A/N: 1K hits! Much more than what I was expecting! Thank you to those who reviewed, those who fav'd and those following the story! Please continue to give me feedback as the story progress, it helps so much! Now here is another attempt at bad writing!

Disclaimer: I do not own Love hina or any of the characters below. Also I am not in the medical or media profession, please accept this for what it is…fan fiction.

'This is it! This is it! This is it! My big break,' a woman in a navy blue dress and blazer thought to herself as she sped down the street towards Kitahara international. "Were going to be there in 50 seconds Takashi, have the camera ready!"

"I know I know," the man in the passenger seat grumbled, "just get us there without getting us pulled over! You're going to fast!"

"All the cops are heading towards the hospital! I could rob a bank right now and no one would notice!"

The woman slammed on the breaks as she approached a large mob. Instantly, she and her partner hopped out the car. While her partner fiddled with a tripod and camera, the woman checked her appearance on a compact mirror.

"Get ready," Takashi said as he took position behind the camera, he did a silent countdown on his fingers, then gave the thumbs up, they were live.

"Good evening and thank you for tuning in to JNN, Yoshimura Yumi here at Kitahara hospital with a late breaking story." Yumi stepped to her left to offer a view of the crowd behind her, "moments ago police arrived in response to a deranged man with an unknown weapon in hand."

The camera panned from the growing crowd to the police erected barricade at the main entrance. Two uniformed officers kept the crowd at bay while patients and staff exited the hospital.

"Just over 20 minutes ago, visitors and staff in the main lobby began to run out the hospital, screaming for assistance. Eye witnesses say that an unidentified male entered the hospital and threatened people inside with some sort of homemade weapon. There are not many details at the moment, but we'll stay here on the situation and give you updates as the situation develops. Once again I'm Yoshimura Yumi with JNN."

Haruka watched the news story from a small wall mounted tv in what she assumed was an employee breakroom. Luckily for her, the room was empty when she barged in. What in the hell was going on? Was Granny Hina responsible for this? Haruka did ask for her assistance, but this did not seem like something Hina would do. Either way, Hina delivered and Haruka was thankful for the distraction.

"Hey," a man shouted as he knocked on the breakroom door, "whoever's in there, we have orders to evacuate! Some crazy guy is walking around with a bomb!"

"A bomb!?" Haruka facepalmed after she answered the guy, 'did mom call in a bomb threat!? She wouldn't…. she couldn't…right? Damn it all!'

"Yeah! Security says he's held up in the north east wing! We need to leave before he does something crazy!"

Security! Why didn't she think of that before!? She had passed by at least ten cameras and security mirrors during her exploring, maybe she could find Keitaro through video footage!

"I got it! Thank you!"

Emboldened by the new idea, Haruka searched around the room for something she could use as a disguise and mentally cheered when she found clean scrubs in a closet. Next stop would be the security station.

"Urashima-san, no matter how much you insist that you are in good health, the tests that were ran earlier prove that you're not."

"I'm telling you that I'm fine! My aunt will tell you the same where she gets here," Keitaro pointed at his xrays, "you said so yourself, there's no proof that anything is wrong with me! If my head was as messed up as it looks, I wouldn't be able to walk!"

"And that alone is a medical miracle that would take hours to explain," Kojiro countered, "for all intents and purposes you should be dead, but yet you're not. Am I wrong for wanting to make sure you stay upright and alive?"

The nurse's station was quiet as the mystery patient and medical director went back and forth in their heated discussion. While Keitaro's door was closed, their shouts could be heard through the walls. Never had they seen their boss take such an interest in a patient. This exchange would be the hot topic for weeks to come.

Keitaro pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed, "Look, I'm starting to feel like a prisoner here. I just want to go home."

"And you can, after I'm convinced that you won't keel over once you leave. I understand that you are determined to return to whatever dangerous hobby or lifestyle that bought you here to begin with. There is absolutely nothing I can do about that. However, Urashima-san, what I can do is make sure you are in prime condition when you walk out the hospital doors. I'm only concerned for your wellbeing, is that so wrong?"

"Yes! You can't hold me here! It's against the law!"

Kojiro gave an irritated sigh of her own and tried a softer approach, "Urashima-san, is there some reason that you do not want treatment? I assure you we will do all that we can to help you," she took a seat at the edge of his bed, "just…give me something here, I truly want to help you! It makes me sick to my stomach to imagine what must have happened to you, and even then I wont have the whole story because you wont tell me. Let me help you."

At times like these, Keitaro cursed his nature. Women always seemed to know how to tug on the strings of his heart and for a brief moment, Keitaro gave in to the doctor's plea. He then began to imagine how the situation would play out. He figured that Asuka Kojiro would put his immortality to the test, much like Su, except on a professional level. A shiver went down his spine at the thought.

Kojiro noticed the slight cringe in her patient as he considered her request. There it was, he was hiding something and she was sure of it. With a bit more prodding and an time to study, she would find out what. Just as she was about to press the advantage, a nurse entered the room.

