Chapter 4: The Transfer Student is the Third Childhood Friend

"We'll start today off with basic IS maneuvers. Shinohara, Alcott, start flying with your ISs."

April was nearing it's close, the time of year when the late blooming sakura petals are falling, and here I am standing in the middle of a dusty, open training field that made up the center of the ISA island, and my class under the thumb of the demonic instructor that is Chifuyu-nee, rather than doing something like actually enjoying the rest of my life as a teenager doing anything but learning how to use a super weapon mech suit.

"Whatever. Line Ark!" The bells on the ribbons wrapping around my wrist lightly rang as I swiped my hand around into a closed fist near my face. I watch lots of tokusatsu so the motion just kind of came naturally to me, and with a flash of light, I was hovering about ten centimeters above the ground wrapped in the armor of my IS, a brief burst of particles coming from the verniers at my back.

Cecilia was as quick to deploy her IS, and glancing over, the bulk of her Frame was a rather stark contrast to mine. Where Cecilia stood out in the center of it due to the formation of the armor, the more covering nature of Line Ark and it's far smaller size made our two Frames like night and day. And seems the mechanics here do a damn good job because the bits I demolished during our match were fully repaired.

"Alright, now fly!"

On that command both of us shot up… and here's where my problem comes in: The acceleration of this damn thing is monstrous.

Without any kind of warning to me, my IS shot my skyward far faster than Cecilia's Blue Tears, and when I finally forced myself to stop, I was well above her, the people on the ground little more than specks in the swathe of dirt that was the large training field.

"Learn to slow down a bit! You'll crash into something if you keep that up!"

Chifuyu-nee's biting tone cut into my ear as I lowered down to be relatively even with Cecilia. On a side note, I'd finally picked up on the ideas of the emergency ascent and descent, and basic flight wasn't a problem… again it's mostly the acceleration I have a hard time with. Once I get control of my flight I'm set, but kicking this IS of mine on is like getting onto a bucking horse. Still don't get why the general idea for flight is "imagine the general direction."

Does it have to be so vague?!

"Aiden, having a good, solid mental image goes a long way. Maybe you just need one that suits you." Cecilia drifted over as she spoke, and a mutter came out of my throat.

"It's not that I don't, this damn thing is just too fast on the draw!"

My complaint got an amused chuckle out of Cecilia, and her grin was a more natural one. She'd started being a lot friendlier since the sparring match, so I guess my offer was taken to heart. Which I'm actually thankful for, I don't really want enemies here and all.

But then there's how these things even fly. In a technical sense, the shape an IS shouldn't really be able to fly. The way it works is next to unrelated to other principles of flight, and there's a particular reason for it. If the fact my IS doesn't even have "wings" and can still fly is any testament really, all of my flight movements are accompanied by a stream of particles that vaguely appear similar to wings though. Around the time the IS was in it's prototype stages as a specialized EVA suit, another kind of scientific breakthrough happened: Stratos Particles.

In what could really have only been called one hell of a scientific accident while trying to produce the first "clean" nuclear reactor, which a certain Tabane Shinonono just so happened to be involved with, some stuff I honestly don't understand went down, and cue the discovery of a new particle that led to the production of the modern IS Core, which Tabane is the only person alive who is even aware of how to properly produce safely, which is why they're a Black Box piece of technology.

The reason an IS Frame is dead weight without a Core is because it also doubles as the reactor for the frame itself. Without that, you'd basically get a dud piece of tech, and another kind of reactor wouldn't work nearly as well. Stratos Particles are some weird things to boot. Not only do they allow these things to fly and be nearly weightless, they're also how beam weapons are able to function and how the storage system for them works.

I honestly do not understand much of it but hey, it's what we've gotta work with I guess.

But on topic to things. After our battle, Cecilia had decided to start joining in on helping me learn more about the IS, and as expected for an RC, she knows her stuff, so it's been a big help. The other guys have started joining in on the lessons too but they've actually yet to reveal their NEXTs. Knowing Adair he may just be waiting for the right time to show off, considering his personality, but Lyev feels too practically minded to be holding out like that. Eun just doesn't really care, and Travis has been lamenting the lack of news about his.

Speaking of Adair… I tend to catch Cecilia giving him looks during training. Hmm…

"Hey, Cecilia, you and Adair have known each for a long time, yeah?" I asked, Cecilia nodding to my statement, and I felt a smirk show as a small blush suddenly came to her face.

-Hohoo… seems I may be right on track!

"Our entire lives actually. Adair and I met from incredibly young ages, though it was rather distant for a long while." Cecilia said, getting a nod from me, "Ah… actually, you boys… what's the phrase commoners use now… 'hang out' a lot after classes, yes?"

"I'd cut back on calling people 'commoners' but, yeah, we do." I replied, looking away as an awkward, stilted look came to my face, "And talk about things we really don't want you girls hearing…"

"Well… perhaps maybe… has Adair… I don't know, mentioned anything about me perhaps?"

"Hmm… well, kinda ye-"

"Shinohara, Alcott, show me a rapid descent and then disengage your units. Target altitude is ten centimeters!"

"Roger! Well, ladies first. I'll see you on the ground."

With that, Cecilia shot down like a bullet. Her unit vanished quickly once she'd descended, making Cecilia as small as a pin from up here, but with the enhanced sight of the IS, not to mention the far more powerful sensors my unit possessed, I still had perfect sight of her to the point of eyelashes even from up here thanks to the zoom functions.

-I can only imagine the kind of evil things this could be used for…

"All right, let's not blow this!"

The image in my head was of a bird swooping downwards and sharply angling when it neared the ground. As if in response to me thoughts, the particle wings at my back flared out and flapped as I angled downwards, propelled downwards sharply and quickly, and as it rushed forward, I re-angled myself for my feet to be at the ground… though rather than coming to a hovering stop, my feet hit the ground and I started skidding.

And once I did stop, there was one heck of a pair of narrow gouges in the dirt.

"Whoops." I put a hand behind my head as I disengaged my unit, Chifuyu sighing and pinching the bridge of her nose, "Hey at least I landed right this time!"


"True but next time make sure you don't skid a hundred feet across the dirt!"

"Yes ma'am."

I knelt down as I clenched my head from where Chifuyu-nee had struck. Even during training physical violence was her primary means of making her point before any kind of words could even come from her mouth.

"Get up! Now, Shinohara, draw your weapon."

"Which one? I have seven. And they're all some kind of sword."

My flat remark, for once, actually seemed to get Chifuyu to react. Her expression remained stoic as ever, but one could just catch the slightest twitch in her form, and while the class reacted with apparent shock, a smirk showed on my face.

-Point for me!

"Any, does it matter?!"

"No ma'am."

With the smirk still on my face, I lifted my right arm just a bit, enough to make a clear zone, and with the mere thought of it, a shimmer formed across my forearm, a flash producing the shimmer into the main armament of Line Ark, and with another thought as my wrist, now covered by a gauntlet, twisted, the blade deployed out into its ready state.

"Fast enough?"

"Yes. Impressive a novice can adapt so quickly."

Ah, honest praise from the demon. I'll mark that as a second point on the counter.

"Now, Alcott, bring out your weapon."


