I'm sorry my updates are so inconsistent, but I usually write on my phone at around 3am, and when I have an idea of how I want it to play out. As I always state, I usually write these stories as I go along, and don't think too far on how it happens. Also, to anyone who complain's about me writing NSL fics, try to remember that you decided to read it in the first place. If you don't like NSL fics, then don't click on a fic that says NSL fanfic in the description. If you make complaints about the execution of said fic, that's fine with me, but I just find it stupid if you comment saying "NSL FANFICS SUCK", because you clicked on it in the first place, and I'm the one who's writing a fic I felt like writing.

Sorry for the rant, but I just wanted to put that out there.

After the loud family had put grieving Lincoln aside for the moment, they had come back to their burnt down house the following day to try and find anything that could have survived the fire. The family was in dispair, as the found that the things that they held closest had been reduced to piles of soot and ash. From Leni's dresses and Lola's gowns, to Lucy's poem book and Luan's dummy, Chuckles. Nothing in the house had survived the fire. One by one, the girls had found that everything they had held close gone, but Lisa held out hope. Lisa was hoping that some of her research materials had survived in the backyard bunker, but her hope was shattered when she got inside.

The floor was covered in soot, and everything inside was burnt to ash. Lisa was about to go into dispair, when a peculiar stench found it's way to her. It smelled as if a body had been roasted alive, and that's when Lisa noticed. The control panel was busted, but the wall on display at the moment showed a number of chambers with burnt corpses almost all of them. Whilst Lisa looked in horror at what was in front of her, she noticed that one cloning pod was empty, as if it was taken out before the blaze. After she noticed this, she went to an emergency room in the bunker, with a hidden control panel that nobody but Lisa could get to. The secret room opened, and behind the door was a massive computer with a lot of screen.

Lisa typed away furiously as she went to find the camera recording's of the house, and the bunker. As Lisa opened up the files, she recoiled in shock as she saw that it was Lincoln who set fire to the home. She watched as Lincoln broke into the bunker, and pulled out his clone, and burned everything to the ground. As the recording ended, Lisa just stood in shock, not knowing what to do. Should she tell her family right now that Lincoln was still alive? Should she tell the truth that he was the one who started the fire? Should she hide it until everybody had become more emotionally stable? Her mind was filled with questions but the one she wanted to figure out the most was why. She had noticed that Lincoln had acted a bit more unsightly, but still couldn't believe that he would do something like this. After thinking for a moment, she had realized that she hadn't actually seen Lincoln's face in a while, as it was always under a mascot head. It was then that she found the cause, and sunk down to her knees in dispair at what they all had done.

Meanwhile, Lincoln was at the hospital psychiatric ward, where they were still trying to successfully communicate with him. As the day went on, it was lunch time, and the task of delivering the insane boy his lunch was given to Mrs. Santiago. As she walked into the room, shy had froze at seeing her daughter's boyfriend, who had been presumed dead. "Lincoln?" She asked as she placed the tray down and took a closer look at his face. Lincoln just stared, eyes widening as he saw another fimiliar face. Shortly after, Maria went to make a phone call to her daughter, to tell her that Lincoln wasn't dead.

Ronnie Anne Santiago had become a wreck when she first heard that Lincoln had died. She had been a bit upset for a while as he made no effort to contact her for months, but just fell apart when hearing that he died in a house fire. The one boy that she had feelings for was said to be dead by cause of arson. As she was Laying in her Ben moping, her cellphone rang. She took a look at the caller ID, and picked up. "What is it mom?" Ronnie Anne asked, making it clear she wasn't in the mood to talk. "Ronnie, Lincoln's not dead, I found him at the hospital!" Maria said, not beating around the bush with the news. At this, Ronnie Sat up immediately, "what, really? What's going on, what happened?" Ronnie asked frantically. I'll tell you when I get home tonight, because I'm still being informed on the details.

Maria Santiago hung up the phone, and went to the doctor assigned to Lincoln. "Doctor, I need the file for the patient assigned to room 322, stat!" The doctor looked at her for a moment, and complied seeing her frantic hurry. As mrs Santiago looked over the notes, she noticed what was going on. A lot of the information was incomplete, as the boy was unable to give any in his current state. The files didn't have an age, or a family, or even a name listed. Almost all the information was blank, except for a note wrote down near the bottom. "Looks suspicious like the child reported dead in a house fire. With this information, Maria felt confident in what would otherwise seem like a longshot of a hypothesis. She went to finish her shifts for the day, and tell her family the news.

Just to clear up something, it may seem that if Lincoln had gone insane to the point of incoherence, he wouldn't be able to fake his death so well, and probably would have burnt the family as well. I didn't want to write Loud family murder, because if I do, that means I can't use them in the story anymore, and him being able to fake his death was just for a setup, so please just bear with me.