Disclaimer: I do not own Disney's Gargoyles

Betaed by: Zim'smostloyalservant and Trackula

Chapter 8

Being Chimera

It was a beautiful day in Manhattan. This was the kind of weather used to attract tourists, with the city bustling and the various realities and cliches of the Big Apple on display. In the midst of this grand yet routine movement, no one paid mind to a red-haired woman in a light blue business suit making her way along the sidewalk.

She would, if observed, be easily pegged for a new arrival, a tourist, or someone here in pleasure. The way she looked around, then try and pass it off as nothing. A certain air of nervousness that clung to her as she stroked her fine clothes as if they had come out of sorts in the last minute. Though the fact she was clearly not used to walking in high heels would raise an eyebrow or two.

Finally, trying to conceal an exasperated sigh, she ducked off the street, into a small diner. Ignoring the "wait to be seated" sign, she went to the nearest empty booth and sat down. The staff noticed, but rolled with it, perhaps guessing from her attire she might be good for a great tip if they gave her good service. As the woman massaged her temples, they cleared the dishes and wiped the table off from the previous occupants.

Soon enough, they took her order, the waitress bringing her coffee while the cook went to work on her meal.

'This is a trifling ordeal. I will master this,' Demona told herself internally as she sipped her coffee and waited for her cheeseburger.

The diner was filling up now with the lunch rush. So many humans…

Despite knowing she looked perfectly human, her instincts kept making her jerk, unable to fully drop the certainty she would be attacked any moment. The ancient gargoyle in disguise was glad of the foresight to grab a booth rather than bar-stool.

Shoulders rigid, she stirred her coffee, giving her hands something to do.

As loathsome as this human skin was, she'd be a fool not to make use of it. She had spent the better part of a millennium having to hide herself. Business conducted by voice, out of sight, or through letters. Then telephone and most recently email. There had been some allies, like Xanatos, that she had no choice but to reveal herself to… but since the destruction of her second clan, she had lived with a degree of separation between herself and other beings as the norm.

When Goliath and the clan awoke, it had been almost intoxicating; even the slightest physical contact that was not aggressive, to be looked at like… But it hadn't lasted. They were too unchanged, blind to the harsh reality her long life had made clear to her. They had chosen to cast her out rather than embrace the truth. They had chosen to be her enemies, and pretending otherwise was folly.

Blinking, she noted her… aggressive stirring had left more coffee outside her cup than in it.

"Let me get that for ya, hon," Demona's glare snapped to the middle-aged waitress holding a washcloth. The woman looked stunned, but then cleaned up the mess and refilled the coffee cup.

Demona never took her eyes off the woman even as her meal was put on the table.

'This will take some training. To act naturally among these monsters,' she admitted, taking a bite out of the large sandwich. After a moment of chewing she paused, eyes narrowing.

"Needs ketchup," she said, grabbing the red bottle.


"Derek's quite upset," Xanatos said, standing and looking out over the city through his office window wall. Cranley narrowed her bloodshot eyes behind her glasses; the bright sunny day shining in was not helping her mood.

"I'm not a therapist," she said flatly.

"I should hope not, with your charming bedside manner," the rich man said.

"So why is his attitude my problem?" she demanded calmly. Xanatos turned, giving her a serious look.

"Because you're the one he is angry at. He was quite insistent on seeing you. I told him you were already occupied and that it would be best to delay a confrontation until he can get his head in order. But only a delay; you will need to face him soon enough."

"What's he so upset about?" a baffled Cranley asked.

"He tells me you told him only a third of the participants in Phase 2 would die, the others being failures or becoming Chimera. Yet out of our pool, only six have survived as Chimera, and the number of fatalities has greatly exceeded a third. Not even close."

"I gave three possible outcomes. I never told him it would be an even split."

"True, I gave him your projected numbers when he came to me. He wonders why you didn't share that information much sooner. Why he was telling those people their odds were so much better than they actually were," Xanatos explained, turning his back on the city to face her.

"Well, he could have asked for confirmation," Cranley pointed out.

"Or you could have corrected him. Or are you going to tell me you never realized the misconception he was operating under?" Xanatos asked, raising an eyebrow slightly.

"…It gave us a sufficient pool for the Legacy Project to continue. Had he told them the true odds, we may have not gotten so many volunteers."

"And Derek Maza's trust in me would not have been shaken. Right when I am counting on him to instill in the new Chimeras loyalty to me and trust that Xanatos Enterprises is their best possible home now. The Legacy Project is mine, Doctor. I will not have my control slip over petty matters. You will reconcile with Derek, and show remorse. Even if it must be faked," Xanatos commanded.

"…Thailog's physical therapy?" Cranley groaned.

"Delegate," Xanatos stated, gesturing for her to go.

"They were already dying, what difference does it even-" Cranley went on.