A pet peeve of Kojiro's was to be interrupted without warning. Granted, her profession came with many interruptions, there was always a fire that needed to be put out or something that needed her approval, but to just barge into a patient's room without knocking? Kojiro would make this nurse's head roll.

"Doctor! We have a situation! Put on the news!"

"The news," Keitaro and Asuka questioned at the same time. Both gave the nurse a inquisitive look, then turned their attention to the TV in the room .

"Yoshimura Yumi here with more details on the situation."

"Its back on," Kitsune yelled at the top of her lungs, instantly the other residents filed into the foyer and piled in front of the tv.

"Reports confirm that the hospital is facing a bomb threat. Police have widened the perimeter around the hospital and the bomb squad is in route. The suspect inside has yet to be identified, but witnesses say that the man is tall and thin with short brown hair, glasses and a white lab coat. Unfortunately, we have no image of the suspect at this time. Once again we'll bring you the details as the situation unfolds."

"How far is that hospital from here," Kitsune asked no one in particular.

"Thirty eight miles," Su answered as she held a small device up for everyone to see.

"Thirty eight miles," Kitsune repeated, "Naru, do ya think ya can hit Keitaro that far?"

"I don't know," Naru answered with more force than she intended, then stared at her shoes with a downcast expression, "it's not like I can just ask him that sort of thing." Naru's guilty conscience got the better of her again. If this was any other night, Kitsune would have teased her friend mercilessly, but now was not the time.

"It is possible," Motoko answered for her, "while I am not proud of it at the very moment, Urashima has mentioned that my techniques have launched him to Toudai on occasion.

"Toudai!? That's a hell of a lot farther than thirty eight miles," Kitsune exclaimed. At that moment, everyone came to the same conclusion, if Motoko could launch him that far, then a punch from Naru could do the same.

"Is sempai in that hospital with a bomb," Shinobu asked the question on everyone mind.

"….knowing his luck," Naru began.

"I'm willin ta bet on it! That's where he's held up!"

"Haruka is there as well," Motoko added, "she may require assistance in this kind of situation."

"Yay! That means I'm up," Su cheered as she leapt to her feet and cartwheeled through the front door, "everyone follow me!"

The girls all look at each other, then followed the hyperactive princess outside. There they witnessed something that they would not have believed if they had not seen it with their own eyes. The hill that the Hinata inn sat on shook as the long flight of stairs split down the middle and collapsed onto themselves. A plume of steam and smoke rose as a giant mechanical turtle rose to the surface at the bottom of the hill. With a press of a button from Su, a platform rose underneath the turtle and began to climb towards them.

"Su! What is this!? What happened to the stairs," Naru shouted.

"Why does it have to be a giant turtle," Motoko grumbled.

"This is our way to bring big brother Keitaros home!"

"Are we really going to rush into a building with a bomb in it," Shinobu asked.

The other girls looked at themselves again, then came to the same unanimous decision.


"You betcha little blue head we are!"

"Even though he is a pervert, it is our duty to help him."

"For big brother Keitaros!"

"A BOMB," Asuka shouted as the reporter spoke on the screen, "what in the- when did this start!?"

"Now you have to let me go home," Keitaro pressed, "It's not safe here!"

Asuka turned an accusing eye towards the ronin, "YOU! Did you have something to do with this!?"

Keitaro panicked as he waved his arms back and forth, "I don't know what's going on! I've been in this room since you all checked me in!"

"Doctor we have to leave now," the nurse pressed.

"No, I will not leave my patients, too many things could go wrong! You all evacuate the building!" She turned towards Keitaro, "looks like you got what you wanted! You're free to go!"

Keitaro did not waste any time, he hopped out the bed and sprinted out the door, only to have his bad luck kick in full view of everyone. Since he was confined to his bed for hours, the muscles in his legs were stiff. After three steps, Keitaro tripped head over heels on his own feet and crashed into a wheelchair propped on the wall.

"That does not help your case, Mr Urashima," Kojiro called after him, "I could argue that clumsiness is a side effect to your head trauma!"

Keitaro did not bother with a response, he picked himself up and continued to run while using the wall as support.

Haruka approached a door labeled security in thick bold print. She knocked on the door and to her surprise, the door opened on its own. A quick glance around proved the room to be empty. 'Guess its my lucky day, I should bet on the horses with Kitsune soon.' She took a seat in front of a wall covered with monitors, 'now to find that nephew of mine'

Her streak of good luck ended when the security system prompted her for a password. So much for checking the recorded feed. There was another monitor to her left that showed real time footage of the hospital. A throng of staff and patients were running through different halls on nearly each angle. After seeing the panic from multiple views, Haruka realized that this was the complete opposite of the term 'damage control.'

After a few minutes of screen watching, a familiar body frame caught her attention. The man appeared to be lecturing a group of people who looked truly terrified. Every so often, when we waved what looked like a remote in his hand, the group would cringe and cower in their seats.

"Is that who I think it is!?" She fished her cell phone out of her back pocket and dialed, waiting for the man to pick up, and to her surprise, the man on the screen answered his phone.

"Hello," she heard from the other end.

