This story is an AU from 3x17. It was an idea that I couldn't get out of my head so I wrote it down. Lena and James aren't a couple...

"Supergirl, wait" Lena Luther said as she ran after the woman as she walked out of the conference room. Feeling like she needed to explain herself to the super, who was rightfully upset.

"Yes, Miss. Luther?" Supergirl stated as she turned around to look at the woman.

"I was just doing my job" the Luther said as she looked at the woman. "I was helping a friend, with something she came to me for help with"

Supergirl gave a huff as she looked at the woman, "So using Lex's kryptonite, something that you know is dangerous to super's was the only options?" Supergirl asked with a raised eyebrow. "I thought that we were friends? Apparently, we aren't" the woman said as she turned around and began to walk away.

"We are friends" The Luther said as she began to follow the woman.

"Then why keep this from me?" Supergirl asked as she continued to walk away. "Friends don't hide something this big from each other. Hide the fact that you have something that can kill me in your possession" Supergirl said as she stopped walking and turned around to face the woman. "I trusted you, I have saved you time and time again, and this is how you repay me?"

"While we might be friends, my loyally is not to you" Lena said as she stepped towards the super. "And while I am sorry that I have 'broken your trust' I was doing something for my friend. My friend who if I told you was Reign, you would have turned her into a prisoner and may even possibly kill her." Lena said as she shook her head. "I wasn't going to send my friend into a death trip, not until I was able to prove that she can change. That she wasn't this monster the world has made her out to be."

As much as the super wanted to say that Sam was her friend too, that she wouldn't allow the DEO to hurt someone she cared for, before they tried to save her, she couldn't and before she was allowed to rebuttal, Lena continued to speak "and as for keeping things from each other, if we were friends, you would tell me who you really are." Lena said as she watched the super stutter. "Friends aren't supposed to keep things from each other remember?"

"That isn't the argument here" Supergirl said as she shook her head. "The argument is that I have been there for you whenever you needed me. And I come to find out you have something that can kill me. And as of now we aren't friends" Supergirl said as she turned around and began to walk towards the exit. Lena was about to follow before a hand was placed on her shoulder.

"Can I ask you something?" Lena asked as she looked over the paperwork that the DEO agent handed to her. "Does Kara know that you work for the DEO?" Lena asked as she put the papers down and looked at the woman across from her.

"It's a secret agency" Alex stated as she looked at the woman. "What do you think?"

"So, you hide things from your family? And yet what I did for a friend was a betrayal?" Lena asked as she looked at the woman. "How is that any different?"

"I do this job to help keep my baby sister save from the aliens that walk this world" Alex said shaking her head. "And one of those aliens that helps me keep my sister save is Supergirl. So no what you did is not the same as me keeping my job away from the person I care about. What you did, keeping that you had the only kryptonite that is on this planet a secret, makes you look shady. How long have you had it? Why did you save it? Why didn't you tell Supergirl about it? Those are all the questions that are running through our minds right now. Does matter to us, that you may not have any more of it." Alex said with a shrug. "I always told Supergirl to watch who she trusts, and while I had my doubts a first, I began to see what a nice, caring person you are to Supergirl. Guess I was right the first time" Alex said with a shrug before she began to go over the documentation that was in front of the Luther.

"Basically, I tell anyone about what I saw here today, I could go to jail?" Lena asked as she looked at the woman and nodded as she signed the papers. "I am not a bad person. I was doing what I thought was right for my friend"

"A friend who almost killed Supergirl? A friend who murdered a lot of people? A friend who is now out and free to kill whoever she wants?" Alex asked as she shook her head.

"Reign isn't my friend. Sam is" Lena said as she looked at the woman. "I wasn't going to just hand her over to Supergirl, for her to do whatever she pleases with her" Lena said shaking her head. "If I would have done that my friend would be dead by now. I wasn't going to turn her over to the authorities" Lena shook her head as she looked at the woman who was collecting all the documents.

"If you honestly thought that Supergirl was going to kill Reign, or Sam you are wrong" Alex said shaking her head. "She knew better than any of us, that those world killers had a person still inside of them. That we are able to help get them back to who they are. She wanted to help those people, not kill them" Alex said as she stood up and gave the woman a small smile. "That is all for now. You can go home now"

"You don't need my help looking for Sam?" Lena asked as she stood up, "I know her better than any of you do… how will you fi-"

"We have it covered from here Miss. Luther" Alex said with softly, "Just go home and stay out of our way okay?" She said before she turned around and walked out of the room.

Later that evening, Kara was sitting on her couch, a cup of tea in her hand, not really knowing how to process everything that happened that day. Her 'girlfriend?', 'best friend?', whoever she was to her, had or has kryptonite.

"I can't really be mad at her… I mean she doesn't know who I am" Kara said outload to herself, "Guess that's why she doesn't understand why Supergirl was so upset" she said shaking her head. "How am I supposed to look at her now? Knowing what I know?" Kara closed her eyes for a moment as she tried to relax, tried to get her mind of the woman.

The hard knock on the door forced Kara to open her eyes and turn to look at the door. She wasn't expecting anyone to come over. Moving her glasses down, Kara quickly used her x-ray vision to see that it was the woman who was occupying her thoughts. Groaning Kara, stood up and walked towards the door as the woman knocked again.

