Chapter 8

Julius is four years old when Clarke finds herself pregnant with her own child. He's afraid Bellamy will treat him differently, that she'll treat him differently. Octavia is the one to find him hiding in his favorite tree, the tallest one that Lincoln had shown him how to climb. She's sitting on one of the branches under him, talking about everything and anything until his quiet voice finally reaches her ears, voicing his fears.

"I'm not really theirs. Mama found me one day. What if she doesn't want me now that she has one that's actually hers?" Octavia's heart nearly broke at his words, tears gathering on her lashes before she cleared her throat.

"Do you want to know something about your mama Jules? None of us are actually hers, yet she kept all of us. When the Ark came down they wanted all of the kids from the camp, everyone you know and love, to rejoin them. Your mama and dad were the ones who told them no, that we were theirs. You might not have the same blood as them like your little brother or sister, but they chose you. And they aren't going to give you up for anything. You are theirs whether you want them or not. Now, why don't we head back? I'm sure your mama and dad are going out of their minds because they can't find you. She wasn't wrong. The moment they passed through the gate, Bellamy was scooping the small four year old into his arms and crushing him to his chest. Clarke wrapped her slender arms around both of them as she pressed kisses into the crown of Julius's head, whispering how worried she was.

Julius is six when he's learning his warrior training from his Uncle Lincoln when he hears his mother shout. He paused in his next set, glancing over his shoulders in time to see her storming out of the dropship with Finn following closely behind her. Julius glanced towards his uncle who nodded, easily dismissing him so he could catch up to his mother and see why she was so upset.

"I'm serious Finn. I've had it. I thought after the first year when I adopted Julius with Bellamy would clue you in, however, I can see that you are having a hard time understanding even six years later. I am madly in love with Bellamy. We have two children together, and we plan on having plenty more. You need to get it through that stubborn head of yours, I'm his, he is mine, we have our children," Clarke growled once Finn cornered her on the opposite side of the settlement where there was very little foot traffic.

"Clarke, you're confused. You don't actually want to be with Bellamy. He tricked you into raising that Grounder Monster with you and than knocked you up again so you wouldn't be able to think clearly once he was a little older," Finn spoke quickly, his tone desperate as he moved to grip Clarke's shoulders.

"Get away from Mama," Julius all but growled as he ran in between the two, kicking Finn in the leg as he stood protectively in front of his mother.

Clarke dropped into a crouch, wrapping her arms around her oldest son's waist and resting her chin on his shoulder.

"I suggest you listen to my brave warrior Finn before he calls for back up, although, I think that might be to late considering Bell is looking very angry at the fact that Lincoln and Murphy are holding him back," Clarke spoke softly before straightening to her full height, which was only five feet five inches.

"But, before you go running like a scared little deer," Clarke formed a fist exactly how Bellamy had taught her before connecting it with Finn's cheek.

"Ever call my son a Monster again, and I will personally kick your ass all the way to the Ark settlement," she warned him, before reaching for Julius's hand and moving towards the three men who were staring in awe. Bellamy was the first to shake his surprise, his pupils dilating as his lips pulled up in a smirk.

"Always knew it would be hot watching you punch someone Princess," he whispered in her ear once she was close enough for him to wrap his arm around her waist and pull her towards his chest. Clarke could only chuckle before Murphy began making gagging noises.

"I think I'll continue Julius's lesson," Lincoln commented as he led the child away from his parents.

Julius is eight years old when his sister is born. Clarke tells him he can pick her name, but it has to be strong like his, strong like Aunt Tavia's, and that's how he decides on Cleo, like Cleopatra who built an empire. Bellamy nods his approval as he runs his large hand over his daughter's head before dropping a kiss to Clarke's lips.

"My fierce Princess, building an empire with our children," he teases lightly. Clarke can only roll her eyes as she looks from Jules to Auggie and finally down to her little girl who is nuzzling against her chest.

"Do you think we're putting to much pressure on them with their names?" Clarke whispered, low enough to where her eight year old and four year old wouldn't over hear her. Bellamy only shook his head before his amber eyes rested on his sons as he thought over his words carefully.

"No, I don't. I think they're going to be the heroes this time around. They're going to be better than we ever could be and they will build their empires that will last unlike their namesakes. How many more do you want after this one Princess?" Bellamy questioned, turning his gaze to the beautiful blonde who was covered in sweat and half asleep from exhaustion.

"I don't know Bell, let's have one more in a couple of years and see how we feel than," was her answer, just as it was her answer before with Auggie, and when he asked if she wanted another one when Julius turned four.

