Chapter 3: Take Me, Make Me

In the darkness of that same night, Hermione was suddenly roused from a hard sleep... by none other than Draco himself. Thankfully, she was in pajamas, but yelped all the same. "Bloody hell, Draco! What are you doing here? How did you get in?"

"No time to explain. Hermione... I got the Horcrux. You do know how to destroy one, don't you?"

Hermione shook the vestiges of sleep from her head. "Sure. And I know where."

Slipping into her bathroom, she changed into her creamy-white business suit and heels. Using a Concealment Charm (though she really wished she had the Invisibility Cloak), she and Draco headed down to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. Calling into the recesses of her memory, Hermione managed a passable Parsletongue that opened the Chamber of Secrets.

Draco stared at her. "How did you do that? Learned it from Potter?"

"Of a sort."

"You're amazing."

Hermione actually blushed. "Always the tone of surprise."

Both bravely leapt down the slide into the Chamber. They both landed in a sprawl, Hermione quickly getting up and dusting herself off. Her stiletto heels clicking, she led the way past the decaying Basilisk snake skin and into the Chamber itself.

The skeleton of the Basilisk, killed over 25 years before, was close to dust, but there were a few fangs left. And the fangs were all they would need.

Draco laid the Horcrux - a beautiful necklace, probably a Malfoy family heirloom, Hermione guessed - on the ground. Like the last time she had done this, Hermione did not hesitate and stabbed the necklace to pieces.

Just as when she had destroyed Voldemort's Cup Horcrux, a huge wave of water in the shape of a face loomed up before them. Unconsciously grabbing hands, Draco and Hermione stumbled backwards, but did not prevent themselves from getting drenched.

There was silence in the Chamber. This was the moment two decades ago, when Hermione had kissed her future husband for the first time. Perhaps it was a little bit of deja-vu, but she suddenly had the strange urge to kiss... no...

Suddenly, Hermione felt Draco's one arm slip about her waist and pull her flush against his body. Her eyes went wide. "Draco, what are you doing?" Draco's free hand cupped her face, tilting her chin upwards so that she was forced to gaze into his deep, brown eyes. Hermione felt the pounding of her traitorous heart, her hands growing clammy as they rested against Draco's chest. "Please stop," she whispered. "This isn't a game."

"I never considered it one, Granger."

"Weasley," she whispered, desperate to correct him. Even if... she didn't want to.

"Granger. I know your marriage to the bumbling freckle-face is all but over. I heard everything: the Brown whore, Potter losing his cool, your son, all of it."

Hermione tired to push against Draco's chest, to no avail. "Move, please," she begged. "Don't do this. I have children. I'm a married woman..."

"Only by a goddamn piece of paper!" Draco growled. Hermione felt her eyes growing heavy.


His lips crushed hers in a searing kiss. They both gasped and moaned at the electrifying feeling of finally, after months of growing closeness, they physically joined in this way. It was magical.

This was the best kiss Hermione had ever received in her entire life - lightyears better than Victor Krum, when she had been but a schoolgirl, not much older than her daughter. And lightyears better than Ron, even their wedding kiss...

Her sexually-starved body turned on, a yearning to hurt Ron just as badly as he had hurt her roared in her chest and a damp desire pooled between her legs...

Draco's hand about her waist crept lower, caressing and squeezing her bum, petting and memorizing the curves accentuated by her business suit. Hermione at first slapped his hand away, but Draco was insistent, sweeping her bum and inner thigh so that Hermione instinctively raised her leg to his waist, hooking it about his torso. Draco lifted Hermione off her feet, Hermione kicking her one heel off. The other went flying behind her, as her remaining foot popped.

She gave in. She allowed her own seduction.

"Mmmm? Hmmmm..." She closed her eyes in pleasure and kissed Draco back.

With the hand that wasn't holding Hermione up, Draco's touch, his fingers, fell into Hermione's brown curls, tangling up in them. She exhaled into his mouth, parting her lips so that his tongue could fire in between the split and entrap hers. They were kissing, biting, nibbling each other's lips. From where her arms were draped about his neck, Hermione's digits dug into his blonde locks - those locks she had always secretly wanted to run her fingers through and she yanked Draco closer with a low groan.

Draco spun, slipping in the damp stone of the Chamber, and they fell on top of each other, in the compromising position two people take when they wish to make love.

"Tell me you want me," Draco hissed into Hermione's lips, grinding his still maddeningly-clothed pelvis to let her know just how much he wanted her. "Say it, Hermione."

