As per tradition, i must say what every fic in this fandom must say, and that is that I hold absolutely no claim to My Hero Academia.

This is just a fun little fic about my favorite modern day manga, My Hero Academia !

It was a bright sunny day, just like any other in the city of Musutafu in Japan, the birds were chirping in the air as everyone was going about their business including one plain looking boy with messy green hair, who was walking along the street with a smile on his face before he made a slight turn and entered a sports store.

"Welcome to Midori Sports – Oh Midoriya" said the storekeeper as he recognized the son of two of his best friends "What can I do for you today?"

"I'm just here for a few things Mr. Midori" replied the messy green haired boy as he lifted up a large soft dart gun, or a NERF gun as some may call it, that was in the shape of a rifle. He examined it for a moment, letting his finger trace around each of the twenty-four slots for the darts, before lifting the thing up to his face, and much to the surprise of Mr. Mirori, he braced the buttstock against his shoulder and stood in a textbook tactical standing position.

"How much"

"Forty-five hundred yen" said Mr. Midori, causing Izuku to raise an eyebrow in slight surprise before shrugging and placing the requested amount on the counter along with a piece of paper "A few other items I need Mr. Midori. Would you mind collecting them for me please?"

The shopkeeper took the list and his eyebrow rose at the list of what seemed like completely miss-match items, and since most of the items, bar one, were on his side of the isle anyway, he had no problem collecting them. Out of the corner of his eye he did see Izuku remove a small container, and a brush from his pocket and started applying it all over the gun. Definitely wasn't paint as it didn't seem thick enough. He would insist Izuku clean it up if he made a mess of his counter, though he doubted he would have to. Izuku always seemed to clean up his messes.

"One for All stockpiles energy right?" asked Izuku after he had eaten All Might's hair "And then uses that stockpiled energy throughout our body right?"

"That's about it why?"

"I have often heard expert weapon users say that in order to be the best you can't think of your weapon as a weapon" said the messy green haired boy as he looked at his hands "You have to think of it as an extension of yourself. Could you use All for One in a similar way? Use it to empower the equipment you use?"

"That's a good question young Midoriya" said All Might, rubbing his finger against his chin "I mean I did try using support items when I first started out, but they couldn't take more than 20% of my full power… But to do it as you say, to actually attempt to power weapons with the quirk, well I would like to say no, but I'm not sure anyone has actually tried."

He looked around at the sheer amount of junk they were surrounded by and picked up a soft dart gun that someone had discarded. He lifted it up and then concentrated all his power towards the gun, he imagined it flowing through the weapon, empowering it, making it stronger.

Izuku could only watch amazed as the very air around all might seemed to ripple with energy. All Might lifted the gun straight up in the air and lightly tapped the trigger. The soft dart flew straight up into the air, before gravity started to pull it back down and it landed straight on top of his forehead like a unicorn's horn.

"Well that was a bust!" said All Might as he looked at Izuku.

"Not quite" replied the messy green haired boy "You said that in order to transfer you're quirk I needed to consume your DNA. What if your DNA is not just used to transfer the quirk but transfer power as well?"

He then grabbed the gun from All Mights hand, and the dart from his head and loaded the toy. He then grabbed a piece of broken, sharp metal and used it to slice open his hand

"Young Midoriya what do you think you're –?"

Izuku didn't give him a chance to complete his response before he lifted the gun straight up into the air and activated his powers just like All Might had instructed him how to, just moments ago. Izuku's entire body and the toy gun lit up, before he pulled the trigger.


That was the sound of the sound barrier breaking as the force released by that gun was enough that All Might himself had to brace himself. And in a second it was all over, leaving the Number One Hero staring in shock at the messy green haired boy with the most infectious grin he had ever seen.

"You were saying something sensei?" asked Izuku cockily, now he had a way to not only pass, but score in the entrance exam tomorrow morning.


"Well that makes twenty!" said Izuku as he threw away the dart gun he had bought just a few hours ago. Even if he had infused it with the power of One for All, after infusing his whole body to withstand the impact of course, there was only so much power a toy gun could take before it became a melted pile of junk.

