei found himself in the situation where he had to choose whether to be murdered by those he once called brother and sister, or to kill them himself. He chose the latter. However, his acts bore heavy consequences on his mind and led him to wander aimlessly. A man found him and took him to the magic academy where this story about Issei's adventures in the DxD universe will begin—with the worst possible outcome. The prologue is about Issei before his arrival at Kuoh Town. This story features a strong but obviously not overpowered Issei. Not perverted at first, but he will slowly develop this trait. Also intelligent—as a magician, it's this or he's worth nothing. Rated M for precaution.

Author's Note:

Hey guys, Leon here. I said pretty much everything to be said about this chapter and the story overall in the Summary, so I will try not to make you guys wait longer. There are three things that need to be clarified. First, I am a very bad writer, so don't expect something grand of this fic. Second, as you may have already noticed, English isn't my native language. In fact, it is my third language. And finaly, the prologue features original characters. Why? Because we know close to nothing about mages in canon.
Now that we have made these points clear, and the majority have already left, let us dive into the world of the Fallen Templar.


I do not own High School DxD, that is the property of Ichiei Ishibumi. And basically, all that you recognize isn't mine.
Ideas from Irregular at Magic High were used in this chapter.

Now on with the story.

Chapter 01: Prologue.

Anger, pain, sorrow, weakness . . . I know it all. From the ebullient hearts of that summer day to the freezing tears of that winter night, I remember it all. Evil is evil. Justice must prevail. No sin in slaughtering tainted souls, there lies truest justice.

Be without fear. For you are fearless. Be brave and upright. For you are honest. Never lose faith. For you know the truth. Slay Evil. For you are a Templar.




What a load of crap.

"Did you hear? They say a girl disappeared last night."


"She went outside for some fresh air, but she never came back."

"I heard. People are saying the campus is haunted."

"Ohh, scary!"

"Don't tell me you actually believe that? Ghosts kidnaping girls, that's stories for children."

"How would you say she disappeared then?"

"She didn't. She's probably just trying to show off."

"Show off?"

A small group of girls wearing a variety of black and blue jeans were chatting inside their respective classroom when someone entered, slowly walking towards the teacher's desk.

"All right everyone, have a seat," The Magic Theory Professor Dominik said. He was a relatively tall man, around 6 feet tall, early thirties, maybe thirty-three at most. He wore a brown suit with a green tie and he had short black hair and small narrow eyes the same color. He looked like a stoic man whose only care in the world was unknown. Nevertheless, it was undeniable that he was good at his job.

More than half the students were not in the mood for a morning class, though the teacher paid no concern and started the day's lesson. "Any questions?" He calmly asked, emotionlessly; that question didn't surprise the audience.

They were accustomed to it, Dominik always started his lessons like that, even the very first one. No one had ever gifted him with a question, but nonetheless, that was no reason for him to stop asking. They didn't understand why he was doing it, but they didn't bother to ask anyway, the atmosphere in Vienne's Magical Academy was creepy enough already.

"Today we will make an approach on how magic works. Laura, if I were to ask you what magic is, what would be your answer?" Dominik Started. The girl in question stood without making a noise, and calmly answered her teacher's question.

"Magic is the art of modifying the physical dimension through modifications made in the information dimension: The Core."

"Thank you, Laura," he thanked her before addressing the general audience, as any ordinary teacher would.

"As your comrade said, magic is the art of altering the physical dimension through variations made in the information dimension. The physical dimension here means reality: the world we can interpret using our five senses. The Core, on the other hand, is like the root system of the physical realm, the structure of the world, a mass of data that defines reality. This realm knows no boundaries, no physical laws, no dimensions . . . It is a lenient and flexible realm. The information present in the Core is organized in a language defined by 40 000 alphabets, this data circulates, or more accurately, vibrates through the Core in the form of sonar-like waves. Mages are beings that are born with or developed the ability to interact with the Core by translating thoughts into data waves, and use them to generate anomalies within the data realm. Data waves form the only particles that can exist within the Core, and the variations they make in the Core are translated in the physical dimension as the final form of the spell. Data waves can be visualized as a form of data; they are 'magical sequences' generated by the magician's mind in the process of thought-data transcription. Depending on experience, training, and ability, the number of data waves that can be cast before the mage's exhaustion differs from mage to mage. Spells, in the other hand, differ in the length of the magical sequences that structure them. For example, powerful, complex or wide area spells require more data waves to cast compared to basic spells."

