What's this? An update? I guess he really is alive! That's right! I'm back and I come bearing gifts! The final chapter to our story. Apologies for the wait, ran into some delays. There will be an epilogue. Thank you for everyone who left a comment on the last chapter and a special thank you goes out to jankoreagan for helping me out with a tough decision on this one.
Chapter 5: You Got This
Jamie parked his car outside Eddie's apartment building. He turned off the engine and leaned back in his seat. He glanced at the building and took a deep breath. His hands were shaking. He hadn't been this nervous in his entire life. What the hell's wrong with me? Jamie got out of his car and walked up to the front door. He buzzed Eddie's room a few times.
A few seconds later her voice came over the intercom, "Helloooo?"
She knew who it was. "Hey, it's me. Open up."
"Hmm…I don't think I know anybody named Me. Where'd we meet again?"
Jamie smiled. Should've seen that coming. "Very funny. Now open up! It's freezing out here!"
She laughed and said, "C'mon up, it's open."
Jamie heard the buzzer go off and let himself in. He brushed the snow off his overcoat and made his way across the lobby to the stairs. He climbed the two flights up to Eddie's floor and made his way down the hallway towards her door. He stopped in front of a mirror hanging on the wall and checked over himself one last time. He straightened his tie and ran his fingers through his hair before knocking.
He heard Eddie yell from somewhere in her apartment, "It's open!"
Jamie opened the door and stepped inside. "Eddie?! Where you at?"
"I'm in the bathroom! I'll be out in a minute!"
Jamie smiled, "Did you fall in?"
"No! I'm finishing my hair!"
Jamie laughed. Why am I not surprised? "Kick it into high gear, I don't want us to be late!"
Eddie opened the bathroom door and yelled, "We've already been through this, Reagan! You can't rush perfection!"
Jamie asked, "Any idea if you'll be done sometime this century?"
Eddie laughed and said, "Keep testing me Reagan and see what happens!"
Jamie grinned and accepted defeat, "Okay, I give up." Even though he couldn't see it, he could just feel the smirk on Eddie's face.
He heard her say, "That's what I thought," before she closed the door.
Jamie took a seat on the couch and made himself comfortable. This is so surreal…I've thought about this night for five years…I can't believe it's finally here. I can't believe she said yes. Just then, the bathroom door opened and he could hear Eddie's footsteps coming down the hall. Alright, Reagan… game time. He took a deep breath and got off the couch. He straightened his jacket and said, "It's about time y…" She came around the corner and, all of sudden, Jamie couldn't remember what he was trying to say. He was completely mesmerized by the goddess standing before him. She looked as though she had been hand sculpted by Zeus himself. She was wearing a short red dress that perfectly complemented the natural curves of her body, matching red heels, black stockings that highlighted her long, athletic legs , her hair was masterfully woven into a beautiful French braid, and a pair of diamond earrings that sparkled like stars in the night sky. She completed her look with a little make-up, some dark eyeliner, and a deep, red lipstick to finish it all off. Wow…she didn't even look this good for Racowsky's wedding.
Of course she asks the same question that all women ask, "How do I look?"
You look like you could single-handedly put about twenty supermodels out of a job. "You look beautiful, Eddie."
She closed the distance between them and whispered into his ear, "You don't look too shabby yourself." Their eyes met and they shared a deep, passionate kiss.
Jamie could feel all the tension and nervous energy drain from his body the second their lips met. All he could feel was passion, desire, and longing. The kiss ended with the two of them wrapped in each other's arms, just staring into each other's eyes. Jamie discovered his mind was filled with seriously impure thoughts. I'd better pace myself, otherwise we won't even make it to dinner. "Got a coat?"
"It's on the hook behind you."
Jamie turned around and saw a grey overcoat hanging on the hook. He grabbed it and helped Eddie put it on. They walked out into the hall and Eddie locked her door behind them. Jamie offered her his arm, "Mi lady."
She smiled and wrapped her hands around his arm. "Don't mind if I do."
. . .
Erin opened the door to her apartment and walked inside. She closed the door behind her and tossed her keys onto the counter. I'm so glad today's over. She walked over to the table and set the rest of her stuff down. She was in the process of taking off her coat when she heard an unexpected voice behind her.