"Seta! What in the hell are you doing here!?"

"Aah Haruka! Hello, I was asked by Hina to come here and cause a ruckus, the old bat called in a favor from years ago, who would have thunk she would remember. Anyways, how are you?"

"Never mind me, are you the cause of all the bomb nonsense?"

"Bomb? Is that why everyone is running around in a panic?"

"Yes, its on the news right now! There's a police barricade outside and the bomb squad is on its way."

"Bomb squad, oh my this is serious, any idea who the bomber is?"

"Idiot! They think it's you!"

"Me? Haha! What gave them that idea?"

"What's that in your hand?"

"This," Seta asked as he held up the device in question to his face, "this little beauty is great, borrowed it from a colleague at Toudai. I'll be able to play with the generators with this, truly a remarkable feat in engineering! I thought that a quick power outage would satisfy Hina, although she didn't tell me what for."

Haruka heard muffled shouts from the other end of the phone. A quick glance at the camera showed the group of people standing to their feet.

"Hey," Seta continued, "I got to go, there are a few angry people here."

"Meet me at the security room, and do something about that white coat! Find a pair of scrubs or something." Before he could give a retort, Haruka snapped the flip phone shut and put it back in her pocket, before she could sit back down, the phone rang again.


"Aunt Haruka!"

"Keitaro!? Where are you!?"

"I don't know, I'm in a nurse's station or something! I had to find a phone to use, but that's not important. There's someone with a bomb here! I need help!"

"Calm down Keitaro, just make your way towards the security room, I'll explain everything when you get here."

"Get here? You're in the hospital too! When did you get here?"

"I said I'll explain when you get here! Now move it!"

Haruka heard Keitaro drop the phone on his end and run off. Something must have lit a fire in his belly, she would be sure to get the entire story from him when he got there. But for now, Haruka gave herself a moment to rest. She fell into the chair behind her and gave a sigh of relief. Even with the craziness of a bomb threat and the police outside, things seemed to fall into place. Keitaro was on his way to her and she did not have to hurt anyone to find him.

Now, if the gods were willing, or if her luck held out, both Keitaro and Seta would arrive. She could take them to the room where she found the scrubs, and they could simply change clothes and walk out. As long as those two arrive before the bomb squad stormed the building, they would be A-ok. Even so, there was a nagging thought in the back of her head that said she had forgotten something. Oh well, the hard part of the night was finished…or so she thought.

"Good evening, or should I say good morning. Yoshimura Yumi here at Kitahara Hospital where this intense situation has passed the hour mark! Tokyo Bomb Squad has arrived and is preparing to enter the building as we speak. The crazed bomber has yet to be identified. Also, police have attempted to contact the bomber through telephone and bullhorn, but so far there has been no response. Fortunately, there have been no injuries as of yet, but emotions are still high as more and more people approach the hospital."

Yumi walked to her left, making sure that the camera followed. "Here we have a family that has just arrived at the scene. Tell us and the viewers at home," she started after she approached a man, woman, and child, "do you have family or friends in the hospital right now? Have you been able to contact anyone?"

"Yumi!" Takashi screamed, interrupting his partners live report, "what's that glowing light in the sky!?"

"Glowing light," Yumi questioned as she turned around. There really was something falling out the sky, and it looked like it was heading straight towards them! "Takashi! Keep recording!"

"You don't have to tell me!"

Ignoring his remark and the family she just propositioned, Yumi once again spoke to her audience. "Ladies and gentlemen, as if the situation was not chaotic enough, now it appears that there's some sort of object falling from the sky! The bomb squad has now completed their preparations, but everyone is captivated by the- I can't tell what that thing is!"

"What is that," Takashi asked behind the camera, "it looks like it has flippers…and covered in…metal?"

"Is that a giant turtle!? It's some sort of mechanical turtle!"

"That thing isn't slowing down! It's going to hit the ground hard!"

The crowd surrounding the hospital doors scattered like ants. A panicked child knocked Takashi's camera off of the tripod stand as he ran to safety. Being the dedicated journalist that he was, Takashi saved his camera off the ground before it was trampled, and then took a moment to refocus his shot. Just as the image came clear into focus, the turtle crashed right onto the main entrance of the hospital. The impact knocked Takashi off of his feet.

Yumi looked on horrified as debris rained down on the scene. A thick cloud of dust blocked her vision. "Takashi! Are you ok!?"

"I'm alright," her partner answered back. Yumi put a hand to her heart and took a deep breath to calm her nerves." After a few seconds Takashi approached her, grinning like an idiot who had not just almost died.

"I don't know what exactly that thing was, but boy did it make for a hell of a shot! I got the whole thing on camera!"

"Are you still recording!?" Yumi looked at her partner and his camera with a wide eyed look of disbelief.

"Of course," he answered back, his grin had not left his face.

Yumi didn't bother to check her appearance again, she took the microphone Takashi offered her and returned his grin, "okay! Lets go find out what that thing is!"

A/N: And that's the end of the chapter. As always thank you for reading, and let me know what you think so far, until next time!