House on madness hill

Danny Phantom Fanfiction
Danny phantom and all its characters belong to Butch Hartman
This is a work of fiction hope you all like

Chapter One

The madhouse

It was a wonderful Saturday evening, the sunshine brightly above the very few clouds that roam on top of a large and dense forest near Amity park, the whole town of Amity Park was well known for its supposedly real ghost inhabitants though of course, no one could ever prove them to be real.

From the thick bushes three yellow school buses came up from the beaten-up dirt road, soon a group of teenage explorers crawls out been led by a balding overweight teacher, who wore brown pants and a black jacket with a blue shirt despite the sunny day.

Behind the man was his class followed by two more classes, one lead by a woman who answer to the name of miss Bridgett she was the model teacher of Casper high though not for her academic records more likely for her long blonde hair, enlarge breast and pronounce rear, many times she had been told not only by the school faculty but also by the student's parents to dress more modestly, yet to this day she still wears almost skin-tight mini dresses and high heels on a daily routine, nevertheless her class had the highest attendance record even on her optional lectures.

The other class was let by one Mr. Appleton, unlike Bridgett he was a small man with thick glasses, bucktooth, there wasn't a single day he didn't wear a brown checkered vest, he didn't command any sort of respect from his students, not even from his peers, perhaps not even from himself.

The students soon found themselves at the gates of a large old abandoned building, the place nearly five stories high, it had lost all the painting it once held with pride, the walls and windows had vines growing all over it, the doors had been vandalizing with graffiti. From the main door came out a young brown-haired woman in a semi-casual suit, she greeted mister Lancer as she presented herself as their tour guide, behind her was a tall white-haired man whom mister Lancer immediately recognized.

- "Listen up, everyone! We are at Ravenhill mental institution; This is Vlad Masters; he is the curator for Amity Park museum!"- said Lancer as he steps aside so the curator could now speak.

"Good evening everyone, as your teacher said, my name is Vlad Master and I'm the curator for Amity Park museum as you all know the museum took control of Ravenhill some twenty years ago and I'm sure you're all very eager to know more of this all institution…. or perhaps not," said the man as he looks at uninterested and bored stares of the kids.

- "This lovely lady is miss Amanda Appleton and she will be your guide..."- said Vlad he led Amanda to tell the tragic history of the asylum while he headed back inside the building not wanting to deal with selfish teens.

The place was founded in the late 1800s but stop functioning around the 1940s due to many irregularities, nevertheless in recent years it had become a must-see for all schools in Amity Park mostly for the lack of large touristic places or historical sites, there was, of course, some historical value to the building itself but when put to vote between Ravenhill and the local museum, the students almost unanimously chose Ravenhill, mostly for its haunting rumors about ghosts.

Lancer didn't like the idea of coming to such a place mostly for it been run down but even he understood the historical value the asylum had, not to mention it closeness to Amity Park forest and the rather strange fondness it had over the young population of Amity.

Located at almost 25 miles within the forest in a semi-high hill Ravenhill was undeniably quite the sight even from the city yet it hardly had any visitors at all aside from the local vagabonds and the wannabe gangsters. As the guide kept on talking about the history of the asylum almost no students were paying any attention, all but one young goth girl dress in a black tank top and checkered skirt, she, unlike her peers, listen to every word with almost fanatical attention.

- "Hey Sam, tell me again how did you convince me to came along... we're not in the same class or even in the same year"- said a pretty redhead as she looks over her phone.

- "Come Jazz this is gonna be amazing!"- replied the goth.

Those two girls were quite the sight to see, on one side was Jazz, the model student of Casper High, top of her class, teacher's pet, had more than one trophy on math, literature and sciences all proudly place on a display window next to the main hallway just a few steps away from the principal's office, on the other hand was Sam the ultra-recycle vegetarian who care more for the world than her grades hence the reason they met.

Sam's mother had requested a tutor for her daughter and Jazz's name came highly recommended, curiously the two bonded almost immediately and made friends despite the two years gap in between them as well as the notable differences in attitudes and common taste.

Finally, miss Amanda had finished her speech about Ravenhill and began to split the classes into smaller groups, Jazz and a few senior students had been called upon to help organize the field trip, been Jazz after all a model student had the honor of personally helping mister Lancer organized everything, of course, he thought the girl had the respect of the other students due to her high grades and the such, and that would make it easier for her to deal with, oh how wrong was he.

