Author's Note: Not Connections Series and not Pilots and Professors. Something else. Yes, have new chapters of both P & P and Defining Balance underway too. I just am so scattered that it's hard to focus, and I have a LOT going on at work and real life too… Hope y'all enjoy.

Disclaimer per usual – I do not own Star Wars or any aspect of the SW universe; just a fan with an idea. No profit here, just fun for me.

Poe Dameron, once again a commander, pulls off his hat and runs a hand through his hair after dismissing his small unit. The Resistance is currently hiding on the moon of a planet not far from Hoth, and it's kriffing cold. Not as cold as Hoth – he's been there – but still cold enough that a night outside their base, an old mining facility (he wonders to himself just how many damned abandoned mines there are in the galaxy) built into the side of a mountain, could kill you.

It's only two standard months after Crait, and he just came in from a foot patrol with some of their new recruits. He could arguably not do the patrols – he's now 2IC of the Resistance behind Leia, something that he still finds unbelievable. But he wants to set the right tone for the new kids, and he also acknowledges that he likes to get outside every once in a while, and they only have one X-Wing right now.

Of course, there aren't many pilots left, either. It's him, C'ai, Chewie, and Rey. They have a simulator, though, that they managed to salvage from an old base where they'd stopped briefly to regroup, and Poe has been helping Rose hone her skills and teaching Finn, Connix, and a couple of the newbies the basics.

The old base is also where they got the one X-Wing, an old T-65 that Rose, Chewie, and Rey had managed to resurrect from a very derelict state. It's something of a rustbucket, but it's better than nothing. They have that, two small shuttles, and the Falcon.

After he dumps his cold weather gear other than his scarf in a storage locker, he rolls his shoulders against the cold and then bends forward, trying to stretch his lower back and left hip. Ever since Kylo Ren blew up the fighter bay on the cruiser, throwing Poe off of his feet and making him land hard on his hip, both his back and hip have been problems for him. The cold here doesn't help that in the least. As he twists, trying to pop his back, a series of binary beeps gets his attention.

"Hey buddy, what's up?" Poe smiles fondly at BB-8, who rolls up to him, bumping his leg gently. The little astromech lets another series of beeps loose, and Poe nods. "General Organa needs me in Command?"

BB-8 beeps out an affirmative, and rolls out of the room, Poe close behind. Since the general hadn't comm'ed him when he was outside, he knows it's not an emergency. He stays close to BB-8 but doesn't hurry. When he gets to Command, the room is fairly empty, reminding him with a pang of self-loathing how small their numbers are now. Leia has a small office set up at the back of the room, and he heads towards it, surprised to see Finn, Rose, C'ai, and Rey already there. The ever-present Connix also hovers near Leia.

Their resident Jedi-in-training gives him a small smile, and he nods, rubbing one hand on the back of his neck. She is a conundrum to him. They are often at odds – both tend to like to take the lead, but he is nominally the one who actually is in the lead most of the time. He likes her, admires her, and he'll admit it, despite her being over ten years younger than him, he harbors a small crush on her – the way she treats his droid alone endears her to him, and BB-8 follows her around as much as he follows Poe.

But even so, she pushes all the time, wanting to go after the First Order, wanting to fight, and they're just not ready for that. It drives him crazy, because, to be honest, he agrees with her. The reasonable side of him, though, reminds him that they've already lost too many due to his own brash behavior, and he'll be damned if they lose any more. He's as frustrated as she is, but he can't express that – it's not fair to Leia, and it's not right for the Resistance. If they try to hit at the First Order now, they'll be annihilated.

Leia spots him, and she motions him over. "Thank you for joining us, Commander. Hope you're decently thawed out."

He snorts as he walks over. "Somewhat, General. Probably as well as I will ever be on this floating chunk of ice." As Leia chuckles, Poe sees Rey shiver, and he feels a flash of empathy. They both grew up on warm planets – though admittedly with very different climates – and they've bonded some over how cold it is here. He goes and stands near Rey, pulling off his scarf and passing it wordlessly to her.

She takes it with a surprised smile, making a happy little sound when she wraps it, still warm from his own body heat, around her neck. "Thank you." She bumps his shoulder as she softly speaks. She relishes the warmth from the scarf but also that he noticed she was cold and cared enough to try to help.

"Anytime." He bumps her back.

