OOC: Hi, everyone! Here is the first chapter of my story The day love and hate collided. This story is a RID2015 fanfiction. Hopefully you'll like it. I already wrote the original French version but I wanted to translate it in English. I will try to find a beta reader to edit it later. Anyway, enjoy! Don't hesitate to review! It's always a pleasure to have your point of view on my story!

"No. No. No. No"
Drift was kneeling down on the floor, scrutinizing his sword in great details to spot possible dirt that one of his students would have omitted to clean. Suddenly, heheard Sideswipe's incessant cries near him. He rolled his eyes. He was not really surprised. The red bot would never cease to annoy him. He was always the one chatting, displaying arrogance and immaturity. Even in moment he hoped to be left in peace, he always had to deal with HIM. Okay. What's going on, this time?
He was not really amazed to find him grappling with Strongarm, just like every other day. He understood that was about helping Denny at the scrapyard. Sideswipe was basking in the sun. Drift watched the argument from far. Their quarrel soon turned into hand-to-hand fight.
"I cannot have this conversation with you!' Strongarm cried.
"Oh, please!"
"You are just too lazy! You know it!"
"You are too serious, Miss Cadet!"
At their side, Drift caught his pupils Jetstorm and Slipstream encouraging them. One bet on Strongarm, the other on Sideswipe. He frowned, putting his sword down. For Primus's sake, he hoped Sideswipe will not put ideas into their heads! He gave them a single sharp look. Immediately, both Minicons were standing to attention, rushing at their Master's side to offer help.
"Just clean me this" He ordered them, before holding out his sword to Jetstorm. The pupil received it.
"Of course, Master"
He turned to Slipstream. "Since you have nothing to do, go to help Bumblebee. I think someone must compensate for a very ineffective member." He was talking about Sideswipe, but this latter didn't seem to catch on.
"Right away, Master" Slipstream said before rushing to the team's leader.
Drift got up. His face remained inexpressive, watching his pupils leave to their tasks. Grimlock gave them a compassionate glance.
He was aware of it. He was very strict with them. Jetstorm and Slipstream had worked the entire day. They deserved to rest a bit. A rest Drift allowed once their tasks were accomplished. Not before. Sometimes, a single error forced them to start again. Grimlock and sometimes Sideswipe often criticized him for it. Of course. Not only once, he was grateful. Never once he praised them for their work, even if it was well done. Unfortunately, they didn't know about his story. He, Jetstorm and Slipstream didn't pursue a honourable past. That was a life filled with robberies, cheating and others crimes. Drift swore to put them back on the straight and narrow. Beside he did not have time for praise, he was afraid of seeing them turning away from him, returning in their bad days.
So, he had to be hard and firm. It was one way or another to educate them. Maybe was it the best way to protect them from potential dangers. His conscience was clear.
He focused on Windblade. A bit aside, she was taking care of stasis pods. He took a long inspiration before coming closer, forgetting about the "old couple" spat.
"Maybe can I help?" He asked her.
No sooner said than done, Drift was back to work. He still kept a watch on his Minicons. Windblade noticed them too, giving them a warm smile.
"Wow. You shall be happy to see their progress." She said.
"That's not enough" He calmly replied while carrying a pod. "They are not ready to be on their own"
Windblade shrugged.
"Maybe should you forget a bit about what they have yet to achieve…and focusing on what they already achieved. Aren't you proud of them?"
"It's not in my nature"
"I see"
She stopped, chuckling at the view of Sideswipe being dominated by Strongarm in their fight. "When will these two smooch? I bet they will before the end of the month"
He had difficulties in understanding Sideswipe and occasionally Grimlock. Nevertheless, he enjoyed Windblade's company. Maybe he enjoyed it a bit too much. He glanced back at her. Upon her arrival, she drew everyone's attention, especially Fixit's, Grimlock's and obviously Sideswipe's.
Maybe he was beginning to give her much attention. Slipstream once mentioned how Drift and Windblade would go well together. – Fortunately Sideswipe had not heard him-. To be honest, it wouldn't displease him. Windblade was pretty and appealing. She was a sword's goddess and that was a good trait for Drift. His Minicons liked her too. He remembered the time where he, Sideswipe, Optimus and Windblade left the scrapyard to pursue Decepticons. He probably hadn't been the only one to enjoy her performance and discreetly had ordered his Minicons to thank her. If he had had more courage, he would have thanked her himself.
Yes…maybe could he try something? Sure, his pupils's training and Autobots missions were priorities. Windblade probably didn't have much time for a romance. However, she didn't seem to be attracted to Sideswipe…
"Windblade" He began. "I was wondering…"
He facepalmed. That was stupid. He kept on, trying to maintain a neutral expression.
"Would you like to spar after our tasks?"
She looked up at him. She nodded, benevolence in her optics.
"Why not? I was always tempted to fight you."
Drift gave her a small smile, before focusing on stasis pods. Perfect. Her reply was perfect.
Jetstorm came back, his Master's sword at hand. He was accompanied by Bumblebee. He straightened, ready for an order.
"Fixit spotted a signal in the forest" He said.
"Should I go?" Windblade asked.
"I will" Drift volunteered
Windblade frowned, not much thrilled. Drift didn't pay attention to it, keeping a stoic face.
"Shall we assist you, Master?" Slipstream asked him.
"No. Stay close to the scrapyard and keep a watch on others" Drift ordered. "I will be fine" He said, taking his sword out.
"Be careful" Windblade warned him.
Drift gave a small nod, before heading for the forest.

As he expected, he found nothing. However, he didn't lower his guard. At worst, that would be a Decepticon. He was ready for everything. A stab in the back for example…
They were individuals devoid of honour. They never played fair. Drift kept walking, avoiding tree's branch surrounding him.
Suddenly, he heard voices. Someone was weakly calling for help…
They sounded like a child. Drift went faster.
A few meters away; he spotted the source. It was a young, brown-haired human girl. Drift hesitated. Shall he hide? It was not a very good idea to be seen by humans, beside Denny and Russell who knew him. They were Bumblebee's rude and odd-mannered pets.
However, this girl truly sounded to be in distress. After hesitating between accosting her and going his way, he finally chose the former. He gently moved closer to her. She looked up at him and jumped at his sight.
"It's okay" He tried to reassure her. "I mean you no harm"
She remained silent. Drift knelt, in order to look shorter.
"What's your name? May I help you?"
"…You are so "kind", Drift"
The girl gave him a devious smirk. Drift's energon froze. How she did know his-?
He suddenly felt an intense pain catching him by behind. He dropped his sword, the weapon planting in the ground. His vision went blurry while pain slowly was invading his circuits…
That was a trap…
He felt like he was falling…Before everything went black, he caught sight of purple claws holding a Taser.