As they came to cross the main gate, two rent-a-cops where waiting for the tour group as they enter into the main hall, once inside they were met with a huge living room, old dusty couches were placed against the walls, a few more in the middle with a coffee table needless to say all in heinous conditions, at the far end were two large staircases leading to the upper floor, in between was a large desk with an antique typewriter where at least five more guides where getting ready to lead the field trip.

The tour started obviously on the ground floor, from where the students were taken to see where the showers and the dining hall as well as the offices for all the staff where, the guide explained how the asylums operated though of course, many students started to wander off even though they had been assigned into small groups to avoid this, leaving the overweight teacher to fetch them all.

Miss Bridgette was standing on the door frame while her students were roaming about in the offices, as the guide talks about the asylum, she just like them was all bored out of their minds as they just randomly look at old stuff. Sam's group had gone from the first to the second floor looking at the abandoned rooms, some kids took photos while other play on their phones without caring for what the tour guide said about the institution.

- "So, is there any place in this dump that isn't boring?"- questioned a young tan girl.

- "Just because this isn't one of those shallow hotspots you go to Paulina, it doesn't mean it's boring"- replied Sam as both girls glare at each other.

The tour went on as plan but of course no one wanted to continue with the exception of the goth girl, even her friend Jazz was bored with the tour and uninteresting monologue the guides gave out, it was clear even they would prefer to be elsewhere than wasting their Saturday in this place.

- "Miss, we were already here…"- said one the students as another wearing a leather jacket follow with, "say, where did they put the really violent maniacs?"

Such a question made everyone including Sam to start asking the same to their guide who at the start didn't want to tell, but after much insisting gave into the kid's pleas, with certain regret she led the teens into the basement.

Sam's heart shiver with excitement as she and her peers venture into the basement, she had long to come to Ravenhill since she had started school, soon the whole class was in the basement thought creepier and somewhat scarier than the floors above it was still just an old abandoned building with nothing mystical or paranormal.

Most students were actually expecting bloodstain walls and chains inside the cells but there were only cushion wall rooms, there were no chains or blood, not even scratches on the metal doors, most rooms had been turned into storage for furniture and bed frames.

The basement in question was slightly dark and had a humid smell in the air, it houses many crates, old beds, and even some statues, it was far from a terrifying room, it was a simple storage for old garbage, not even the school junkies were interested in stealing anything to trade for weed.

- "We only been here for little more than a couple of hours, but it's kinda getting boring"- said Sam clearly disappointed.

It was rumor that Ravenhill was haunted by all kinds of ghosts and spirits that some adventurers had to disappear within its walls but now that she was here, the goth couldn't feel anything paranormal or remotely frightening, no feeling of been observe, no shadows lurking around the corners not even some random teen doing a stupid prank to lighten the mood, Jazz could see the disappointment in her young friend but she couldn't find any proper words to improve her mood.

- "Cheer up Sam, ghosts don't come out during the day"- said Jazz trying to put a smile on her friend.

She knew just how much the goth wanted to come to Ravenhill, but the distance in between the city and the asylum was vast not to mention that the forest was well known for having fearsome wolfs, due to humans constantly taking land from them and cutting their food supply, most carnivores had made household pets and in some occasions humans as their main meals, the reason Sam couldn't venture at night in her scooter.

- "Well, this is a waste of time!"- suddenly bark Paulina Sanchez, the school cheerleader captain.

The Latin girl was a well know beauty in the entire school there wasn't a single boy who wasn't in love with her or to the very least had one or two adult-rated fantasies about her, all too soon the tan girl was face to face with Sam, as she blames the goth for the boring field trip.

The two girls quickly started to trade insulates, one harsher than the previous, it had reached the point where all class had gathered to watch them exchange verbal blows at each other, Jazz was forced to intervene as to avoid any more problems since both girls were dangerously close to each other.

- "You need your friend here to stand up for you, bitch!"- yelled out Paulina

Though it was true that Sam had insisted, nearly beg to mister Lancer to approve this field trip, been him the school vice-principal he had the final say in where they would have the field trip, though the excursion all in all wasn't boring it was just that Paulina had insisted on going to the waterfalls that curiously had a resort nearby, although both the waterfalls and the resort were much farther away.

