Disclaimer: I own Static Shock or Legend of Queen Opala characters.

Some notes before we began, First off this is a cross over as it says above with Legend of Queen Opala or loqo for short which doesn't have it own spot on this site yet. Legend of Queen Opala is a hentai game with hot ladys screwing dudes. That about as clean and as blunt as I can put it, so if your looking for boy on boy action you might as well leave now.

Secondly everyone will be getting laid at some point, Virgil, Richie, Shenice, and even Francis Stone when he does show up 'for those who don't know that Hotstreak'd real name.

Third and finally I'm using all of Statics powers from comics, so if anyone is wondering if I'm making this stuff up then no, look at Static new 52, these powers are canon.

"RUNNNNNNN!" those words shouted for the fifth time that day ring out from the guy next to Richie Foley, Aka Gear. Racing through a dark forest at night, to his right was a man name Kai, dress in a white cloak, black hair and eyes, and wears a grey hooded jumper and black baggie pants and brown boot. He also carries his weapon strapped to his back, to his left also ran a woman with almost shoulder length hair with bangs, a gold snake tiara, and wore a white dress her name is Opala, Queen Opala.

"We're near the end, I see the docks up a head but this monster is gaining!" Opala shouted, Richie groan, having lost his mask slash helmet at some unknown time he was free to run his hand through his hair wondering how he got into this mess again. It the earliest memories he had were of him getting ready to head to his next class with his best friends then every thing went black next thing he knows he;s waking up with Kai and Opala in a cave with this thing fighting them.

"I know, here's hoping that Commander Seth has the canons ready to take it out!" Kai replied as they reach the clearing, "GGGGGGGAAAOOOOHHHHH!" looking above them they saw the massive Smilodon looming with it's jaws open. In extinct genus of machairodont felid Aka it was a saber tooth lion, and a stupidly big one at that. he had seen rhinoceros that looked smaller then it!

"Gang way!" a loud female voice shouted as blare flash past them and slammed feet first into the beasts head crushing it into the ground and knocking it out cold! "Shenice!" Richie cried having never been so happy to see her, the dark skinned 20 year old and purple spandex turn to him with a grin while Kai and Opala could only stare wide eyed at the young lady and just knock out the huge beast in stunned awe.

"Yo Ricky, how come you didn't just take this damn thing down yourself?" Shenice question smirking Shenice Vale Aka She Bang, Richie groan at the girl, "I would have but Back Pact's power cells have been drained." Richie grumbled as she jumped off the beast.

"SISTER! KAI!" a voice called out, looking away of them at the docks they saw a large ship waiting for them with a tall man bronzes skinned back with an Egyptian style hair cut bare chested and wearing only a wrap-round skirt that was tied at the waist with a belt and a gold head band .

"Nehas? Is the Supreme Commander with you?" Opala called as the four moved to the ship, her brother was about to throw down the rope latter but Shenice simply grabbed all three and jump high into the air landing on the ship with them safe in hand.

"Umm yeah, he right here." Nehas said in surprise as he was pointing to the large man off to the right looking just as stun as them at Shenice's skills but quickly shake it off, "My Queen, are you hurt?" Seth, Supreme Commander asked as Opala and Kai walk towards him with Nehas, Shenice and Richie moved off to the side to speak.

"Sooooo, you awake up in the middle of the forest to with out a damn clue as to where you were?" Shenice asked in a quit voice, "Nah, it was a cave, with that giant extinct cat trying to eat me and those two, you?" Shenice shrugged her shoulders, "No giant long thought to be dead cats, but I did wake up to find what look an awful lot like 'freaking Orcs' trying to catch that Nehas guy, take them out pretty ease when ran here with him saying his sister and her 'Hero' on their way." Shenice replied, looking around at then guards with their spears at the ready and one getting the ship ready for sail.

"Royel family much?" she whispered getting a nod from Richie, "Yeah, Opala is the Queen it seems... so any idea how we got here?" Richie asked, Shenice looking at him and shake her head.

"No. Last thing I remember is us getting on the train to head to college. You?" Shenice said, Richie sigh and shake his head no, "Same, not a clue but Back Pact and I charge him the night before hand so something must have happen." Richie answered, Shenice groaned as that wasn't what she wanted to hear.