Dominik paused for a moment and leaned on his desk. He slightly waved his hands to draw some diagrams on the blackboard using magic.

"Another restriction is the mage's efficiency at reading data. As you know, data waves' starting vibration point is the magus's mind. In order for the spell to directly hit the target from the Core, the data wave must safely travel through the Core's data until it reaches the desired target; in other words, the magic sequence must be incompatible with all the data within its path, and compatible only with the data of the target. If this is not respected, the spell will disrupt in most cases, or- in rare cases- it will take an invariable form and cause damage to the mage and/or his surroundings."

He moved towards the closest window, hands in pockets.

"But then again, only very few people can sufficiently read that much data in a real-time combat. To counterbalance that, the mage only needs to manifest the spell near him, then use a built-in movement-type spell to shift it within the physical realm. This way, the mage can drastically reduce the casting time, allowing him to move around and dodge incoming attacks. It works well for destruction spells, but other magical schools may require different adjustments."

He curiously smiled as he noticed something taking place behind the school's buildings; something interesting was about to happen.

He directed back his gaze towards his students and resumed the explanation, "another thing worth mentioning is that the information dimension is not a stable world. With forty thousand alphabets, there are countless ways to describe the same phenomenon; therefore, intense concentration levels are needed for magical practice. Hitting the target directly through the Core without the hindrance of the physical world's straining rules can easily be a one-hit kill, but the rarity of successfully casting a spell in such conditions makes it a non-viable option. Although, research is being conducted on that matter."

Professor Dominik stopped speaking as nearly all the class had lost concentration a while ago. He raised his arm towards a student who was sleeping on his desk, inciting the audience to look at him. The students started releasing a few giggles in amusement here and there, reviving the classroom's dead atmosphere in the process.

A few minutes had passed. Their teacher still didn't move his hand by an inch. Everyone was perplexed at what he had in mind – "even he can't be that weird," they thought. And then, surprising everyone, the student's desk became engulfed in fire, causing the boy sitting there to abruptly move away, scared by the flames.

"Whaaa-! W-what the hell!" he cried in shock.

Two boys behind him put their hands on his back, preventing him from falling to the ground, as he was losing his balance due to misplaced footsteps. The flames' intensity was stable and the desk was, as astounding as it may seem, not burning.

Professor Dominik went on with his explanation.

"This is how directly applied spells work. It took me around five to six minutes to cast this basic spell that doesn't even burn". He was not lying, the audience already noticed there was no heat coming from the flames. "But", said the instructor while standing arms crossed, "if I use the second method . . ."

Following his words, a burst of fire taking the form of a sphere appeared in front of him and struck the same student that was sleeping a couple minutes ago, covering him in fire. The rest of the students moved away from him and let him fall to the ground, burning––or so it seemed.

Again, the fire had no burning effect. However, the boy, in fear, screamed and started rolling all over the ground trying to put out the fire, making his classmates burst out laughing.

"Seeing it in action makes me grasp the differences better," said a girl within the ranks, getting her classmates to nod in agreement with her. Hearing that, the professor whispered with a sigh. "Although I'm teaching theory."

"––Anyway," he said after a couple seconds, clapping his hands to dispel the fire. "I hope you all took note of what I taught you today, since it will be the subject of your next exam. Good evening."

"Eh? Eeeeeeh––?!"

At the same time, not so far from the classroom's building.

Nature found joy on that vast and stupendous hilly green space, where the rays of the blazing sun wove and frolicked between the blades of grass, dancing to the rhythm with the clouds. The towering trees, with branches lifted to the sky, cast into shadow a lightly-sleeping young boy welcomed by the soft greenery, protecting him from the heat of sunlight. The swaying leaves sang the rhythmic melody of a gentle breeze as one of them fell to the boy's head, waking him up.