- "I don't need anyone to stand up for me, shallow tramp!"- replied Sam in the same defying attitude.

- "That's it you're done, bitch!"- continued Paulina as she charges against Sam pushing Jazz aside.

Rather than stopping the fight, the students started pulling out their phone to record the ongoing catfight, Paulina pull Sam by the hair while the goth actually started to punch the tan girl in the ribs as hard she could, without a second thought Jazz jump over the tan girl trying to force to free her friend, some of the guy's cheer and howl as they saw how Jazz had tried to put Paulina in a chokehold in order to free Sam.

The cheering and the groaning immediately call out to mister Lancer who rushed over to the ongoing fight. - "The Lord of the Rings, what is going on here?!"- question the man terrified as he saw the two girls fighting while Jazz had finally put Paulina in a neck hold.

- "That's enough!"- yelled the man as he too tries to separate the girls.

With a strong kick Paulina pushes Sam against a stone statue, everyone went quiet as the tall sculpture started to rock side to side, as the heavy object was about to fall on the goth, Jazz threw the tan girl to the side and sprint over to the rescue, thinking quickly the redhead jump, twirl and roundhouse kick the statue with all her might, slamming it against the wall.

Both Sam and Paulina as well as all the students were left dumbfounded and clearly impressed by this display of martial arts that Jazz had shown, everyone including her teachers thought she was a simple book worm some more even consider her a nerd and yet she just gave a flying roundhouse kick to a stone statue.

- "Are you ok Sam?"- questioned the redhead teen as she picks her friend up.

- "Yeah"- replied the goth more stun by the flying kick than the fight with Paulina.

One of the students suddenly said something that caught the girls of guard, "there are some stairs here," everyone with the exception of mister Lancer went over there, the man had to make sure Sam was indeed alright, after a quick check he determine she wasn't hurt nor was Paulina who had left to check out the newly found stairs.

- "So, where were you?" said the man in slightly annoyed to the tour guide.

- "Bathroom break…"- replied the woman as she too headed over the newly found stairs.

He too had to leave the girls since his students were going down the stairs even though he had ordered them to stay in place. - "Come on girls"- invited Lancer as he didn't want to leave the two of them alone.

They slowly walk down the dark stairway, as Lancer carefully step down, he recalls when he assigned Jazz to be Sam tutor, the two girls grew increasingly close, perhaps it was because both girls were only children, if he didn't know any better, he could easily confuse them with sisters.

The stairs went on almost as if they never end Lancer wonder just how deep it went, but it soon reaches the ground, the moment they step inside the new basement, mister Lancer, Jazz, and Sam were left astonish as they stood in a room made with stone, the roof was abnormally high as it went up to the very least thirty meters, all the students were forced to use their phones flashlights due to the immense darkness.

The walls and columns all made with stone, each one delicately placed, even though the floor seems to have been polished recently some weed had started to grow in between, the whole class was left in sheer awe for they had never been in such a wondrous room.

- "I found a diamond man, I'm gonna be rich!"- said a jock as one of the geeky kids told him he found a groove that matches the diamonds shape perfectly.

The player didn't want to put his treasure inside but, in the end,, he was convince by Dash Baxter the school quarterback to put the diamond inside the groove, the moment he did the whole room was suddenly illuminated, now they could see everything as clear as day despite been underground, there were three arc doors, one to the left, another to the right and finally one in front.

Everyone was stun at the walls as they had all kinds of carvings, some representing battles between medieval knights against strange legless creatures that flew above them, some other pictures show said "demons" terrorizing villages with their unholy powers.

- "Hey guys check this out"- said a young dark skin boy with a red beret.

Jazz and Sam walk closer to a huge stone arc that opens the way to another room, upon the arc were strange words written in a language that perhaps no one had spoken in many centuries. All the teens look at them for a moment before going inside, once again ignoring mister Lancer who orders them to go back upstairs.

- "Jazz there's a plaque here"- said Sam as she read it out loud, - "This is the gate to the Land of the Dead"-

Everyone suddenly said "wow" things had finally improved even Lancer was excited by this discovery, once he reported back with Amity Park museum he would be famous though to be fair he wasn't the one who found the hidden chamber and would most likely have to embellish the story as to how they had found it in the first place. His eyes couldn't believe what he was seeing, a large circular arc with more strange words place written on it placed in the middle of the room.