"Doctor, I strongly advise you refrain from that line of reasoning when dealing with Derek Maza. He's not so different from his sister when it comes to values as that, but his temper is rather more… savage," Xanatos advised, giving a small smile.


Derek Maza was not the type to get stage fright; as a cop you had to be ready to be put on the spot. But public speaking wasn't something he had much experience with. And now in the next room were Klaus, Frank, and the… survivors. They were stable now, and cleared by the doctors; even Alexis. And Mr. Xanatos had made it clear he was expecting Derek to be taking point representing the group. If they were rookies, he was the sergeant or something.

He had a few minutes left before the meeting was scheduled to begin, so he sat down at the coffee table in the room he was in and looked over the summary in the front of the dossier.

Of course there were Klaus and Frank out there. Frank was being his usual self, and to Derek's surprise making a move on the women. Didn't that man have any sense?

First up was Anna, the former Israeli soldier he had made an acquaintance of. She seemed quite… upbeat. She had gotten the lioness form she wanted, more solidly built than Reed it seemed, and her face more clearly set apart by a more prominent nose. She was chomping at the bit to spar and train; apparently she wanted to be badass again as soon as possible.

The twins, Carlos and Dante, more lions, age twelve. They had been brought in by their father, an immigrant widower named Enrique who had thrown away all his hard-earned prosperity at one crackpot treatment after another, rejecting the medical community telling him his sons couldn't be saved. The man seemed more overwhelmed and confused now having gotten his wish, while the boys were just happy to be healthier than they had been in years.

Derek dreaded when those boys realized what they had to given up would set in. At least he'd been able to hold an awkward conversation with their father. The man had been thrilled to discover Derek was an ex-cop — with all the secrecy, he'd been starting to worry he might have gotten his family mixed up in something bad.

Caroline, age 18, cougar. A lightweight, all things considered, but a big bad attitude. A ward of the system, she'd already served a term in juvenile detention. Nothing too violent, mostly theft, vandalism, and self-destructive behavior. She seemed… interested in Claw since the transformation. The only person she was showing any respect to was Xanatos, saying he was the one paying for the party.

Giorgios, age 33, career cook turned tiger Chimera. Derek had no problems with the tiger man, who seemed mostly glad to have escaped his fate and was trying to keep the group from getting out of hand. Had an interest in getting back to a kitchen, and was adamant he was not a Greek food cook, preferring barbecue and French.

And then there was Alexis, who seemed to have calmed down enough that the doctors had let them out.

So, counting him, that made nine.

"Alright, Derek, you know them, you've talked with all of them one on one; just address them as a group."

Getting up, he took a deep breath, crossed the room, and opened the door. Everyone was seated except for Alexis, who was standing in the corner, wings and striped tiger back to Derek.

Derek cleared his throat.

"Well, hope everyone is doing alright. I would like to open the floor to questions," Derek began.

A paper ball hit him in the face.

"What? I submitted my questions in writing," Frank chuckled, leaning toward Anna, who shoved him back and off his chair.

"I have been asking for access to a kitchen, any progress there?" Giorgios said, raising his hand like he was in a class.

"I want to go outside!" Carlos said.

"When do we get to fly?!" Dante asked, hand up.

"I need cigarettes!" Caroline demanded.

"Playing hard to get, huh?" Frank said to Anna, getting back in his chair, smiling.

"This could take awhile," Derek remarked, as Caroline chucked two paper balls at him, both falling short.

"More pamphlets! I want to bounce one off his nose," the young Chimera said, looking around.

"Kid, I think I may fancy the cut of your jib," Frank chuckled.

"Back off, Grandpa, I had my fill of guys like you in high school," Caroline said to the other cougar.

"Grandpa?! How old do you think I am?" Frank demanded, getting to his feet.

"Can we please-" Derek tried to speak over them.

"Hey, how about some education," Anna called, "Anatomy! Take it off, big guy!"

"Oh yeah!" Caroline shouted, pumping a fist.

"What?! Be serious!" the sole human present shouted, getting out of his chair.

Derek facepalmed, then another paper ball hit him.

"Carlos!" Enrique snapped.

"What? Everyone's doing it," the Chimera boy defended himself.


Maggie was not sulking. Yes, she was sitting on the couch more decisively than usual, and her hands were folded firmly in her lap while her ears were pressed down. And maybe she had hissed a bit. But she was not sulking.

She was just a bit upset. And she wasn't the only one, the trio and Elisa making their own objections clear.

"This. Is. Stupid," Maggie said finally. That quieted everyone down, except for Hudson, who had been quietly sitting in his chair, channel surfing. Which was not annoying her at all!

"Maggie?" Brooklyn said uncertainly. Maggie glared over her shoulder at them. What, she couldn't be upset too?