He was an average looking boy with light brown hair nearly reaching his shoulders. He had slightly pale skin, and light blue feline eyes with a wintry feeling emanating from them. An all-black set of clothes consisting of a long-sleeved shirt, jeans, and running shoes served as a covering for his body.

On top of a decent-sized tree were playing as if they were fighting, two tiny birds. One had his feathering tinged with a reddish color, and the other in a blueish color. The flying creatures would wing over from a branch to the other in a symphony that summarized the calming atmosphere of the midday scenery. They were giving off the feeling of a big brother teasing his little brother.

The red bird halted as it landed on the highest branch. It seemed like it was scouting for something as it was turning around itself countless times. Then suddenly, in a bounding-type flight, it headed towards a tree less than a quarter mile away from its position.

When the bird was about to reach the aforementioned destination, it initiated a swift descending flight towards a portion of the ground surrounding the tree. Fallen leaves, forming the litter the bird crashed on, generated a soft and natural sound at the impact, causing a squeaky cry to come out of the mouth of a teenage girl.

A worm on its beak, the reddish tinged bird speedily flew over to a branch to join its brother.

The girl was sitting on the litter, leaning against the tree. She was caught by surprise when the bird suddenly crossed over her field of view, landing some inches away from her.

Shining silver-white hair that tumbled over her shoulders, soft lilac eyes, pink skin tone, and a slim, not overly tall, sculpted figure which was twine-thin, filled this girl's locker with countless love letters. She was wearing a simplistic, but elegant, set of clothes consisting of a buttonless long-sleeved blouse, sank in a pond of night blue water, and a tight white trouser that gracefully fit her legs, along with her pair of delft blue converse shoes.

A red colored notebook was sitting on her crossed thighs, held by her left hand, while her right hand, holding a pencil, was weaving on a page of the notebook.

At school, everyone knew she was a timid and overly shy girl. Because of that, she had no friends and was more of an introvert girl that people would say magic was wasted on her. She was smiling and releasing light giggles while working on the aforementioned notebook, but she abruptly stopped and closed it when two female figures suddenly showed up in front of her.

Melodia, an eighteen-year-old girl, had smooth auburn hair tied in a pony-tail, and eyes reflecting the ocean's deep color. She was well known amongst the students for her sharp tongue and somewhat harsh manners.

Her friend, Melany, had curly hair dyed in light-green color and bright, yellow eyes. She always hung out with Melodia and supported her in whatever she did.

The two of them approached the silver-haired girl with faces wearing smug smiles.

"My, my, look at what we have got here. Isn't this our little princess?" Started the auburn-haired.

"She seemed to be in a pretty good mood before we arrived. Don't you want to chat with your dear, lovely friends, Stephany?" Her friend continued in a similar tone.

Starring at her with scrupulous eyes, Melodia noticed the red notebook. "Oh, what is that, dear?"

Stephany firmly held her notebook against her chest, as she diverted her gaze away from the auburn-haired girl. With her eyes expressing deep sadness, she quickly got up and tried to get away, but the auburn girl didn't let her and stole her notebook.

"Now, come on Steph, not so fast.". She played with her. "Oh my! Melany, look at this! Isn't it cute?"

"What, what? Let me see––! Oh, Stephany, you bitch, you were keeping something like that a secret from us?!" She grinned before the two of them burst out laughing.

Stephany felt a burning pain inside her chest while watching those two girls digging where they shouldn't and mocking her.

"Give that back!" The silver-haired girl tried to threaten. But the tears that were starting to pour out of her eyes drained what once of credibility she had.

"Melodia, over there, look! The boy."

"Ah! That's him! I have to say Steph, you are a really good drawer." Melany loudly laughed.

"Say, you like him?"

The sound of tears crashing on the litter of leaves made the girls silent.

Stephany made her meek voice heard while still looking down, "why do you need to do this . . .? Why always me? Why do I have to bear this?"

The first teardrop rolled down her cheek, followed by an unbroken stream.

What met that reaction was . . . a ruckus of loud laughs and mockery. They never had any intention of listening to her whatsoever.

Stephany bit her lips and tried to regain herself. She made an attempt to take back her red notebook from the auburn-haired; unfortunately, her hand was greeted only by a painful slap on the knuckle side.

