Chapter 1: Roommate

Anytime Kane asked his mother how she found time to be intimate with his father, the vampire Alucard, she always dodged the question, so not even he knows how a child was born from the two most powerful vampires that ever lived.

But that wasn't important at the moment, he had been given a mission in Japan to hunt down a rogue vampire, the mission was expected to take a couple of weeks and Hellsing did not have a base in Japan which means that Kane has to find a place to stay in the meantime.

He searched the immediate area and saw a young man who was about to depart on foot, meaning he wasn't going far.

"Excuse me, do you have a place to stay?" The young man turned to the source of the question and almost had a heart attack.

Kane never pretended to be normal, from the feet up he wore black sneakers, black jeans and a black T-shirt beneath a black leather jacket, on the back of which was a large red pentagram embroidered with the family prayer "The Bird of Hermes is my name, eating my own wings to keep myself tame.", and fingerless black gloves with the same. He wore nothing on his head but his pitch black hair and full chin goatee slightly connected to large sideburns and a small mustache atop pale skin and glowing red eyes that he refused to cover.

The boy stuttered, not wanting to be rude but not wanting to speak to such a frightening individual, until he stared into his eyes. "I don't know, I'm going to see my cousin, I kinda hope she would be able to do something about that, but I didn't ask."

"Well if you can't tell me where you're going, can you tell me why?" Kane asked the boy he had transfixed with his hypnosis.

"I am enrolling in college and I decided to go to the same college as my cousin Yuka." The boy said.

"Well, I know your cousin's name, but what's your name?" Kane asked his friend.

"My name is Kouta." The boy, now known as Kouta, said.

Kane then made Kouta believe that they were friends in high school and the two college aged boys went to meet Yuka.

Kane followed his new "friend" until they encountered a young woman within their age group, a brunette whose eyes matched her hair almost perfectly.

"You're Kouta, aren't you?" The girl said, Kane determined that this was Yuka.

"Yuka." This was all Kouta had to say, the rest was translated by his smile.

Yuka returned his smile and ran to embrace him, the two shared a tender reunion before Yuka realized her cousin wasn't alone.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm Yuka, Kouta's cousin, are you a friend of his?" Yuka smiled warmly enough, but Kane could see the unease in her eyes.

"Yes, I am one of Kouta's friends, we graduated together and I was hoping to enroll in the same college as him." Kane said with a smile.

Yuka was unsure of this, not seeing how her cousin could be friends with an individual like this, until she looked into his eyes... and remembered.

"Oh, you must be Kane, Kouta told me about you in his letters, it's nice to meet you." Yuka said, shaking the vampire's hand.

While Kane was anxious to get started on hunting the rogue vampire, he decided to let these young people have their reunion, he may be Alucard's son, but he was raised by his mother after all.

Their trip down memory lane brought them to a beach, Kouta and Yuka spoke of the memories they shared at this spot, while Kane took in a familiar scent.

Somewhere nearby, fresh blood had been spilled. Kane believed this to be the work of the vampire and decided he would investigate when suddenly...

"Hey Kouta, what's that?" Yuka asked her cousin, Kane turned his head with Kouta to see what they had sighted.

Kouta was shocked, and Kane intrigued at the sight of a naked girl stepping onto the as though she had came in from the water.

Kane smelled blood, in fact the same blood he had smelled earlier, meaning she either survived the slaughter, or was responsible.

The girl lifted her head and parted her hair, revealing natural red eyes that showed no bloodlust.

"Nyu?" the girl said, pronouncing it as a question, before trying to run, only to trip over her own feet, she pulled herself up to her knees... and began to cry.

The three witnesses went to her, two rushing to help, and one moving to investigate.

"Huh, are those cosplay horns?" Yuka asked before seeing them for what they truly where... "No way, they're sticking out of her head."

Kane saw it too, this further added to his suspicions that the girl wasn't human, though he doubted that she was a vampire.

Kouta seemed to be reeling from the shock of seeing her horns, Kane thought it was a little much but decided it was an opportunity.

As Yuka went to snap Kouta out of his shock, Kane glided unnoticed to the girl. He smelled blood from a scratch on her head and took some on his finger, it wasn't much, but it would tell everything as recent as the massacre.

Kane licked the blood from his finger and swallowed, taking in the girls memories... there were none.

Kane was surprised to find that this girl had absolutely no recent memories, but he sensed another presence within her, two in fact.

Kane wanted to know more, but couldn't without drinking more of her blood, which would turn her.

"It looks like she's hurt." Kane said as the humans returned their attention to the girl.

"What, oh dear, what do you think happened to her?" Yuka asked Kane.

"Well, it looks like a bullet, but of course it had passed through something really thick in order to have a reduced enough recoil that it only knocked her out. Probably some morons were shooting targets near a wall and a bullet went through." Kane explained, though he believed this was shot intentionally, although the fact that she didn't heal from such a small wound definitely ruled out her being a vampire, or any other creature he had heard of.

"SOMEONE SHOT HER!!??, I'll bet they thought she was dead and tried to dump the body, I swear if I ever get my hands on them..." Yuka said in a voice that made Kouta back away slowly, Kane was only amused, as he didn't fear humans.

"Well, she can't stay here, what do you think?" Kane asked Yuka.

"Well, I suppose she can stay with you and Kouta for now." Yuka said, and they went straight to their new home, the Maple house inn.

Author's Note I'll warn you straight off, my writing sucks, it took me three days on and off to get this done, but I do plan to complete it. Until next time.