The photos and selfies had started almost as if it were a race, each teen took turns to take a picture at the "gate," even Sam and Jazz took a selfie meanwhile Lancer and a couple of more student were examining the eerie carvings on the wall next the guide who had to discover there was no phone signal, some other kids had gathered at a corner near a pedestal close to the entrance.

- "Maybe it'll work with this?"- said the boy with the red beret as he handed over a star-shaped crystal.

With smiles on their faces, the kids put the crystal inside the groove but nothing happened, they started to move it around trying to make it work, but still to no avail. Jazz scoff at the kids as she turns her attention back to the arc and her friend.

- "Sam your nose is bleeding"- said the redhead as she notices her slight hemorrhage.

The goth quickly put her hand over it, she was too impressed with the finding that she hadn't noticed she had started to bleed, the girls laugh for a moment as to deescalated the situation, "damn piece of shit!"- said one of the boys all of a sudden as he tosses the crystal unknowingly towards Sam.

With fast reflexes, the goth caught the crystal with her bloodstain hand and threw it back as she insulated the jock who carelessly had almost injured her. The dark skin boy wearing a beret tried to catch the crystal yet he started to jiggle it for he could not hold the object, rather than helping the teen, the kids around him started to laugh while some had started to film him with their phones.

It was an almost comical scene, though the moment he catches the crystal he accidentally put back in the groove, everyone's laughter died down once the device turns on, the stone arc started to glow but did nothing, the two other rooms turn on as well.

- "Uh, mister Lancer could you come here for a moment?" said a boy from one of the other rooms.

The overweight teacher rush towards where his students had gathered, his surprise was grand for the room was actually a holding cell, beyond the iron bars were dozens of corpses all wearing the institution's patients' uniforms. Each of the bodies was almost mummified, all pile up just the Nazis pile their victims during the war, for once the kids obey the man as he instructed them to step outside the cell room.

- "Mister Lancer you really gotta come over here now!"- said another student as he grabs the man by the hand and forces him to follow.

The man and boy both hurried over to where the others had called him, there were already about twenty students gathered around, each and everyone watching with hard detainment. Soon Sam and Jazz join up leaving behind the "gate," - "War of the Worlds... just what is this? - said and question the man as he too came closer.

Just before him, was a large translucent egg shape container, place on a tall pedestal, the object filled with a strange liquid in order to preserve its content, as the man came closer he saw a young boy in a fetal position resting within the egg.

Lancer slowly and carefully put his hand on the glass, upon doing this he found out there was no glass. There was absolutely nothing keeping the liquid nor the person in its place, even with today's technology it was simply impossible to do something remotely close to this and yet he was seeing it with his own two eyes, the teenagers started to take pictures of the egg-like container, it just so bizarre and unnatural.

- "There's a chart here"- said Sam as she began reading the piece of paper.

Daniel F.

Age 14

Admitted: 02 November 1928

Note: The experiment has been a huge success; all other subjects have been ended up dead but Danny has been a success. Soon we'll...

The rest of the chart was missing, Lancer and the other students wonder what kind of experiments were being conducted in this unholy place, it had been little less than a hundred years since the kid was put inside the egg and yet he seems as if he had just been put there this very morning, Jazz had started to dig up inside a desk on the far corner of the room, there she found a notebook, on the corner of the hardcover, read "Dr. Bradley."

Everyone looks at her waiting for the girl to start reading out loud, though before she could start to read another student rush in yelling, "mister Lancer, Dash, and Kwan are playing with some generator thing!" the man hastily rushes out the room going back to where the gate was. As he reenters the room, his horror came true, upon hearing the words "I got it."

The machine started to work, soon the floor glow in a strange neon green light and the carve words on the wall did the same, all the students had once again gathered at the gate, they all watch in horror as the "gate" began to create a white energy wall within itself, every kid watch in sheer awe expecting it to show the so-called "Land of the dead" but it remains as a glowing white wall.

The tour guide Amanda walk closer to the gate while everyone including mister Lancer watch in full attention not wanting to miss out on a single second, the moment she put her hand on the energy wall she had her hand zap by it, - "Some gate it turned out to be" said the woman as she turned around and told the kids that it was impossible to cross, as she steps away from the device she continues with "turn it off."