"If you two are done, can we get started?" Rey and Poe both look up in surprise, and Leia is looking at them with an eyebrow arched.

Rey blushes lightly, but Poe grins and motions for Leia to continue. "Go right ahead, General."

"Thanks, Commander," she responds drily, and she launches into an explanation of why they are there. Poe, who is rarely still, freezes in place when Leia explains that they have a line on two new T-70 X-Wings. She talks about assembling a team to go get them from a system on the Outer Rim, and Poe blinks. He has to force himself to stay quiet, as every piece of him is mentally screaming that he wants to go.

Rey can actually feel the tension rolling off of him. She makes an effort to not feel the emotions of the people on the base, but with Poe and Leia in particular, it's hard. She doesn't say anything, but he's standing close enough to her for her to brush her leg against his. She learned early on that the pilot is highly tactile. It doesn't take much to anchor him, to help him settle. He's usually happy, but she catches waves of frustration and sadness from him that always bring her up short. He is a puzzle to her, one that fascinates her. His experience and clear ease with the general also intimidate the hell out of her.

Rey feels Poe relax when Leia looks at the recently-promoted C'ai and says, "Captain Threnalli, you'll stay here to fly the T-65 if we need air cover. Chewie, you'll stay and do the same with the Falcon, unless you object, Rey?"

"No ma'am. Where exactly will I be?" She's instantly curious.

Leia pops up a star map. "You, Finn, Rose, R2, BB-8, and Commander Dameron here will go get the X-Wings." She looks at Rose. "Miss Tico, you are able to capably pilot one of the shuttles, correct?"

Rose stands a little taller. "Yes ma'am!" Finn grins and squeezes her shoulder.

"Commander, obviously, you'll have the lead on this one." She looks at Poe.

"Yes, General. I assume you're looking at Rey and me to fly the T-70s back here?" Poe is almost giddy, and he makes himself push that down.

"I am. R2 is going to fly with Rey. Take the simulator with you – Rey may need to practice on the X-Wings." Rey bristles. She is an excellent pilot. Poe notices when Rey tenses, and he puts his hand on her lower back just as she'd brushed his leg earlier, trying to help her settle. It surprises Rey, but it also works, the warmth of his hand seeping through her tunic. Leia seems to be ignoring them as she points at the map. "You're going to Tatooine."

"Seriously?" Poe stands up straighter, his hand dropping away from Rey's back. "How the hell did they end up there?"

"Why is that a surprise? What's special about Tatooine?" Rey looks at Poe, confused.

"There isn't much there, but Rey – " He pauses, looking at Leia.

Leia looks around the room. "Everyone but Rey and Poe, go ahead and get ready. You leave tonight."

As the others leave, Poe puts his hand back on Rey's lower back to guide her over to Leia. He's not sure why he's doing it, except that he started doing this sort of thing a couple of weeks ago, and she doesn't seem to mind. "What's going on, General?"

"Nothing, Rey. It's just that Tatooine is where Luke was raised and where Ben Kenobi, Obi-Wan, lived." Leia sighs. "Anakin Skywalker was born on Tatooine. Luke was raised by Anakin's mother's stepson and his wife."

"Oh." Rey sways a bit. "I didn't see that coming."

"You all right, Rey?" Poe guides her to a nearby stool, and she sinks down on to it.

She nods. "Yes. It just surprised me."

Leia follows them. "Rey, if you prefer to stay here, you can. Captain Threnalli can go with Poe to bring back the other X-Wing."

Rey shakes her head. "No, it's fine. Really, General."

"There's one real positive to Tatooine, at least for you, Rey." Poe grins at her. When she looks confused, he explains, "Weather is a lot like Jakku. At least you won't be cold, except maybe at night."

She laughs, and Leia rolls her eyes. "You're dismissed, Rey. Commander, a word?"

Rey starts to take Poe's scarf off, but he shakes his head and ties it loosely around her neck. "As miserable as I am here, I know it's even worse for you. Keep it."

She smiles again, but she's also acutely aware of Leia watching them closely. "All right. Thank you, General. Poe, I'll see you at the shuttle?"

"You will. Bring that staff of yours. You're scary with that staff." He steps aside, and she rises, nodding to both him and Leia as she leaves.

Poe turns to Leia after watching Rey leave. Leia is back to looking at him with an arched eyebrow. "What was that about, Commander?"