"Xanatos' wedding? You as best man? Goliath, I'm not sure I'm even angry, because I'm so confused why you would do something so stupid as saying yes to this," Maggie said. Goliath seemed the least surprised by her low but harsh words and answered evenly.

"It is as I have said. Xanatos has a certain twisted honor. I do not believe he would invite me in poor faith. And if there is some scheme, I would rather face it head on."

"Well, I suppose you have the final word," Maggie snapped. Turning her face back forward, she defiantly grabbed the newspaper and unfolded it, pretending to care about the business section.

She didn't lower it until Goliath had left. And heard Brooklyn remark to one of the others, "Never heard Maggie talk to Goliath like that. He really upset her."

"She's worried, and I can't blame her. This whole thing is shady, and Goliath going along with it the shadiest bit," Broadway answered.

"I'm sure he'll be fine, lass. Some things, just have to play out in their time," Hudson said.


"Magic," Thailog said, red eye alight with interest as a strange ball of fire whisked the wedding party out of sight. He stood looking over the bank of monitors in a surveillance room, Doctor Cranley watching in his shadow.

The doctor smiled at his expression, his tone. So new, and yet his mind was not so much maturing as it was flexing, feeling out its limits. Like his magnificent body, it was already so powerful, just needing to be put through its paces.

While he was respectful to her and Mr. Xanatos, it was not a servile deference. Another woman might have felt some maternal feeling over the being she had helped bring into the world, but she knew that was not even close to what she felt. Truthfully, she had granted his request to watch the wedding so she could monitor him outside the normal zone of his activity.

Naturally, he was curious about Goliath. Even though, as she told him, Goliath was an inferior version of him, his desire for more worthy company than the staff was understandable. He had declined to mingle with the Chimera, while still fascinated by them. He had been so complimentary of her work! Earnest appreciation was to be cherished, she admitted. Especially coming from someone superior to the usual budget holders and such.

Legacy had been stumbling, she still needed to mend fences properly with Maza; entirely his fault, but Mr. Xanatos was being unreasonable. But Thailog, his perfection was vindication. From his voice to posture to his magnificently powerful body, he was an ubermensch. And no one, including him, knew he was all hers.

Thailog, raising an eyebrow at the wedding party returning in mere seconds with entirely different attire, did not see the blush-framed smile on the doctor's face as she watched him.


Goliath was sulking, though Maggie would not say it to his face.

Last night's wedding… she had heard some details from Hudson, of all people, and taken her own look at the fantasy section's own flux capacitor. Really, she needed to work on her not being surprised. Why wouldn't there be time travel? When were the alien invaders due? Or would the aliens be nice and bring them space candy? No, with their luck, they'd be flesh-melting conquerors.

Goliath had volunteered to guard the tower tonight, never a good sign. Maggie had opted to delay her solo patrol, and no one had questioned it.

Maggie jumped off the ground and flapped carefully, navigating the interior of the tower to land on the catwalk connecting to the stairs Goliath was sitting on, reading a thick book.

"You've improved. Your flight may tire you much quicker in a matter of endurance, but a gargoyle's gliding can't compare to your versatility," Golitah said, not turning from his book. Maggie's cheeks heated up at the praise, but she forced her focus into place.

"Thanks, I've had good teachers. But I came here to talk about you. How are you doing?" Maggie asked.

"It seems destiny can't be changed. Even the power of the Third Race must bow before the march of time and history. Whatever happened to us, it cannot be altered or edited however much we wish it so. I suppose I should be grateful that means even men like Xanatos can only do so much," Goliath mused, closing the book.

Dropping down and walking over on her pads, Maggie looked over her shoulder, taking in his stoic expression.

"I agree, it's better it can't be changed. For starters, it means it can't get worse. And even more, it means someone can't try and change it to what they think is better. I could just see someone altering history again and again, trying to create their version of the perfect timeline. Or a bunch of people fighting each other trying to tug destiny from each other's hands as they try and 'fix' things. No, it's better that we have to accept the past as is. That means we can focus on the present and future," Maggie said.

Goliath sighed but nodded. Maggie considered leaving it at that after-episode lesson, but sadly decided the band-aid needed to be ripped off.

"That's not it, though, is it? Or at least, all of it. Demona, right?" Maggie asked reluctantly.

"…I was there with her. The gargoyle I loved, for all her flaws, was a good woman and honorable warrior. As righteous and intimidating as an angel. And with Demona there, I can see not just the connection, the seed that was in her even then, but also how far apart they are. Demona is not my Angel of the Night, merely the ruin of her after a millennium of hate destroyed that gargoyle. I lost her again, Maggie. She was right there, just like Coldstone and my rookery sister. My clan, my responsibility as leader, and I seem to fail them, one after another when they needed me," Goliath confessed.

He wasn't crying, but he sounded so tired. She wondered if gargoyles ever slept like others or if they only did it with stone sleep. Shoving that idle thought aside, Maggie put a hand on his huge shoulder, the wing draped over it feeling pleasant under her chimera hand.