And hearing him utter her first name for the first time, Hermione took the last plunge. Spreading her legs, but squeezing her thighs about Draco's hips, she fisted her palms in his shirt. Looked him square in the eye. "TAKE. ME."

Good enough. Draco waved his wand, and their clothes all suddenly disappeared. He slammed his engorged manhood into Hermione's vagina. Hermione gave something between a gasp and an airy yelp as their bodies unified.

Even after going through childbirth twice, Hermione's womanhood was stretched to the limit. Godric, he was so big! It took so much to accommodate him! The pleasure shot like a bullet from Hermione's head to the tips of her toes. It had been so long since she had had sex, even longer since she had had really good sex.

"Oh, Draco... Draco..." she sobbed at the warmth, even as a little bit of her rationale brain was beginning to awaken once more, telling her this was wrong. "No... no..."

"Yes... FUCKING HELL YES!" Draco growled, pounding into her faster.

"Fuck, fuck, bloody hell, Merlin's pants, motherfucker, that's so good... don't stop..." Hermione panted, her eyes rolling into the back of her head.

"My, my, Granger, what a dirty mouth you have!" Draco snarled. He seemed both surprised and pleased.

"Just shut up and get me bloody off!" Hermione snapped through gritted teeth. Draco threw her legs over his shoulders and moaned. "Harder... faster..." At last: "DRACO!" She came, all over herself and all over him. Draco's sweaty body collapsed on top of her with a grunt as he quickly followed.

They lay there together for a while, wrapped in each other's arms. Draco did not pull out right away, and Hermione secretly appreciated it, as yet another comparison to Ron, one in which her husband was once again thoroughly outclassed. But, soon the reality of her dirty deed sank in, and she whined, pushing against Draco as she begged to be let up. He did as she bid, but caught her wrist as she made to crawl away, suddenly dizzy and sick and wanting to throw up. Hermione covered her flushed and very kissed mouth to stifle the sob.

"No," Draco pleaded. "Don't. Don't ruin this. It's about bloody time we shagged, Granger, and it wasn't wrong. It was the best fuck I've ever had."

Hermione had to admit it - it was the best fuck of her life too. But that wasn't the point. "I'm an adulteress now!" she practically wailed. "What will my daughter think?"

"What Rose doesn't know won't hurt her," Draco advised, and Hermione flinched at hearing her daughter's name on his lips. "Divorce the Weasley runt before he tosses you overboard for the Brown wench. Get that satisfaction out of him, at least." And getting up and dressing himself, he left Hermione there, naked and spread-eagled on her back, her lips kissed and her cunt filled with his seed, to think about what he had said.

Hermione vowed that she would never be made so vulnerable again. Her indiscretion, the betrayal of her wedding vows, had simply been a sexual curiosity now discovered. An eye for Ron's tooth. Or was it eye for an eye?... Oh, bloody hell!

Merlin, did fate really love to mock her.

Draco caught her in a secret passageway of the castle, which she had memorized after using the Marauder's Map for so many years. Pushing her up against the wall, he pinned Hermione's hands above her head, casting her wand aside before she could hex.

"You're going to pay for bewitching me so, Granger..." Draco hissed in her mouth. "I've thought of nothing else since we banged..."

Hermione whimpered, twisting away from him, knowing if she lost herself in his eyes, she was doomed. "God! No, no..." she mewled, as Draco sent a love bite into her neck. "Draco... let me go..."

Draco smirked. "Make me." She didn't move. He pressed his toned body up against hers. "I said: make me."

Hermione racked her brain. She couldn't throw him off - he was too bloody strong. And she was out of reach of her wand. There was only one idea - it was crazy, and deeply counterproductive, but it was an idea.

So thinking, she managed to wrench one hand free and use it to roughly grab Draco's stiff groin through his pants.

Draco cried out before Hermione fiercely pressed her lips to his in a hot kiss. His mouth was hard and unyielding against hers. She rubbed him faster. She moved in to kiss him again to silence his moans.

At last, Draco's grip slackened against her wrists, and his hands fell into her bushy brown hair, jerking her closer as he deepened the kiss. But instead, Hermione pressed her hands into his chest. Her eyes fluttering shut, she enjoyed the kiss for one more moment.

And then she shoved him back hard.

Diving for her wand, she spun and hexed him right in the face. Pivoting on her heel, Hermione ran for it, Draco's shouts ringing in her ears...