Disclaimer: I don't own Shaman King so please don't sue me. I will not be responsible for any sudden bursts of tears that this fic may cause or the up and down feelings that you may experience from reading this. This part is kinda pretty much comedy and ecchiness so excuse me or don't read if that's not your cup of tea. Complete wildness and OCC, but these were just some crazy thoughts that popped into my head after writing this fic. XD

Chapter 13 – Out takes Part Duex covering Chapters 6-9

Out take #06

"Do you remember Yoh?" Anna asked though she knew there would be no reply. She didn't wait long to continue on because she knew that wherever he was listening. He knew better than to ignore her. He didn't have a choice in the matter.

His unconscious form continued to lie across the futon not moving. Only the slight rise and fall of his chest told Anna that he was still alive. She could feel that Yoh was listening to her. He always listened and seemed to know what to do in her time of needs. Even when he had died, he had come back and the first person that he had talked to was her. She wondered if he had seen the look of relief and shock of seeing him get up and say something to her. It had all been too much. Anna squeezed his hand. "Yoh..."

"……." The edge of Anna's lips twitched a little as she felt the dream that Yoh was having.

Yoh was frolicking across an open green field. The next scene has him relaxing on the ground on an open blanket that had been spread out by an obedient Anna. She began to feed him grapes as he relaxed and soaked up the warm, golden sun's rays.

Anna's grip tightened into a death grip around his hand.

"Waaa!!!! Anna!!!! Gomen nasai!!!" Yoh's eyes open and he suddenly pushes himself up in his bed and pulls free of the grip that Anna had on his hand. Blood slowly began to appear on the bandaged wounds.

"YOH……" The blonde haired Itako's eyes are covered by her bangs as her gaze peers downward.

Anna slaps Yoh left and right. Blood begins to unconditionally ooze out from Yoh's wounds.

"Who's the bitch now!?!" Fausts busts into the room and begins immediate medical attention on Yoh.

"Yoh-dono!?!" Cries Amidamaru as he tries to keep some distance between Anna and Yoh.

Out take #07

Hao blocked Anna from leaving the room.

"Move Yoh." She told him firmly, but he shook his head.

"No. No more, Anna." Hao quickly swept Anna into his arms and held her close. "Tonight we skip the wedding and begin with the honeymoon!" He scooped her up into his arms as she squealed in delight. He began to run up the stairs laughing evilly as they disappeared into the room and the door slammed shut behind them.

Several hours later, Hao lit a cigarette and took a slight drag from it. He blew out heart shapes into the air. "Life is good."

Out take #08

Ren crushed the post card in his hand and tossed it to the side. "Bason!"

The spirit appeared next to his young master and cried out in pain. Ren turned to stare at his spirit. Tears were running down the Chinese warlord's cheeks.

"Eh… what's wrong, Bason?"

A sweatdrop appeared on Bason's forehead as the tears continued to flow freely.

"WELL!?!" Shouted Ren. Bason sniffled and tried to regain his composure long enough to say.

"Bochamma gave me a papercut."

Ren fell over.

Out take #09

"Are you mad at me?"

One of Anna's brows rose and than she began to laugh. Her chuckle was bitter and sent a chill down Hao's spine. This wasn't the Anna that he had come to know, the Anna that held him as he cried. 'What have I done?' He silently asked himself as he stood there witnessing Anna distancing herself from him.

Her laugher halted so unexpectedly that he was taken by surprise as she pushed away from the tree and began to walk toward him. He took a step back as she drew closer. He didn't want to hurt her and yet she appeared as if she wanted to fight. 'Women…' The thought was more than enough to inconvenience him in many ways.

He was a master of the five elements, the most powerful Shaman in the world. Nature was at his beck and call. Many women he had easily conquered and yet she continued to resist him. He wanted her more.

She didn't have to read his mind to notice what he was thinking about because he wasn't making an attempt to hide it, his erection. Yoh had never had an erection when she was around. It was more than enough proof that he wasn't Yoh and she planned to use it to her advantage. She stopped in front of him and stared into his eyes dark as if searching for something. He could see the emotions swirling in the depths of her eyes and suddenly felt the need to hold her, to comfort her, but he held himself back. He suddenly takes her hand within in his own as he leans forward to stare deeply in her eyes.

"Will you bare my child?"