"Trying to be sneaky now, aren't we? Maybe we should teach you good manners." Pointed out Melodia with her face contorting into a mischievous smile.

The green-haired girl Melany took some steps towards Stephany, put her thumb and index on her chin, and lifted up her head to examine her face. "Mhmm… I am thinking, wouldn't a scare, right here on her cheek, help her to remember how friends should be treated?" She asked, when a swift and saddened sound, made by expelling a small quantity of air, broke out of Stephany's mouth as she faced the harsh treatment. She closed her eyes, sank in tears, to prepare for the worst to come.

However, to the girls' astonishment, Melany got unexpectedly pushed away by a strong wind and fell to the ground.

"That's enough." Put a freezing, low-pitched voice.

Stephany quickly opened her eyes in surprise, only to be greeted by the back of a man wearing a black shirt. He put his hands inside his black jean's pockets as his medium-sized brown hair swayed at the meeting of a sudden breeze. She couldn't see his face at the moment, but she could easily tell that he woke up on his left foot just by the presence he was emanating.

"Oh! Look, Stephany, your charming prin––"

"I said, enough."

That irritated Melodia. She didn't tolerate anyone talking to her like that, as if he was superior to her.

"Hey, Melodia, I think we should go. Now that I see him up close––"

The green-haired girl tried to reason, but was brusquely interrupted by her friend's merciless reply. "Shut your mouth, Melany."

Stephany, seeing that things would soon go south, attempted to calm things down, but the boy raised his hand and shook his head in a negative answer. "I am a generally forgiving person, but If I should state one thing that irritates me the most, it would be bullying shits like you. So for the last time, I will put it in the simplest manner possible for your tiny head to understand. Step down, or you'll regret it."

That eventually ticked her off, explaining the following events.

She lifted up her right hand, and from yellowish fire-sparks was made into existence a meter-sized bird of fire, hovering high above her right palm.

"I see, you're a Natural. You can use fire elemental-type magic without the use of magic circles, which narrows your spell casting time. I believe you have always been praised for your skills in magic, always been a spoiled child, and everyone fears your nature gifted talent. That made you think you truly were superior . . ."

He closed his eyes for a second before continuing. "Alright then, I will gladly put you back where you belong."

The boy's tone was calm and confident, which made the fire user even more pissed. But, oddly, she simply smiled.

"I will give you twenty seconds, run as fast as you can, if by any chance you manage to dodge my attack, consider yourself forgiven."

The boy smirked. "For starters––"

A feeling of pressure, applied on her left hand, attracted Melodia's attention, only for her eyes to almost pop out as they notice the absence of the notebook.

"––I will take that back."

Swiftly raising her head up, she caught the boy giving back the notebook to her righteous owner, and gently telling her to move to a safer place.

In the auburn girl's eyes, what just happened was the ultimate humiliation. As a response, she lowered her hand in a brisk gesture, ordering the firebird to fly towards the brown-haired boy.

"Burn!" She shouted.

Unfortunately for her, the brown-haired hero had anticipated her move as she was about to execute it.

He snapped his fingers.

That was all it took for the condensed fire to explode right in front of its creator's face, making a loud sound with flames whirling around the auburn-haired girl.

"He controlled oxygen with the wind to cause excessive combustion," concluded Stephany.

"What did you just do?!" Yelled the auburn-haired in astonishment. "My fire, in an instant…!"
The boy just answered in his usual tone. "If you still haven't figured that out, then you are an even lesser mage that I thought."

Seeing that Stephany and the green-haired girl were both at a safe distance, he directed back his gaze to his opponent.

A magic circle illuminated the ground where the girl set foot as she launched herself high up above the boy to gain some distance between them. Two orbs of fire developed on both her hands and started firing numerous fireballs that exploded on impact, causing flares and blasting sounds to fill the scenery as they form small craters on the ground.

The boy run speedily in an attempt to dodge the incoming fire while waiting for the auburn-haired girl to fall back to ground. But she wasn't about to fall. Not sooner, nor later. She was hovering at the peak of her jump!

Craters formed continuously along the way the hero-boy run across, drastically shaping the scenery to a different landscape. In her attempts to quickly catch the boy with her fireballs, she didn't notice him slightly changing the course of his race—he didn't think twice before taking advantage of it––thus, the girl's wave of fire attacks took a faintly different course than the boy, allowing him to pull himself out of the danger zone.