"Great, I wonder where Virgil is." She nice as Richie thought about his best friend, "Maybe he didn't come." Richie offered but She shake her head feeling like that wasn't the case.

"Doubtful, we were all on that train ride together plus when we woke up we were separated, something tells me that what ever brought us here made it a package deal." Shenice stated and Richie found himself agreeing with her.

"Yeah, really hope we run into him soon cause we could use his help ya know." Richie said.

"WE'RE NOT LEAVING! THAT AN ORDER!" Opala shouted catching their attention startling them, looking at the group they saw the Queen looking up at her Supreme Commander in fury.

"My Queen, we must leave! It take everything I had just to protect this ship. we have too few guards left, if we stay any longer we will be over run!" Seth said trying to reason with the young Queen, still Opala shake her head no.

"I'm not leaving, we'll take what's left of the guard and launch a raid on Slavers Tower!" Opala said firmly getting gasp from many of her guards, Nehas spoke out at that moment.

"Sister please! As much as I want to rescue mother as well, we're out numbered here, the best we can do for her is head back home an gather the royal guard and plan an attack." Nehas plead.

"Prince Nehas is right, please my Queen! The Matriarch would not have wanted her children to be captured again on a failed rescue mission." Seth said calmly, Opala's eyes were watering at this point as she looked to Kai for help, he sigh sadly and shake his head knowing there was no way they could save her at this point.

"I'm save Opala, but we need to regroup. Monsters surround the Tower and we have no way to beat this at this point, it best to head back to Egypt and plan on how to Rescue her." Kai said in a sad tone, he didn't want to leave the Matriarch of the royal family behind but it couldn't helped.

"What going on here?" Richie ask as he and Shenice move over to them, "Our mother was captured along with us, when Commander Seth and Sir Kai came to save us they were unable to rescue our mother as well." Nehas explained sadly.

"When we made our get away to regroup several large monsters showed up, some the same size as the beast you take down, Sir Kai and the Queen was separated from the Prince and I as we fled when we ran into you." Seth added, Richie nodded understanding them.

"Normally I'd never even think of leaving Lady Farah but we simply have no way of getting past those monster at the moment." Kai said grunting his teeth in anger, Opala look up at Richie and Shenice in desperation.

"Sir Richard, your friend is strong yes, she take down that beast in one kick, surely with her aid we can recuse my mother!" Opala cried grabbing him by his suit hoping he'd help her, Richie looked at Shenice knowing it was on her, looking down with an awkward expression told them all she couldn't do it. Shenice could have take such monsters in a one on one fight but not all together which is what it sounded like, plus with Richie's equipment down he wasn't much better then the common soldier. Opala seeing her expression look down with tears in her eyes.

"Supreme Commander, please set sail, we need to get out of enemy territory." Opala ordered with a heavy heart Seth nodded please she finally saw reason and went to do as such, Richie and Shenice couldn't help but to feel back for the young Queen at having to leave her beloved mother behind when a thought hit Shenice.

"Hey, if we got sent here then Virgil must have been..." Shenice began, Richie groan as realization hit, "Vee got there as well, and we're currently leaving him behind." Richie muttered. Both drop their heads in depression at that thought.

"Well at least it him right, Virgil can't take care of himself." Shenice offered trying to look on the bright side of things, Richie nodded, "Yeah if their's anyone cable of looking after himself in a country full of monsters it him." Richie agreed.

"Right, I'm sure he doing fine." Shenice said, even as a chill ran down her back in worry for her friend, she had to believe as such, in her mind there was really nothing cable of giving him trouble... right?

Else Where

"Does it hurt?" a voice spoke as Lady Farah, the former Queen and Matriarch of the royal family looked out from the bars of her cell in horror at scene of bloodshed before in terror, "No...!" she whispered, standing several meters away from her was Valencio the Assassin. a twisted smirk on his face as he stared up into the eyes of the young man who had been trying to help Farah.

"Come now, I don't hear you making anymore smart ass comments. I asked if it hurts?" Valencio said in a mocking tone, pen to wall in front of him by a blade in his chest as blood pooled to the floor around their feet was now other Virgil Hawkins Aka Static... and he was not doing so well.

To Be Continue.

Short first chapter, second one will be uploaded in three days and longer.