Cecilia raised her arm up more than I did, almost level with her shoulder, and with a flash just as quick as the one I'd caused, she was holding her rifle. There was already a magazine loaded into it, and from experience with my own weapon I knew the safety could be disengaged with a mere glance. It took far less than a second, even faster than my own deployment. What else to expect from an RC huh?

"Good job. As expected from an RC. But, change that pose of yours. Your gun ends up being drawn to the side, you could hit somebody like that. Learn to bring it out in the front."

"B-But, for my image I-"

"Change it. Got it?"

"Yes ma'am."

Even the proud Cecilia buckled under the might that was Chifuyu-nee. But, considering this was the woman who'd earned the nickname Brunhilde, we were better off listening to what she said, so no point trying to talk back to her. Least Cecilia can take orders when she needs to I suppose.

"Alcott, bring out your close ranged weapon!"

"Uh… R-roger!"

After a moment of surprise at the command, Cecilia's rifle vanished in a shimmer, and she raised her arm again, but instead of an instant flash, the shimmering glow around her arm lingered, and from the look on her face she was actually struggling to bring it out, the light stagnating in the air.


"How much longer?"

"Soon! Goodness gracious… 'Interceptor'!" Cecilia had to actively yell for the weapon to appear, the flash finally occurring, a large combat knife appearing in her grasp. The issue was, saying the weapons name was a beginner method, and Chifuyu-nee had tried to drill that out of us weeks ago. Having to do so would be incredibly embarrassing for an RC like Cecilia.

"That took several seconds. Would an enemy really wait that long for you to draw a weapon?" Chifuyu-nee's biting remark got a flinch from Cecilia.

"I-I wouldn't let them get close in a real battle! It wouldn't be a problem!"

"Really? Because Shinohara got close during your match the other week, and he's a complete novice."

"Th-That's because…"

Cecilia, wisely, shut her mouth at that. Nobody could have possibly come up with a retort to that statement. I was looking at this without any kind of ill will in mind, then Cecilia looked at me, which prompted the small crackle of a private channel opening up.

-What does she want now?

"This is your fault!"

"What the hell did I do?!"

"You flew into my close-combat range!"

"Well my IS is an All-Rounder CQC type, I can't help it!"

"You have to take responsibility!"

"I did nothing wrong, like hell I do!"

My image for this kind of thing was kinda simple as it happened. I just imaged a wire connecting me to the other person, and the reply was easy. And at my remark, Cecilia gave a pout in my direction, and an idea popped into my head.

"Okay how about this? Adair told me his IS is also a CQC-type, so what if during our next training session, I get him to help you with that little issue?"

"You would do that?! For me?!"

"Well we're friends now, aren't we? I like helping out my friends."

Cecilia looked like she was downright glowing with delight from what I'd said, and I just gave a small sigh, looking over to see Madoka and Houki glaring at me. Obviously the two would have no clue what had gone on in these past few seconds… I swear if they're assuming something I'll have to set straight that'll be the least of my worries.

"Alright, time's up for today! Shinohara, clean up the grounds."

Right, the gouges left in the dirt. Least they're not that long… should be an easy sweep job. I looked to Madoka and Houki, and both just turned away, Madoka waving in a manner that said "You're on your own."… and Cecilia had already left.

-Well fine I didn't want help anyway.

Whatever, the marks were my fault anyway, so I should take care of it myself. Guess mastering the IS is gonna have to wait for a bit.

"Hm, this is it huh?"

It was night. A short girl with a slender frame stood at the gate of the IS Academy with an almost comically sized travel bag slung on her back. Her sleek black hair was tied into two tails by golden clasps, the April breeze causing them to flutter in the air as they fell past her shoulders. Her appearance looked someone Japanese, but on closer inspection it could be clearly seen that despite her similarly angled eyes, it was far more obvious she was of Chinese descent. But, this country was like a second home to her, she'd had plenty of friends before.

"So, where's the reception again?"

The girl swiped a piece of paper out of her pocket and rolled it open, the entire thing completely crumbled, an easy telling of a hap-hazard, happy go luck type… that or someone with a potentially careless side.

"School building, first floor… alright, so where the hell is that?"

It wasn't like she had a map on her, that was something the local network had on it, and without information it wasn't like she could log into it at all. And not like the piece of paper was a help, so it's sorry fate was to be crumpled up again and shoved into the girl's jacket as she stalked off.

"Fine, I'll just find it myself! Can't rely on anyone apparently!"

The girl was the type who thought it better to act rather than to think at times. A well-thinking person would call it practical thinking. A more negative outlook would be more likely to say careless and stupid.

Which considering the size of the island, and the fact it was the dead of night, the latter was a far more reasonable assumption of the girl's choice as she walked.

-Really? Not even a single person to say hello? I can't believe they would just drop me off here without anything to go off of! Is there really nobody here right now?!

She looked around at the grounds again as she found herself amid a small park bordered by several large buildings, not a student or member of faculty in sight across the entire area. It was a little past eight, meaning locations like the lecture halls and administration buildings were closed, and the students would've long been back at their dorms.

-This is pissing me off! Maybe I could fly up and around to take a look?

"On second thought, probably not a good idea. Don't need a bunch of suits nagging me again. The people back home thought the same thing… tch, bunch of idiots."

-But I guess I'm just too important huh? I suppose being a bit careful isn't too bad.

She liked the thought of people several times her age trying to get her to do things. People who thought they deserved respect purely because they were older were the types she hated the most. As far as she was concerned, the world was fine as it was.

"Male's brawn are irrelevant! True justice is with a girl's IS!"

It was a fact she was proud of. Ever since she was little she'd hated boys who acted like they could make all the decisions just because they were boys (disregarding the fact they were a bunch of snot nosed brats at the time so how'd anyone know better?). But, there'd been one she could stand. Well, more like two, but one in particular because he stood out more. Those lingering memories were actually one reason for her intended return to Japan anyway.

-I wonder how he's doing? Probably pretty well since his family moved to Shibuya and all… aha, he's probably losing his mind living there… the dork.

"Is th… really… wants?" came a mysterious voice.

She looked around for the source. It seemed to be coming from the nearby IS training building. The structures were uniformly built internationally so she could easily recognize it.

-Perfect! I can go ask whoever's there for help!

"Yeah. She needs to figure out how to draw her CQC weapon quick. I mean, I could do it but I figured you'd be a better teacher since your units are from the same country and all."

"That is true. Hm, alright then. It'll be the perfect chance to reveal my own NEXT as well!"


The male voices took her by surprise and made the girl stop in her tracks. Though it was more the fact she recognized one of them.

-Is that who I-? No, it can't be him! But… that was his voice just now! What is he doing here?!

Her eyes widened in anticipation and curiosity as she ducked behind a nearby tree, peering out, but then suddenly shifting into a panicked look.

-Wait, what if he doesn't recognize me? No, no, he's not that dumb. Besides it's barely been over a year… and if he doesn't, well, I guess I've just grown too beautiful then!

After a brief pause, she turned to move towards the building.

"Ai-" but her voice was barely a whisper.

-What is wrong with me? Just say it normally will you?!

"So Aiden, how've things been going with the IS huh?"

"Travis, are you asking because yours still hasn't shown up?"