Soon after that, a magic circle appeared on the ground below the auburn-girl just as the boy lifted his hand up.

"Gravity's Grip."

A merciless force pulled down Melodia and fiercely smashed her to the ground.

The sound of the ground breaking that muffled the girl's moan was followed by a sudden burst of dust that started fading as the boy slowly walked towards the site of the impact.

"Look around you, and see what you did to this beautiful place," he said.

He stopped walking when he noticed the shadow of the girl as she tried to get up behind the dust. When the view became clearer, the image of the girl with blood dripping from both her head and her nails made him narrow his eyes in remorse.

"I went too far."

Looking down at her feet, the girl, however, didn't utter a word. With strands of hair that tumbled over her eyes, she stumbled over some distance while trying to regain her balance. When she lifted her head up, intensely staring at her opponent, sparks of fire progressively manifested on her right hand until, at some point, they exploded to materialize a scythe out of the burst of fire.

"I . . . am not done with you, yet . . . dog."

She firmly held her scythe and dashed towards the boy in the blink of an eye. She swung her scythe at his face with all her might, but her weapon met no flesh, only soft and thin air.

She lost her balance because of her momentum and stumbled on one foot for some distance. It may have been her imagination, but she could swear that she heard the weak sound of a muffled laugh.

"I don't picture myself fighting you again; but, next time, you should stick to your fire blasts. At least, they are faster." He smirked.

Spotting the boy, she shouted, "You talking about next time? This isn't over yet!" A strong wave of fire lunged at him as she swung her scythe vertically.

The wave reached the boy and instantly exploded, producing a burst of flames destined to burn anyone in range.

But, interrupting the progressing smile on Melodia's face, the fire began spinning around the boy, before it abruptly scattered to nothingness, revealing what she could understand as an offensive-type magic circle that binds wind to its will.

"I am not fond of delivering sad news, still, this is indeed over––Illusion spell, Mind Blast."

Thanks to her ranged attack, the boy had had enough time to muster up a direct-hit spell. She suddenly felt her head was about to explode, and fell to the ground, unconscious.

The boy released a sigh; it's been three years since he came to Vienne's Magic Academy, and that was the first time he involved himself in other students' affairs. The boy had been a lone wolf for almost three years.

Melany, worried, quickly rushed over to her friend. "Melodia!" She shouted in fear, trying to wake her up, but to no avail.

"What did you do?!"
"Relax. It's only a matter of time till she wakes up. Just take her to the infirmary for those . . . bruises."

"Bruises!" She yelled at him, eyes expressing extreme anger and killing intent. Well, he did go too far.

The boy directed away his gaze, even he couldn't look into those eyes and feel nothing. It all went south after all… maybe he shouldn't have intervened. That white-haired girl, Stephany was she called? She was the second, and only other person, that loved spending her time in that green space behind the school's buildings. And so, even if they never spoke to each other, she was the person that had spent the most time in his presence.

"Talking about her, where is she?"

He looked around himself to search for her, but he couldn't find her.

"You," Melany caught his attention. "You look exactly like the guy the students gossip about, the seventh mystery of the academy. Brown hair, blue eyes, wearing all black… They say anyone who crosses your path gets sent to the void. Your name is Hyoudou Issei!"

"What?" was the boy's internal reflection.

"Yes, my name is Hyoudou Issei. But I don't know about being called seventh mystery, nor do I know about that void stuff. I am simply a typical magic apprentice. It's just that I never attend classes."

He walked over to her. "But if you ever lay again your finger on that girl, I will happily become your seventh mystery." His voice was calm, but it sure gave her the chills.

"Well, well. Someone care to explain what happened here?"

A man wearing a soft black suit suddenly appeared. Someone who Melany immediately recognized as their Magical Theory teacher: Professor Dominik. That was bad, they would definitely be sanctioned for their behavior. At least, that was what she thought

"A long story. Why are you here?" said Issei with a sigh.

"Only one reason why. You have been summoned."