"Long day?"
Erin just about jumped out of her skin. What the hell?! She whipped around to see Nicky sitting on the couch behind her. "Jesus, Nicky! A little warning next time would be nice."
Nicky laughed and said, "Where's the fun in that?"
Erin draped her coat over the back of one the dining room chairs and said, "So…to what do I owe the pleasure?"
Nicky looked at the floor, "I had a long day too. So I figured I'd stop by and see you."
Erin looked at her daughter and straightened her skirt, something she unconsciously did whenever she was trying to figure out something to say. "Did something happen?"
Nicky shook her head no, "Nothing serious."
Erin walked over and sat next to her on the couch. "So what's going on?"
Nicky bit her lip. "Guy trouble…actually more like boy trouble."
Erin laughed, "What's the difference?"
Nicky nodded in agreement.
Erin crossed her legs and leaned back into the couch cushion. "So what happened?
"It's more like what didn't happen."
"Okay…what didn't happen?"
Nicky sighed. "There's this boy in my English Lit class, Derrick. Our professor partnered us up to work on this book report a few weeks ago. We ended up spending a lot of time together working on this project. We've gotten to know each other pretty well. I've been dropping hints that I like him for about a week now, but today he asked me if my friend Liza was single and if I could introduce the two of them."
Erin nodded and looked at the floor. It won't be the last time. "I've been there…it's not fun. Is it?"
Nicky shook her head, "No, it's not. Why are boys so clueless sometimes?"
Erin laughed and said, "Women have been asking that since the beginning of time. If we haven't gotten an answer by now I don't think we ever will."
That got a smile out of Nicky. "Do you have anything else we can talk about?"
Erin rubbed her chin. I could talk about work, but that would probably bore her to death. Maybe if I had a social life I could talk about that. OH! Erin beamed with satisfaction knowing the subject of Jamie and Eddie would completely take Nicky's mind off of Derrick. "I had dinner with your Uncle Jamie yesterday…"
Nicky perked up a little bit and said, "Oh…how's he doing?"
If only you knew. "He's doing GREAT," Erin answered, making sure to put extra emphasis on great.
Nicky's curiosity was peaked. She sat up and asked, "What did you two talk about?"
Erin was trying real hard to keep her excitement in. "Let's just say that all our work on Project Jamko might be coming to an end real soon."
Nicky gasped and said, "OH MY GOD! What did he say? Are they finally getting together?"
Erin responded, "I don't know."
"What do you mean you don't know?!"
Erin couldn't help but to laugh at the expression on her daughter's face. "Calm down, Nicky!"
Nicky threw her hands up and said, "I'm sorry. I'm just excited!"
Erin nodded in agreement. "Me too, but you know your Uncle. He didn't give out too many details. All he said to me was that he was in LOVE with Eddie."
Nicky squealed with excitement, then she leaned forward and asked, "What did you say?"
Erin had a look of surprise on her face, "What do you think I said, Nicky? I told him I was glad he finally admitted it, then I asked him what he was going to do about it. Before you ask, he said he didn't know what he was going to do. It's a little complicated."
Nicky mulled it over in her head before asking, "Did she ever break up with that guy?"
Erin shook her head no. "That would be the reason it's complicated."
Nicky got up and started pacing around the room. The paused and asked, "So what are we gonna do?"
Good question. Erin thought about it for a second before answering, "Let's subtly bring up the subject tomorrow at family dinner. We'll have more support there. You know everybody else feels the same way we do. Your Grandpa and Uncle Danny are pretty outspoken on the subject. Maybe I should give them a call and loop them into it. What do you think?"
Nicky simply said, "Do it."
. . .
Eddie took a bite of her chocolate cake just before the waiter walked up and it was everything she thought it'd be. Just velvety, chocolaty goodness. I'm in heaven.
Their waiter, Ernesto, very politely asked, "Is everything to your satisfaction folks?"
Eddie simply looked at Ernesto while pointing down at the cake on her plate and make a thumbs up. If only you knew Ernesto.
Jamie smiled and said, "Everything's great, Ernesto. Thank you."
