Feeling the weight of the eyes behind him boring into his back, Frank stares out the room's window before taking in a deep breath and turning to face the family he came to talk with. He knows the information he has come to deliver is not exactly what the group wants to hear but it's the truth of the situation even if that doesn't sit well with him. He believes Auggie has been honest about all he knows of Olin and Buddy, but there is an annoying fluttering working its way around his gut, warning him that there is more to this story. Still, without something more to go on or without some type of concrete evidence, all they can do is continue to search.

Letting out a loud sigh, he slowly turns back around to face the group he has come to know quite well over the last week. He has to admit they have grown on him, no longer does he view them as the hostile family that he needs to protect his ex-deputy and friend from. No, he can tell in the midst of all they have endured, they have grown to love the kid as much as he does. Heath does have a way of getting under your skin without even trying, he laughs to himself as he glances over to the bed where the blond is battling fever and infection. Victoria and Audra are sitting on either side of him, bathing him in cool cloths, doing their best to keep his fever down.


"Nick," Jarrod cautions, placing a hand on his younger brother's shoulder trying to calm him. Frank had come into the room a few minutes ago while Gene had stepped out to get more cool water and he has since been waiting patiently for the boy's return. "I'm sure he is just waiting for us all to be together. We all should hear what he has to say at the same time."

Franks nods to Jarrod and can't help but smile as he watches the dark-haired rancher shrug out from underneath his brother's hand and starts pacing in front of him. Boy Howdy, Heath are you going to have some fun with this brother of yours, he laughs to himself while he thinks about the blond's wicked sense of humor. Over the year the two had worked together, he has lost count of how many jokes his young deputy had played on him. Never a dull moment with you around, he thinks as he looks to the bed once again.

The sound of the door opening and Alpha stepping through breaks up the tension in the room and causes the highly alert group to draw their guns. Recognizing his error in walking in unannounced, Alpha takes in a large gulp, raising his hands in a gesture of surrender. He nervously smiles as he makes eye contact with the room's occupants before stuttering off on apology about not being more mindful about his entrance. He then clears a path for Gene to enter and watches as his new friend takes the bowl over to the side table where his Mother is sitting.

"How's he doing?" Alpha asks as he steps further into the room allowing the door to close behind him. He watches as Victoria turns towards him and gives him a reassuring smile.

"His fever is about the same," Victoria answers. Seeing the hope in Alpha's eyes fall, she quickly continues, "Which is good news. I was afraid as night fell it would rise but so far we have been able to stop that from happening."

"Oh, that is good news," Alpha smiles. "He tends to have powerful nightmares when his fever gets too high," he absently continues until his eyes fall on the hard look Frank is giving him. Taking the hint, he quickly shuts up and heads back to the door but not before seeing the troubled, curious looks in the Barkleys' eyes.

"I best go back to sitting with Uncle Jim,'' he stutters out as he leaves the room.

Shaking his head, Frank walks over the bed and looks down at his young friend knowing how horrified he would be at any part of his history being revealed. He remembers that Jim had let him know all he has already informed the Barkleys of when it comes to the boy's past and he knows the kid would be beyond perturbed if any more was revealed without his consent. Still, Alpha was just telling the truth and maybe the family should be prepared, just in case.

"The boy's seen the elephant and crossed a few hills in his young life," Frank answers their unspoken questions. "It might be best if his brothers stay with him tonight, just in case," he warns and then accepts the nod from Nick and Jarrod letting him know that they will make sure to stay with Heath throughout the night.

"Now, about Auggie," he says as he walks over, grabs an empty chair, and then brings it over toward the bed. He knows the boy isn't fully awake but would feel wrong not at least trying to make him a part of the conversation. He motions for the others who are standing to do the same and then takes a seat, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees. He waits a few minutes for the others to gather around before leaning back to begin.

"Well?" Nick impatiently prods once they are all seated. His hands are on his knees and his foot is tapping, causing Frank to smile.

"Well," Frank repeats and then laughs when Nick lets out a low growl. Yes, Heath, you will have lots of fun with this one, he thinks before continuing, "It turns out Buddy owed this Olin fellow quite a substantial amount of money. It seems he was good with killing but terrible at gambling. He found out his father had written him out of his will and figured he found a way to settle his debt."

"Olin didn't seem like the type of guy to have someone do his dirty work," Nick interrupts, questioning the logic of what Auggie has told Frank.

"He wasn't," Frank agrees. "It was always the plan for Olin to show up and kill you all himself. Buddy just asked for enough time to get you," he looks over to Jarrod, " to make him beneficiary to the Barkley estate. That way he could pay off Olin."

"And Auggie, how does he fit into all of this," Jarrod cuts in, trying to fit together all the pieces to this rather ornate puzzle.

"Buddy was recommended as someone who might be able to help Auggie make the kind of cash needed to settle up with Cunningham," Frank answers.

"But?" Jarrod asks seeing the look of disbelief in Frank's eyes.

"I don't think that was ever supposed to happen," Frank answers him honestly, that annoying feeling in the pit of his stomach coming back full force.

'Why not?" Gene asks, confused.

"Because Cunningham is the one that gave him Buddy's name and told him where to find him," Jarrod chimes in answering the question for Frank. They all turn toward him, looks of wonder in their eyes. Before they can ask any questions, he continues, "Am I right?" He looks at Frank, who nods.