After awhile he reopened his book, and she excused herself to patrol.

"Goliath! I know I may not help much, but you've not failed me as my leader. Or the others — your clan is still here," Maggie called to him from the exit before beating a hasty retreat, face warm at the corny line. A mugger would be welcome after that, she thought.


Derek sized up his opponent as they circled. He was still stinging from the opening blows, a reminder not to underestimate her. But her posture gave away what her face hid; she was still uncertain. She knew what she wanted, but there was still disconnect between the knowledge of skill and reflex.

He attacked, and while her counter was solid, he saw it coming. Soon enough, Anna was pinned on the ground, Derek's claws gripping her and his higher weight helping to hold her in place.

"Better, good match," Derek said. He wasn't even breathing harder; he'd never been a slouch, but before that would have left him feeling the burn.

"Hmph, don't get a big head, Maza. As a human and healthy, I'd give you a run for your money. Once I get the hang of this body, you'll be on the bottom every time," the ex-soldier griped as Derek let her up.

"We'll see," he chuckled. Watching her go to a water cooler against the gym wall, Derek had to wonder though. Would her skill set be so transferable? He'd been confident in his physical skills, but a lot of that was power. He'd been strong, fast, and with good reflexes; the mutation had amped those up for him, but would more complex skill sets be transferable with how different these bodies were?

Still, she seemed determined, he admitted as she filled a paper cup. It was funny — she was a lioness, but so different from Reed he'd never mistake them. Even at a glance, her tail for one…

"Hey! I'm next, Casanova," Caroline said. The puma girl, her somewhat hair-shaped head fur seeming to stand on end, jumped into his line of sight.

"Huh?" Derek said dumbly, glancing to Giorgios, who was doing stretches Derek had demonstrated earlier. The older man gave a shrug at the teen's antics.

"Regular tomcat, eh? Guess I'll need to be locking my door," she huffed.

"What? That's ridiculous," Derek huffed.

"Oh, you just studying her anatomy, trying to read her 'fighter potential' in her butt?" the girl cackled.

"She's a cat," Derek said flatly.

"And that means what, exactly? So are you," Anna called. When Derek looked back to her, she did nothing to conceal looking Derek over, a "catty" grin splitting her face.

"Ugh," Caroline said. She walked off to where Klaus was doing reps with Enrique, wearing a jogging suit, spotting him.

"Derek, don't let them fluster you so easily," Giorgios said, stepping onto the mat. Derek shook his head and turned to face the tall lion. Giorgios was less bulky than the other Chimera men, but he had more than half a head on Derek himself. The oddly full mane made it seem like even more. Still, Derek was keeping himself from shaking his head at all the flaws in the guy's form. Clearly, he'd never learned much about fighting.

"I know, wasn't planning on having kids anytime soon, so guess I haven't read up on it enough."

"I always hoped to have them before now, but there was always another hurdle I wanted to clear before presuming to provide for two and then more. Then, after learning my days were numbered…" Giorgios said. He lashed out at Derek, stronger than he looked, good speed. But it was broadcast as loud as some sugary cereal commercial.

"Well, eventually they'll have a way for you to live without this horror show, just be patient," Derek said, letting the other man disengage.

"Well, I can't say a lifetime of wondering if I'd get hair balls is what I had in mind. But I don't see any reason to wait to live just because of this," the cook said, gesturing to himself. Derek paused at that, then scowled.

He tore through the other Chimera's defense, sending him to the pad, blinking in a daze.

"Don't settle easily, complacency won't make you good at this," Derek told Giorgios.

He went to the now unattended water cooler, hearing but not paying attention as Frank walked up, offering a hand.

"Ah yes, the boy scout's temper. Perfectly civil till you say or do anything to cross his weird lines. I'm more hands off myself, ya know. Better things to do than get offended for stuff not my business," the chuckling cougar said as he offered the lion a hand up.

Derek frowned a bit, watching Frank help the cook up, but dismissed it. Next, watching Anna now correcting the twins as they went through a routine. Enrique was off to the side, watching Caroline, having taken his place spotting for Klaus. And Frank seemed to be showing some kind of choke hold to Giorgios now?

Weird times, Derek thought, walking out of the gym.


Enrique Garcia was trying hard to enjoy the ribs he had been served.

He was seated at one of the tables in the secure dining area of Site B. The room was far larger than before; he figured it could comfortably serve at least a hundred people, yet it was only him and the Chimera gathered at a few round tables situated by the door and open counter to the kitchen.

This time, the kitchen had been taken over by Giorgios. Enrique supposed it was good, but frankly he felt the cook Xanatos had provided had been better. But he knew from experience how sensitive people could be over their crafts.