"Of course I am!"

The girl's thoughts came to a grinding halt as she heard a third male voice, leaning out from her hiding spot as her eyes were wide. It wasn't just too, but three boys who were moving out from the stadium. She wasn't really somebody who kept up with the news at it happened, so she didn't really know about the news that had set the world ablaze a few months ago… somehow.

"Oh don't worry so much Sir Tristain, it will arrive with time I'm sure of it. If Sir Shinohara got his for a research project, who's to say the same won't be true for you?"

"You have a point there bro… but come on man, it's already mid April!"

"Just be patient."

The girl's eyes weren't on the two blonde boys. It was the one with the almost white silver hair, that odd streak of magenta as prominent as she could remember amid it. As the three boys continued to talk, the casual smile on the silver-haired boy's face made her chest flutter in excitement.

-It really is him! I didn't just imagine it!

"Ahh, another day, another addition to the tally of "only guy without an IS"… man I'm unlucky."

Travis sighed as he leaned back in his chair after making a mental note to himself. He knew that an IS, especially those experimental NEXT things the other guys had weren't just things that could be simply handed out, but a part of him had kind of expected it. Though Aiden and Adair kept assuring him patience would pay off, Travis wasn't really the patient type.

Would he be bitter about it? No. He wasn't that kind of person either. On the contrary his impatience was because he wanted in on the action as soon as possible, not later. Sooner rather than later as the saying was. Sure it mostly applied to getting things done but he felt it perfectly applied to this situation as well.

-Buuut… I guess I can be patient so long as I get to hang out with hot babes all day!

Of the things he was, Travis was not the type to be unwelcoming of this situation. He got the feeling of the sense Aiden wasn't really the type who cared much, or was maybe paranoid to the point he was playing dumb to things. Adair's "gentleman" attitude just confused him so he wasn't sure. Lyev had already voiced complaints, that and there was his cameras. Eun… he had no idea. He'd hardly interacted with the guy over the past few weeks so he didn't know at all. Didn't help the headphones wearing boy hardly spoke at all.

Travis? Well, he thought this was itself a blessing in it's entirety. He'd always been rather popular with girl's so it hadn't actually been that surprising to him after he came here… at least when it wasn't the occasional look of disdain, but that was mostly from upperclassman. He just didn't have the same kind of reservations as his fellow males on campus was all.

-Hmm, wonder who'd want a date this time? That bubbly little Fujino, or maybe Alice? Well, there was that girl from class 3… I believe it was Kate?

He noticed how some in the class were looking at him and chattering away, and Travis chuckled a bit before giving a wink, the satisfying sound (to him anyway) of their small cries of surprise getting him to snicker as he leaned against the wall.


The door flew open and got the clashes attention immediately. The girl who entered wasn't one Travis could recognize at all from any class. It led to the immediate assumption she was a transfer student, or maybe one could say late arrival. Travis had heard news some students from other countries tended to arrive late because they were busy running tests on experimental units, but he wasn't sure if this girl was one of them.

-Hmm, she looks Japanese, but not quite… Chinese then?

Travis hummed to himself as the new arrival looked around, and he pointed to himself when she jabbed a finger at him and gave an "aha!" What Travis didn't actually know however was that this girl recognized him from last night.

"You! I need you to tell me something!" The new girl said, storming up to Travis' desk and putting her hands on her hips.

"Well I'll gladly tell you anything cute little miss, but isn't it kind of rude not to introduce yourself first?" Travis responded, the black haired girl giving him a narrowed look.

"It's Rin, all you need to know. Geez I hate playboy types." The girl muttered, Travis just quirking a brow, Rin then slamming her hands on the desk, "Not the point! What class is Aiden Shinohara in? You're a guy, you probably know yeah?"

"Uh… Aiden is in class 1. We're legit right next door to them. He sits right in the front, you won't miss him."


Without so much as another word, Rin shot out of the room from the other door, leaving the class to mutter in curiosity, Travis then pulling his phone out.

"I'll warn him just to be safe."

"Good morning Shinohara! Did you hear we're getting a transfer student today?"

It was morning, and I'd barely sat down before I was crowded by other students. I guess it was a step forward since the start of school, where'd everyone would just sit and watch me from a distance. I'm also starting to feel more comfortable myself so replying no longer feels that awkward to me… depending on the question anyway.

"Already? In April? And is it in our class or another?"

Couldn't she have just enrolled normally… then again there was the possibility it could be another guy, but I wasn't counting my blessings. But not that I haven't heard of late enrollments due to testing units. Perhaps this newcomer is another RC. That makes more sense, considering ISA has pretty strict rules regarding transfers. They have to pass a tough as hell entrance exam and need the backing of their home country. Who else but an RC could be transferring in?

"I hear she's in class 2. And she's the RC for China!"


-Seems I was right on the money.

Also, speaking of RCs…

"Oho, perhaps she was in fear of my presence here!"

"She's in another class Cecilia. Would it matter?"


Despite managing to keep her signature, dignified hands-on-hips stance, my comment got Cecilia to give an irked jolt.

"He has a point. Being in another class couldn't possibly mean anything."

And suddenly now Houki had appeared in the group, and I caught Madoka sighing out of the corner of my eye. Houki'd been by the window, how'd she get over here so fast to boot? Though, seems she has a bit of a girly side for gossip after all.

"Well now I'm wondering what her skills are." I remarked, and again I felt Houki and Madoka's gazes on me, "What?! Of course I'd be curious! I may have to fight her at some point won't I? It's a natural thought. Come on you two, don't tell me you've never wondered how strong somebody is once you hear about them?"

-And maybe don't assume things! I know what you two were thinking!

"Nice to know you're back to having fights on the brain." Madoka remarked, twirling her pencil as she snickered, "I'd be lying if I didn't say I wasn't thinking the same though, so you got me there."

"And it's true… it is important to get a grasp of your opponent even before a match." Houki too admitted to it, but she looked away as she folded her arms, getting a sigh out of me in return.

"Yeah at this school a new student means new rivals anyway." Madoka added, adjusting one of her ponytails a bit, "So if we're running off that this person is the Chinese RC, what kinda IS do you think they've got?"

"Hmm, I think I remember what it was China was working on as of late, give me a moment to think abut it." Cecilia remarked, putting a finger on her chin as she closed her eyes with a thoughtful hum, "Barometric something I think…"

"Well whoever it is probably has some data we could look up yeah?" I pointed out, looking to Cecilia, "Don't they tend to record and release testing data of new models once they enter that phase?"

"I do believe so." Cecilia added.

"Well, so long as you're mind is on that, keep in mind you're going to need more combat training." Houki said, making a point to bend down and get in my face.

"Ah, riiight. That class league match is in a month… the one where Class Reps duke it out." I muttered, my voice trailing off with each words as I sunk lower into my chair while my lip quirked about.

"Of course. I have no doubt your fellows, well, besides Tristain I do believe, will be participating. You need all the training you can get. And I'll be glad to help so long as you keep our little deal." Cecilia said, and I gave a dry little chuckle.

"Yeah yeah. I'll be sure to drag Adair to the next training session if I have to." I said, notiving that Madoka and Houki seemed to breath a sudden sigh of relief. They really were thinking something weird about what Cecilia and I talked about privately where they?

