Author's Note: know, I know, I'm supposed to be updating Stand By and I will. But, do you guys know how hard it is to write for a character you haven't written for in a whole year? (Its my fault for taking so long I know) Anyways, if you don't know, let me tell you, it's hard! I'm getting to know that version of Rick and Michonne again before I'm able to write again ok? Though, I AM halfway done with Chapter 12 so the wait is almost over. Until then, here's something I wrote recently because I couldn't shake the idea. This will most likely only be 2 chapters. Maybe three but definitely not more than that. Ok, let's dive right into it. Enjoy!

"Gotcha something." Rick said as he pulled out a pack of spearmint lifesavers.

He and Michonne looked at each other and laughed.

She playfully snatched the mints from his hand and asked, "Is this instead of the toothpaste?"

"Mhmm" He responded. "Well, I do have a crate of toothpaste for you it's currently at the bottom of a lake." He explained.

Michonne's eyebrows rose in surprised. "Oh, so you had a day!"

"Yeah" he chuckled "all on account of your dental hygiene." He looked at her as she smiled. "Have your mints." He said patting her hand before intertwining their fingers. He never knew how much he yearned her touch until that very moment.

Michonne saw the look he was giving her and she laughed nervously, drawing her hand away from his.

"Thanks for this." She said awkwardly holding up the mints.

She could see the slight embarrassment and disappointment flash across his features but as soon as they appeared, they vanished.

"It's been a long day for both of us so we should get some rest." Michonne suggested.

Rick cleared his throat. He thought this was his moment, their moment. Had he read her wrong? Were they not on the same page? Did she not feel the same way he did? These were all the questions running through his head as her rejection of his touch sunk in.

"Yeah, yeah. Goodnight."

Michonne nodded. "Goodnight."

They went their separate ways into their rooms.

Once Rick retires to his room he cringed inwardly at what he may have just done to his most important friendship. He could only hope that she wouldn't be too awkward around him after he'd hit on her.

Maybe he could pretend that he was joking.


She'd never fall for that.

Similar to Rick, Michonne was in her room stressing over the same issue.

Why did he look at her that way? Like she meant the world to him? Surely it was just his loneliness finally causing him to behave in ways he never usually would. Right?

Michonne sighed as she thought about what this could all mean.

It took her longer than usual to find sleep that night.

She was awakened the next morning by the smell of what seemed like apple, cinnamon oatmeal. He favorite post apocalyptic breakfast.

In all honesty, she enjoyed it very much even long before the world went to hell.

After a quick shower and brushing her teeth with just baking soda she popped a mint in her mouth then headed to the kitchen, but not before cringing at the memory of how she got those mints.

She hoped she could pretend that nothing happened and continue to be comfortable around Rick.

"Something smells good!" She exclaimed as she rounded the corner to the kitchen.

Carl and Judith were already seated at the table eating their breakfast.

"Good morning." Rick smiled.

Ok, that was normal. Good. Nothing had changed.

"Morning." Carl said.

Judith babbled not wanting to be excluded from the conversation.

"Hi sweetheart!" Michonne cooed.

"What's on the agenda for today?" She asked Rick.

"Another run. We need food around here. Maggie's having a hard time getting the crops to grow and Oliva says there isn't much deer meat left in the freezer. We can't sit around and wait forever."

Michonne nodded acknowledging that she agreed.

"Then I'll come with you."

"Alright, so Carl you and Judith are going to have to stay with Barbara until we get back. I'll send her over here before we go."

Carl clicked his tongue. "Can't I stay with Rosita or something?"

"Knowing her, she's going to want to be included in this run." He said.

He looked at Michonne and added, "We're leaving after breakfast."


Rick said downing the rest of his oatmeal quickly then leaving the table.

"Did something happen?" Carl asked.


"Well, dad was being short with didn't notice?"

"You're imagining things, he was being normal." Michonne dismissed.

"Uh... no he wasn't. Lately he's always joking around and smiling at you and stuff. Did you argue?"

Was he really being short with her? Michonne frowned. "No...nothing bad happened. He's just frustrated that the run didn't go as expected yesterday. Don't think about it too much."

"Whatever you say."

"Excuse me for a minute." Michonne said slipping from the table and walked upstairs.

She entered Ricks room without knocking.

"Hey, is everything ok?"

Rick looked at her then mumbled. "Everything is fine."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I just hope today goes better than yesterday. " it was partially true.



"Man why you keep staring at her like that?" Daryl asked from behind him.


"Michonne. You're staring." Daryl said.

"I'm not I was just making sure she didnt need any help packing the things in the rv."

Daryl scoffed. "Man she can handle herself. She ain't never needed your help before, don't need it now."

Rick frowned.

He tilted his head before asking, "what the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"Stop actin like I'm saying something you ain't already know. She's good on her own."

Though Daryl didn't mean to offend Rick nor make him feel useless to Michonne, he did anyway.

"You trying to say I'm a burden to her?"

