Precious Stones

It was so cold, way too cold for him to be losing his temper and storming off. Oh well. What was done was done, he may as well enjoy this walk. Something cold and wet landed on his beak. He crossed his eyes to glare at the offensive snowflake as it melted against his warm skin. "At least it ain't coming down har." he grumbled. As if to mock him the snow began to fall thicker and faster. He sneered, "Mother nature's twisted sense of humor folks.". Suddenly his thoughts were interupted as laughter peirced the snow and cold air. Curious now, he moved in the direction it was comeing from untill he came to a small clearing. In the middle of the clearing a girl was spinning in the snow with her head thrown back and her tounge stuck out. She looked silly, but was oblivious to anyone watching her. She seemed to be so happy and he couldn't help but laugh at her.

The girl stopped spinning and shook her head a little to clear up the fuzzy look. She looked at him and smiled. "Are you laughing at me?" she asked with a giggle.

"Sorry", he replied, "I couldn't help it. You have to admit you look a little wierd spinning in circles in the middle of central park while it's snowing."

"Hmmmmm. Well, I guess you locals are used to snow, but me, I've never been in snow before. I just thought as long as no one was around to call the men in the little white jackets, I may as well have some fun."

He arched an eyeridge at her. "Do you know what time at night it is? Didn't where ever you're from warn you what a dangerous place New York was at night? After all that's when all the freaks come out". He informed her.

"Well then I supose it's a good thing you happened along to warn me. So are you a freak?" she shot back.

He laughed she had spunk and attitude. "Yeah, I think it's only fair to warn you I am a mutant ninja." He purposely left off turtle.

"A mutant and a ninja, huh? Now that's impressive. Well, since you warned me It's only fair that I warn you. I'm actually not just another tourist, I'm not even from earth. I am actually sort of on the run from some pretty mean.....people, and I thought to myself 'Hey, you haven't been to New York yet, why not?!" she smiled at him.

He laughed. She looked at him seriously and frowned "You thought I was joking?" She asked him, looking a little miffed. "Well yeah." he replied, a little confused.

"I know you weren't." she stated flatly as she turned and started to walk out of the park.

"Hey, wait a minute! What do you mean you know I wasn't joking!?" He yelled, jogging a bit to catch up to her. She slowed her pace and let him come up next to her.

"Just what I said. I wasn't going to start looking for you guys till tomorrow, but you saved e some time. Good thing I decided to take a walk after all."She replied winking at him as they exited the park. "A friend told me to come find you if I was ever in trouble, and in the area."

"Well in that case!" He blurted as he threw his armes up in the air in frustration.

She laughed at him, then stopped under a street light. He stopped too. He was about to ask her another question, when she quickly reached up and snached the fadorah off his head. "Hey! What do you think you're doing? Are you crazy!?" he yelled, just as quickly snaching it back and replacing it on his head. He quickly looked around. When he was satisfied that no one had seen it, he turned back to the girl and glared at her.

She just laughed and said "Oh get over it, Rapheal, I just wanted to see who you were, since you mad no move to inroduce yourself." she playfully pulled to cap down over his still glaring eyes. "Ok, Ok! If I promise to be good do you promise to stope glaring at me?! You're starting to give me the creeps!" she finally relented afre a couple minutes of silence. "So will you guys help me?"

Raph thought for a minute. "Tell me your name and let's go talk to Splinter. Don't you have a heavier jacket, you're going to freeze out here!?"

"My name is.......Hope, and you may be right. I might just have to pick up some heavier clothes while I'm here."

"Come on let's go before you get a cold or something. That's the last thing I need is a sick kid on my hands." Raph replied, turning and starting to walk in the direction of a manhole cover not too far away.

"I'm not a kid!" she grumbled at him as she followed close behind.