Chapter 1: Breaking Out

By Brandon Frangipani

Hey everyone! I want to welcome you to a brand-new story called Subject 2, in which we follow Michael Jacobs, a stray kitten who has been subjected to human experimentation and is now an anthropomorphic animal. Running from the people who kept him in isolation, he runs into the Elite Force and helps them defeat super villains and protect the world. This will be a reboot and will be told from the perspective of Michael himself.

Michael: Brandon does not own Lab Rats: Elite Force, Lab Rats, or Mighty Med. He only owns me and any other OC he has created. Enjoy the story!

It just couldn't get any worse, could it? Well, what would you expect about this situation? Countless years of them experimenting on me and it still sucks to be one of their test subjects. I was once a stray kitten who lost his home after his human family were killed in an accident, and I kept walking on all fours for days, my stomach growling and a limped leg due to getting hit by a car by accident. That's when they found me. I was only two years old in animal years and they said I was one of their perfect "test subjects", like I was fascinating to them or something. They took me to their lab, and that's when the pain started. Countless needles got poked into me and they ran so many tests that I couldn't keep count of how many. Usually cats don't live this long, but I'm 20 years old now. The year is 2016, and there's a lot of commotion going on about weird people showing up in the city with powers and how they are threatening people and their families. The weird thing is now, after countless years of them experimenting on me, I now walk on two legs, I have three toes, five fingers, and yet I still have my instincts when I was younger and still walking on all fours. They kept telling me I could come out soon, but every single year it didn't happen. They dubbed me "Subject 2", because the first subject has been in his stasis capsule WAY longer than I have been in mine. I've been wanting to break out for years, because the only thing I wore on my body was a collar around my neck with the words "Subject 2" on it, in which it was a shock collar, so they could keep me in check. But today is that day. Today is the day I finally get that taste of freedom I deserve. Oh, the guard is walking in now! I got to go, so I'll keep in touch with you guys later once the story goes further.

Guard: Okay, you filthy cat. Time to do more tests.

Michael: (laughs) Wow, you seriously keep calling me filthy? I've been taking baths every day, pal. Although I can't say the same about you and your stupid-ass jacket.

Guard: You have some nerve! Using that language against your superiors! Time for another shock!

(The guard shocks Michael as the cat holds his teeth together while yelling)

Michael: Okay! Okay, you have made your point! Please, just stop it!

Guard: (laughs) Alright, you little stray kitten. I'll stop on one condition. You stop using that stupid language. If you do it again, I'll shoot you in your hip. GOT IT?!

Michael: Okay, man. You have a deal.

Guard: Good. Now to finally get those tests done.

(The guard pokes another needle into Michael, with Michael yelling in pain due to the strange chemicals they were putting into him. After 15 minutes of pain and agony, the guard finally stops, with Michael's eyes breaking a few tears from what he had to be put through.)

Guard: Aw, what's a matter kitty? You miss your mommy and daddy? GOOD! In my own opinion, and this is going to hurt… they never deserved you. You honestly think they ever wanted a cat, despite them taking you in? Taking care of you like you are one of their own children despite them having a teenage son and daughter? Well, let me tell you something, number 2! We were responsible for them getting in that accident.

(Michael's eyes grew wide and his face's expression was like a furious animal that would bite you for different reasons.)

Guard: Heh! You deserved it anyway. You and your brothers and sisters. Well, have a good night, number 2. You're going to need it for tomorrow.

(The guard left, and Michael broke into tears after finding out what happened to his family. The family that took him in off the streets, gone, just like that. But then Michael found something on the floor that would guarantee his freedom!)

Michael: Wow! He left one of his keys! I can finally get out of this hell hole! Finally, sweet freedom after being their guinea pig for so long… and then maybe I'll finally be able to get some clothes.