The training would be useful. And since Cecilia has a personal IS it's way easier since the others have to wait at least a day to get permission to use one of the training units kept in storage. Not that Houki and Madoka don't stick around because that's how they are. Now as for the League Match. They're carried out between class reps, and as I am told, it's supposed to help bolster class unity by supporting their representative, and improve interclass relations by way of beating the shit out of each other. And of course, you can't motivate high schoolers without the offer of a reward. The best class gets a trophy and a half-a-years' worth of free desserts. Girls love desserts. I love desserts. More specifically I just love food as a whole.

"Also, I guess I'm just gonna have to kick some tail so class 1 gets bragging rights!"

"Yeah that's what I'm talking about!" Madoka cheered, throwing a fist up, "Free desserts for half a year, woo!"

"That's the spirit! Go! Fight! Win!" Cecilia pumped her fists a bit, getting some in the class to look at her funny.

"Of course you'd say that. Don't back out now!" Houki just huffed and looked to the side, but it was easy to see she was smiling.

"We'll be so happy if you win Shinohara!"

All that egging on wasn't doing a damn thing to sate the little bit of ego stroking I was feeling. True I definitely still had a lot to get used to with the IS, well, moreso the kind of abilities my NEXT has, but I was confident in my piloting skills. And since I was using Line Ark more, giving it more time to adapt to my personality, however the hell that even works, should definitely be a big help to me in that regard.

A few more girls then came into the group as well. By now I was pretty used to this happening while we were chatting in class. It still kinda surprises me how much girls like getting in on chatter like this.

"Good luck Shinohara!"

"Yeah, I'm with Oriumura, free desserts!"

"You've got a pretty good shot if anything. Aside from the other boys, if they're even the Class reps, only class 4's representative has a personal unit."


That was next to all I could say on the matter. There's just some information you won't know until you're actually confronted by it, so hey, anything could happen. At that same moment, my phone went off. Checking the item as discreetly as I could, it was a message from Travis. What was it now?

-Hey bro, warning you now, there's some new girl who just barged in and asked me where to find you. You didn't ever have a crazy stalker in the past, did you? Just… just to ask.-

What is he on about?

"That intel is outdated!"

The door flew open with a crash to it, but despite it I felt a smirk come to my face. I know damn well who that voice belongs to!

"Class 2 also has a rep with a personal unit now. You won't have such an easy time winning!"

A girl was standing in the doorway, her arms crossed, and her presence only got my to snicker.

"Rin? What on earth are you doing here?"

"Yep! I'm China's RC, Lingyin Huang, and I've come here to declare war!"

Those bouncy black twin tails and that thin smile earned a laugh from me. God her posturing is funny!

"Ahahha, come on Rin! Acting all dramatic like that doesn't suit you at all!"

"Wh… are you trying to wind me up or something?!"

Finally she was talking normally. Can't say I'm a fan of that kind of speech patterns.

"Rin!" Madoka however, proceeded to jump from her chair and nearly tackle Rin to the floor, the other girl yelping but proceeding to laugh, "It's so good to see you!"

"Ahaha, it's good to see you too Madoka! It really has been a year huh?" Rin said, Madoka snickering as the two bumped fists, "Hmm? Wow, you really are starting to look like Chifuyu!"

"Yeah not to sure how to feel about it. Ichika says I have her glare now."

Ah and there's the girl I know! Nice to see Madoka relaxing a bit. Though also not that Ichika is lying about that glare of hers… it's damn identical.




Rin was hit square on the head with an attendance book, and Madoka was quick to retreat to her chair. The unforgiving shatterer of skulls and dreams, our demonic homeroom teacher herself, has finally arrived.

"Short homeroom has started. Go back to your classroom." Curt and cold as ever, Rin looked back at Chifuyu as she held the smoking spot on her head.


"Call me Orimura-sensei here. Now move. You're blocking the doorway."


Rin shuffled out of the way, Chifuyu-nee entering with a small sigh. Rin's face was one of clear fear as well. She'd never been that good at handling Chifuyu-nee as it stood… she hid behind me and Madoka a lot whenever she showed up back during middle school.

"I'll be back! Don't you run away Aiden!"

-Why would I have any reason to run? You're like an aggressive hamster!

"I said go back." Barked Chifuyu, Rin cowering away.


And with that Rin fled towards class 2. Yeup, that's Rin for ya'.

Hmm, but why is she here? Unlike Madoka she never expressed a lot of interest in the IS back then. Maybe she's doing that whole reinventing thing some people do once they get to high school? Yeah, that sounds like something Rin might do. Or maybe she's just showing off. Who knows?

"Never figured her to be an IS pilot. First time I heard of it." I just had to blurt that out, because I saw Madoka bring a hand to her face.

I've messed up.

"Huhh?! You know her Shinohara?!"

"From where? How!?"

Like gunfire going off, other girls in the class expressed their shock, and a stolen glance at Houki showed her staring almost incredulously, and I just sighed again.

-Good grief…

"She's a friend from middle school alright? Can we calm down?"


And like it's own chorus of gunfire, Chifuyu-nee's attendance book silenced the roaring crowd as a few of us, me included, got smacked by it. I take full blame for this one.

-Still… that makes three of my old friends who are attending this school now. Heh, life can be pretty strange.

Just another day of studying at ISA.

-So now Rin is here too. And she's also an RC…

Madoka pressed her pencil up against her lower lip as she thought, giving a hum as she folded her other arm under her chest. She stole a glance over to Houki to see that her other childhood friend was stealing looks at Aiden whenever she could. To which Madoka just sighed.

-She's being paranoid… well, not that I'll deny that bit about Rin… though Aiden was a bit dense during middle school… though we were young back then. Really who could actually expect anyone to get that when they're barely even fourteen? Though I did kinda spell it out to him at one point...

Madoka liked to believe herself as logical in her thought processes. Sure she could have the occasional impulsive reaction where she didn't think before she acted, but most of the time she considered herself calm of mind. Besides, she knew Rin pretty well, not like she was worried over anything.

On the contrary she couldn't help but smile a bit at the fact another good friend of hers had shown up at ISA.

-So let's see, that's Aiden and Rin who have personal units. If I had to guess Tabane could be producing some top of the line IS unit particularly for Houki just because she can… wherever Tabane is hiding out that is. I wonder though… how much longer am I gonna have to keep you a secret?

Madoka tugged at her collar a bit, looking down, her eyes tracing down a thin, blue chain running over her pale skin. The chain came to an end near the base of her collar bone, where it connected to a white, blue accented pendant with an angular shape to it, a small seam running across the center of a golden line dividing the item into two parts, a faint blue glow coming from it.

She was the only one who knew this wasn't just some fancy looking keepsake item. Well, besides Chifuyu anyway. But that was the thing… she had to keep it a secret, at least for now.

-I wonder what'd happen… because the minute I use you, things'll be just as crazy as when people found out there are boys who can use the IS.

"Finally lunch break is here! What's the special huh?"

"No clue… you do have our funds right?"

"Course I do. I've been reliable with anything remotely similar to money since I was ten!"