Ernesto bowed slightly and said, "Outstanding, sir. Please do not hesitate to call me if you need anything else." Then he turned and disappeared as quickly as he appeared.
Eddie swallowed her cake and looked up at Jamie. He was just staring at her and smiling. I wonder what's going on in that mind of his. "Like what you see?"
"You know I do."
Eddie could literally feel her heart melting in her chest. "Thanks for doing this. Tonight has just been perfect in every way."
Jamie leaned forward and said, "It gets better."
Eddie smiled nervously and joked, "What's better than chocolate cake?"
"Before I picked you up at the precinct today, I spoke to Renzulli…"
Shit! I knew I forgot to do something today.
"…and I told him that neither of us would be transferring."
"Wait, what?" Now Eddie was confused. I thought it was against the rules for us to ride together. What the hell is he talking about? "Jamie, I thought one of us had to transfer. Those were the rules."
Jamie bristled with confidence. He replied, "That's what I thought too, but something Renzulli said this morning got me thinking. What exactly did the rule say? You know, the exact parameters and guidelines. I was thinking that if I knew exactly what the rule said then maybe I could find a loophole or a way around it."
Now Eddie was curious. "So what did you find?"
Jamie smiled and said, "Nothing. Eddie, the rule doesn't exist. I read through the patrol guide and every other book that pertains to us and there isn't a rule anywhere that says married cops can't be partnered together on the job."
Now it was Eddie's turn to smile. She was grinning from ear to ear. No freaking way! She practically yelled out, "That's great news!" She leapt across the table and planted a big, wet kiss right on Jamie's lips. He immediately returned the favor, with interest. She felt his tongue work it's magic on her and she could've sworn the temperature in the room went up a few degrees.
Jamie leaned back in his chair with a look of satisfaction on his face. Some of the people around them witnessed their passionate exchange and had begun to murmur. "Eddie, even though there technically isn't a rule, I know that my father is going to be for the rule even if it doesn't exist. We're gonna have our work cut out for us trying to convince him."
Buzzkill. Okay, stay positive, Eddie. You can do it. Frank likes you…I think. Eddie gave Jamie her best know it all look and said, "I'm sure we can convince him."
Jamie shook his head in agreement but added, "It's not gonna be easy."
"Afraid of a little work there, Lamb Chop?"
Jamie just smiled and said, "Nope."
Now I think is good time to cue our exit. "Good, because you have your work cut out for you tonight."
Jamie looked a little confused. He shook his head and asked, "What do you mean?"
Eddie finished her last bite of cake, then picked up her wineglass and finished it all in one big gulp. She looked at Jamie very seriously and said, "Alright, boy scout. You have two choices. You can drop me off at my apartment and give me a kiss goodnight or…" she paused to wipe her mouth with her napkin.
Jamie deviously asked, "Or what?"
He knows where I'm going with this. "…or I can spend the night at your place."
Jamie looked away and very casually signaled Ernesto.
Ernesto appeared shortly thereafter. "Is there something I can get for you, sir?"
"The check, please."
. . .
"Jack! Sean! Let's go! We're gonna be late for church!" Danny fumbled around the kitchen looking for his wallet. Where the hell did I put it? He looked on top of the microwave, on the counter, and inside the fridge. Nothing. He was just about to give up when he glared into the living room and saw a small, black rectangle poking out from under the couch. There you are you little bastard. He marched over, picked it up, and stuffed it in his pocket. "Okay, now where's my phone? I swear I'd lose my head if it wasn't attached. Suddenly, he heard his phone ringing somewhere close by. He start started looking under the couch pillows and between the cushions. After about a minute of fishing through the cushions he came up with his phone and immediately looked at the caller I.D. Erin…probably wondering where the hell we are. "Boys! Let's go!" He answered the phone and said, "Hey, sis. We're getting in the car now." He heard Erin laugh on the other end.
"That's great, but not why I'm calling."
"Oh, then why are you calling?"
"I'm calling about Jamie. Have you heard from him?"
Danny shifted his weight. "I called him the other day after his shooting to see if was okay, but other than that, no. Why? What's going on?"