He had realized something when he pulled the trigger and the toy gun had melted last night, he'd hardly felt the recoil, at all. This was the first time he used One for All and that gun had fired what should have been the equivalent of a 100% All Might Smash, but he could hardly feel the recoil. He'd got a way to get through the test despite having absolutely no control over his quirk. Or at least he had a way before it bloody started to melt in his hands. Oh well, hopefully he'd done enough to –

He heard a large crack and spun around to see several buildings collapsing as a Massive robot appeared, absolutely scaring everyone and everything around it.

"You just HADDD to break now didn't you" muttered Izuka as he instantly pulled out two soft dart gun revolvers and aimed it at the giant thing, as the power of One for All flowed through his body.


The sheer power behind those two shots managed to push the thing back by one giant step, but it was unfortunately not enough to destroy it, not by a long shot.

"Run you fools! RUN" Izuka bellowed at the students who'd frozen after he'd fired his guns, unable to believe that such a monstrosity could have been forced back.

They didn't hesitate as each and every one of them tried to put as much distance between the metal monstrosity and themselves, save for a raven haired kid with round and wide glasses as he took a moment to glance at the kid who was giving them a chance to escape and continue on with this exam, a kid who he'd insulted just mere moments before the test began.

Iida resolved right then and there to find this messy green haired kid and apologize, no matter what the results would be.

Meanwhile, Izuka was cursing as he saw a girl pinned under the rubble, the same girl who'd stopped him from falling just as he entered U.A. His toy revolvers were out of bullets and had already started to melt and that thing was nowhere near out of commission. Fortunately he'd pushed the thing far back that he'd hopefully be able to get her out of there before that thing could close the distance again.

That entire thought process took a little over a second to make, and in that second he'd already started to throw his revolvers away and chase after her. A second later he was running full speed towards her.

"Hey" Izuka yelled as he got in real close "Can you make that rubble float"

"Yeah" replied the girl as she nodded as she pressed her had against the rubble that was pinning her legs down causing it to float up "It's my legs, I think their broken"

"If they're not broken then their pretty close to it" thought Izuku as he reached her and pushed the floating rubble away. He could hear pain in every syllable she spoke and one of her legs was bent the wrong way. He thought of lifting her up, carrying her bridal style out of the way but before he could decide on a course of action he suddenly noticed a shadow above them, and he knew in an instant what it was.

Izuku felt the power of all for one course through his hand as he spun around and punched straight up shouting "Detroit Smash!"

Izuku felt all the bones in his left hand shatter as the skin from his fingers, hand, wrist and even his upper arm turned in paper matchae to the sheer force he unleashed.

The damage to the robot was even more extensive. Originally Izuka had thought that he'd found a way to use the full power of all for one despite not having the body for it. He thought that the sheer amount of power that the guns released was the full power of One for All. And even with all that power it could only push that metal monstrosity back, staggering it a bit with each shot.

As he watched the metal foot warp and contort back into itself due to the sheer air pressure of his punch alone, he knew just how naive he had been. Unfortunately, losing its foot was not enough to end the bloody thing as it started to balance itself with his arms.

"Guess I've got no choice then" said Izuku to himself before speaking aloud to the girl "I'll save us, just try to save me in return ok."

"Wha–" the girl started to say but Izuku didn't give her a chance to complete her question as he launched himself into the air, breaking both his legs in the process.

"Detroit Smash" yelled Izuku as he slammed his last working limb into the metal monstrosity's face, destroying it utterly, and falling unconscious with the pain that now racked the entirety of his body, his last thought was him hoping that the girl would be safe for the remainder of the exam

"Are you happy now Nezu?"

"I think you've chosen a good person Toshinori" replied the principal "Whether he'll be a good successor is left to be seen"

"He won't just be a good, he'll be a great successor! There is no doubt about that" replied the sunken, skeletal form of the greatest hero in the world "But that's beside the point, what on earth were you thing going after him like that?"

"I needed to see it for myself" said Nezu "The drive, that madness that you need to be a true hero."