Class had finally released for lunch break, to me thankfulness. Chifuyu-nee had been relentless with her textbook due to the mess caused by Rin's appearance causing a storm in the class room, and I could still feel Houki glaring at me since she'd gotten whapped a few times herself. The thing is though, spacing out in front of Chifuyu-nee is like painting yourself red and then running in front of a bullet, you're just asking for it by that point… though bulls are actually somewhat colorblind, but you get the idea.

"Houki, you comin' with us?" Madoka called out, Houki sighing and standing up as we left the class.

"Sure, I guess so." Houki muttered still glaring holes into the back of my head.

"Why're you mad?" I asked.

"I'm not mad."

"Really? Then why're you trying to burn holes into my skull eh?"

"S-Shut up…"

A few other members of the class joined our merry trio on the way there, a simple conversation being struck all the way there. I went for a bowl of ramen quite a bit bigger than what was usually served. Houki went for fish and rice, her usual favorite. Hoku picked out the udon and fried tofu. I kinda wanted to tell both to try new things, but, I'm more than a bit of a glutton. I'm the kind of person who piles plate after plate at the buffet, so I have no space to talk at all here.

"I was waiting for you, Aiden!"

Rin popped out in front of us and blocked the path, her own tray of food in her hands. I'd shortened her name to Rin for about as long as I could remember. I didn't actually have a problem saying her actual name, Lingyin, but I like Rin better. It was short and snappy, and she seemed to like it plenty, so there was never an argument over it. Recognizing her had been all too easy, since like Madoka it's barely been over a year since we last saw each other. Still, she's always had her hair in those twin tails of hers. Heh, seems there's two of my old friends who don't change their hairstyle at all.

"Nice to see you too. But you're kind of blocking the traffic Rin. So mind moving out of the way?"

"I-I know that! Shut it!"

Her tray had a bowl of ramen on it like mine did. Though like the other two, that was Rin's typical food choice, as memory served.

"So, just how long have you been waiting?" I asked, Madoka poking her head out from behind me, Rin's face going red as she turned around.

"Long enough! Seriously couldn't you two have gotten here faster?"

"Well I'm not a psychic, how would I have known?"

Rin's face got red as my remark got through, the line progressing along. She'd always kinda been like that though. The type to be a tad annoying, but I find it oddly endearing… probably because she made it easy for me to deliver comebacks like I tend to.

"Still, a year huh? How've you been?" I asked, Rin humming, then giving a snicker.

"I could ask you that. You must be going nuts, getting to live in Shibuya huh?"

"Ahehehe, well, I won't lie. Being in even closer proximity to Akihabara is nice."

Madoka gave a snicker at my return comment as well. And with a small ding to it, our own orders finally came on out. Ahhh, the nice smell of the soup, noodles, and meat mixing together was enough to make my mouth start to water!

"Well, that table is empty, let's go!" Madoka said, stomping ahead with a bit more energy to her steps. I think the fact we managed to find a table while amid a herd of 10+ people is something kind of astounding, even as we sat down in the clear spot, though for whatever reason it ended up being just me, Madoka, Houki, and Rin, and I caught the latter two glancing at each other with small glares every few seconds.

"So, why did you wanna come back to Japan, Rin?" I asked, breaking the chopsticks I had with a smooth motion, "I mean, China can't be all bad is it?"

"Yeah and how's your mom doing?" Madoka asked, Rin waving a hand as she let out a comedic sigh.

"Ahh, so many questions! Come on we just ran into each other, slow down a bit will ya?" Rin's attempt at some overly confident tone was more amusing than anything, Madoka snickering to herself as she got to eating. "But I've got some too! How come you can use an IS huh? I heard the rumors, but I didn't think it was true!"

"I uh… actually don't know why. At all." I answered, blowing on the noodles I had pulled up so far. "It's just something that kinda happened, and now here I am."

"I think it'll be a mystery for the ages. I mean guys have always been able to test but none ever hit the required C rating before." Madoka added, and I nodded as I slurped up my food, "But get this Rin, Aiden has an S+ rating, just like me and nee-san do!"

"What?!" Rin yelped, and I was a bit worried she'd snap her chopsticks in two from her sudden grip on them.

"Aiden, Madoka, how do you know this girl?" Houki spoke up, Madoka and I looking at each other, then noticing the eyes from the others who'd followed us turned as well.

"I said it in class didn't I? Rin is a friend of ours from middle school." I answered, Madoka nodding.

"Yeup. See, when your family moved away in fourth grade, Rin's family moved in at the beginning of fifth grade." Madoka explained, ever the helpful one, "During eighth grade she moved back to China, and Aiden moved to Shibuya. We're basically all meeting up here again after a year. What a world huh Houki?"

"Ah come one you make it sound so simple." Rin remarked. This actually made me remember the obvious fact the two didn't really know each other. Hell they'd just missed the other.

"Yeah but we told you about her all the time. Houki's the girl I used to practice kendo with all the time." I said, catching the sudden air of smug pride Houki took on, Rin looking at her as she made a sound, Houki's stare back being just as intense a look.

"Haaah? Well then. Nice to meet you. Hope we can get along."

"Yeah. Same."

-Okay even I can see those greetings were forced. At least try to be friendly will ya?

I swear I was seeing sparks flashing between the two girls eyes. If my reading experience, which I don't understand why I'm even referencing it right now, is anything to go by… geez what have I honestly gotten myself into. Do I really have to be in this kind of situation? I'm not so dense I can't catch this… maybe I'm wrong though. Maybe it's just the sparks of an honest rivalry.

-Let's hope this doesn't jinx my sorry ass.

"Hey! Don't forget about me! You're the Chinese RC are you not, LIngyin Huang?" Cecilia chose to butt in at the time. Guess she was tired of watching.

"Who're you?" Blunt as always eh Rin?

"Wh-?! I'm the British RC, Cecilia Alcott! You've never heard of me?!"

"Nope. I don't care about other countries."


Absolutely caught off guard, Cecilia's pride has yet again been shot point blank. I could swear I heard the shotgun blast. She was also turning red in anger. Like a lobster. Shouldn't say that out loud. Maybe I could call Adair over. I can see him and the other guys watching from a couple tables over. Guess this is worth paying attention to.

"J-J-Just so you know, I would never lose to someone like you!"

As fine an attempt at a retort as any Cecilia. Nice try.

"Okay. But if we fight, I'll win. I'm just that good." Rin giggled, Madoka giving a small sigh.

It's just how Rin was. Absolutely brimming with confidence and not afraid to say it. It wasn't even malicious, she was just being honest. Admittedly though I'm not so dumb as to not understand why this attitude of hers riles people up. Even without any kind of malicious intent people still get mad about it. Not that whether it was malicious or not didn't matter. A blow to one's pride is always a hard hit.


"Rin please don't…"

"Y-You're talking big aren't you?!"

Houki had stopped eating, Madoka had a hand to her forehead, and Cecilia looked around ready to slam her bunched fists onto the table. Rin, on the other hand, was calmly eating her ramen like she was the type who wouldn't hurt a fly. I for one had since finished my own meal.

-Though a lot more than a fly was hurt just now. Hah.


If I've somehow got another mind reader it'll be the end of me.

"You're the class rep for class 1, yeah?"