The eyes of all widen as a large black tentacle slowly came out from the gate, some kids tried to warn Amanda of the imminent danger she was in but due to fear they couldn't utter a single word, all they could do was point out to the creature.

The woman slowly turns around, fear overwhelm her as the monster started to wrap the tentacle around her waist, she could feel the tight grip crushing her ribs, unable to scream for help Amanda was soon being pull inside the gate.

- "Turn it off now!" ordered Jazz as she lunges over Amanda trying her best to pull out of the monster's deadly grip.

Her strength wasn't enough to save the tour guide, even after Dash, Kwan, and Lancer, all took hold of the woman as she started to spit blood, her eyes fill with terror she had never once felt before, the monster from beyond the gate easily pull Amanda from the heroic grip of the teens and the teacher yet Jazz once more charge in to save the woman, she tightly held onto her hand, their eyes met and the redhead could now see how the guide's eyes dilated while she gave her last breath.

- "It doesn't turn off!"- yelled out the boy with the red beret as he presses random buttons.

Jazz watch in horror as five more tentacles came out from within the gate while the first one drag Amanda's lifeless body inside, her legs suddenly lost all strength as she fell to ground completely at the mercy of the beast, the terrifying appendage rose above her head, but Jazz was quickly pulled away by Sam who desperately drags her to the main entrance.

Within seconds all the five tentacles had one teen in its deadly grip, but rather than dragging them into the gate, it only squishes the life out of them.

Lancer quickly move over to the generator only to discover that half of the machine is buried within the stone wall, unable to find the off button or the energy cables, the man found himself in a dire situation as he turns to screams of his students, some brave boys and girls were desperately trying to free their friends from the monster's grip. Lancer began kicking the device hopeful of opening it, as he kicks and pulls, he could hear the most horrible sentence ever.

"Carly got pulled in the gate!" yelled out one of the girls.

More terrified than before Lancer manages to break open the generator and quickly started to rip out the cables without caring if he would be electrocuted, as he pulls out the last cable, the gate began to falter and slowly begins to close.

All present could now see how the gate cut off the tentacles freeing the capture students, Jazz turn over to her fellow teens, some were crying as they tried to pull themselves together.

"Johnny wake up man! Don't do this to me!"- said a jock wearing a black leather jacket as he tried to revive his fallen friend.

The teacher fell to his knees as he lay his eyes on two dead kids, slowly he moves his eyes over to gate as he whispers "Carly," the girl that pulled into the land of the dead along with Amanda the tour guide, Lancer couldn't believe what just happened, and he had seen it with his own to eyes.

Many were crying their eyes out while some more were desperately trying to call for their parents, but no one could get a signal from within so deep inside, little by little they started to gather where mister Lancer was trying to recover from this mess, as he lifted his head the teens started to bombarded him with questions and begging him to do something to save Carly.

It was the first time the man found himself without answers, he understood that something needed to be done but what, he was way over his head after all he just saw a giant tentacle monster take two girls to another world while leaving two more dead. Never before had he been in a situation so dire as this, nevertheless it was his duty to guide his class back to safety.

"This is all your fault, goth bitch!"- recriminated Paulina as she pointed over to Sam.

"How is it my fault, shallow tramp!"- retorted Sam.

"Shut up!" yelled Lancer forcing the girls to close their mouths.

Everyone was scared but none more so than the dark skin boy with the red beret, it didn't take long before someone else pointed over to him, "It's Tuckers fault this happened, if he didn't mess with the crystal thing none of this would have happened," he felt like trash, he unwillingly causes the death of four persons all because he wanted to see if the machine work.

"Stop that!"- yelled a girl making everyone turn around into the main entry, "mister Lancer came here!"

Without a moment pause they all ran out to where the girl was screaming, as they enter into the room with the egg-like container, to the horror of all they saw another student tampering with a second generator, Dash and Kwan ran over to the kids tackling him into the ground.

"What the hell are you doing?!" questioned Dash.

The slim teen wiggles his way out of the jocks grip and rushes over to wall groove pushing the crystal further inside in hopes it would activate the machine once more. Lines on the floor began to glow in a neon green light, going to cell rooms and into the gate room, his smile was long and wide.

