They were walking home, Izuku trailing after Katsuki, who had an almost scowl on his face. Izuku kept his head down while his hands clutched the straps of his backpack hard enough for his knuckles to go an unnatural pale colour. Before he could stop himself, Katsuki turned his head so that he could give Izuku a side glance, eyebrows still pursed and mouth an unforgiving line.

With the one look Katsuki got of Izuku, the crybaby was again, looking at his own feet, eyes wide and eyebrows up. His stupid curly hair was still f*cking curly.

He knew it was a horrible idea to look at the nerd. The sight of him was enough to make Katsuki want to beat the shorter boy into an unrecognisable pulp. Knowing that one more second would push him over the edge, Katsuki slid his eyes back to the road, teeth grinding together.

F*ck it. He could still see the damn nerd out of the corner of his eye. He swung his head, now properly facing in front of himself and quickened his pace, no doubt leaving a sad Deku behind.


Izuku was confused. At least, before, Kacchan's face was somewhat pointing toward him. He felt the killing glare coming, and lifted his head up ever so slightly, though still not looking directly at his childhood friend. No luck. The steel evident in Kacchan's eyes was still there. Something had made Kacchan turn and walk off, and he knew what that something was. But, it didn't hurt to hope, and Izuku struggled with the possibilities that he wasn't the cause of Katsuki's annoyance.

And so, Izuku was confused. He tried to look over Kacchan's shoulder when he swung around, but to no avail. Katsuki was already speed walking away, bag on one shoulder – another failed attempt.

Timidly watching the rapidly receding figure, Izuku inwardly sighed. This was going nowhere. He stopped when Katsuki did, and could almost see the paving withering away in Kacchan's glare. That image gave Izuku quite the shock, and he looked on with fear as Katsuki kept on walking.


The next day, the two were at school. The teacher was making an interesting point, though Katsuki could've yawned. What really annoyed him, however, was the nerd. He sat behind Katsuki, and his pen was scribbling at inhuman speeds. That sound alone was enough to make Katsuki growl. But that was not it. To add to his injuries, the idiot was mumbling incoherently. Katsuki felt a vein pop on his cheek thinking about the damn useless nerd.

He could take it no longer. As swift as an otter slipping into water, he twisted, though with the grace of a hungry gorilla. With a bang, his hand slammed into Deku's desk.

"Shut the F*CK UP, you nerd, before I grab your f*cking sh*t and shove it down your useless f*cking ass!" Katsuki started, not noticing the explosions going off in his other hand. "What, you think you're f*cking better than me, ignoring me and continuing to get in my f*cking way? WELL I'LL TEACH YOU, YOU USELESS F*CKING NERD!"

At this, Katsuki stood up, his chair screeching away, forgotten. His hand was off the desk, and found a new, better place – Izuku's collar. He continued to shout things of the same effect to his victim, though he himself wasn't paying attention to his words. The nerd took up his whole vision, his sad and scared face clearly visible.

"You have no backbone, huh, Deku? You think you can become a hero like that?" Katsuki advanced menacingly and shoved Deku's desk out of the way. "You'll just be a LIABILITY! GET OUT OF THE F*CKING WAY, USELESS F*CKING DEKU!"

Deku was now slammed against the window, causing him to gasp. The shouting continued until Kasuki felt he conveyed everything he needed to, and he calmed down. Not sufficiently, though. Giving up on the lesson, he screamed a final, "YOU GOT, THAT, DEKU?" before sauntering off, out of the classroom and into the halls.


The teacher didn't interfere. Katsuki was a lost cause, and besides, this was barely anything harmful; they were only words and a bit of rough treatment. Nothing even a wimpy little quirkless student couldn't handle. Especially one aspiring to be a hero. This was nothing. This was the class's last term anyway. They probably wouldn't see each other again.

The whole class was in hysterics, grinning and laughing as if this would be their last. It felt sick to Izuku Midoriya, but he was used to it. At least he would be getting out of this hellhole soon, and maybe, hopefully, to his dream high school.

His eyes and mouth wide, he watched as Kacchan shoved his way to the door, whose bag was as it usually was. Izuku's hand twitched, and he considered reaching up and grabbing the taller boy. He didn't, though. Kacchan slid the door shut so hard it bounced, now half open. Through the gap, Kacchan could be seen walking away. He focused on the ground after Kacchan could be seen no longer, and he gripped the straps of his backpack, hard.


Katsuki's left eye twitched, and his mouth was a line. The damn nerd has his finger placed on his lips, gazing at his thirteenth notebook, pen poised at the ready. Katsuki's friend was chatting to him, and Katsuki gave half-assed responses as he absently gazed at Deku. Katsuki's bangs shadowed his eyes; the Deku was too useless.