Genuinely confused, Poe says, "What was what about?"

"The scarf, your hand on her back," she pauses, "Her brushing your leg?" His eyes widen at the mention of her brushing against his leg, and she snorts. "Yes, Poe, I saw that. Have you really not figured out that I see everything?"

Poe shrugs, doing his best to seem nonchalant. "It's nothing, Leia. We're friends, and she's easy to read. When she's upset, I like to make her less upset. I do it with you too, you know."

She ignores the last part, focusing on the first part. "Poe, she's not easy to read."

"What?" That's not the response he expected. "She is! I barely have to look at her to know how she's feeling."

"I'm serious, Poe. That girl can be as stoic as the day is long." Leia pauses, obviously thinking about what he said. Then, her own eyes widen. "You're sensing her through the Force, Poe."

He furrows his brow. "Leia, I can't use the Force."

"Not volitionally, Poe. But do you almost hear her in your head? Feel what she's feeling?" He looks confused, so she says, "When you sense that she's sad or upset, do you start to feel sad or upset, too?"

His brow stays furrowed for a moment, but then he blinks and looks at Leia. Shock courses through him. "Leia, how is that possible?"

"How much time did you spend sitting by or even in the Force Tree back on Yavin?" Poe sits down hard on the stool Rey vacated a moment ago. "Poe, I'm fairly sure that Shara might've been a little Force-sensitive. It wouldn't stun me if you are too – and growing up climbing a Force Tree might have enhanced that. You have to admit that the intuition you have in an X-Wing, your reaction time, is unusual."

"You've never brought this up before, Leia." He gives her a funny look, realizing that it hurts his feelings a little.

"What purpose would it have served, kid? You do not have the temperament of a Jedi, and you also don't seem to have any active power. Luke would have picked up on it, you know? He would've tried to get Kes to let him train you." She shrugs. "Of course, Rey isn't exactly a typical Jedi, either – and that's a good thing. My father told me about his Jedi friends – solitary lot – the only one who branched out did so disastrously."


Poe doesn't phrase it as a question, but Leia nods anyway. "It turned him into Darth Vader. But Rey doesn't have the hang-ups of the Jedi. And honestly, I think the way they feared personal connection – and yes, it was fear – hindered the Jedi." She tilts her head. "Now, back to you and our resident Jedi. What is going on?"

"Really, Leia, nothing. We're friends. Even if she liked me that way – and I'm guessing she doesn't – I'm way too old for her." Poe looks down at his hands. That means he doesn't see it coming when Leia gently whacks him on the back of the head. "What the hell was that for?" He looks back up at her, eyes narrowed.

"You're about twelve or thirteen years older, right?" At his nod, she puts her hands on her hips. "Not much difference than me and Han. Also, she's maybe a little older than I was when I met Han, and just like me, circumstances have made her more mature than her age would suggest. So, try again."

After a moment, he finally stands up and says, "She deserves better than the guy who nearly singlehandedly destroyed the Resistance, General. May I be dismissed?"

"Poe," Leia begins, but he still isn't really ready to talk about it all.

He closes his eyes. "Please, General. I can't do this right now."

He hears her sigh. "All right, Poe. But you can't use that as an excuse forever. I am more Force sensitive than you, and I can tell you that Rey only truly relaxes around three people. Chewie, Finn, and you. No one else, not even Rose. And out of the three of you, Poe, you are the only one who makes her give off a feeling of being confident and strong. Chewie and Finn want to protect her – you let her be herself."

"You've seen us spar, haven't you?" He opens his eyes and looks down at her.

"I have. You're the only one willing to actually fight her." Leia gently pats his cheek.

"She kicks my ass. Regularly." He rolls his eyes. "And why in kriffing hell would I hold back? She would just kick my ass faster."

She shrugs. "Ask Finn and Chewie. They both hold back like crazy."

He nods, sensing – and now wondering exactly what that means – that she's done with the topic. "Back to the briefing for a moment, Leia, how did the X-Wings end up on Tatooine?"

"I called in some favors. You'll have to make contact with my source when you get there, instructions are on your holo now. We'll probably get a few more fighters next month." She frowns. "My son is on the move, or, I fear, he's letting Hux go on the move. More and more people, even weapons traders, are getting sick of the domination and destruction. The attack on the Hosnian system alone was enough to alienate many." Her frown fades. "I have a line on a new cruiser, too."