"Uh… yeah. Things happened and, well, here I am."

"Is that so…"

Rin gave a hum as she lifted the bowl to her lips and dowened the broth. For someone about as tiny as Madoka it's astounding she does that. Even though she has a proper spoon for it. She always said it was too girly even for her. I also noticed her glancing at my arm, though probably more so at Line Ark's standby accessory. I'd started wearing the sleeves of my blazer shorter, so it was clearly visible.

"U-Um… I wouldn't mind taking a look at your piloting."

The only thing looking at me at the moment where Rin's eyes, her face turned away from me as she fiddled with one of her pigtails. And her speech had become a tad inarticulate.I'd be lying if I didn't sense a hint of embarrassment coming from her.

"Well, that sounds perf-"

BAM! Houki had slammed her hands on the table and risen to her feet, and again Madoka's face was met with the palm of her hand.

"It's mine and Madoka's job to teach Aiden! He asked us to do it!" Houki objected, earning a sigh from me as my hand met me face. Madoka then proceeded to wave Houki down.

"Whoa whoa, cool off for a second Houki." Madoka said, "Now true, Aiden did ask us to help train him… okay well more like I offered and then we dragged you into it. But, and even if Rin is from another class, another personal IS user helping Aiden practice isn't a bad thing."

-Thank you Madoka for being the logical one.

"Why should we get help from the enemy though?" Houki added.

"Yeah but that just means both would be more aware of each other's moves. It'd be a more evenly set match if they do face each other during the class league." Madoka clarified, Houki sitting down in an almost defeated manner while Rin snickered to herself.

"Even still, we don't need alms from the opponent." Cecilia added. Honestly why was she still here? Not to rag on your Cecilia but you kinda fell out of this conversation a few minutes ago, "Aiden will be taught by somebody else from class 1, is that a problem?"

-You're just saying that because I said I'd get Adair in on the next training session. He's in class 3, so why are you saying this now?!

"I was talking with Aiden. Seriously why are you girls butting in?"

-Dammit Rin that's not the kind of thing you say out loud!

"Rin, cool it." Madoka said, her tone dropping to near Chifuyu-nee levels of cold, "We don't need to start fighting over thing. So, anyway, you gotten any better at cooking so far, Rin?"

"Eh? Of course I have! You and Aiden would both know since you ate at my place all the time."

Ah, right. Rin's family used to run a Chinese restaurant back when she lived in town. The building is probably renovated into something else by now or maybe it's just sitting there, heck if I know. But since I hung out with the Orimuras a lot, I also got dragged around into antics caused by Madoka all the time. Cooking was a big thing to both siblings since Chifuyu-nee, their primary caretaker, was out so often. Ichika's a good cook but sometimes it would just be a hassle so they'd eat out, and I'd regularly be pulled along for the ride.

It just so happened a nearby daily special restaurant we visited one time was the one Rin's family was running. We were in the same class at the time so we recognized each other near instantly, though this was a time Rin and I actually didn't get along that well, mostly thanks to her personality. But, since I started dropping by pretty regularly, since my own folks tended to be equally busy at times, things smoothed out and we became better friends over time.

-Now that I think about it, it was the same way with Houki. We used to butt heads a lot when we were kids, though I was kind of a brat at that age, so it was kind of my fault too.

"Wait what?" Houki, obviously out of the loop, was looking between Madoka and I with a raised brow, and I sighed a bit in response.

"Okay, when she says that, the thing is, Rin's family ran a restaurant we'd stop by all of the time. The food was good, so we went there pretty regularly. It just happened we started hanging out after a while." I clarified, Houki seeming satisfied with the explanation while Madoka nodded in an affirmative of her own. Rin however, suddenly frowned like I'd just stomped on her foot. Don't go and get mad at me for telling the truth!

"So, anyway, Rin, how's your dad doing? I bet those viruses are more terrified of him huh?" I asked, though Rin's suddenly downtrodden look made me feel like I'd stepped on a landmine. Has he gotten worse?

"Oh… yeah, he's doing well… I think."

-Dammit me! Learn some tact!

But the distant look didn't last too long before Rin got herself to perk back up.

"A-Anyway! You've got time after school right? You definitely should. Let's hang out. Remember that restaurant by the station?"

"Uh… yeahhh, that place kinda went under last year." I replied, Rin giving a disappointed sound.

"I see. Well… we can grab something to eat in the cafeteria if you want. We've got some catching up to do."

-Yeah but not much… I spent a lot of time cramming last year so it's not like things were very eventful.

"Well we do need to train for the class league match, but…" Madoka looked particularly to Houki as she spoke. Considering Houki was little miss "Training before all else", this look was well warranted, "A bit of time to relax is always needed. I actually found this awesome sushi place at the mall, so we could head there!"

"Ah, that's perfect!" Rin replied, then chuckling, making a particular show of flicking her right pig tail, showing off a black and magenta bangle on her wrist, "And then we can train later. Besides, since I've got my own unit, I'll be indispensable. What about you Madoka? You're Chifuyu's sister, so I'm sure you had to be a shoo in to get some crazy top of the line prototype too huh?"

"Ahehhe, yeah, well, I don't, actually have one." Madoka remarked, but her delivery was awkward. The kind of delivery one gives when they're trying to deflect a question. Rin does have a point. Being the younger sister of "Brunhilde" herself would've made Madoka a prime candidate for a personal IS user, but I'd never seen any sign that she actually has one, and she's always just used a training unit during practice.

Not even Chifuyu-nee, who I know damn well would be the first person to know about her sister having a personal unit, didn't seem to give any hints about this topic. So either Madoka really doesn't have a personal IS to use… or something else is going on.

"Really? Eh, that's too bad, would've been fun if we could all spar in our own units." Rin said, and she sounded suitably disappointed at the missed prospect. Again though, I caught the way Madoka's left arm was tensing and relaxing, meaning she was doing that thing of hers that she does when she's anxious.

-Something's definitely weird about what she said.

Still, at least this means training from now on might be more interesting to go through. I can scarcely understand what Houki says anyway. Sounds effects don't get the message across you know? At least give me something to work with when we're practicing.

"Aiden what are you thinking?"


Houki narrowed her eyes at me a bit, as if she was sensing the thoughts I was having, though I just passed it over with that curt reply.

"Alright, sounds like a plan!" Rin said, standing up, "I'll see you guys later!"

Rin finished the last of her food and dashed off, leaving our little group to stare back and forth for a few seconds. Didn't even get to give a reply before she ran off. Man things have just gotten even more complicated now.

"Sooo… what's up with this?"

We were in arena three again. I was going to spar with Madoka, with Rin watching on the sidelines since she wanted a better idea of how the two of us pilot before things. Cecilia was here too, but she was off to the side talking with Adair. I'm assuming it's at least about how to make a better image for her melee weapon. But back onto the main topic at hand.

"Wh-Why are you looking at me like that? It can't be that weird." Houki said, and I tilted a hand back and forth.

"No, that's not really the thing, it's just…"

"How did you get permission so fast?!"

"Thank you Madoka."

In lieu of what was said, Houki was standing in front of us in an IS. To be specific, an Uchigane. It's a domestic mass-production model widely used in Japan, it's well balanced and easy to use for beginners, and the main kind of frame-type used by ISA for training. At least according to the manual, since there's a few other types in storage from what I've guessed.