And that brought up the notion on when or if he'd ever get back to being a nurse. His career had fallen apart in depression and desperation. And more recently, Dr. Cranley had bluntly refused him taking any role in the medical side of the operation. It hadn't mattered before — seeing his boys safely through this had been all that mattered. But now that they were safe, now what?

Watching them wolf down the food in front of them, he was relieved he felt no disconnect with how different they looked now. Looking at them, he still saw his boys, and now able to act on the desires to be up and about, experiencing the world at they wanted… Provided that world was in a secure facility, he thought.

Taking a bite from a biscuit, he glanced around and spotted the camera watching them.

He was no fool; this was not just for free. But still, what price tag could he have put on his boys having a future?

No, he shouldn't be paranoid. This was America, and Mr. Xanatos was a man of high standing. Life wasn't the X-Files. Officer Maza had assured him this was secret for necessity, not shadiness. Trusting Mr. Xanatos had saved both his boys' lives, what place did he have asking doubts like an ingrate?

Still, he thought, as the lioness regaled the boys wth stories of her training in Israel, it would be nice if he knew a bit more about these people. He did not have a good feeling about Frank; he'd known too many people with that thin charm and a thug's mind.

'If they'd just give me a job or something… This free time, my mind makes mountains out of molehills, just like Sarah used to say,' he thought.

He jumped as Claus put a tray down heavily at the spot to his right. That got everyone's attention as the mute tiger sat down, eyes wider than normal and being choppy in bitting into his meat.

Enrique glanced to where Claus had been sitting before. The table was vacant except for Caroline, who looked quite put out.

"Still not taking your silent 'no's for an answer, is she?" Anna teased. Claus nodded and gestured to his- oh.

"Uh, you want me to say something to her, big guy?" Enrique asked. The morose look and shake of the head was not a good sign.

"Might be best to give a taste, maybe she'll get bored and move on. Or you might like it," Anna chuckled. Enrique frowned.

"One, not in front of the kids, and two, that is terrible advice. She needs to back off," Enrique said sternly. His "fatherly" tone made the boys lose their grins, but the Chimera woman just smiled wider.

"I know a thing or two about women, señor, and that one won't take a talking too well. And frankly, Claus here isn't the type to stand up for himself. So it's more a question of when she rolls him over."

She shrugged as if it was no big deal, and when she got up Enrique quickly changed the subject to the coming up flight exercise. Claus, for his part, ate in silence, glancing to where the young female Chimera was watching him, chin resting in her palms.


Alexis watched the clock move, flexing their toes, claws they wondered. They had set the clock right, but what point was there in getting out of bed? If it was an issue, someone would come and make an issue of it.

The Chimera rolled to stare up at the ceiling. Was this real? It seemed too absurd one night, then seemed too horrid to be a nightmare. Perhaps it was Hell instead, or madness. The whole Legacy Project seemed something out of a TV show.

But if you are living in a delusion, wasn't it better to go with it and live the best deluded life you could? If it didn't matter in a world where only you were real, was there such a thing as morality? Had there ever been such a thing?

The bed was wrecked again, oh, and parts of the mirror were stuck in the left hand. Or claw?

"Funny how painful pain can be?" Alexis remarked, plucking a chunk out and licking the wound.

Sandpaper tongue, ugh.

"Oh, hello, woke up on the wrong side of the bed," Alexis remarked as the steel door slid open, revealing the doctor behind two of the body armored grunts with guns at the ready.

"Subdue," the Doctor commanded. Two darts were fired, Alexis growled with acceptance, and they hit the chest.

"Stupid bitch," Alexis growled, pulling the darts out. Honestly, did they just fire where they looked? And who stole their pajamas? Oh wait, those got burned to cinders yesterday, or was it Monday? When had the panther given his speech?

"Doc, I think you got your dosage wrong, I'm still…" Alexis remarked, before the next steps sent the floor up to smack them in the nose.

"Get a gurney, Mr. Xanatos wants answers," the Doc ordered.

"Well, I'd say it's pretty clear why he's messed up, he didn't sign up for that kind of change," a man said.

"You're not qualified to offer an opinion," Dr. Cranley answered, sounding like they were right overhead.

Alexis tried to tell them to be quiet, he was trying to sleep, hoping he'd wake up and be back to dying in hospital bed when things made sense. All that came out, though, was a gurgle and some really stinky saliva.


Demona laid in the, until recently, ornamental bed in her mansion. Staring at the canopy and wondering if beds had an expiration date; this one, she thought, she had gotten in the 70s.

As much a blessing as not being vulnerable in her stone form was, and as much work as she could get done with this vile human body, it had presented her with a new problem she was having to address.

"Go to sleep!" she commanded her body. Bloodshot bag-marked eyes screwed shut as she grabbed a pillow and slammed it on her face. After a moment, she let her hand fall and huffed through the pillow.

"If humans can master this falling asleep, so will I!"

