Miraculous belongs to Thomas Astruc and Ben 10 belongs too Cartoon Network

Author's Note

Please Read

So this is my first fanfic and I decided it should be a crossover. Also This is a crossover of Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir with the ORIGINAL Ben 10 from 2005 (not the 2016/2017 reboot). In addition to this Ben and Gwen have moved to Paris and are aged up to 13 or 14 (I am aware that ben supposedly gave up the omnitrix when he was 12 or 13 and put back on when he was 15 but this is just something I am changing) and will go too Adrien and Marinette's school Francoise Dupont High School (reason for the age up is so they can be in the same school). In addition to this they will be living in the Rustbucket with Grandpa Max and the omnitrix will be like the one from the original show and will have the same aliens as in the original show only (so no aliens from the spin offs when Ben is a teenager except maybe Feedback) also I am just going to ignore the language barrier thing and have all the characters speak in English. Also there may not be character descriptions cuz I'm lazy but if you want to see appearances you can just look it up on the internet. Sorry for the long note but without further ado lets begin.

"Class today we will receive two new students from America" said Ms Bustier

"Two new students?" thought Marinette

"And they will arrive shortly" continued Ms Bustier

A knock came from the door

"Oh that must be them " said Ms Bustier

Ms Bustier walked to the door and welcomed the new students into the room

"Class this is Ben and Gwen Tennyson and how about you two tell us a bit about each other" said Ms Bustier

"We're Cousins" said Gwen

"And she's a Dweeb" chuckled Ben

"Am not Doofus!" growled Gwen

The entire class laughed except Ben and Gwen who were giving each other angry glares

"Alright that's enough you two Gwen how about you sit by Marinette and Alya and Ben how about you sit by Adrien and Nino" said Ms Bustier

"Sure whatever" said Ben

Gwen sat in-between Marinette and Alya while Ben sat inbetween Adrien and Nino

"Hi im Alya and this is Marinette" said Alya to Gwen

"it's nice to meet you two" replied Gwen

"You too" said Marinette and Alya simultaneously

while Gwen got acquainted with Marinette and Alya Adrien and Nino introduced themselves too Ben

"Sup Dude Im Nino and this is Adrien" greeted Nino

"Hey" Adrien said

"Hey"Ben replied

"Me and Adrien are going to go get some croissants from the Dupen-Cheng bakery after school wanna come with?" Nino asked Ben

"Sure as long as I'll be able to get away from my stupid cousin back there" Ben said as he pointed his thumb at Gwen who didn't notice because she, Marinette and Alya were too focused in their friendly conversation and getting along well together

"Cool Dude" said Nino

"Alright class lets begin the Lesson" said Ms Bustier

After School

"Hey dude ready to head over to the bakery to get some croissants?" Nino said to Ben

"Sure" said Ben

On their way to the bakery an explosion was heard from the distance near the park

"Whoa what was that" said Ben

"Probably an Akuma we should all get home ASAP" said Adrien who then ran off instantly

"An Aku-what" said Ben

"An Akuma Haven't you heard about them?" asked Nino

Ben shook his head no

"their people who are turned into super villains by Hawkmoth dude"

"Hawkmoth? sounds like a stupid name to me" replied Ben

"Yeah he is but Ladybug and Cat Noir will fix it" said Nino

"How are a Ladybug and Black Cat going to fix that" Ben questioned

"Not a Ladybug and Black Cat The Ladybug and Cat Noir" said Nino

"Who" Asked Ben with a confused look on his face.

"The superheroes of Paris dude haven't you heard about them" Nino asked

"Uh no" said Ben

"Well you should see Alya's blog she just about covers everything about them"

"Huh rea" Ben was cut off as Gwen came running down the school steps

"Hey Doofus we need to get back to Grandpa or he'll be worried sick" shouted Gwen

"uhh since when has Grandpa been a worri uhwoah"

Ben was cut off as Gwen grabbed his hand and pulled him away leaving Nino there with a confused look on his face as Marinette and Alya came down the school steps

" I gotta make sure my Parents are all right" said Marinette as she ran towards her parents bakery

"And I've gotta get this on footage for the Ladyblog" said Alya as she ran off towards the park where the explosion was heard from

" uhh alright" said Nino as he stood there not knowing what else to do except go home

"Ow Ow Ow Quit it" Ben shouted as Gwen pulled him into an alleyway and then let go of him

"Now would be a pretty good time to go hero" said Gwen

"oh right" said Ben as he activated the Omnitrix and then transformed into Heatblast

"Now go" shouted Gwen

"I know that Dweeb" replied Heatblast

who then shot off into the air like a rocket towards the explosion


Marinette ran down an alley

"I think the cost is clear Tikki" said Marinette

"Ready to Transform Marinette" Tikki said as she popped out of her purse

"Tikki Spots On Marinette said as she transformed into Ladybug

Ladybug then went to where the explosion was heard

Meanwhile Again

Adrien ran till he thought that no one was behind him

"Kid you need to work on your excuses" said Plagg as he floated out of Adrien's Shirt

"why what was wrong with that excuse?" Adrien asked with a puzzled look on his face

"we need to get home ASAP" "Kid you at least need to say why and not just run off" said Plagg

"Alright we'll continue this conversation later Plagg Claws Out!" Drien shouted as Plagg was sucked into his ring and he transformed into Cat Noir

Cat Noir then went to the where the explosion was from

This chapter was mostly too get the story started off but I promise I will make the next chapter soon and pleas review or comment.

oh and thanks for reading