"You both brought me here to help train Aiden, so I might as well use one myself, right?"

"Well that's pretty sound." Madoka answered, putting her arms behind her head.

Of anything, the Uchigane is actually rather fitting on someone like Houki. It's design is akin to that of classic samurai armor. It's basic weapons were a pair of IS sized katanas, which for a kendo practitioner like Houki was perfect. I'd practiced with one myself before my sparring with Cecilia, so I knew how it operated.

"So, as for our question?" Madoka spoke up, "I'd already applied for a training permit from day one to use an Uchigane myself… but, Houki, when did you?"

"Recently. Does it fully matter? I have it to use for now, so that's it." Houki answered, her hand resting on the hilt of the sword at her hip. "Aiden, let's start."

"O-kayyy." I murmured, turning my wrist to deploy my main weapon as Houki drew the katana at her hip with a smooth, practiced motion.

"Actually, if you don't mind, Lady Shinonono, could I perhaps have a go at it with Sir Shinohara first?" Adair lifted a hand as he walked over with Cecilia, Houki raising a brow, but relaxing her stance, and my sword locked back with a loud clank as I did the same, "I understand you and Lady Orimura are Sir Shinohara's main partners. But, not to sound rude, we all know that standard Uchigane is far below his NEXT in terms of performance."

"Your point?" Houki asked, visibly irritated as Adair flicked his fringe.

"I say it would be fitting if our warm ups had, as suggested, me and Sir Shinohara sparring. Our NEXTs should have similar levels of performance, and I admittedly have been looking for a chance to show off my Noblesse Oblige a bit." Adair stated, running a thumb over the yellow gem of the silver ribbon around his wrist, "If you don't mind of course. I'll wait if that's what you wish."

"Ugh, fine." Houki relented and moved back, folding her arms with a small huff, and I turned to Adair as he adjusted his wrist a bit.

"Alright then Sir Shinohara, shall we begin?" Adair asked, and I nodded in response. The British young man then smirked, lifting his arm level to his chest, the gem at the end of the ribbon gleaming, "Arise, Noblesse Oblige!

The call was purely for drama, that was easy enough to tell. With a flare of flame like light and a flash through the air, Adair then stood before us with his NEXT deployed for us all to see. Gleaming silver like a polished knight's armor, that was the best wording I could use to describe it's form. A European knight. And in Adair's hands, on his left arm sat a shield that from what I could tell, had all the possibility of expanding. Gripped in his right hand, and quick to be folded out, was a lance nearly the same size as him, the length of it consisting of a blade that sat below a gun-barrel, making the weapon seem more like a massive rifle. A revolving chamber spun a bit as Adair moved it, the massive rounds in it making feel getting shot by that thing would hurt like hell.

"Ohhh! It's Noblesse!" Appearing in the corner of my vision from the HUD was that darned bunny fairy, who turned to me with a chipper smile. I'd taken to calling her Usagi ever since my match against Cecilia. She tended not to come out much, but when prompted she would. "Master, that NEXT is a close range defense type. So while you'll be fighting in your preferred range, be smart if you want to get hits in!"

"It's just a sparring match, it's not that big of a problem." I replied, swiping out the short sword of the paired blades that made up my secondary weapons, dashing forward as my main sword locked down.

Adair clearly imaged this coming and swung his lance in a wide sweep, which a quick movement and brust of particles brought me over the weapon. The response to my incoming attack from it was for Adair to lift his shield upwards, a shifting coming to it as it energy fanned out from the sides and widened the barrier, stopping both my swords dead, though I was able to keep moving and launch off of the shield to get behind Adair.

My sword went forward to stope, but as the tip came close to Adair's back, he looked back and smirked. Following it, a piece attached to the armor flew off and blocked my incoming blade, expanding into another shield of energy. I chose to retreat rather than try and press the assault, rolling to the side when Adair swung around and fired a shot form his lance, the massive bullet streaking past me and crashing into the barrier.

"Noblesse Oblige may not be an offensive type NEXT like yours, Sir Shinohra." Adair stated, fitting his lance under his arm as he readjusted it, "But it's defensive capabilities are top of the line! Piercing the Noble's Wall defensive system it possesses will be no simple task!"

More of those bits began moving as Adair spoke, floating around him. It didn't take much for me to guess that when combined with the main shield, those bits would form an impregnable wall I definitely did not have the firepower to pierce through on my own.

"Well, I'm not one to believe anything is impregnable y'know? Every bit of armor has its chinks!"

"Hahaha! I like that mindset!" Adair laughed, pointing his lance at me, "Do you wish to test that then? See if your blades can pierce this shield?"

"Worth trying!"

I shot forward again as Adair lifted the barrier, my main sword's tip driving it's way onto the barrier, flashes beginning to spark from the contact area. Almost predictably though, the blade then sharply angled up as it raked along the surface instead of piercing it. Adair then shoved his lance forward with full intent to drive it into my chest. I was able to dodge despite taking a scrape to the side, though surprisingly, that was met with what I could only call a massive steel stake jutting from the sides of the lance. While only my side was hit, the impact sent my reeling back.

I was able to stay standing, but my shields had dropped quite a bit, and I was able to trace the stake to where it had landed on the ground. The thing didn't go far despite barely hitting me, but with how hard it did hit, that means it deploys with a crazy amount of force.

-Yeah probably don't want to get hit by that thing head on. Notes for later.

"Hmm. Line Ark really is a fast unit." Adair hummed, flicking his lance in a manner that ejected the spent shell and loaded another stake into it, "But, good move Sir Shinohara. Even if you couldn't pierce my barrier."

"Yeah… but it does have a weakness. The fact it's open from the back." I remarked, "You may be able to deploy those bits in any direction but that just adds more holes that could be used if you're not paying attention. And forming that Wall just leaves you wide open at the back."

"True. In a one-on-one battle, it would be incredibly hard to get past me. But say if there were more than one person, they'd have an easy time getting behind me." Adair remarked. I was a bit surprised he actually admitted to the weakness of his defense so easily. "Now, since we both seem to have a better idea of how we fight, how much longer do you wish to continue hmm?"

"Adair you said we would spar together though!" Cecilia said, giving a little whine, Adair only chuckling.

"That I did. But at least allow us some fun why not?"

"Well we've got an hour or two to go." I remarked, "And besides, I'm sure you wanna save some tricks for the class league… wait, are you in that?"

"Of course I am. It was a unanimous decision for me to be class rep. Naturally." Adair flicked his bangs as he said so, and it just got an awkward chuckle out of me. I was in the mess I am because Cecilia had to be a challenger and I got confrontational… this smarmy guy had it easy by comparison. "But, yes. There are some things I would like to keep hidden for now. Hmm, maybe I can convince Sir Volkov and Sir Geyong to train with us another time as well."

"Sounds good." I said, turning to Houki, "So, you had some sparring in mind for things yeah?"

"Ahh geez, you two put me through the wringer each time! If it wasn't for my IS I'm not sure I'd be walking!"

"Oh stop complaining, you're tougher than that!"

