The true mind can weather all the lies and illusions without being lost. The true heart can tough the poison of hatred without being harmed. Since beginningless time darkness thrives in the void but always yields to purifying light.

"In the era before the avatar, we bent not the elements, but the energy within ourselves." - Giant Lion Turtle S03E21

It was summer. The Multi Cultural Center of New Republic City was hosting it's annual Summer Ball in four days where all of the social elites, business magnates, influential politicians all gathered for an evening to celebrate the anniversary of the end of the 100 year war. The entire city was in a festive mood. Crime had been at an all time low for over a month now so the police force was able to cut its numbers and hours without any effect on public safety. Civilians were hanging lanterns and decorations and flags from their nations of origin with some houses displaying flags from all four nations.

In the Sato Mansion, Korra and Asami were discussing designs for custom made formal robes for the event that would be recounted on newspapers all over the world the very next morning.

At the police station, Mako was busy scolding some subordinates for mishandling a minor robbery while the Chief of Police was packing up to head home early to train the airbender kids.

On Air Temple Mountain, Kai was pacing back and forth nervously, trying to muster up the courage to ask Tenzin to take Jinora to the Summer Ball.

At Narook's Seaweed Noodlery, Bolin was eating himself into oblivion while trying to muster up the courage to ask Tenzin and Beifong if he could take Opan to the Summer Ball.

The knock was quick anxious. Lin smirked as she sat on the couch reading the magazine, one bare foot planted firmly on the ground. She could feel the boy's heart beating outside his chest as he stood on the front porch, waiting. Ikki was taking a nap with her head in Lin's lap after a tough half-day of training and Jinora was sitting with her back leaning against the Chief of Police's arm while she was reading a book about the founding and history of the great city of Omashu. Meelo was sitting on the floor showing Rohan some of his favorite toys.

"Kai! What a pleasant surprise!"

"Hiya Master Tenzin! Chief!" He nodded to Lin who looked up from her newspaper. "I was just wondering if I could take Jinora to the annual summer ball celebrating the end of the hundred year war," Kai said sheepishly, not maintaining eye contact with either adult.

Lin set down the newspaper on the table in front of her and folded her arms and raised an eyebrow, glancing over to Tenzin.

"Hm," Tenzin thought for a brief moment, leaning against the doorway of his home on Air Temple Mountain. "Jinora, would you like to go with Kai to the ball on Friday?" Tenzin asked.

"I-" Jinora glanced over at Lin. "Yes," she said becoming giggly with excitement.

"Very well, I trust you both will be on your best behavior, considering just how public this event is. With that said, there will be no kissing, no cactus juice for either of you, and no leaving the venue except for when we all leave to go home, together," Tenzin said to the excited boy.

"Yes! Thank you so much, Master Tenzin! I won't let you down! Jinora, I'll be back at seven?"

"Yes!" Jinora said excitedly. Kai jumped on an air scooter and rode back to the boy's dormitory yelling with joy.

"Ah! Young Love," Lin said smiling warmly after Tenzin closed the door. "Still asleep?" she looked down at Jinora and stroked the girl's back. Barely a few minutes passed when there was another knock on the door. "Bolin?" Tenzin seemed surprise.

"Hi Tenzin, Chief Beifong, I was wondering if Opal was around,"

"I believe she was giving Juicy a bath last time I saw her, I can go get her," Jinora said getting up.

"Oh I don't want to interrupt her if she is busy. I was wondering if I could ask... I am not really sure if you were the right people to go to for approval since Su is in Zaofu and..."

"What? You want to marry her or something?" Lin asked impatiently, accidentally waking Ikki.

"No, well.. I do, but not yet, that's not why I am here!... I just..." Bolin stuttered.

"Just spit it out already!" Lin yelled standing up.

"Could I take Opal to the Summer Ball?" Bolin asked, immediately covering his mouth with his hands in embarrassment.

"If Opal wants to go with the blubbering fool, I'm fine with it. Tenzin, you tell him the ground rules," Lin said turning around with a wave of her hand, taking Ikki's. "Come on, little one, let's get you to bed."

"But Rohan is the little one," Ikki said following sluggishly.

"He wasn't stuck training with me for four hours straight," Lin replied sternly.

Tenzin repeated what he told to Kai to Bolin. "Even though you guys are older, you still must maintain a good image in the eyes of the city. Opal is a member of the Air Nation and has a big responsibility to preserve our culture and values."

"Don't worry, Master Tenzin, I won't corrupt her! I'm good!... I think."

"I have complete trust in you. It's just Lin, she's been... well you know... helping out around here and... making changes." Tenzin said glancing down the hall where the girls' dormitories were on one side of the house with the boys' rooms on the other.

"Yeah," Bolin sighed before taking his leave.