(Michael then proceeded to pick up the key with one of his feet, and he tossed the key from his foot to his hand. He then was able to move his head and grab the key with his teeth and unlocked his hand cuffs from the table they set him on. He then unlocked his feet cuffs and was finally able to move himself off the table for the first time and try to find some type of temporary clothing. He then found a lab coat on the rack by the case of vials with collected blood. He puts it on and buttons it up, with a sigh of relief.)

Michael: Well, I was hoping for more than that, like a pair of pants or something… but that will do for now, I guess. Time to get out of here!

(Michael then proceeded to sneak out of the lab room and quietly headed to the surveillance room, where they were keeping watch of all the subjects the scientists and guards were working with. Michael looked suspicious as they would never let a guard do experiments on him. Then he thought to himself, Wait a minute! That's no ordinary guard! That's someone who is posing as one! I'll thank them later down the road though. Don't want to get caught!)

(Michael then proceeded to sneak up on the sleeping guard and stole the keys to his van. Even though he didn't have a driver's license due to him being in solitude, Michael was confident that he could drive one of those Jeeps outside. As soon as he walked out of the surveillance room, three guard spotted him.)

Guard: HEY! What are you doing out of your capsule! GET HIM!

(Michael then proceeded to run from the angry guards, who were chasing him with guns that weren't really guns, but some weird weapons that could shoot lasers. While he was trying to run, one of the laser guns fired on his leg and gave Michael a small cut.)

Michael: Ow! DAMN IT!

(Michael, however, didn't stop running to look at the cut, and then proceeded to the garage. He then got some bandage wrap off the first aid kit that laid open on the table and proceeded to get into one of the Jeeps. As soon as he started the ignition on the vehicle, the guards busted the door on the wall and they yelled as loud as they could.)


Michael: Not a chance! You kept me here for too long, and it's time I got my freedom! SAYONARA SUCKERS!

(Michael laughed after he got done talking and proceeded to drive the Jeep into a nearby city that he could hide out for a bit before they could find him. However, the guards started their own Jeeps and started chasing him on the road.)

Michael: (rolls his eyes in frustration) Shit! You've got to be kidding me!

(Michael kept speeding as the other Jeeps with the angry guards kept chasing him, trying to knock his vehicle over. However, Michael proved victorious as he was able to knock over one Jeep on the side of the road.)

Michael: YES! That will show you not to mess with… well, I'm not sure what I am anymore. I literally must figure that out soon.

(Michael then proceeds to knock another Jeep on the side of the road in victory. However, the last Jeep was a modified vehicle, as one guard came out on top with a turret gun.)

Michael: What… the hell?!

(The guard started to shoot the turret gun and it proceeded to damage the Jeep Michael was driving. It damaged the Jeep pretty good, but Michael was able to knock the last Jeep off to the side of the road as the vehicle with the turret gun exploded, killing the guards; however, no one was able to see it as the entire area was just sand and dead trees.)

Michael: Well, that was close! Oh gosh darn it… stupid cut!

(Michael then saw the cut from the laser gun grow a little bit bigger on his leg. However, he saw a forest-like area and smiled with excitement.)

Michael: YES! A forest! Now I won't be able to be seen!

(Michael then drove his Jeep into the forest until he saw a shaded area that could cool him down. He then proceeded to get the bandage wrap and finally found out that there was another first aid kit in the Jeep, so he wouldn't have to run out of the first roll while trying to fix his leg. Michael found wound heal spray as well in the kit. He then proceeded to carefully put the spray on his cut, although the stinging really got him frustrated.)

Michael: OW! Ugh, I wish I never got this stupid cut!

(Michael then finished putting the spray on his wound and then wrapped the bandage wrap on the part of his leg where the wound was. He then proceeded to turn the radio on and found a song that he really liked. The song was called Cake by the Ocean by D.N.C.E.)

Michael: Wow! This is a neat song!

(Michael then proceeded to sing along to the song.)