All Might grimaced at that. What the principal said was true. While it was a hero's job to go out there and save lives, he took it to another level. To destroy one's body, to not just risk life and limb but actively damage it, to literally tear your own body apart just to save a single life, while he was not denying that to do so wasn't heroic, it was also something that no sane person could do, especially on a day to day basis. It was also a trait that the young boy named Izuku Midoriya had in spades

"That young girl could have died!" snarled All Might "If something went wrong. If you were wrong about the length he would go to save her, if he acted in a way that you couldn't predict, She Would Have Died!"

"Are you not asking me to put my faith in the boy?"

"In what he will become yes! But he is far from ready, he doesn't have an ounce of training, an ounce of experience! He doesn't even have control of his quirk for heaven's sake! And to top it all off –"

"He's a free radical!" Nezu finished, cutting of the Number One ranked Hero in the world "How long did it take him to figure out a way around his inexperience with One for All Toshinori? How long did it take him to figure out a way to use his quirk in a way that neither you nor your predecessors could have ever conceived?"

All Might's silence said words

"The sheer power that has built up over the generations, the power that you can wield with the flick of your wrist is insane! The public sees All Might as nigh invincible, and there's a very good reason why they do so" continued Nezu "From what you've told me Izuku Midoriya will be even stronger than you. Furthermore from what you've told me the boy just might have just discovered how to use support weapons with one hundred percent of One for All's power. The possibilities are terrifying."

All Might didn't say a thing, while no hero worth their salt would solely rely on support items, the fact remained that a hero, who was properly equipped with support items, and had the ability to use them effortlessly, could potentially face and even defeat enemies who would have destroyed the hero in other circumstances. Nezu was right, if Izuku could fully utilize One for All power, and boost that with compatible support items, then he would prove a far greater threat than All for One would have ever been if Izuku turned to the side of evil.

But, All Might knew that Izuku would never turn to the side of evil that he would never follow All for One's path. He had faith in his student, and he would trust Izuku with his life. He had entrusted him with his legacy after all!

"I just wish you would have had faith in me Nezu, I wish you had faith in my choice!" All Might said with a completely even tone "But what is done is done, the question is though, what do we do now?"

"Now we watch" said Nezu "After the showing he gave I have no doubt that Midoriya-san will have secured a place amongst the top, if he isn't on top that is. I have assigned Eraserhead to be 1-A's homeroom teacher, you will need to begin training him to use his quirk as soon as possible to ensure that Midoriya-san doesn't get expelled."

"About that –" said All Might, knowing full well about Aizawa tendency to expel any student who he thought didn't have the potential.

"I do have a few ideas on how to train him, if you're willing to listen that is" interrupted the principal "But I also think you should simply ask him"


"Like I said he's a free radical, I'm sure he has a few interesting ideas on how to control One for All."

Izuku was sitting on the floor of his room, meditating, the power of One for All dancing across his body. At his side lay one of his favourite comics about All Might, it was a fictional adventure of All Might finding this weak little kid and training him and raising him up to be a mighty warrior. The irony that this comic was his favourite when he was a kid was not lost on the messy green haired boy.

He always dreamed that he was the boy, that his consciousness, his very being would be inserted into that kid when All Might took him as his apprentice. But he never really thought about the implications of that… until now.

What if that did happen, what if his wish actually came true? Would he have gone through with it? Would he have taken control of that boy, ripping the kid's very soul out and replacing it with his own? These questions danced across his mind because that very thing nearly happened to him.

He could still remember it quite clearly, a face that he had only seen and would ever see in his dreams. The sheer glee on that face when he realized that he was meeting one of his hero's followed by the horror when he realized that he would essentially be killing off said hero, and then a quiet determination came upon that face as he brought his hand together and spoke quietly to himself, as if praying to some unseen god before he dissolved into the wind, leaving behind a bowl of silvery white liquid.

Izuku could only laugh at his reaction during that dream, he hadn't known what to think back then, he still didn't know what to think right now. All he could do was laugh mirthlessly at his past self as he saw the absolutely clueless kid just crawl over to the bowl and touch the liquid.

And with that touch he could suddenly recall memories that he knew for a fact weren't his, and yet were! He was an otaku, there was no doubt about them, he was a complete All Might fan boy, but these memories weren't of him going gaga over the hero All Might, they were of him going gaga over the hero Deku. He was All Might's number two fan, after Sir Nighteye, and at the same time he was Deku's number one fan!