"Whatever you want Princess," was his answer, just as it was always his answer. He dropped a final kiss to her lips before ushering his sons from the med bay and leading them towards their cabin, only for Murphy to stop him.

"You obviously want to stay with the Princess. Rae and I can watch these two, spend time with your wife and daughter," he spoke softly, surprising Bellamy who could only nod his head in agreement.

"Thank you Murphy, for everything you've done for us, for Clarke," Bellamy stated, watching as the smaller man only shrugged his shoulders before turning to the young boys and grinning widely.

"Who wants to stay up all night and drive Aunt Raven crazy?" he called, earning gleeful laughter. Bellamy only shook his head before returning to Clarke's side and gently tracing a finger from Cleo's temple to her chin in awe.

Julius is ten when he breaks his arm for the first time. He had been climbing a tree and had missed a foot hold when Cleo had shouted, wanting her eldest brother's attention. He didn't shout in surprise, didn't cry when he heard the bone break, just grunted from the impact and sat up as he looked around. Bellamy was at his side in an instant, checking him over before his amber eyes landed on his arm that was simply hanging at his side.

"J, can you lift your left arm for me, over your head?" he asked, his voice tight with worry as he watched his son frown before looking at him once more.

"I can't," he stated simply, watching as his father nodded his head before scooping him up and hollering for O and Lincoln to watch Cleo and Augustus.

"Clarke needs to check over Julius," was all he said when his sister questioned him.

"He broke his humerous. We're lucky it was a clean break, so as long as I set it properly, it'll heal right," Clarke stated as she worked on a cast for her son who was watching her with curious eyes, not an ounce of pain in his expression.

"I wasn't expecting him to fall, Clarke. I took my eyes off him for a second because Clea was talking and he.." Clarke offered her son a gentle smile before glancing towards the man who helped her raise him, who gave her three other children of her own.

"Bell, it's not your fault. Julius is old enough to not need constant supervision. He's a great climber, he was probably distracted, just like you were with Cleo. You know how he gets around his younger siblings. Just calm down," she soothed easily, placing a gentle kiss to her son's head before turning to her best friend, her partner and doing the same as he wrapped his arms around her waist and nuzzled against her stomach in affection.

Julius is fifteen, the first time he kisses anyone. The fact that it's Marc, Monty and Miller's son is different. He thought he was beautiful and couldn't resist pressing his lips to the other boy's, who had pressed back. Only Julius ran after he realized what happened. That was a week ago. And now he was hiding as everyone else enjoyed the Unity day celebration.

"Alright, talk to me baby, what's wrong?" Clarke's voice was calm, soothing. It was than that Julius realized his mother was his safe place, the only person in the entire world he could talk to and know she wouldn't judge him just like when she found him.

"I kissed Marc," he whispered when Clarke sat next to him, leaning against his bed frame and resting her head on his shoulder.

"And?" Clarke prompted lightly, reaching for her son's hand and playing lightly with his fingers.

"I liked it. But... what if it was an accident and he didn't mean to kiss me back?" he breathed quietly, closing his eyes to fight the tears.

"My brave warrior. You are so much like your father I can't believe it some times. If Marc didn't want you to kiss him Jules, he would have pushed you away or not responded. He likes you, probably just as much as you like him. Why don't you go join the party, find Marc, and actually talk to him before you over think anything," Clarke suggested, watching as he opened his eyes before nodding in agreement.

"Alright," he mumbled, pushing to his feet and leaving the cabin. Bellamy entered a few moments after, taking his place on the floor beside Clarke.

"So? What was the issue?" he questioned quietly as Clarke returned her head to a different shoulder as she hummed in thought, attempting to form her words.

"He was worried Marc didn't like him even though he kissed him back," she answered lazily, before smirking at the quiet curse that left her husband's lips.

"You owe me that foot rub," she stated before pushing to her feet and placing a careful hand on the baby bump that was just starting to show.

"I feel like you just want to out do O and Lincoln at this point," she mumbled, watching the sheepish shrug he offered.

"Six enough for you Princess?" he asked, watching as she rolled her eyes before shrugging.

"Possibly. We'll see how we feel after I have this one. Now, let's go watch your son flirt. I swear, he's more like you than me," she grumbled as she led the way out of the cabin.

Clarke never expected her life to become this after she found that baby in the woods, but she wouldn't change her life for anything. The Ground wasn't like anything she expected it to be, but it was better...

The End

A/N:And that is the end of And Baby Makes Three. Keep your eyes out for my next fic! It's going to be a bit different hopefully. As always, I hope you enjoyed and feel free to let me know what you thought.