"…Maybe I should order some of those sleep aid pills. I need to be fresh for what is coming," she admitted, pillow still resting on her face.


The Wizard of Oz movie had been a lie, Caroline had realized some years ago. She had never understood why in stories where kids went to other worlds and did great things and became heroes, they would want to come home. The world was more horrible than any wicked witch, dragon, or dark lord. Those were things you could get rid of, and in those worlds things got better when you did.

The real world, though, didn't have horrible things in it, it simply was horrible, and the good things often did little more than let you realize how bad everything else was. Traditional was tyrannical, and progress was just the next group of tyrants giving themselves a pat on the back as they rolled out their own decrees on who and what you should be.

No one who mattered got to power by being so stupid as to care about other people for their own sakes. The best you could do was back a contender who would value you as a tool that they would look after, and maybe even feel some obligation to after you were no longer useful.

Derek was not someone who mattered, Caroline had realized quickly. He was a tool of good quality, perhaps, but he was not even aware he was one. Cute, though. Frank could see the strings and was trying to arrange them in his favor. Smart man, would be good to stay on his good side. Not the type to sleep with, though; he had all the makings of a guy who labeled you as his toy.

Klaus, he was a good catch, and she needed to secure him before that soldier girl wised up. Fortunately, she seemed distracted by Derek, and oddly enough the brats. Anyway, he'd be Caroline's tool, and she'd look after him well; she wasn't bad, it was just a horrible world, after all. And having him would increase her value.

Now if only he would be easier to corner alone. Right now, his fellow tiger was using him as a dishwasher in the kitchen, and she had to keep her distance. The cook was not a fighter, but he was big, and she didn't want to get coerced into scrubbing of pots or hauling trash.


Anna had expected some kind of disconnect. That she'd feel like her skin wasn't her own or something. Like she'd been sewn into a costume. Still, better than her failing pathetic flesh, but it had been a tradeoff of torments.

Except it wasn't, Anna smiled as she brushed her mane. Her flesh and fur was hers. Oh yes, there'd been some adjustments, but she was pretty sure a lot of that had been the simple need to get used to a body whose dial was not set to FAIL.

She felt like she had after finishing basic, like she wanted someone to jump out of a dark alley so she could relish taking them apart with skill and power.

It wasn't just the lab coats' doing either, however much that bitch talked. Her will or her genes, Anna had beaten the odds and come off the slab a new woman while most of the others had just made for prodigiously ugly corpses. Sad for them, yes, she raised a drink to them as soon as her old buddy had been able to get a bottle of good stuff to share. But all the more reason to be proud of her own new lease on life.

She flexed her wings and lovingly ran her fingertips over them.

"Airborne has nothing on this. Heh, this was made to fight."

She had talked with Frank and agreed, no way this was all a mission of mercy or progress. Mr. Xanatos wanted an edge for whatever reason, and flying lightning cat super soldiers were part of his plan. Well, fine, he wanted to be King of America or whatever, they'd help make that happen. Even that cougar punk that was harassing the mute realized who was putting the cream in the bowl.

Derek would probably be trouble at some point. Poor guy was likely a great cop, but he'd be crap for a real soldier, the kind who knew the most important things you do for your people is what should never see light. Hopefully, however far he fell, he'd land and have a place. He was cute, after all.

And wasn't that something? Her libido was back in force, along with the punk's. Had the renegade experienced this, or had Cranley forgot to carry a one or something with the actual genius' formula being deciphered? Or was it just because she and Caroline had males of the new species around while Reed was stuck with the weirdness that time forgot?

Well, anyway, this lioness was going to add some pressure for those flight lessons, and see if she could remind that panther he hadn't lost his stones like that unlucky tiger. Seriously, no one had warned her that she might gain a piece or loose her marbles.

Alexis hadn't been crazy before. A bit boring and moody, but hey, they had been sharing a march to death, so she would have been creeped out by someone being cheery.

Again, all the more reason to be grateful.


"To matrimony, gentlemen, best of luck to you in pursuit of such, if you are so inclined," Xanatos said as he filled the glasses with red wine from the bottle he was holding. They stood in a conference room of Site B, unadorned for the occasion save for the fact someone had written "CONGRATS BOSS!" on the dry erase board in big red letters.

The Chimera men clinked glasses with the boss, and took their drinks.

"Good pick, fine but not so much as to be wasted on such an informal occasion," Giorgios said, after lightly swishing the wine in his mouth.

"Gotta say, boss, I feel a bit cheated. You're like Scrooge McDuck's real life young counterpart, shouldn't you have had some epic bachelor party that would offend everyone everywhere with its stupid amounts of fancy fixings?" Frank said, holding his already empty glass out for a refill.

"What can I say? When I got down to thinking, I found simplicity was appealing more than extravagance," Xanatos shrugged.