After putting Ikki to bed early, Lin went into Tenzin's study to call her sister. "Will you be coming into town for the Summer Ball celebrating the end of the Hundred Year War?" Lin asked. "We'd love to host you here on Air Temple Mountain. It has been a while and I am sure Opal would like to see you!"

"Of course I will come to the celebration if you want me to be there. How are the Zaofu Guards doing?"

"Exceptionally well! We haven't had any more break-in attempts or explosions on the Temple. They're really good deterrent."

"I'm glad. Though I do believe love is better than hate, sometimes just a little fear is all that it takes. We will most likely arrive the morning of the ball. I am assuming you have to attend since you're Chief of Police right? You and Councilman Airhead?"

"Yes, we are both required to attend."

"Okay, well I am going to bring some stuff for you to try on. I will not allow you to attend a ball dressed like you're about to make a hundred arrests even though the new armor looks great."

"Fine! Do what you want! It's not like I've ever been able to stop you before!" Lin yelled throwing her hand up in surrender. "I'll see you on Friday."

"See you on Friday, Lin! I love you!"

"Yeah, sure."

On Friday morning, Lin oversaw the security preparations at the venue before returning to Air Temple Mountain to receive her sister at eleven. The City of Zaofu had recently received a brand new airship from Future Industries to transport their matriarch between her home and Ba Sing Se where she served as interim ruler until they could organize an information distribution system and hold elections for a new Earth Nation Council.

It was a happy reunion six months after the great battle that left Pema dead and Suyin in a coma. Suyin brought with her, her remaining four children. Wing and Wei were excited to be reunited with Opal, Huan was more or less the same, twiddling his fingers around a small piece of metal, tearing and bending it into a work of abstract art that he was planning to gift to his mother, and Baatar Jr. was still grieving over the loss of his Fiancee to the legal system over a year prior.

The adults were just about to head inside when a Zaofu Guard ran over from the gondola with a messenger hawk from the Fire Nation resting on his arm. "Chief Beifong! A letter for you!"

"It has the Royal Seal on it!" Jinora noticed immediately, grabbing onto Lin's left arm as she removed the letter from the bird's harness with her right.

"Thank you, Captain," Lin said with a light bow of the head as the guard bowed deeper and ran off.

"What does it say?" Meelo demanded with a childish impatience.

"Is something wrong?" Ikki asked.

"Not at all. It is wonderful news! Fire Lord Izumi will be coming to the celebration with us and then staying for a few days with Iroh and Ursa!" Lin said to the children.

"Yay!" Jinora and Meelo cheered.

"Ikki, what is wrong?"

"Now I am conflicted! Should I ask Huan or Iroh to the ball?" Ikki said tugging on the arm in which Lin held the letter.

Lin bent down to her level. "You can ask whichever one you like." She noticed Su fold her arms with anticipation without looking back. "Or," Lin continued leaning closer. "You could ask both of them." She said with a smirk.

Ikki seemed to like this idea. "I'll think about it!"

Only an hour later, the Royal Fire Nation Airship appeared on the horizon, heading straight for Air Temple Mountain. The Zaofu Guards got the rest of the Beifong Family's luggage off and then flew to a high-security air field owned by Future Industries. Everyone came outside and assembled to greet the Fire Lord. Tenzin stood at the front of the group with Lin and her family just behind his right shoulder and his children and the other air benders behind his left as the royal family of the Fire Nation walked down the gangway flanked by their royal guards.

"Master Tenzin, Chief Lin Beifong, Masters Kya and Suyin, and Commander Bumi," Fire Lord Izumi said addressing those at the front each of them bowing at the sound of their names.

"Not Commander anymore! Left the United Forces a while ago to train to become an airbending master! Would you believe it? After harmonic convergence, I got to become an airbender!" Bumi said wildly flexing his muscles, not visible through the orange and red airbending robes. Tenzin rubbed the bridge of his nose and Lin closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"Forgive me, Bumi. I was unaware of this change. Congratulations on your new ability," Izumi said with unwavering composure.

"It is an honor to welcome you to our home," Tenzin said bowing low as everyone followed.

"Thank you for hosting me," Izumi said bowing back followed by her children. "Now, enough formalities! It has been far too long, old friends!" She said opening her arms and walking over to embrace Suyin, Lin, Tenzin, Kya and Bumi.

"You all know each other?!" Opal asked clapping her hands together with glee.

"Don't you know? All old people know each other!" Izumi joked.

"Our parents saved the world together! How could we not know each other?" Kya asked.

"You don't usually come to Republic City to celebrate the end of the war. What is the occasion?" Lin asked.

Izumi's face became sad with anxiety. "Is there somewhere we could speak privately? Just us older folks?"

"Of course, we can use the library or the classroom and just send everybody out," Tenzin said leading the way.