"Yep," Frank discloses shaking his head. None of this is sitting right with him and from the looks of the lawyer he is guessing he is feeling the same way. "Cunningham sent Auggie to Buddy and I'd bet my horse that he knew exactly how Buddy made his money and what he was up to."

"So, we go arrest this Cunningham." Nick fumes, standing abruptly he sends his chair flying backward.

"We can't, Nick," Jarrod replies his voice dripping with regret. He runs a hand over his face and takes a deep breath. He is drained and ready for all of this to be over, for his family to be safe. Looking up, he meets his brother's eyes, ready to stop him from flying off the handle. "He hasn't broken any laws."

"How can that be," Audra cries out, the anguish in her voice tearing at each of them.

"It's not illegal to tell your friend to go meet with someone about raising the funds you need," Frank regretfully answers. "Technically, he didn't order Auggie to do anything illegal and without proof beyond the testimony of a proven criminal, there is nothing we can do."

"Do you think Cunningham is a threat to my family?" Victoria asks. Her voice is strong and he notices that as she speaks she has taken Heath's hand into her own.

"I don't," he answers honestly. "I think Cuningham got exactly what he wanted, the land, the improvements Auggie made, and the man out of his life forever. I don't think he ever wanted anything from you, which is why he showed up here acting like a concerned citizen, warning us about Auggie. He stayed just above the law and made sure he came out on top," he finishes, his voice dripping with disgust.

"So, it's over?" Gene asks, hopeful that maybe this nightmare has come to an end.

"It sure is nicely wrapped up with a bow," Frank gruffs.

"But you think there's more?" Jarrod asks, his own feelings of unease weighing on him.

Frank nods and then leans forward again, elbows on knees. "It's just this mess with Olin," he confesses. "It just doesn't sit right with me."

"Why not?" Nick fumes. Why make it more complicated than it needs to be? He thinks to himself, wanting nothing more than for this to be over. He looks over at Heath, who is shifting restlessly underneath the blankets. It's well past time for this kid brother to get better and start working the ranch with him.

"Don't know," Frank shrugs. "Just feels like there's someone else that's as happy as a lark right now, with Olin outta the way."

"Like the person responsible for the mine collapse in Midas," Jarrod adds, remembering how Olin had confessed to knowing who was responsible for the mine collapse that killed twenty-five men and sent his brother to prison.

"Yeah, exactly," Frank agrees. 'But I don't think that has anything to do with you folks, unless of course…"

"I continue to pursue the truth about the collapse and take the blame off of Alasdair," Jarrod finishes for him.

"Which, of course, you will," Victoria says as she reaches over and grabs his hand. Giving her son the reassurance that his family stands with him whatever his choice.

"COURSE HE WILL, HE'S A BARKLEY!" Nick exclaims causing them all to laugh.

"Well then," Frank says as he stands, "I think the immediate threat is over but I'd be vigilant as you start to pursue this, Jarrod." He reaches over and shakes the lawyer's hand and then makes his way around the room saying his farewells. "I'm going to make my way back up to Sacramento and deliver some good news for a change."

"The Dowlins!" Audra's joy shines through her eyes. "I bet they will be so happy to be home and united as a family once again." She turns to her mother, "Maybe we can drop off some dresses for Molly."

"I think that's a lovely idea," Victoria answers and then turns to Frank. "Please give the Dowlins our regards and let them know that if there is anything they need to let us know."

"I will, ma'am," Frank answers and then motions toward the sleeping boy. Rising from her chair, Victoria allows the marshall to take her place beside the bed and motions for the rest of them to back away and give the two some space.

Taking over dipping the cloths into the cool water and replacing the warm ones on the too-hot skin, Frank leans over and whispers in the boy's ear. "I gotta get going, Heath." He runs his hands through the damp hair, hoping to see a sliver of blue peek through the closed eyelids.

"You got yourself a family, boy. These Barkleys, they care about you and I want you to try not to fight it too much. I know it won't be... hasn't been… easy. But I think if you just give it time, you're going to get everything you've ever wanted and deserve. But first, you gotta get back on your feet, so you do what you are told and get well." Reaching out, he grips the back of the blond's neck and gives it a gentle squeeze before rising to take his leave.

"Frank," Victoria calls out and meets the exiting Marshall at the door. "I want to thank you for all you have done for this family, we are in your debt," she says and sees him start to speak but stops him and continues, "I want you to know, we'll take good care of Heath. He's a very special young man, it just took us a moment to recognize it."

"Thank you, Mrs. Barkley. You won't regret taking that boy into your heart." Frank smiles at her and gently squeezes her hand, before turning to the whole group, "After Sacramento, I need to head into Jubilee but if you all need anything just send a wire."

With that, he leaves, and the family settles in around their newest member. Gene and Audra have taken up the task of keeping the blond cool while the others sit quietly and watch. They are each deep in thought, their feelings swirling in different directions as they are unable to release the penned up energy that has been holding them together for the last week.

"So, it's really over?" Audra hesitantly asks, the hope in her voice clear.

"For now, honey," Jarrod answers, his voice lacking strong conviction. He reaches over and places his arms around his little sister, trying to comfort her. "It looks like it's over, for now."