Izuku shook his head, he wasn't Aoyama after all…

"Why did I just think that?"

The entrance exam was this morning! He didn't even know if he'd passed, much less knew his future classmates well enough to comment on their personalities, he didn't even know who was selected. And yet at the same time he was sure that what he had just taught would turn out to be a completely true.

He let the power of One for All fade from his body. He could only use the power to brace for impacts that were created when he supercharged his weapons, his quirk seemed to absorb the recall of the blast. But even then he knew that he couldn't use a 100% of One for All's power yet. If so much as tried to take a step in that state he would certainly tear every single muscle fibre and shatter all the bones in in that leg even pulling the trigger of a toy gun felt like someone decided it would be a good idea to decide to jump on his finger. But he fought through the pain and did what needed to be done, he wouldn't be the Hero Deku if he didn't after all.

Izuku snorted, if this had done nothing else, than it had restored his faith in himself, something that had been lost for a long long time.

Now though, he would go to bed, he would need to speak to All Might tomorrow, today was the start of the last week of February and term didn't start till the 1st of April. And he needed to get his quirk under control by then. After all, he knew for a fact that Aizawa threat of expulsion was quite real.

Izuku was not worried though; he had an idea to get his quirk under control, and it was quite a good idea.

"So let me get this straight" said Recovery Girl in the most neutral voice she could manage "You now have the power of One for All, a power that is so great that All Might could wipe out entire CITIES with the flick of his wrist, a power that you have absolutely no control over. And you want to channel that power all over your body, repeatedly, all the while hoping that it does not turn your insides to dust or create an explosion that would wipe this school of the face of this earth."

"That's about right yes" said Izuku calmly

"That is the most stupid idea I have ever heard!" shouted Recovery Girl at the messy green haired boy "Have you taken all leave of all your senses? And YOU?"

Her attention turned to All Might who looked genuinely scared for his life "You actually agreed to this insane idea? Have you actually gone INSANE Toshinori! You actually WANT him to do this. You yourself have clearly said that the boy CANNOT handle all your power and yet you WANT him to do it ANYWAY! HE'LL BE DUST BEFORE HE HAS CONTROL OF HIS QUIRK IF WE FOLLOW THROUGH WITH THIS BLOODY IDEA OF YOURS!"

"With all due respect Recovery Girl, it was my idea" said Izuku trying to calm the fuming nurse "And it's also something that I have already done, with not visible ill effects.


The sheer power in that one order scared the living daylights out of Izuku and he hurriedly complied with that order "It's the same thing I do every single time I fire a shot Recovery Girl, the power starts from my legs which seems to root me to the ground, flows through my whole body before flowing down through my hands and then into the gun at which point I tap the trigger releasing all that power in one blast and somehow simultaneously absorbing the recoil at the same time. The minute the recoil is fully absorbed the power automatically dissipates until I call it up again for another shot. The danger his is that doing that is unbelievably dangerous. If anyone even lays a finger on me while I charge up my shot then my insides turn to mush. However this proves that my body can hold the power of One for All for a limited period of time, provided I don't try and move too much while doing so. I even tried to meditate for a minute in that state, and while I felt undeniably weaker it – OUCH"

"Stupid Boy" sand Recovery Girl putting her cane back down on the ground while Izuku nursed his head "Do you know how risky that was?"

"I do, which is why I've come to you" said Izuku earnestly "The only way I can learn to control this power is if my body can become accustomed to it first, then I can learn to regulate and use it! But in order to do that I need to know how long my body can withstand it before it becomes too much!"

Recovery Girl closed her eyes for a moment and sighed to herself. She seemed to think for a few moments before coming to a decision and speaking "Very well then. Starting tomorrow the school will start their exams which consist of ten papers spread over a period of two weeks the third week will be the beginning of the practical exams which will mean that you need to achieve at least some control over your power by the end of the second week. So here's what we'll do. Toshinori"

"Yes Madam"

"You will bring Midoriya-san to me by 9:30am every morning, by then everyone should be answering their papers but use the teacher's side entrance just to be sure. You will come straight here, sit on the ground in my presence and start to meditate. We will increase your maximum meditation time by one minute every day until I see your body start to show signs of strain from the power of One for All. I will heal you, you will rest for half an hour, and then try again for that exact same amount of time. I will heal you again and then the two of you will need to make a speedy exit from the premises understood!"

