AN: So when I watched 2x21 of riverdale last week I had the idea for this fic. Now due to work and things I hadn't gotten round to actually writing it, until now that is so I hope you enjoy it. This will be a multi-chapter fic and will be multiple pov's of when Fp carries Jughead out of the woods. All of the chapters can be read as one shots, depending on whose pov you want to read. Also, to anyone reading any of my other stories don't worry I am not abandoning them, I am just trying to find enough time to sit down and properly write the chapters so don't give up on me quite yet.
Anyway, on with the story and I hope you like it.
Summary: Blood roared in her ears and she could feel her heart pounding in her chest as she saw him- the love of her life laying in his father's arms and seemingly lifeless. The first thought that comes to her is how broken, how small he looks and how he barely resembles the man she loves. The second comes from the deeper, darker part of her and it screams for blood, for vengeance. 2x21 multi-chapter story. Multiple pov's of 2x21. Rated T because I'm paranoid.
Disclaimer: I do not own anything.
It was as if everything had happened in slow motion, Jugheads girlfriend (Betty, his mind reminded him) had come running up with the red haired wonder in tow- worry etched on her face and desperation in her eyes as she asked if they'd found him yet. The answer had been no and he he'd felt the same sort of worry rise up in him at the desolation on the blonde's face as he realised something was very, very wrong.
The next thing he knew, Jughead was being carried out of the woods, hanging limply from his father's arms and barely recognisable.
Blood coated his face and arms and sweet pea felt the bile rise in his throat as he saw the place where jugheads tattoo once resided, Penny he realised and a wave of anger washed over him- along with shame as he remembered some of the last words he had said to the other teen.
'Better than a cowards death'
It was the word coward that echoed in his head, reminding him of the cruel words he'd spat in his friends face- reminded him of how utterly wrong he was.
Jughead wasn't a coward; far from it.
From what sweet pea could figure out Jughead had sacrificed himself for all of them, so they didn't die at the ghoulies hands and by the look of his knuckles the beanie wearing teen had gone down fighting.
Distantly he was aware of Betty collapsed next to Jughead on the ground where Fp had lay him, crying and clutching jughead to her, of Archie standing behind the blonde and watching the scene with horror lining his features, of Toni who sobbed next to him from Cheryl's arms seemingly unable to tear her eyes away from Jughead's body, but it didn't seem to register.
All he could focus on was the rage coursing through him, igniting his veins.
He meat Fp's eyes and saw the same feelings reflected in them- as if it was a promise.
The ghoulies would pay. Penny would pay and the serpents would bathe the town in their blood for what they did to one of their own.
Even if it killed them, they would avenge Jughead Jones.
AN: so what did you guys think. I know it was short but did you like it. Please read and review and let me know your thoughts.