Steve was home after an exhausting day and a difficult case to solve.

He was preparing something to eat when someone knocked on the door.

Steve opened the door and was surprised.


Hey, Steve. I really need to talk to you. Said Doris coming in with a suitcase and a child holding a plush bear.

What's going on, Mother? And who is this girl? Steve said looking at the girl.

She's Sophie Elisabeth. She's two years old. Look at her.

Steve looked at the girl more closely.

Catherine ... "He said in a low voice.

That's it. Your daughter with Catherine.

Like my daughter with Catherine, Mom? You are crazy? Steve said aloud and Sophie hid behind Dóris .

You're scaring her, Steven! Don't shout. Kono's wedding, Catherine in your house, does not that remind you of anything?

It's not possible, Mother. Catherine's been to Hawaii twice since then, and she did not tell me anything.

Steve, this talk you have to have with her when we find her.

What do you mean, when to find her ?

Catherine has been missing for three days. It was his last day at the CIA. She did not come back. She would never leave Sophie.

Mom, this is your crazy story. How would Catherine create a child working for the CIA?

I do not know how either, but she can. Said Doris.

Grandma, I want to leave. Sophie said.

Honey, this is daddy Steven. I told you about him do you remember?

Sophie shook her head, saying no.

Steve , I can not give you the answers you need, I just need you to take care of your daughter, until Catherine comes back. I'm wasting time here. We have teams on the field, looking for her.

Is that so, Doris? Do you throw two bombs in my life and walk away?

What pumps, Steve? Not talk like that. She did not ask to be born. It was you two who did her.

OK sorry. I did not mean that.

How can I have peace to take care of a child, knowing that Catherine is missing? What was that mission, Mother?

I can not tell you. You know it.

I'm always the idiot who knows nothing. Steve said.

Sophie likes porridge and uses diapers to sleep. Her clothes are in the suitcase. Have patience with her. Doris said.

Mom, leave a phone number. I need to hear from Catherine.

I'll call you, Steve. Give me a hug. Doris said, hugging Steve.

Sophie, give Grandma a hug.

Sophie hugged Doris.

I'll send news. Said Doris leaving, leaving Steve with Sophie.

Sophie cried when she saw Doris leaving.