"Run along children," Suyin said to her brood.

"Ikki, why don't you give Prince Iroh and Princess Ursa a tour of the mountain with your siblings?" Lin suggested.

"Can we come too? I mean we have had the tour before, but it would give us something to do," Wing asked throwing an arm around his brothers, Wei and Huan.

"Okay!" Ikki squealed skipping off.

"I am so sorry," Izumi began once Lin and Suyin caught up after sending the children away. "I hate to come under these circumstances."

"What circumstances?"

"Usually we host our own festivities at home in the Fire Nation celebrating the end of that useless war, but recently things have changed. I have come to warn you. It appears a new terrorist group has arisen in the Fire Nation. The members are incredibly elusive, so much that we have been unable to catch any of them. They seem to target prominent benders and non-benders alike but have also known to attack civilians."

"How do you know they are all part of one terrorist group and not several smaller gangs all with different aims?" Lin asked folding her arms and shifting her weight onto one leg.

"The scale of their attacks is beyond the capability of your standard gang. They can take and give people bending!" Izumi replied. Everyone held their breath in shock. "In the past year, over half of the formerly non-bending population have somehow spontaneously gained the ability to bend. In the past week, a dozen royal guards have woken up with their bending gone. They have breeched the Royal Palace and even got to my daughter, Ursa!"

"Oh no!"

"This is impossible! I thought only the Avatar could take away and return someone's bending completely!" Tenzin exclaimed. "Amon only temporarily took people's bending by blocking access to their element's chakra using bloodbending!"

"I thought so too, but apparently after Harmonic Convergence, some individuals woke up with bending more powerful than ever seen before. They're using their bending and spiritual energy to shape their society, putting serfs and farmers in power in their respective towns a distance away from the capital." Izumi informed everyone.

"Spirits! Maybe we shouldn't go to the ball tonight. It would be too easy to wipe us all out being in one place!" Tenzin suggested.

"That is the complete opposite of what I think should occur. I came here so we could all be there together. Apart, we are not so daunting, but together we are strong. I think it would be beneficial to arrive to the event together and stay together, not just for the night but for the weekend to show our strength and loyalty and how it can transcend borders and generations. I think it is essential that we make a statement to those lurking in the shadows. Our parents united water, earth, air and fire, and we must continue this work and show these terrorists that we cannot be defeated."

"Su, have you noticed anything like this in the earth kingdom?" Lin asked Suyin who had been splitting her time between Zaofu and Ba Sing Se trying to repair the mess that Kuvira and the MechMan had created in the last four years.

"No, I don't think, but so far, the only places I have been outside of Zaofu were Ba Sing Se and Omashu. Even with control of Kuvira's Maglev train, so many parts of the kingdom are inaccessible. I can send out an investigative force this evening." Suyin replied.

"It takes years of gathering and organizing census data to even notice the change. Like I said, they're elusive. I would almost advise against widespread investigation. Every time we get close to catching one of these terrorists, their organization gets wind and they all slip back into the shadows." Fire Lord Izumi warned Suyin.

"Thank you for telling us all of this," Lin said softly looking down at her feet thinking about just how low the crime rate was in Republic City. Maybe they are somehow involved. They must be occupied doing something. When leaders are imprisoned, new ones surface and continue the business.

"Tenzin, keep track of your airbenders. All of them. Any non-bender that has enough of a spiritual connection to the other world, can bend the energy within and take it from them." Izumi added.

"I will," Tenzin said.

"I think I am going back to work for a few hours. I need to look over one last thing," Lin said beginning to leave.

"Lin! The party is in a few hours!"

"I can wear my uniform. I am not leaving anything to chance if there are energy benders out there wreaking havoc!" Lin replied exiting quickly.

Izumi sighed and crouched down on the ground, holding herself with grief as Kya fell by her side with a comforting arm. "I just feel so sorry for Ursa. She was doing so well in training too, and had just begun to bend lightning."

The weather was beautiful as the next generation wandered along the mountain path. The slight cloud cover and elevation helped to keep the temperature of the Air Temple Mountain cool and pleasant. Ikki walked on top of the wall rather than on the path, working on her balance while Meelo rode around the group like a farmer herding goat-sheep. The Fire Prince and Princess followed Ikki closely, Iroh listening intently to everything she had to say while Ursa looked rather downcast. Wing and Wei followed behind them, juggling a handful of steel marbles, and smooth pebbles between each other. Jinora walked with Opal towards the back of the group, while Huan at a distance of about fifteen feet behind the group, ignoring Meelo's aggressive attempts to make them stick together.

I should have escaped this tour when I had the chance like Baatar Jr. did. Huan thought as he bent another corner of the shredded piece of metal in his hand.

