Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or the original characters from the story.

Italics means thoughts, flashbacks, or sounds & ("") Quotes are what the characters are saying

The moment she inadvertently shattered the Shikon Jewel she knew her life would be forever changed. Fate had generously granted her a family of friends who would help her along her rigorous journey. Inuyasha, Shippo, Sango, Miroku, and even Kirara will always have a special place in her heart. Every battle fought together, every tear shed together, every moment spent together, and every conversation said to one another has given her the will to keep moving forward. Kagome had always pictured in her mind that there would be an end to all of this bloodshed, but I guess it was just wishful thinking on her part. Her dream for a happy ending would be her downfall. Because in this life there will always be something willing to drag you down, but it is up to you to have the courage to get back up.

Chapter 1

It's Never The End




The sounds of metal meeting flesh and claws swiping resonated throughout the open field as miasma submerged poisoning everything. The trees started decaying. Branches were braking looking as if the trees were weeping. Birds started falling from the sky. The effects of the poison killing them instantly. The gleam of Tessaiga was the only light that showed through the dark, puffy clouds of smoke as the battle waged on. Battle marks littered the ground. The dark cloak of Naraku's rage seemed to pressed further as his power manifested to new heights. Life was drained from everyone and everything just from his mere presence. The weariness of Sango and Miroku showed as their foreheads poured with sweat and their bodies were covered in blood from Naraku's assault with his deadly tentacles. Kagome stood off to the side of the battle watching Inuyasha continuously swing his sword back and forth with Naraku dodging his attacks. Her hopeful eyes concentrating on a way to find an opening for an attack. Even though her body protested for rest, she knew she couldn't have that luxury.

It had all come to this…the Final Battle. Naraku had a fraction of the jewel and Kagome had hers.

Her mission was absolute. Her mind was made up. Naraku would die this day even if it killed her.

"Inuyasha!" Kagome yelled as she frantically moved to his body. He had been hit by Naraku and blood was dripping from his shoulder as he struggled to get up. "Fucking Bastard" Inuyasha whispered under his breath. "Inuyasha, do you really believe that you have the power to defeat me?"Naraku stated arrogantly. "I have been infused with the power of half of the Shikon and eventually I will have the entire jewel. Your companions are weak. You are weak. Why don't you just give up? And give me what's mine."

"Ya know you are a damn fool Naraku! To think that I would just let you take the Shikon Jewel. If you want it so badly, you'll have to get through me first." said Inuyasha as he spitted out blood.

"I was hoping that you would be more willing to give me the jewel. I would have made your death quick, but since you have so foolishly denied my request. I will torture your body until the flesh from your bones has fallen off, then perhaps I will finally kill you." Naraku held up his hand as his claws gleamed with malice. Kagome gradually moved back towards the tree line of the forest as she glanced at Naraku who continued towards them.

"Big talk for someone like you. I can't wait to have my claws full of your blood. You asshole!", yelled Inuyasha. He swung Tessaiga over his shoulder preparing for another Windscar. Naraku disappeared and materialized behind him.

"You make me laugh Inu-ya-sha… Kukuku" Naraku snatched up Kagome by the collar of her school uniform while Inuyasha swiped air. "Inuyasha!" wailed out Kagome as she reached her hands out towards him with tears forming in her eyes.

"Fuck!" Inuyasha desperately tried to grab Kagome's hand, but it was too late.

"Kagome!" yelled Sango and Miroku as they watched from the side lines. "We have to go get her. Kirara!" said Sango as Kirara transformed. "No you can't Sango! We must trust Inuyasha to save her before it's too late plus your injuries are too grave. You know you promised me marriage once this is all over" Miroku stated with a melancholy smile as he gathered her in his arms. "We have to believe in him."

A strong demonic aura radiated thoughout the field. The ground started shaking and cracking under the pressure of power. Heavy gust of wind started to pick up blowing everyone's clothing. A wave of green yokai slammed into Naraku's leg as the being made its presence known.

"Lord Sesshomaru, you have finally graced us with your presence once again.", said Naraku saracastically. "Kukukukuku… I am so glad you have decided to join in on the fun. Just as I was about to finish off your brother."

There was a flash of a sakura blossom sleeve and then a flicker of Bakusaiga. The regal form of Inuyasha's half-brother appeared. His emotionless face looked towards Inuyasha then to Kagome who was being held up high by the neck with one of Naraku's tentacles wrapped around it.