Poe smiles and shakes his head. "Of course you do." He gives her a smart-assed salute, but before he heads to the door, he asks with a grin, "Can someone find me some black paint for one of the T-70s?"

"Go, Commander, before I make you stay here and let C'ai go." Leia gives him a stern look, but he can see the affection in her eyes.

He salutes again. "Yes ma'am. Going, ma'am."

In her small bunk on the Falcon, Rey is throwing a few things in a bag, including her set of sand-colored clothes. She also grabs the broken pieces of her lightsaber, not sure what she'll do with them, but wanting them nearby. She looks around her small space. Leia had offered her a room in the sleeping area of the old mine, but she'd declined. She likes her space here on the Falcon. Chewie is in the next room, and it just feels safe to her.

She sits on the edge of her bed and wonders what Leia and Poe are discussing. She has a feeling it's at least partly about her, and that makes her nervous. It's her own fault, though – she knew the moment Leia noticed her bumping Poe's leg with her own. The woman, Master Luke's sister, is far stronger in the Force than she lets on, so it's no surprise when Leia reads her like an open holonovel – she thinks Leia can read Poe, too.

Her mind settles on Poe. He puzzles her. No one has given her any indication that he is able to use the Force, but he fairly hums with it – the aura of it follows him everywhere. She only really picked up on it a few weeks ago, one of the times that they were sparring.

He likes to joke that she kicks his ass – his words – every time, but the actual truth is that she doesn't. He absolutely stays on the mat with her, mainly because of his reflexes and ability to anticipate her moves. The fact that he's only a little taller than her but significantly heavier and broader doesn't hurt him, either. He's fast, strong, and has a low center of gravity. She does usually take him down, but it requires concentration and effort on her part, not to mention an occasional Force assist.

She stopped sparring with Chewie and Finn because they both try to coddle her. They're both significantly bigger, but she thinks they would, even if they weren't holding back, be easier for her to take down than Poe is. But it's neither here nor there, because they both act like she needs a protector. She doesn't. She needs an ally. A partner.

That last thought makes her sit up straighter on her bed, shaking her head. She quietly admonishes herself. "As if someone like Poe Dameron would ever think of a nothing kid from Jakku as a partner."

She stands and picks up her bag. Before leaving, she runs a hand along the bulkhead. She loves this old crate. She knows that both she and Chewie sleep here to feel closer to Han. She shakes her head. She knew the man for just a couple of days, but he and Finn changed her life forever.

She sighs, wrapping Poe's scarf back around her neck. It smells like him – the soap they all use but with an earthy undertone that must just be him. She brings one end of the scarf up to her nose and inhales deeply, blushing lightly as she briefly closes her eyes and wonders what it would be like to be enveloped in his scent. The squawk of a porg makes her jump and open her eyes. She shakes her head and leaves her room and then the Falcon, going to the shuttle to meet everyone, grabbing her staff and a second one on her way out.

When Poe gets to the hangar, blaster on his hip and a small pack over his shoulder, he sees C'ai waiting for him near the entrance. His tall Abednedo colleague wordlessly passes him a bag that Poe had asked him to put together. "Thanks, my friend." C'ai nods and heads back towards Command with a wave.

Poe heads to the shuttle, where he sees Finn, Rose, and Rey waiting along with the droids. Rey is crouched down, listening to BB-8 and nodding along. Poe is amused but not surprised that she understands binary – she actually can at least understand (even if not speak) multiple languages owing to life at a trading outpost like Jakku. She understands C'ai and Chewie, too. He also notices that she still has his scarf on, something that makes him far happier than it should.

"Everybody ready?" Poe asks as he approaches.

Finn is the one to respond. "Yes. All loaded up. We have food and supplies for a few days, and R2 is already on board."

Rey stands, and they all trundle on to the shuttle. Rose looks at Poe. "Commander, do you want to take us out?"

"Rose, it's Poe. And no, you can do it – she's yours to fly. Let me know if you need a break, though." Giving up the helm is worth it to Poe when he sees Rose's bright smile in response. The small woman is a spark they all need. Finn follows Rose to the cockpit, and Poe stays with Rey, who has settled at a small table in the tiny common area of the shuttle. There are also a couple of bunk rooms so they can get some sleep on the relatively short trip to Tatooine.