"Well, congratulations boss, I hope you two are happy together. So, we going to lose you to the honeymoon for awhile?" Derek asked.

"Actually, we already did our honeymoon," Xanatos gave a sly smile.

"Hm, no offense sir, but if you keep this less-is-more attitude, you might not keep the girl," Frank remarked.

"Oh, how little or how much time I put into it is more a matter of perspective," Xanatos said, finishing his glass and putting it on the table.

"So, I understand the flight training starts today. They have a benefit you lacked in experienced teachers," Xanatos changed the subject.

"Yeah, I have been thinking about how to approach it," Derek said, pulling a small notebook out of his pocket.

"Eh, it's like riding a bicycle, the problem's in the buildup. Smack 'em in the seat and have 'em peddle as many times as is needed for them to stop eating pavement and they'll get it in no time. No point trying to make a lecture out of it," Frank said.

"I admit I am a bit nervous. Hard to believe I can actually fly," Giorgios added.

"Meh, don't worry Georgie — if a pudding head like Klaus can beat it, you should be doing barrel rolls or something before the day's done," Frank said, checking to verify the bottle was empty.


Frank flapped his wings, propelling himself higher. Reaching the railing of the highest level in the training room, he folded his wings slightly and landed nimbly. Smiling, he turned to look back down; four stories high, on his own power. No stairs, no elevator, no jet pack even!

Forget humanity. More than all the other perks, this was a deal-breaker on going back. The world opened up in ways he'd never quite appreciated. River? Humans either used a boat or a bridge, and lacking that flailed around in the water. Him now? He could fly over that sucker easily. Fences, ha! Traffic? Pedestrians? He was above it all now. And just the feeling of making the air his stepping stone, the movement of the muscles…

Yeah, D was not right in the head wanting to go back to trudging with the other apes when he could be ruling the skies as a predator.

And it looked like the newbies were going well.

As he had predicted, Giorgios was doing well. Caroline was having trouble with landings. Lexi was absent, poor bastard was back in a padded room. He wondered if that one would end up getting put down.

Wait, where was the lion?

"Eyes up," Anna said. Frank glanced up and was met with the lioness on his level, closing fast.

"Well, were you in the air force or something?" Frank asked, making room as she landed. Not a smooth landing, he noticed, and he could smell the sweat on her. Yeah, good, but she wasn't that great, he told himself.

"You don't need to know," she said teasingly.

"So, what do you think?" Frank asked.

"That this body is an upgrade," Anna purred flexing her wings.

"Great to hear, you wear it well," Frank said, stepping up behind her and looking her over. Her tail brushed his leg and kept doing so. Frank blinked, then she turned to meet his look.

"So, you all talk?" she asked.

"…Want to find out?" he asked as she tapped his chin with a claw.

"Maybe later, the big guy is better looking," she said, turning away.

"D? Oh please," Frank huffed. He joined her at the railing, finding Derek talking with the twins.

"They're still on the ground?" Frank asked.

"They haven't even cleared their own heights yet," Anna said.

"What do you care?" Frank pressed.

"You know this isn't a charity. If they don't perform, those kids might end up on another slab," Anna said.

Frank almost asked 'And?', but realized that might undo the progress he had made with her. Derek would sink his own ship with this girl, no need to follow the boy scout in that.

"Maza's talking about bringing in padding for the floor in here," the lioness continued.

"Pfft, classic D. Not like they're going to be gliding over rubber meadows. It's a concrete jungle out there," Frank snorted.

"I agree. So, I have an idea. It will require you to be, well, you."


Derek shook his head. Things had been going so well. Now where had that energy gone?

The boys' ears were down, and they looked like they had busted a window. Derek forced a smile.

"It's alright, we haven't had any Chimeras as young as you yet. Maybe you need time," Derek assured them.

"The measurements don't support that," Cranley said, standing off to the side but apparently still in earshot.

"Might I suggest a different approach?" Anna said, setting down on the concrete.

"Please do," Cranley said, before Derek could speak up.

"Carlos?" Anna said, gesturing for the boy to approach. The thin lion stepped up to her, and to his surprise the lioness picked him up.

"Hands up, please," Anna said to the confused boy.

"What are you-?" Enrique asked. Them Frank swept down, grabbing the boy's hands and, flapping hard, carried him up in the air.

"What?!" Enrique and Derek shouted.

"Oh, yes. Proceed," Cranley smiled, adjusting her glasses.

"Okay kid, time for a bit of sink or swim, or should I say fly or fall? Eh, you know what I'm talking about."

"Put me down!" Carlos said, kicking the air.

"Sure about that?" Frank asked. Carlos looked down, seeing they were rising to be some two stories above the floor.

"Frank, let him go!" Derek said, fangs bared as he flew up next to them.

"Okay," Frank said. He dropped the boy.

"Ahhh!" Carlos screamed as he fell. Flapping his wings, he started to slow, then landed in Anna's arms.