Hearing footsteps, the Deku broke out of his hallucinations. He turned his head.

Katsuki's teeth were already clenched.

He began talking to the try-hard, revelling in the pain that he was causing the little useless thing. Katsuki grinned – he would never get used to this feeling.

That grin died though, as Katsuki lost himself in the heat of the moment. He could not stop thinking about the f*cker that would go nowhere in life. He eyes grew wide and strained as he vented his frustrations on the boy that dared challenge him: the boy who couldn't do, and didn't have, anything, standing up to himself, who wanted or needed no-one.

Katsuki's skin crawled in disgust as he tried, yet again, to put the f*cker down, for good.

The boy who tried his best, no matter what, despite knowing that he could never get there. How dare he have the same goals as Katsuki? Katsuki was so much greater than him, so why did the little brat have the same goals as him? Katsuki was the one who was going to surpass All Might, not the useless f*cking nerd. So why?

And the Deku never learned. Katsuki tried, again and again, to put the Deku in his place, and make him understand that he just wasn't worthy. That he never would be worthy. He could never, ever, even try to be a hero, so he should just stop where he was at and re-evaluate his life choices. The nerd was so damn naïve. Couldn't he just stop? Did he really have to keep on going?

Katsuki was determined to drill his line of thought into the useless f*cking nerd, no matter what. This little f*cker would never again dare to call himself a hero, nor even try to be on par with Katsuki. No-one would ever match him. He would never let the little quirkless sh*t even try.

Looking at the comfortable position the Deku was in, Katsuki shoved the f*cking Deku out of his chair. No longer. This would go on no longer.

At the flick of Katsuki's hand, Deku was rammed against the wall and on the floor with a very audible 'thump'. Eyes and mouth screwed tight, he sat there, awaiting Kacchan's jurisdiction.

The notebook slid out of Deku's hand and fell on the floor with a soft rustle of pages. Katsuki took one look at it, and both boys knew what was going to happen.

Holding the book so that Katsuki could no longer see the damn nerd's face, he ever so slowly ripped the book. The whole class was silent as the sound ruptured all of their senses. Unfortunately, Katsuki could now see the f*cker's face again, and his wide eyes with it. The boy's arms were squished to his sides, as always.

A smirk decorating Katsuki's face again, he flung the two halves back at Deku. He felt better. The nerd would finally understand. He looked at Deku's face, eager to bathe in the expression that was surely going to be on it.


Why? Out of all the things Katsuki could have done, it was this? The effort he had put into his dreams was so easily thrown away by the idiot standing above him. Did Deku really mean nothing to Kacchan?

He felt tears prick at his eyes at the thought as he helplessly stared at the predicament of his dreams, no longer caring about the dull ache in his tailbone and the dirt on his clothes. Due to his pale face, his nerdy freckles stood out, more starkly than they had ever been before.

His throat hurt at the effort of trying to reel his tears in. A hero never cried, no matter what happened.


Aahh, Katsuki's anger was gone; he had finally gotten through to Deku. That much was obvious by the look on the little useless face.

Katsuki turned around, ready to make his departure. This sh*tty school couldn't offer him anything anyway.

Then he backtracked. Izuku's expression. His head creaking like an old door, he looked over his shoulder, eyebrows up and his irises impossibly small compared with how wide his eyes were.

He stopped himself and faced forward again. The f*cking nerd's resolve was shattered: what more could he want? For the billionth time of his cr*ppy day, his teeth pushed against each other. At least he had a nice punching bag to help dissipate his anger.

He whirled around. The nerd's sh*tty little face was so weak and useless that Katsuki could've pummelled the shorter boy for it. Katsuki had his hand at the ready: still at his side, but it would take a millisecond to bring it up and start an explosion. That easy and quick. Easy and quick.

Another look at the f*cker was enough to convince him not to, no matter how simple it would be to do it. It didn't matter anyway, there was no need to be excessive. He had finally gotten through the sh*tty nerd's thick skull.

Katsuki slumped, and continued to watch the little f*cking nerd do his thing, their black uniform mirroring both of their own expressions.


Whew! The first chapter of this threeshot! This will slow my other fic down, but that one's going to be long anyway. I just could not resist when I saw this video; I'll put the link on next chap. I'm not bothered right now. Anyway, I hope people read this and enjoy this as much as I enjoyed the video. Warning: according to the comments, it made people cry. I'd love it if my fic did that too though. Constructive criticism is the absolute best!