Houki and I landed at one of the pits, Madoka already up there herself as we dissolved the units, and I put my hands on my knees to be extra sure I wouldn't slip up somehow. Adair had stuck with Cecilia since she still hadn't quite gotten down how to draw her melee weapon.

-Wonder if anything else is gonna be happening. Heh.

Stealing a glance over at Houki, aside from the all too flattering "piloting suits" the girls wear that made Houki's figure way too many kinds of obvious, I couldn't help but admit there was something sexy about her countenance post workout, from the way small drops fell off her long hair and the thin film on her skin.

Contrasting to Madoka who's small size actually kind of belied her own development. I definitely couldn't call her curvy but she wasn't flat either. A lot like her older sister even without definition you could see the finely developed muscles on her frame that actually only helped her own gentle curves show more.

-Again the kind of thoughts I don't want to be making known. Please don't let my nose be bleeding.

Especially because I feel Madoka's gaze on me. She simply went and hopped down from where she was seated and started pushing Houki off.

"We'll go on ahead Aiden. See you back at our room!" Madoka left with that to the fading protests of Houki, and I swear I caught her giving her own hushed complaint. I simply shrugged it off and headed into the locker room located at this pit. Considering the time I was likely alone so I could probably get away with taking a shower here.

"Ahhh. All things considered I'm actually not as tired as I complained about."

Sure I was pretty sore but moving wasn't a problem. And if I was gonna shower here might as well just grab my things out of the locker to keep nearby.

"Hey! Aiden!"

The door slid open to reveal Rin's presence. Just as I was about to start taking this darn suit off… thankfully though, I started wearing undergarments that go with it.

"Hey. So, what'd ya' think of things huh? I don't have a lot of practice so I doubt I'm as good as you though." I said, Rin snickering, pulling her arms out from behind her back, holding out a towel and a bottle.

"Course that's how it is. Still, you're pretty good for a newbie. And here, I figured you'd want these."

"Ah, thanks."

I don't really like the feeling of sweat on my face all things considered, especially with the length of my hair, sweat just makes it stick in annoying places that I have to regularly adjust.

"Though I guess all of Madoka's kendo training has made it easy for you to use swords huh?" Rin remarked, and I shrugging as I pulled the bottle away from my lips. Bless the people who invented sports drinks, cause these help big time after a lot of exertion.

"Yeah, though I'm still getting used to Line Ark's main sword." I swung my right arm a bit to demonstrate what I meant, "It has that straight position, but then it can lock outwards into a more typical hold. Flipping between both is still kind of awkward for me."

"Ah. Yeah, getting used to a new weapon can be strange." Rin added, and for a oment I swear her eyes were moving up and down over me like she was scanning… probably didn't help my case I'd undone my suit and wrapping the sleeves around my waist, would it? Not that I was shirtless though. Damn thing chafes in some spots so I took to wearing a skintight exercise shirt beneath it. "So, hey, Aiden… did you miss me after I moved… okay, well, you moved away too so, I guess you missed all of us back from middle school huh?"

"Hm? Yeah, kind of." I said, sitting down on the bench, "Not being able to see my friends that often was kinda disheartening at first. And I was so damn busy cramming all year I didn't really make a lot of time to make new friends in school. Sure, there's this circle I hung out with in Akiba every now and then so, guess it counts. Heh, those guys lost their damn minds when they learned I was going to ISA after that whole mess went down a couple months ago."

"You always did hang out with weird people."

-Believe me, my new pals among the guys are just as weird as everyone else I know.

I glanced over at Rin to find her looking at me the way somebody looks at something they understand entirely. Was she always that cute looking, or did her time in China do her some kind of good?

"But, that's not what I really meant." Rin added, tilting her head to the side a bit.

"Then what did you mean?"

-Context! I don't get what you mean without context! I'm not an idiot but some things don't immediately click with me dammit!

"Oh come on you know!"

"No. I don't."

Rin made a noise as her expression somehow became a tad darker, and I sighed a bit, checking my phone for the time.

"Hmm… I was just gonna shower here, but Madoka could be done by now so I should be safe."


"Oh right. Well, see, things were pretty hectic when I enrolled so I kinda of ended up being put into the same room as Madoka at the dorms."

"Madoka's your roommate!? Tch, that just makes things harder, I can't get through her that easily… ahh, and dammit she's my best friend! It'd be easy if I didn't know her!" Rin put her hands on her head as she gave a small yell of frustration, which only got me to raise a brow.

"Uh… Rin? There a problem?" I was about to say more, but then a thought made me pause. I could say what I planned to, which was, to effect, "I'm okay with it because we're childhood friends," but I just had the sneaking suspicion that would trigger something else. I don't like subtext because I just miss the context half the time. But I'm also not such an idiot I'm blind to the fact Rin's had a crush on me since our second year of middle school. We were, and kind of still are, dumb kids, so it flew over my head back then until Madoka flat out told me herself. Romance was just never, and still isn't much of, a priority for me as it stands anyway.

That and maybe the year apart just made her ditch that stupid crush and go for something else… but if recent times have been an answer I'm very, very likely wrong about that.

And in no way sure how to feel about that at all. Don't get me wrong Rin is cute and all… but so are Madoka and Houki… but again, do I really need to concern myself with romance right now? That just makes things bothersome, especially in my case!

"Ah, no, nothing, nothing at all." Rin sighed like she'd just been defeated in a sparring match. Considering she was thinking on Madoka, I didn't have to guess much. If Rin was a hamster, then Madoka was a cat who could easily bat her around like a toy if she wanted to. For all I know she could do it without an IS.

And then an idea came to mind…

"So, remember how you said you declared war on class 1 today?" I said, Rin looking at me as I snickered, "I'll take that offer. If we face each other in the class league in a month, then let's make it a good fight!"

"Totally! And the winner gets to ask the loser to do one thing!" Rin said, getting giddy at the idea, then she stretched out a hand, "Shake on it!"

"Hehe, alright, game on then." I said, the two of us shaking hands before slapping our palms together and fist bumping, "Winner take all, and the loser can't back out!"

"You're on Aiden!"

"Well that went better than I was worried it could've."

I chuckled to myself as I pushed open the door to the dorm room, my stuff slung over my shoulder since I still had yet to shower. Though, before I could, Madoka spun one of the desk chairs around and looked at me with a small smirk.

"What's with the face?"

"Oh just this." Madoka said, flipping out a small letter, "The match ups for the interclass tournament."

"They already sent those out?" I asked, Madoka nodding. I set my things down to the side and took the letter, pulling the flap open.

"And guess who you're fighting in round one?"

I glanced at Madoka as she snickered while she spun her chair, pulling the document out. My eyes scanned across the matchups, seeing Adair's and Lyev's names on the list, and so was Eun's. And as for me…

"Round 1… Shinohara Aiden versus… Huang Lingyin." I said, a small little smirk coming to my face, "Well that's not ironic at all."

"Nope! Hehehe, time to work your ass off during training pretty boy!"


And so ends another day of learning at ISA. Just my rotten luck.


And now we have the fourth chapter here and out! Finally eh? Hehe... oh man the next one is going to be a FUN ONE with how it'll go about. Please review if y'will, and I'll answer whatever questions you've got through PMs. See ya next time!