"See? You're fine," Anna said, setting the kid back on his feet.

Derek looked back to Frank, glaring. Frank just shrugged and descended.

"So, want to go again?" Frank asked the kid.


Cranley looked through the glass at the Chimera sitting in a chain-reinforced straitjacket in the padded cell.

"Well, good news is that she hasn't been trying to electrocute herself today," she said, going over the data playing out on the computer screen. Along with her monitoring staff, Derek Maza stood behind her.

"Him," the panther Chimera said.

"Hmm?" Cranley said, glancing his way.

"Alexis has been pretty clear they don't want to be referred to as a woman,"

"Well, you could call yourself human, Mr. Maza, but that doesn't make it so just now. From the anatomy to the blood test, our subject here has switched teams. Pretending otherwise is senseless at best, too counterproductive at worst."

"I hope you don't bring that up to his face," Derek grumbled.

"…Am I mistaken, or wasn't Alexis rather rude to you?"

"Guy's got reason to be angry. And it's not just that, is it?"

"The brain also seems like it may have some discrepancies, yes. It was perhaps too much to hope for that all successful transformations would be without malignant deviations. Of course, as an aberrant to start with, it's harder to isolate the variables to work."

"So, is this leading to more test subjects?"

"Eventually. I am hoping to bring the die-off rate down. If we can identify what makes a person able to transform successfully it will also teach us more about why this works."

"Well, you'll need someone else to help with your pitch, I'm not endorsing something with a fatality rate this high."

"Mr. Maza, your actions saved every one of your new members from a miserable fate. Maybe you should focus on that potential unleashed rather than the lives ended a tad prematurely."

"You can't just weigh lives like that, Doc. And I told them them their chances were better than they were," Derek insisted.

"Hmm, I didn't lie to you, but I am sorry I did not make certain you understood fully. I have a lot on my plate for Mr. Xanatos."

"Like that Goliath clone?"

Cranley stopped typing.

"Yeah, he told us, said we'd be training with him down the line. I can see why he'd want one, that guy's tough."

"Well, good."

"And the cure, how's that coming?"

"Well, I am closer by getting more data from the ongoing research and our continued mining of Sevarius' data. But if you want percentage or time table, it's only a question mark. Right now, we are also working on a formula that may be less dangerous by being less complex."


"Basically, instead of a Chimera we would be mixing the human test subject with a single species. In this case, wolf."


"Because if we pull it off, we will have taken a great leap in understanding how Sevarius achieved his product. From there, potential reversion, mutation minimization, or fatality becomes much clearer."

"More test subjects for that?"

"It was never going to be easy."

"Hmm, don't keep me in the dark, and treat him with some respect. He's a patient, not a guinea pig."

"Oh, feeling bold?"

"I get that you may be the best for your job, but as I told Mr. Xanatos, we need someone who we can count on."

"And what did he say?" Cranley said with a smile.

"That if necessary, there were other options,"

Cranley stopped, looking at him through the reflection in the glass. She watched until he left and then reached into a pocket. Pulling out the pill bottle, she shook out two more and downed it with her coffee as the next shift came in.


Maggie frowned at the TV. What the heck?

Who put Demona on TV? Every channel even.

She was not making any super-villain demands, thankfully, but Maggie wished she had taken Latin just now.

As it looped again, Maggie growled a bit but just checked the clock; she would just have to go over this with the clan when they woke up. Whatever the mad red-haired gargoyle was up to, it was likely bad news for everyone.

Author's Notes:

Well, I hope you are all staying safe, these are strange and dangerous times we are living in. I especially offer my best wishes and prayers to be well to New Yorkers, the setting of the fic and apparently epicenter of the pandemic in the USA. Best to you!

Now to the chapter. I was originally planning a fairly basic ones moving events into High Noon. It didn't work out.

Demona actually helped break the block immensely. Deciding to address Demona's off-screen mastering of her human form lead me to realize what this story really needed was to take time to address the Chimera Pride(Suggestions for group name for Chimera? Pack has been taken unfortunately.). I have plans for them and it was necessary to establish who they re and their group dynamic before it can start to be developed. Also more of Cranley; and Thailog stating to enter the narrative, even if he's only lurking for now. Oh such plans.

But Demona, she was fun. Writing out of her element, awkward and uncertain gave a very heh, humanizing perspective. With this Demona is shown nit just as the fanatic terrorist, but a person struggling to adjust to a new situation. And I felt I gained a better understanding of her as a character, just realizing that the bulk of her more than millennium long life as been spent essentially alone in a word full of a race she regards as monsters. Dangerous as she is, and as much as her situation is her own fault; she is truly pitiable.

I also found the image of human Demona taking a big unsatisfied bite of a cheeseburger hilarious.

Well, I guess that is all. Thank you for reading!

Long days and pleasant nights to you all!