"I see." Issei replied, then directed his gaze at the green-haired girl. "Melany, was it? Take her to the infirmary, if you truly are her friend. Also, remember what I told you, and forget about me . . . Farewell."
Dominik made a large blue circle that illuminated the ground where he and Issei were standing, before the two got enveloped in a glowing blue light and disappeared.

Meanwhile in a different time zone.

The time it was in Kuoh Town would make you think of a pitch-black curtain that draped over the sky, with a big, round formation above the horizon that shed soft white light all over the scenery. One would never forget the beauty of the twisted warped shapes that the stars made against the blackness. The city's small harbor with the charming backdrop of bobbing boats is a significant part of its connection to the sea, and the source of its delicious fresh fish that was served up at restaurants all across Kuoh Town. Enjoying the tiny waves that made the sea look so vibrant were two young-looking men that stood amidst the city's fishing harbor. Azazel was a tall man with an average build, he had light black hair with golden bangs and a black goatee. Sirzechs was a man appearing to have a strong build, he had shoulder-length crimson hair and blue eyes with a faint shade of green. The two of them wore a serious looking face.

"Any news on your lead, Sirzechs?"

"Michael has shown his enthusiasm towards the meeting, for the first time ever, the angels will share with us a seat at the table."

"Finally, huh? That is reassuring, especially because of the bad news I have on my side. The vampires made it clear that they will have nothing to do with the treaty, Odin and Zeus seemed interested, but nothing is sure yet."

"If the three great factions unite forces, that would be a big step towards a bright future. As long as we get that . . ." Sirzechs made a brief pause before continuing. "What was the little problem you mentioned earlier?"

"I haven't heard from the team that was supposed to retrieve the Grieving Horn for a while."

"Do you need me to deploy my team?"

"No, definitely not. We do not want to risk any quarrels between the great factions a month before the peace treaty negotiations. I will go there myself."

"Won't the governor of the fallen angels be missed at his office?"

"The governor of the fallen angels has never been at his office!" Loudly laughed the governor, but his facial expression soon became one of a worried guy.

"Azazel . . ."

"Sirzechs, it may not be necessary– I hope it won't be necessary, but– I need you to be available at any time for the next twenty-four hours. This is a personal request."


Sirezechs's instantaneous reply greatly surprised the fallen angel.

"From that expression on your face, it's related to him, isn't it?" he continued, causing Azazel to smile softly.

"Quite spacious", that is the first thought that comes to your mind when you enter the principal's office of Vienne's Magic Academy. The second thought would probably be, "where are the windows?". That place, instead of being called an office, should be called a confined space. The third thought could have been the second, depending on your personality; "This place looks so gloomy, the light is like dying and the walls are painted in a dark shade of brown… mahogany was it called?"

And then, only then, you will notice that painting on the wall behind the director's desk. You can't get a clear image until you look closely, but it would seem to be a painting that portrayed the battle between the two heavenly dragons, Ddraig and Albion.

When Issei entered, the principal's desk was right in the center of the room, like it had always been. There were no guest chairs, so he had to stand. Looking closely at the principal, he appeared to be an average man with dark complexioned skin, shoulder-length ebony hair, and small black eyes. His outfit was consisted of an expensive black suit.

"You truly are a vampire, aren't you?" Asked the brown-haired boy.

"For how long are you going to keep asking that? I already told you I am not, didn't I?"

"Well, you can't be a human either. No human can work in . . . such a gloomy place like this."

Ignoring his disciple's rude remark, the director got up and slowly walked towards the painting.

"It is time, Issei. The time has finally come." He started in an enthusiastic manner. "I found the location of that last relic I needed for my research. It is right here, in Vienne."

Hearing that, Issei's eyes gradually went wider. What the principal just said meant he will finally keep his promise.

"So you mean . . ."

"Once you get me that, I will tell you everything I know about your parents."

Author's Note:

Guys, please leave a review saying whether you like or dislike this work and, if you feel like helping, tell me about what you think went wrong with the chapter.

According to your reviews, I will decide if I will continue this fic or leave it as two chapters one-shot.

Thank you in advance.

Also before I forget, if you feel like joining our server full of fanfic writers, feel to do so. Here's the link: discord. gg/xEApPAS