"Yes Madam"

"Have an early lunch and either spend the rest of the day relaxing, doing mental training or doing light physical training" said Recovery Girl "That time is yours to spend but just make sure you don't overdo it! I will check you every morning before you start meditating and if I suspect that you've overworked yourself then there will be no meditation on that day Understood!"

"Yes Madam"

"Good! We start right now. Hit the floor and start channelling your power Midoriya-san, I've already started the clock.

"Yes Madam!"

And with that little deal made, Izuku started taking the first steps towards mastering One for All. Recovery girl soon discovered that while his body could handle One for All for about a minute, by the time the second minute came around the sheer power that was flowing through his body would start to have a physical effect on him. By the time he hit the third minute his muscle fibers started to break and his bones started to crack. But it wasn't anything g truly serious, and thanks to Recovery Girl's power his bones and muscles would be as good as new and better than they were before.

And with that upper limit set his training began. If you could call sneaking into a high school and into its infirmary, only to meditate for a few minutes, before sneaking out, training.

Izuku also realized one important fact, meditating was boring! Sure it was something that he usually did at the end of the day to reflect on the day's events and get his thoughts in order before he went to bed… But meditating simply for the sake of meditating was utterly boring.

His evenings were much more productive as he spent them learning the basics of Martial Arts from All Might as well as learning the Number One Hero's personal fighting style. Originally Izuku had planned to ask All Might to help him get someone to teach him the basics of Martial Arts, but his master surprised him by not only his knowledge of Martial Arts, but several fighting styles… which should have not been surprising in retrospect since All Might was the Number One Hero for a reason, and One for All was just a small part of that reason.

Still the time in U.A was not exactly unproductive. In the time between his two meditative periods, All Might and he had gotten a lot of work done. From making up his Quirk:

"BloodCharger: A quirk that allows its holder to supercharge anything that has their blood. The amount of power that a person can input into the item is directly proportional to the strength of the user's will and conviction"

(This also allowed for a good cover story as anyone who had even heard about Midoriya Izuku before his exam, knew that the boy was a crybaby and extremely passive, hence why his quirk didn't produce as explosive results as it currently did)

To asking All Might to help him with ideas for equipment for his hero suit, since he planned on leaving the actual design of the suit to his mom when he got the acceptance letter.

He wouldn't let her actually make the suit this time around though as the support company actually made sure that their costumes were made with ballistic weave and actual armor, not to mention the actual equipment that he would request such as incorporating his utility belt, adding tazers, capture tape, airguns, etc, equipment that he doubted his mother would even think of, let alone include.

It was an investment though, since there none of the materials would come cheap it would be expected that the prospective hero would pay for the suit in installments, even if they didn't end up actually becoming a hero. In many ways it was like a student loan so to speak. There was also the chance that the company could outright deny his requests, though that would be unlikely since the request would come from a U. A. student, not to mention with All Might's personal recommendation. And since the company he had in mind was All Might's and Nighteye's personal support company, discretion was assured.

"Is something on your mind Izuku?" asked the powerful voice of All Might

"N – nothing All Might" stammered Izuku "I was just thinking about the last two weeks"

"Indeed, you've made quite the bit of progress haven't you" said All Might with a smile.

"I still have a long way to go"

"True, but you've come much further than I expected you to in such a short amount of time" replied the Number One Hero "I am proud of you Izuku!"

So what do you guys think ? Like? Don't like? leave it down in the comments below...

Also any suggestion about parings, I am stating right now for the record that there will be no Izuku x Ochako or Izuku x Mina (though i could be convinced otherwise)... their just too mainstream... And ESPECIALLY NOT Izuku x Toga

THAT pairing is tooo damm popular and way too creepy and I am in no way going to allow Izuku to become involved with THAT pit of crazy

I was thinking more like Izuku x Nejire or Izuku x Momo or Izuku x Itsuka or heck even Izuku x Ibara (these parings are in order of which i favor most)

Still leave your suggessions and comments down below, and don't forget to fav and follow...

Rafaelout !