"Nicky and I wanted to see if you'd want to help us with something at dinner tonight."
"Help you with what exactly?"
"Project Jamko. We're going to bring it up tonight at dinner."
Danny rubbed his chin. "Why? What's changed?"
"I had dinner with Jamie the other night after his shooting. He confessed to me that he was in love with Eddie!"
Danny smiled, "So Casanova finally admitted it! Alright, what do you want me to do?"
. . .
Sunlight poured in through the window illuminating the whole room. Jamie rubbed his eyes and took a quick look around. He and Eddie's clothes were strewn everywhere and the bedroom door was wide open. Jamie sat up and tried to get his bearings when Eddie walked in, wearing only her red panties and his grey Harvard sweatshirt holding two cups of coffee. That's a sight I can wake up to everyday. "Thanks. You read my mind."
She handed him his cup and settled into a spot cuddled up against him. "You're welcome. It's the least I could do after what you did for me last night."
Jamie took a sip of coffee and responded, "Yeah, I had fun at dinner too."
Eddie smiled and leaned in for a kiss.
Jamie met her halfway and gave her a quick, passionate kiss.
Eddie lingered and bit his lip. "I was referring to what you did after dinner."
Jamie had to look away. He could feel himself blushing. Oh my god. This woman… Jamie regained his composure, looked back at Eddie, and very charismatically said, "That was my pleasure, ma'am."
Eddie playfully smacked him and said, "Shut up!"
Jamie took another sip of his coffee and asked, "So how about we shower and go get some breakfast?"
Eddie closed her eyes and smiled. "Sounds great! Let's go do something fun after breakfast. It's a beautiful day outside. I'd hate to waste it."
Jamie nodded in agreement. "I don't see why not. Something relaxing though. I don't know about you, but I'm pretty sore from the past two nights."
Eddie blushed. "Do you wanna hop in the shower first or do you want me to?"
Jamie looks at her and very deviously says, "Who says we have to shower separately?"
Eddie scrunched her nose and set her coffee down on the nightstand. "I'll get the water running…"
. . .
"Awe, come on!"
"HEHEHEH, that mess up puts me in the lead by one stroke." Jamie made sure to record her score very slowly and deliberately.
She was glaring at him. "This isn't over, Reagan. We still got five holes to go and I'm going to destroy you."
Jamie tilted his head and said, "Not putting like that you're not."
Eddie smiled and lifted her putter over her head. "You must want me to smack you over the head.
"Somebody's a sore loser"
Eddie snapped back, "You're a sore winner. AHHHHHH! I thought you said mini-golf was relaxing."
Jamie laughed and said, "You're the one who wanted to make it into a competition!"
Eddie pointed her putter at him and said with a semi-serious face, "I'm starting to regret that decision."
They picked up their golf balls and walked over to the next hole. Jamie was up first. The hole was pretty straightforward. There were a few obstacles in his way, but here was a gentle slope along the right that he could use to loop around them. He lined up his shot, practiced his swing a few times, and let it fly. The ball went in between the first two obstacles, looped around the gentle slope, and went in and out of the cup. Dang it! Just a little too fast.
"OHHHHH, feeling the pressure, Reagan?!"
"Shut up, Janko." He tapped in his ball and picked it up. Calm down…you're still in the lead. There's no way she's getting a hole-in-one here.
Eddie dropped her ball and said, "Watch and learn, Reagan."
Jamie made a hand gesture and said, "All talk."
Eddie lined up her shot and sent it in the opposite direction that Jamie had sent his. It went straight into to a hidden tube on the left side of the third obstacle and came out right into the cup.
How the hell... Jamie felt his heart sink and started laughing.
Eddie very calmly turned around and asked, "Hey, Jamie. Did that do in? I couldn't see it. The sun was in my eyes. Was that a hole–in-one?"
"Shut up, Janko."
She went over to the cup and looked inside. "Oh, look. It did go in. See I told you, Reagan."
Jamie couldn't quit smiling. This is about as good a time as any. Jamie took his mother's ring out of his pocket and got down on one knee.