"Ain't nobody said that, I'm just saying, she don't need you worrying about her." Daryl patted Rick on the back then got in the rv.

Rick frowned again as he looked in her direction.

Was that why she rejected him? Because she could take care of herself? Or was it just because it was him?

Rick shook his head. Now wasn't the time to be worrying about that. Right now, he had to get Barbara to watch his kids while he took a group outside the walls to search for food.

"Where you going?" Michonne asked him.

"Going to tell Barbara that she can head over to watch the kids."

"Ok, I'll come with you."

"You don't have to, she isn't far."

"I know, I want to come."

They walked in silence all the way to Barbara's house.

It was slightly tense but not necessarily uncomfortable.

Barbara answered the door quickly and smiled greeting the both of them.

"I can't thank you enough for looking out for the kids whenever I can't. Thank you." Rick smiled at her.

She looked flustered by his genuine gratitude. She brushed a strand of her hair behind her ear and returned his smile.

She was actually a decent looking woman. Single too.

Though she wasn't bad looking he wasn't attracted to her. He was attracted to the woman standing next to him. His bestfriend.

But she seemed like she wasn't interested and he couldn't force her to be.

He didn't realize it fully until last night. He wanted to be with her. That made her rejection sting more.

With Alexandria striving, he wanted to settle down with someone. He wanted that someone to be her.

Maybe he could settle for someone else, anyone else at this point. If it wasn't her it wouldn't be true love anyway so did it really matter?

He shook his head at the thought.


It had to be her.


Their run had been another bust. They had been away for two whole days and they barely had anything to show for it. They were on the way home right now to break the not so good news to everyone.

They would have to regroup and head out further this time.

The ride home had been silent for the most part but as they got closer to home they began chatting more and more. Excluding Rick who only had one thing on his mind, or rather, one person. He still hasn't had time to address what didn't happen that night. It was both a mixture of him being embarrassed and him feigning ignorance.

"You ok?" Michonne asked from the passenger seat.

"I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?"

Michonne stared at him blankly. "Well, Rosita just asked you a question...and you haven't answered her."

"Oh, sorry. What is it?

"What's got you dazed and confused? I asked if we've checked all the local pet stores."

Rick sighed. "What would we find in a pet store Rosita? You dog shopping?"

"Hey asshole, I don't see you thinking of any brilliant ideas. Pet stores know what, fuck it. Forget I said anything."

"Ok everyone calm down." Aaron said. "We'll figure something out soon."

"We wouldn't have to if these two clumsy jerks didn't sink an entire truck full of supplies." Rosita rolled her eyes.

Rick peered at her through the rearview mirror. "It was an honest mistake." He mumbled.

Michonne turned her face towards the window and laughed quietly to herself.

Rick looked at her not paying attention to the road and smiled. "What's funny?" He asked reaching over and touching her shoulder trying to get her to face him.

Whilst he wasn't looking where he was driving, he drove them into a ditch.

Michonne looked at him wide eyed.

"Are you serious? Stop trying to eye fuck Michonne and watch where you're driving!" Rosita yelled.

"T-that is not what I was doing." Rick defended as the red blush crept it's way onto his face.

"It was an honest mistake." Michonne repeated what he had said earlier.

He could always count on her to have his back.

He stared at her in awe.

"Um no offence Rick, but you're kinda doing it again." Aaron said so that only he and Rick heard.

Rick cleared his throat then removed his seatbelt. He exited the rv and took a look at the mess he'd created.

He opened the door to the rv and spoke to the group. "We're going to have to push it.


Sasha was the one who greeted them at the gates of Alexandria.

"Everything go ok?"

"We didn't find anything. We'll have to go out again." Rick told her.

She nodded her head slowly processing it.


They all separated and went to their respective homes.

It was only Rick Michonne and Daryl left as they lived together.

"Maybe we should start going out further." Michonne suggested.

"I was thinking the same. Me and Daryl can look tomorrow."

Michonne stopped walking and crossed her arms.

"And me?"

Rick scratched the back of his head nervously. "I was actually thinking that you could sit tight."

She stated at him as if to ask exactly what the hell that meant.

"You could stay and look after the kids...there's no need for all three of us to risk our lives."

She blinked trying to make sure she was hearing him correctly.

"You want me to watch the kids?"

He nodded.

"Rick, Olivia or Barbara do just fine on their own. I'm useful out there."

"I know, I just...don't want you to get hurt. I'm trying to protect you, I can take care of you."

What Daryl had said about Michonne not needing him was really weighing heavy on his mind.

Daryl snickered before walking away to give them their privacy.

She surprised him when she smiled at him instead of fighting him on this.

"I know you can take care of me." She said in that soothing voice that he loved. "But I'm coming with you." She patted his chest before turning to walk away.

He watched her until she made it safely inside of their house. He wore a big goofy smile the entire time he watched her.

"You've got it bad." He turned to see Abraham smirking at him.

Rick ignored his teasing and followed Michonne inside.