"Hn, you seem confident, you fifthly half-breed. This isn't even your own power and yet you feel as if you are a god. Disgusting.", replied Sesshomaru as he confidently held his sword gleaming with his demonic essence.

"You think that this one strike to my leg proves that you are capable of defeating me. Don't make me laugh, Sesshoumaru. And to think I thought you were smarter than your brother." Naraku smugly stated as he lowered Kagome back beside him.

"Now priestess, give me what I want and I might let you live after all of this is o…." Before the last word could even come out of his mouth, Kagome daringly plunged her glowing purification hand inside of Naraku's chest were half of the jewel rested. His eyes widened in disbelief as the bloody jewel emerged from his body instantly purifying the maleficent aura.

"You stupid bitch! You think that your trivial power can stop me from getting what I want! I will be all-powerful! Everyone will bow to me!" Naraku screamed as he tried to reach for the Shikon. Vision blurring from the lack of oxygen, Kagome quickly tried to fused together the two halves.

A blinding bright light appeared from the Jewel finally being whole and then a pulse of energy.

"What's going on?!" Sango frantically yelled to Miroku as the ground started shaking. "Is it over?"

"No Sango...Something doesn't feel right." Miroku used his hands to cover his eyes from the brightness of light and what he saw made his eyes widen. "Nooooooooo" He whispered in shock as the light dimmed. "Kagome….is she dead?"

Hanging limply within Naraku's tentacles was Kagome holding on to the fading Shikon Jewel with Naraku's hand grasped around it. Her eyes were open, and a look of pure horror was mirrored in the depths of her dull sapphire gaze.

"Kagome…No… please this can't be true…This wasn't how it was suppose to be." Sango cried out as she fell to her knees with tears streaming down her face.

Hysterically, Inuyasha preceded to rush towards Naraku, but Sesshomaru blocked his path. "Don't be foolish Inuyasha."

"Get the fuck out of my way asshole. That bastard killed...Kagome!" Inuyasha screamed as he thrashed his sword around. His head hung low as his bangs covered his face "…I must avenge her" he mumbled under his breathe just as his eyes started to speck with red. "Control yourself." Sesshoumaru scoffed as he turned away and narrowed his eyes back at Naraku. "Kagome…Kagome…What am I going to do? I failed you. I promised to protect you. I…I…I." Inuyasha stammered in despair.

"Kukukuku...I told you that fighting me would be futile, yet you and your companions continued. Now look your precious priestess is dead. And I feel my power growing…Kukukuku" Naraku maniacally laughed. He unraveled his tentacle from around Kagome's neck and watched as her body started to fall to the ground. Inuyasha swiftly rushed to her before her body made contact. "Kagome" He whispered. "I'm so sorry…I didn't protect you better." His hands started gripping her body bringing her closer to his chest.

"Another priestess dead under your watch Inuyasha. Do you want to kill me even more now?" Naraku smiled as he walked near them. "I might even let you hit me to settle your little revenge."

Another pulse.




"My powers are finally complete. The Shikon Jewel is MINE! Now come on and fight me!"

Blinded by grief, Sango and Miroku ran forward preparing to avenge their fallen comrade.




Naraku's body started morphing and disappearing into ash.

"What the…" said Sango as she started noticing his feet were losing shape.

"What is this!...What did that priestess bitch do to me!" Naraku stared in disbelief as his body started losing shape. His powers slowly dwindled. "This can't be….NO!" His face altered into pure rage. "I wished on the Jewel!…I was going to be the most powerful de…." His eyed widen even more and his body started to tremor in fury.

"This is your chance Inuyasha! Use the Meido Zangetsuha! Before it's to late!" yelled Miroku over the wind. Inuyasha carefully put Kagome's body to the side as he finally got up. A look of determination crossed his face as he picked up Tessaiga. I will kill him for you, Kagome. I promise. He thought as he swung his sword in one of his strongest techniques. That's when Sesshomaru got into his offensive position to swing Bakusaiga. Both attacks were heading straight towards Naraku.


"Did they do it?" Sango questioned as she looks at Miroku. "I believe Naraku is no more." Miroku stated as he shook his head.

As the debris and smoke cleared only small particles could be seen of Naraku's body as it floated away with the breeze. Victory.




Another pulse was felt, but this time it wasn't from Naraku. "What the hell!" Inuyasha quickly moved to Kagome. Her body started to glow a purple sheen then all of a sudden…it stopped.

Her eyes opened. No longer were they sapphire. There was only a demonic red gaze.

First Fanfiction

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