From the front, he hears Finn call, "Me and Rose have the room on the right – there are separate beds, hope you two don't mind sharing."

Poe rolls his eyes and goes to the room on the left. Noting Rey's staff leaning against one of the beds, he throws his stuff on the other one before joining Rey at the table. Though it's decently warm inside the shuttle, he notes that his scarf is still in place around her neck. "You all right, Rey?"

She looks up with a smile. She'd known that he was there and had been wondering if he'd join her or head up to the cockpit. "Yes. I'm good."

He settles next to her. "We should probably make some food for us all."

She nods, fiddling with something in her hands. He peers at it. "Is that?"

"A broken lightsaber? Yes." She holds up the pieces. "I don't know why I carry it around."

"May I?" Poe reaches for it, and she nods, handing the pieces to him. She watches him as he examines the broken parts, his quick eyes scanning over all of the bits. "Rey, the crystal looks to be mostly intact. Maybe you could salvage it if you can build a new casing."

"I'm good at fixing things, but I don't even know where to start." She frowns, but then she looks up at him. "How do you know about the crystal?"

"My mom was good friends with Luke and was Leia's pilot. She was pretty close to all this stuff when I was a baby." He shrugs. "She told me stories about it all until – " He goes silent.

She notices that his mood changes immediately at the mention of his mom. It's an odd mix of sadness and something she can't quite place, but it warms her in a surprising way. "Until?"

He hands the pieces back to her, and the warm feeling fades. "Until she died." He stands up and goes to the small kitchen, pulling out some food for them.

Rey blinks in surprise, and she follows him. "I'm sorry, I didn't know. How old were you?"

"Eight." He swallows hard, irritated with himself that the memories can still get to him. He feels Rey next to him, her leg brushing his again.

"She was a pilot? What was she like? I can't remember my mother at all, or my father." Her voice is soft as she goes to work helping him get food together.

He smiles. He doesn't remember the last time he got to talk about his mom. "She was a great pilot, and she started teaching me not long after I could walk. She was beautiful and gentle and kind, and," he motions to the food, "An abysmal cook. Abysmal. Dad did all the cooking, and he taught me."

"Was he a pilot too?" Rey is amazed by the warmth she suddenly feels radiating from him, returning in full force.

Poe laughs. "Kriff no. Dad was a Pathfinder, ground troops. He was actually in Han's units more than once."

"Really?" Rey stops what she's doing to look at Poe.

Poe nods. "Really. I have holos somewhere of me as a baby with Han and Chewie. Dad was on a mission and Mom had to fly Leia somewhere, and they were the available babysitters."

"I have to see those!" She grins, and he loves the way her eyes light up. "Please tell me there are some with Chewie holding you."

He nods. "There are, and the better ones are of Han carrying me around in one of those baby sling things." Poe's face softens a little. "You can tell he didn't know he was being filmed – he doesn't look pissed off at all."

Rey laughs softly at that, but Poe feels a pang of sadness from her. They finish putting the food together, and then they take it up to Finn and Rose. They see R2 and BB-8 already plugged into charging stations. Poe says, "Rose, you good?"

She nods with a smile as she accepts her food from Rey. "I am. It'll take over half a day to get there – we're good for now. Do you and Rey want to take a break first?"

Poe peers at Rey, and she shrugs and nods. "That's fine."

"All right, you two," he says to Finn and Rose, "Come find one of us when you need a break."

As they head back to the bunks, Poe puts his hand on Rey's back again. She yawns, surprised at how tired she suddenly feels. He feels the same. The patrol today was long, and at least to his internal clock, it's getting late.

After they settle at the table and eat their own food, he tells her to go ahead and use the refresher first. When she does, he goes through his bag to grab some comfortable clothes to sleep in. She comes back wearing clothes similar to his (with, he notes, his scarf thrown over one shoulder), and he goes to take his turn.

By the time he returns to their room, the lights are dimmed, and Rey is sound asleep in her bunk. He groans to himself, because she looks even younger when she's asleep than she does when she's awake. He watches her for a moment, then, admonishing himself for being creepy, he extinguishes the small light that she left on over his bunk and climbs into bed. Not quite ready to sleep, he pulls out his holo and reads through the information Leia sent him.