"And there is where the bison sleep and there is where we spar and there are the spinning airbending gates that we use to practice agility!- You can try it if you want! Even aunt LIN can do it and she's an earthbender!" Ikki rambled faster than most people could think.

"If Aunt Lin can do it, I am sure we can! I am willing to try it!" Wing said raising his hand.

"I bet I can still do it better than you!" Wei yelled.

"Is that a challenge?"

"Yes! Obviously!"

It was decided, the twins would try the turning gates. Jinora spun them with her airbending while Opal demonstrated how to weave through them.

"You have to BE THE LEAF!" Meelo yelled, still riding around on his air scooter.

"How are you feeling?" Iroh whispered to Ursa, placing a hand on her shoulder that she shrugged off.

"I'm fine!" she hissed. Jinora heard and looked over, but decided not to pry.

Wing positioned himself at the opening and ran towards the gates, intending to attack them head-on like the earth bender he was trained to be only to get beat up heavily inside before stumbling out the other end, immensely dizzy and somewhat upset.

"Here, let me demonstrate!" Ikki yelled as she, Opal, and Wing walked back to the other side where the group stood watching.

"It is like this!" Ikki said weaving through with even more fluidity and ease than Opal had.

Just as Wei was about to try, they heard a scream. Huan who had been standing away from the group, the entire time, looked up from his sculpture when he heard the scream and saw someone dragging Ikki away. He took off into the trees after them, running blindly, with his eyes squeezed shut, relying on seismic sense for the most accurate tracking. He could feel the heart and muscle of the attacker. He was an earth bender too!

"Huan! Ikki!" Opal yelled uselessly from the platform above. "Someone go tell Tenzin! Hurry!" Opal screamed.

"I'll go!" Jinora said breaking off into a sprint back towards the residential buildings.

"Don't go alone!" Iroh called following her. "We can't lose TWO airbender children!"

Huan slid down the mountain face and landed on an outcrop at the entrance of a rather large and dark cave. There weren't just one, but many rather shabby looking people appearing to be camping there. Three waterbenders, four firebenders, six earthbenders, and Ikki.

"Who are you?" a tall tattooed man with three piercings in one ear, a nose and lip ring, and a mostly shaved head asked appearing in the light before Huan. Huan closed his eyes and listened.

"He's one of the Earth Queen's kids. He's the dull one. He is no threat to us," a firebender in the cave said walking towards Ikki who was tied up and unconscious, propped up on her knees. The firebender placed his right thumb on Ikki's forehead and his left hand on the center of her chest.

"Just to make sure," the tattoed earthbender began to say, lifting his hands to Huan's forehead and chest. Huan ducked using earthbending to throw all twelve gang members into the walls and the ceilings of the caves first to knock them out, and then again to pin them until help came in case they woke.

"Ikki?" he called walking into the cave towards the limp form wearing airbender clothes. He picked her up and sent his signature vibration signal through the mountain that only his siblings would be able to interpret.

"He's this way!" Wing and Wei yelled simultaneously leading the way down the mountain face with Tenzin, Jinora, Kya, Izumi, Baatar Sr., four Fire Nation Royal guards, and four Zaofu Guards in tow.

"What happened?" Tenzin demanded taking Ikki from Huan's arms as the Zaofu Guards set about ensnaring the cave people in their cables.

"I was too late," Huan said in the same unchanging monotone voice that he always had.

Izumi put a hand on Ikki's forehead. "It is done," she said gravely. Tenzin fell to the ground, clutching his second child in his arms, sobbing.

"She's not dead," Huan said with a slightly puzzled expression.

"No, she is not. But they took her bending away." Izumi explained. All those present held their breath.

Hiya guys! This is a tangent from my other story, 'Not a Replacement' which is set after defeating the MechMan (the enemy after Kuvira). In the battle against the MechMan, Pema and several evacuees are killed and Suyin nearly killed after she and Lin tried to rescue them. After Suyin is healthy enough to leave the hospital and doesn't need her sister watching her, Tenzin asks Lin to help out with his children. Lin initially lacks confidence in her abilities and doesn't want to hurt them while they are grieving or for them to think that she is "replacing" Pema. But the airbender children fall in love with Lin very quickly and Tenzin begins to realize that he never fell out of love with her.

They build a Republic City with the help of Zaofu and Republic City earth and metal benders and relocate the inhabitants of Air temple Island to a new Air Temple Mountain that is closer to the New Republic City (which is essentially the old city super imposed on a mountainside).

I think that even though Huan uses his metal bending to make abstract sculptures, and didn't help try to disarm Kuvira's spirit cannon at all during Operation Beifong in the fourth book of LOK, I think that he is secretly a really powerful bender like his brothers and aunts, but just hides it. Also, the brief clip of Ikki dancing, holding Huan's hands at Varrik's wedding was just too cute!

Please leave a review if you have time! All criticism is appreciated. :)