Signing Kara, put the best happy face she could put on before she opened the door for the woman. "Lena!" Kara said as she bit her lip. "What are you doing here?"

"Can't a girl come visit her 'best friend'?" Lena asked with a smirk as she leaned in to give the woman a kiss, only for the brunette to turn so that Lena's lips hit her cheek. Not trying to be disappointed Lena walked into the apartment and turned to the woman. "Hope you don't mind, I brought wine, and some dinner" Lena said as she held up both the items.

"Actually…" Kara began to say, "I had a really bad day today… and I was just hoping to relax alone at home" Kara said softly as she looked at the woman.

"Oh" Lena said with a little pout, "I was hoping we could finally talk… about you know?" Lena said softly as she looked at the woman.

"Yeah well… I'm not really in the mood to talk about it" Kara said softly as she closed her door and began to walk into the kitchen.

Lena watched the woman, who is usually cheerful and happy walk across the room. "Why don't we talk about this bad day you had then?" Lena asked as she followed the woman told the kitchen. "I can tell you about mine?"

"I would rather not talk about that either" Kara said as she began to pour herself and Lena some wine, knowing the woman wasn't going to leave.

"Well how about I tell you about my day then?" Lena asked as she grabbed her glass of wine and walked towards the couch. "I had a very eventful day" Lena said softly.

"I know." Kara said as she turned to look at the woman. "Supergirl told me all about it"

"Oh?" Lena asked as she looked at the woman. "What exactly did she tell you?"

Kara walked over to the couch and sat across from Lena "What exactly was there to tell?' Kara asked as she narrowed her eyes at the woman.

"Nothing really" Lena said with a shrug as she put her glass of wine on the coffee table. "Supergirl and I had a disagreement is all"

"A disagreement?" Kara asked as she looked at the woman. "From the sounds of the conversation that Supergirl told me, it was more than a disagreement. You know Supergirl and I are friend's right?" Kara asked as she looked at the woman. "You really think that I would be okay with you having kryptonite?"

"Well it's a good thing that I didn't ask for you permission to have it isn't it?" Lena said as she shook her head. "You can't only hear Supergirl's part of the story and not mine" Lena said seriously as she looked at the upset woman.

"Fine, tell me your side of the story" Kara said as she sat back on the couch. "I'm interested to know how you came into contact with Kryptonite to begin with. Supergirl said that it was Lex's that was stored away?"

"That's not entirely true" Lena said as she took a deep breath and looked at the woman. "I made it myself"

"YOU WHAT" Kara said as she got up from the couch. "You… how? What?" Kara said as she looked at the woman. "So not only did you keep that you had kryptonite from Supergirl, you lied to her too?" Kara said shaking her head as she closed her eyes for a second before turning to the woman. "Why? Why are you making kryptonite?"

"I did it to help Sam" Lena said as she looked at the woman. "You know, our friend? Our best friend" Lena said softly as she looked at the woman. "I thought you would be happier that I was trying to help?"

"By making the only thing that could kill Supergirl?" Kara asked as she looked at the woman. "Something that no one is supposed to have?" Kara asked shaking her head. "God Lena" she said as she turned around and walked a back into the kitchen. "Do you know what this is going to look like to her?"

"I am fully aware what it's going to look like" Lena said as she followed the woman. "Why are you taking this like I betrayed you in the process?" Lena asked as she looked at the woman. "Supergirl, is a powerful person who can turn against the city whenever she sees fit. While I trust her with my life, I still want to be protected in case she goes crazy again" Lena said honestly. "I've read the stories of when she was on red kryptonite" Lena said nodding her head, "And I just want to be protected in case it happens again. I want to be able to protect you"

"Protect me?" Kara said as she gave a chuckled and turned to the woman. "I don't need your protection."

Lena looked at the woman in front of her, "Doesn't mean I'm not going to try to protect you" Lena said as she shook her head. "Why is this so important to you?" Lena asked as she looked at the woman.

"Doesn't matter the reason" Kara said as she shook her head. "How can you betray Supergirl like this?" Kara asked as she looked her head.

"How come you're so loyal to someone who can throw you across the room if she wanted too?" Lena asked as she stepped closer to the woman.

"How could you treat someone who has done nothing but convince people that you aren't anything like you brother, like this?" Kara asked as she shook her head. "You trying to prove that you are like your brother is that what's going on here?"

"How dare you!" Lena said as she looked at the woman, "You know how hard it has been for me, to get away from that name"

"Well you aren't proving otherwise" Kara said shaking her head. "Making kryptonite? Hiding it from Supergirl? Sounds like Lex Luther to me"

Lena looked at the woman who was standing in front of her and shook her head. "You don't get it"

"And neither do you!" Kara exclaimed as she looked at the woman. "You don't understand how scary it is for her to have someone with kryptonite!" Kara all but yelled. "How disappointed she is in you because she trusted you and saved your life countless times, only to be repaid like this. You don't understand her at all!"

"Oh so you do?" Lena asked as she looked at the woman. "You understand all that?"

"Yes!" Kara said as she looked at the woman anger clearly on her face.

"And how do you understand that so well Kara?" Lena asked as she looked at the woman.

"Because I'm her!" Kara yelled before she took a deep breath and looked at the woman in front of her. "Because I'm Supergirl"

What did you think?