Hey guys! What's up? Here is chapter 5 Part 1 (There will be 8 parts)! It is now after finals (2 weeks before start of fall semester)!

DISCLAIMER: I did it once, go look at previous chapters.

Extra side note: Go check out savannahamminga. Her stories are super awesome!

Hope yall enjoy! Dragonic Morph!

Hey People - Point of View for main character of chapter, talking to readers or Author narrating something.

"Heyyyy People" - Eavesdropping

"Hey People" - Villains' Monologue/Villain's talking

"Hey People" - Dragonic Fury Rangers Talking to each other over coms

"Hey People" - Everyone talking to each other

Previously on Power Rangers: Dragonic Fury:

Our nine heroes/heroines had their first morphs into the Dragonic Fury Rangers. Doing so they proceeded to gain the advantage on Zeltrax and Goldar, and sent them and their cannon-fodder packing. They proceeded to then take off, only to return a few minutes later and help Hailey clean up outside her café and in it as well. After that they all took off, heading home, not knowing that Hailey already knew their secret, but believing in them and vowing not to tell.

-THIS TIME (Mainly Danny's POV for this one)-

Danny, Eliana, and Yumi had hopped into Danny's car, as Alejandro grabbed his motorcycle, Mal and Shaun hopping in with Feng, Katt, and Horus in Katt's car. All nine took off in their own directions, the two who were driving cars dropping people off as they went. Eventually getting home Danny parks his car out front, grabbing his bag out of the backseat as he heads for the house.

He locks his car, and unlocks the house, heading inside. "I'm home! Anyone here?" Danny shouts, listening for a response.

A voice further in the house calls back "In the kitchen!" Danny sets his bag down, as well as slides off his shoes heading further into the house, wandering into the kitchen and seeing cookies on the counter. Standing in front of the oven was a tall man, tanned skin, short spiky blackish-brown hair, and brown eyes. That man just so happened to be Danny's dad Tommy Scott nee Oliver.

Danny went to snatch a cookie as Tommy turned around. "Hands off Daniel. You know those are for later." Tommy says with a smile on his face. "But dad!" and there was the teenage whine. "No buts young man. Cookie down, and go get ready for dinner. Your father will be home in a few." Tommy says with a soft chuckle as he reaches over and ruffles his son's hair. "Yes sir." comes the reply.

Danny bolts for the stairs, grabbing his bag and shoes on the way to his room, while he hears some clanks, as well as a car pulling up. Knowing who it was he put away his shoes, and rested his bag on his desk chair. He hoped neither had seen the news or heard anything about what happened at his Aunt Hailey's or else they were going to needlessly worry, and he hated worrying them. His parents could be so troublesome, but they were his.

Hearing a voice shouting for him to come down for dinner, he gets off his bed and jumps onto the railing sliding down it. Wandering into the dining room he goes for some plates to put out, smiling slightly at seeing his parents. His father was rarely home, and when he was, his dad usually wasn't. One being a paramedic and the other a paleontologist made it so Danny rarely saw both his parents. His father had dark brown hair that was more wavy, darker brown eyes than his dad, and was pretty tall like his dad. Danny's father was Jason Lee Scott.

Smiling slightly brighter Danny goes to help put out the food while his parents handle the rest of it, and all three sit down to eat, laughing, talking, and overall just spending time together.

Tommy smiles at the two before saying "Did you both see the news today? Apparently Hailey's was under attack and there is now a new team of Rangers." Danny jerks his head up "Actually Yu, Eliana, and I were all at Aunt Hailey's when the attack happened. The new Rangers looked pretty cool." Both jerk their head over to their son knowing he was okay, but hearing that had them scared. "I'm fine," comes Danny's response "Seriously. Aunt Hailey handled any injuries anyone might have gotten." Both breathe a sigh of relief and nod, before Tommy speaks up again "So what do you guys think?" Danny snickers "I think they have nothing on the other Rangers." All three laugh as they finish dinner, do dishes, and end up with all three going to bed.

Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter. Its just a little slice of life Ill be doing every so often for the 9 different rangers. This particular one will run 8 parts. When I do these they will be more like fillers than anything while I work on the next actual chapter.