Eddie bent down and picked up her ball. She started to turn around while saying, "And you thought you were better than…" She saw him on one knee holding the ring and immediately dropped the golf ball and putter she had been carrying. She had a look of complete astonishment on her face combined with fear and panic. "What are you doing?"
. . .
As soon as she saw the ring, Eddie completely froze. Emotions started to flow through her openly. All she managed to say was, "What are you doing?" I know exactly what he's doing! Stupid! He's proposing. OH MY GOD HE'S PROPOSING!
Jamie was fighting back tears as he said, "Eddie…five years ago when we met, I didn't know my life would change forever. Before you came into my life I felt as though I didn't have any sense of purpose or belonging. That all changed the night we met."
Eddie could feel her eyes tearing up. I'm not gonna cry. Slowly, but surely, she could feel all her nervousness and anxiety draining from her body and being replaced with excitement.
Jamie continued, "Getting to know you and being around you has made me a better cop and a better man…"
Eddie felt a tear stream down her cheek. Dammit! I said I wasn't gonna cry! She let the dam break and tears were now freely streaming down face. She covered her face with her hands and started shaking her head in disbelief. I can't believe this is happening!
"You once asked me if I believed in soulmates…the truth is I never believed I would ever meet mine. Edit Marie Janko…will you marry me?"
Eddie wiped away the tears on her face. She cupped Jamie's head in her hands and kissed him with everything she had. All of her love and affection for him flowed freely throughout her body. Without breaking their kiss, Jamie rose to his feet and pulled her into his warm embrace. When their kiss finally ended, the first thing Eddie said was, "Yes."
Jamie gently took her hand and slid his mother's ring into place. A perfect fit.
"It's beautiful, Jamie."
Jamie smiled and said, "It looks good on you."
Eddie held up her hand and just stared at the ring. She looked at Jamie and asked, "What now?"
"Well," he reached in his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper, "I hope you don't mind, but I wrote down some vows for your consideration."
What the hell? "You wrote vows?"
Jamie looked a little nervous. "Yeah."
Eddie reached into her purse and pulled out a notepad. "I did too."
Jamie breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Well, we better combine these into something we both can agree on before family dinner tonight."
Eddie froze. "Did you say family dinner?"
Jamie picked up her hand, pointed to her ring, and said, "This means you're family."
Eddie once again felt nervous. She knew it was going to be an awkward situation. I didn't think that today of all days would be the day where I introduce myself to the Reagan clan. I wonder how the Commissioner will react. "Jamie, I'm nervous. What if they don't like me?"
Jamie scoffed and said, "What? Eddie, they love you. Besides…I'm gonna be there with you every step of the way."
Eddie took a deep breathe. Look s like I don't have a choice. "Okay…"
. . .
"Okay, does everyone know the plan?"
Danny was a little annoyed at this point. "Erin, you've been over it five times since we've been sitting here. I think we got it."
"Sorry. I'm nervous. I just want everything to go smoothly."
Frank chimed in, "So do we, but you can't be too obvious."
Now it was Pop's turn, "Everything will be fine. Jamie has to show up first."
Erin said, "He's making a habit of this."
Danny threw in his two cents by saying, "I think I'm gonna change the statute of limitations on how long we have to wait on Jamie to eat."
Pop snapped back, "No you're not!"
Just then everyone heard the front door open…
. . .
"Okay, you ready?"
Eddie was nervously pacing on the sidewalk. "I don't know, Jamie. I'm nervous and when I'm nervous I sometimes sputter my words. I want to make a good impression on your family..."
"Our family," Jamie cut her off, "They're your family now, too. There's no reason to be nervous, Eddie. You got this." He held out his hand.
Eddie nervously stepped forward and grabbed his hand. "Let's do it."
Jamie opened the door and they walked inside. Jamie yelled out, "Hey, sorry!"
. . .
I'm pretty sure you know what happens next. Well, that's it ladies and gentlemen. I hoped you enjoyed my story. This was my first FanFic ever. I've learned a lot and will definitely be writing more in the future. Be sure to follow me if you want first dibs on those future stories. As always, if you enjoyed the story, favorite it and leave a review. Reviews are what give me motivation to keep writing. You guys have been amazing throughout my maiden journey. Thank you so much.