"Why are you doing this Peter"- questioned the girl as Dash pick up the teen from his shirt and slam him against the wall next to the groove.

"It took my sister; I have to save her!" replied Peter.

Without warning a powerful electric discharge occurred within the cell room, followed by a silence almost like a graveyard, strange growls were heard all of the sudden, making some of the teens including Jazz and Sam to go investigate, leaving their teacher behind, they follow the odd sounds into the cell room.

Their eyes widen in an unnatural manner as they lay witness to next most insane thing imaginable, just before they lock within the cage were the walking, moving corpse of the former asylum patients.

-"Are those zombies?" questioned one of the kids

-"Don't know"- replied another.

Jazz look closer to these undead creatures, aside from their patient's outfits they all had brown leather collars with a circular crystal in the middle, it had an eerie green glow to it, the red hair teen began looking around the cell and notice strange symbols on the ceiling and the floor.

"We woke them up when the generator was activated,"- said Jazz almost as a whisper having concluded the obvious.

Back in the room with second generator and "egg," mister Lancer was desperately trying to deactivated the machine while ignoring the beating Peter was getting by Dash, Kwan and two more jocks as a small group led by Paulina cheer the ongoing thrashing, the overweight teacher found out the hard way that it was impossible to remove the crystal from groove as it gave a powerful shock.

"That's enough," said the man as he walks out of the room dragging poor Peter as he begs to save his sister.

Lancer wasn't a heartless man but he knew that the girl was dead and to somehow reactive the gate would be suicide since the monster could come back, he had to harden his heart as to not break down due to kid's pleas and cries, it was only natural that he wanted to save his sister, the man started to call out for all his students, not really caring for the growls and the hideous moans in the following room, after a quick headcount the man orders everyone to go back upstairs, the kids were now unusually obedient.

One by one the teens started to ascend the stairs, their faces fill with dread, Lancer force the crying boy to follow the others after making the empty promise of somehow saving Carly though both knew it was impossible, the man turns around to see the mess that had just taken place, he could see the body of one of his students laying on the floor.

"Sorry this happened," said Jazz as Sam stood a few steps away, "get going" replied the man.

Though before she could twist her feet, the unimaginable occurred the gate had reactivated, Peter quickly passes by Lancer and Jazz as he screams, "its Carly she's coming back," Lancer look terrified as his students rush towards the gate in hopes of saving his sister.

Without listing to reason the boy jump inside the white light, the teacher could only watch with his mouth open, another child had just been added to the dead list.

The undeniable sound of an iron door slamming on the floor pulls Lancer from his trance as both Jazz and Sam took hold of him by the hand, the sound of heavy footsteps and eerie growling soon follow.

"let's go, the zombies are coming!"- said Sam.

"The what?"- questioned the overweight teacher.

His answer came running to him in the form of dozens of undead people, all growling and shrieking, fear overwhelms him as he ran faster than he had ever run before, the two girls hastily ran up the stairs as they took turns in yelling "the zombies are coming!" All the kids began to run as fast as they could once they heard a warning, some were cruel enough to push down the slower kids in their attempt to save their own lives.

The girls drawn in fear had unknowingly started to climb on top of some of their peers, they could hear the screams of pains done by those that had been taken by the undead monstrosities, without stopping for anything Jazz and Sam rush to the ground floor, but as they reach the main lobby they met with another dreaded surprise.

Just in front of them was a man dress as an antique surgeon, in his right hand was a long rusty axe, in his other hand was the fat head of the guard while behind him was his mutilated body, with a yell more like shriek the mad surgeon lunge himself towards the girls, missing both by just mere inches. Afraid as she was, Jazz pulls Sam up the stairs as the rest of the students came into the lobby, they could hear more screams.

The first floor wasn't any better, all around were kids running and screaming as people dress like old doctors and nurses attack the teenagers with scalpels and surgical saws, "come on Sam" said Jazz as they took refuge inside one of the offices.

"Jazz, this is a stupid hiding place"- said the girl begrudging the idea of hiding in a closet while they listen to scream just outside the hallway.

Today ninety students, three teachers, and twenty parents marched inside Ravenhill mental institution for a field trip unaware of the horrors that awaited them, how many will come out?

To be continued.