A little over an hour later, he startles awake, the holo in his lap clunking to the floor of the room. He blinks several times, looking around wildly. The room is still dark, but he hears a whimper from the direction of Rey's bed. She's quietly thrashing around in her bunk, clearly caught up in a nightmare. He swings his legs off of his bunk and is across the room in seconds, perching on the edge of her bed.

Carefully, he reaches towards her. "Rey?" One of her hands swings out towards him, but his reflexes don't fail him. He catches her hand, taking it in his and rubbing her arm with his other hand. "Rey, sweetheart, wake up. Come on, Rey." His voice is soft as he tries to coax her awake, and her body stops thrashing, though he can feel that her pulse is racing. "That's it, wake up."

His holo is lit up on the floor, and it casts a scant amount of light around the otherwise pitch-black room. It's enough for him to be able to see it when she blinks awake. Her face is confused at first, but then she seems to process that he's sitting there. "Poe?"

He keeps a hold on her hand, and he can feel tremors begin to hit her. "Yeah, sweetheart. You're all right." He's not sure why he keeps using the endearment, but he isn't going to waste any brain power on it right now. "It was just a dream, whatever it was."

She blinks a few times, tears coming to her eyes. Then, on impulse, she sits up and throws her arms around him, burying her face in his neck. He only hesitates for a moment before wrapping his arms tight around her, pulling her close to him and sliding a little more onto her bed. She shakes in his arms, trying to push the images from the dream out of her head. Terror rips through her at the thought that she may never be able to rid herself of the dreams, of Kylo.

He furrows his brow as he feels the tremors in her slight frame. He also feels fear rolling off of her, and it starts to seep into him as well. Without thinking, he says, "Sweetheart, whatever it was, whoever it was, you're safe now. You don't have to be afraid."

Rey leans away from him, her tear-streaked face a picture of surprise. "Poe, how did you know?"

Poe swallows hard, not sure if he should tell her but guessing that it might help. "I can just feel it, Rey. Leia thinks I'm sensing you through the Force."

Rey blinks, pulling back further, but staying close enough that her legs touch his. He takes her hand again. "No one has ever said anything about you using the Force. I can tell, but – "

He stops her. "Wait, you can tell? I didn't even really realize it until Leia pointed it out to me after the briefing today."

Blushing lightly, Rey looks down at their joined hands. "The Force follows you. I can just feel it around you. I don't know how to explain it."

Poe's mind races at Rey's words. He's barely had time to consider what Leia told him, to wonder at the truth of it, but this feels far more definite. "Are you sure, Rey?"

"I am. You really didn't know before today?" Rey looks amazed at the idea. "As odd as it sounds, and I'm sure Master Luke would roll his eyes and scoff, the Force, I think it likes you."

Trying to process that thought, Poe just stares at her. She holds his gaze for a moment, but then she yawns.

"I should let you get back to sleep, sweetheart." He starts to release her hand, but she doesn't let him, holding tight.

"Could you, maybe, stay here?" She asks the question meekly, and at his surprised expression, she explains, "I don't sleep much. Enough. I have a lot of nightmares, you know? Maybe not being alone would help." She finishes quietly, blushing crimson, mortified at herself for asking this of him.

He's silent for a moment, awed that she trusts him enough to ask this of him. He stands, and her face falls. He releases her hand, and she lets him go this time. But then, he surprises her, cupping her cheek with his palm and leaning down to press a kiss to her forehead. He steps away, picking up his holo pad and switching it off, making the room completely dark. He comes back to her bed. "Scoot over, sweetheart."

He actually feels relief from her, and he blinks as his eyes adjust to the increased darkness. He hears her shift away, moving towards the wall behind her bunk. He touches the mattress to judge the space, and then he slips into the small bed, settling on his right side (he's glad that's the side that works – he still can't manage sleeping on his left side because of his hip).

After he pulls the blanket up over both of them, she immediately scoots into his space, pressing herself against him. "You're so warm."

He chuckles and jumps slightly when her foot comes in contact with his lower leg. "And you're like a little Jedi chunk of ice."

She presses her face into his neck as she giggles. A moment later, she sighs softly. "Thank you, Poe."

Even as he feels her relax into sleep, even as he does the same, all he can say is, "Any time, sweetheart. Any time." He knows this is probably a bad idea, knows that he shouldn't assume anything from it beyond this moment, but he sets that aside, knowing that they need to be ready for whatever happens on Tatooine. They can talk about this later, he resolves, tightening his arms around her and letting sleep take him.