Michael: Oh no! See you walking 'round like it's a funeral! Not so serious, girl, why those feet cold? We just getting started, don't you tiptoe? Tiptoe, ah! Waste time with a masterpiece! Don't waste time with a masterpiece! You should be rolling with me! You should be rolling with me, ah! You're a real-life fantasy! You're a real-life fantasy! But you're moving so carefully, let's start living dangerously! Talk to me baby! I'm going blind from this sweet-sweet craving, whoa-oh! Let's lose our minds and go freaking crazy! Ah ya ya ya ya! Keep on hoping we'll eat cake by the ocean! Walk for me, baby! I'll be Diddy, you'll be Naomi, whoa-oh! Let's lose our minds and go freaking crazy! Ah ya ya ya ya! Keep on hoping we'll eat cake by the ocean! UH!

(Michael then tried to keep singing along, but a broadcast from a weird radio station came in from out of nowhere.)

Radio Host: Warning! Warning! Be on the lookout for subject number 2! He has escaped custody and we must find him! Search the desert! We must find him and bring him in for more experiments!

Michael: Damn it! They had to make that public?!

(Michael sighed in frustration as he knew they would be looking for him. He got out of the Jeep and proceeded to a humongous lake in the middle of the forest, where he saw the most beautiful things possible.)

Michael: WOW! Look at all this grass! And these flowers, boy are these awesome! These roses are beautiful! And the lake, oh boy, the lake! Fresh water! (sniffs) Ugh, what is that smell? Oh wait, false alarm, that's me! Boy, I need to take a bath. At least it will be fresh water this time! This is so exciting!

(Michael then proceeded to take his lab coat off and stepped into the water. He smiled big as he felt the water on his toes, something he never got to experience during his time in the labs. He then jumped into the water as he yelled in excitement. Michael could not be happier, as he experienced his first time as a free being, away from all the stuff he had to go through for countless years.)


(Michael kept yelling in excitement while he was in the water as he kept swimming, both frontward and backward. He kept jumping with joy in the beautiful, clean water as he finally got to experience something he hasn't felt in a long time. Happiness. It was true happiness that Michael felt for the first time in years. He then started crying tears of joy as he finally started remembering how he wanted this first moment to be.)

Michael: (crying) I'm so happy! Mom. Dad. Josh. Sally. I really wish you could see me happy right now. I know you could hear me, and I wanted to thank you for caring for me all those years ago. You guys loved me so much like Josh and Sally, and it was one of the best times of my life. I'll never forget you guys, and I promise, I will avenge you! You guys have made me so happy and I just wanted to say… I wanted to say that I loved you guys. I am glad that you guys were my family.

(Michael then calmed down for a moment and got out of the water and dried his fur off. He then proceeded to put his lab coat back on and got back into the Jeep that he parked by the water. He then turned the radio on so low that no one could hear it but him as the station kept playing music like what he heard earlier. It was night time, and the forest looked beautiful. Michael then noticed the deer and squirrels running around and it really lifted his spirits. He then yawned, being exhausted from all the stuff he dealt with today as well as being worn out from the excitement for his first day of freedom.)

Michael: Well, time to call it a night.

(Michael then closed his eyes and started to sleep.)

(Michael then started to have a dream. A weird dream. He noticed that he was standing on a strange ground, with a figure far away that he couldn't see well.)

Michael: Hello? Can you hear me?

(The figure didn't respond. Michael frowned as trying to speak didn't work. He then grew a little more confidence to try again.)

Michael: Are you there? Are you listening?

(The figure then proceeded to respond.)

?: You are one of the chosen ones.

Michael: (confused) What are you talking about?

?: You are one of the people who will free us from the Council of Shadows.

Michael: Who are they?

?: I can't say! You need to go to Centium City! Find a man named Donald Davenport! He will help you out! I must go! STAY SAFE!

Michael: Wait! Don't go! What are you talking about!

(It failed, however, as the mysterious figure left. The dream then ended as Michael still slept throughout the night. Tomorrow, he would go find Donald Davenport.)

And that's it, guys! I hope you enjoyed Chapter One! Stay tuned for Chapter Two! It will be coming out sometime this upcoming week (Week of May 14!)
