At an ungodly hour we all heard a horrendous sound. "What the hell was that?!" Kaitlin screamed as I flailed and fell out of my bed.

"Time to get up." X-ray sniggered.

I groaned and stayed down on the floor.

"Come on, you don't want Mr. Sir to come and getcha." Zigzag said and picked me up off the floor before setting me on my feet.

I growled as I changed my jumpsuit and into a different tank top. I grabbed my black bandana after I pulled my hair up, the rest of the girls doing the same. Well Neva taking care of Matty anyways. I picked up Matty and carried her on my back as we walked into the desert, carrying two shovels. I set her down once we got to our digging site and waited for Mr. Sir to tell me where to dig.

I guess spitting was his way of telling us where to dig. I worked the tip of my shovel into a crack in the hard-packed ground and then jumped on it to send it in further before pulling it back and lifting a good chunk of dirt.

Sara started Matty's hole for her considering she's only weighed 100 pounds soaking wet. We worked in relative silence as the morning started working its way into the sky. It was grueling, and I was ready to scream as my shovel dug into the sensitive skin of my hands, the rest of the girls giving huffs and groans as well. I was only about two feet in when mom came to fill our canteens and my hands ached, but I didn't dare look at them, fearing my temper would flair at the site of the trashed skin.

We girls lined up behind Zero, Kaitlin taking first, then me with Sara behind me. Reba behind her with Neva and Matty bringing up the rear.

"How's your hands girls?" Mom asked.

"Like they've been stuck in a flipping blender." Sara sneered at him and snatched her bottle from him once it was filled. "First holes the hardest." Magnet said looking over Sara's hands.

"No, second one will be. Tomorrow we'll have to dig when we're already sore and tired. Not to mention any scabs on our hand will open again." I said after grabbing my water and taking a swig.

All the boy and mom stopped to look at me.

"Huh. Never thought of that." Armpit admitted.

"My brain is wired differently because of my ADHD." I supplied and started digging again.

"Does she do that all the time?" Squid asked Kaitlin.

"Yup. She has more thoughts in one minute than normal people will have in ten." Kaitlin snorted.

I started growling as my hands kept slipping down the shovel and I saw that my hands had started bleeding.

"Kai, c'mere. Let me wrap up your hands." Zigzag sighed after a while.

"They're fine. I can handle it." I stated looking up at the taller boy.

"Obviously not. Hands." He said firmly with a look that said I'd better do as he asked, or I'd be in a world of trouble.

"Fine." I huffed angrily and outstretched my hands.

I wasn't prepared for touching hands with someone who wasn't my group of friends or my sister. I held in a gasp as his rough calloused hands touched mine and wipe a bit of the blood away.

"I'm going to rinse them off a bit which will sting but it'll be fine." Zigzag sighed and did so with his water.

I yelped and tried to pull my hands away, but Zigzag held them firmly and then ripped a bit of his makeshift bandana to make two strips. He then wrapped them, never looking up. I took this moment to study him, he was tall probably 6'2. He was kinda thin but clearly had muscles, his hair sticking up wildly. Zigzag had high cheekbones and a small thin nose.

"Okay done." Zigzag said and looked up.

I felt color rise to me cheeks and quickly looked away and started digging. He let what sounded like a chuckle out and returned to his own hole. The rest of the time digging was easier, and the boys seemed surprised by how fast we girls could dig, well besides Matty but she's tiny so.

I heard scuffling and saw zero climb out of his hole and spit in it.

"You done, holy crap!" Matty exclaimed, zero gave her a glance and continued walking.

"Zero is the fast digger in camp man." X-ray explained.

"I wish I was done already!" Sara groaned.

"At least we'll all be done around the same time." Neva chimed in.

All the boys chuckled.

"You'll get faster eventually. Just takes time." Caveman said.

"We've got nothing but time." Reba snickered.

True as Neva predicted we were all done around the same time, only having to wait ten minutes for Matty to be done too. The boys helped us out of our holes and we all walked back to camp together.

"Wait how are we gonna shower?" Sara asked suddenly looking at us girls.

"How should we know?" I asked her, raising an eyebrow.

"Let's ask mom." Reba suggested with a shrug.