Hello readers, we got yet another new story I wanted to start for a bit. If I havent said it in the Lilac Fanfic, dont panic, the next chapter of the Tsuyu Fanfic will be coming out after this. I plan to do two more chapters of it in fact now that I have more time, then do one more of the Rouge fanfic, then finish the Tsuyu one from there, which im sure you all are curious to see how that ends. Now for this one. I did feel more comfy with doing this one than the Lilac fanfic (if you all cant tell from the length of this), but this one is more serious (expect towards the end), and just so yall know, this isnt exactly the main antagonist, so something to think about there, which I'll talk a bit more about at the end this time (to give you guys an incentive to read thru ^u-). The Digi-vice works a bit differently this time, so keep that in mind too. Will it actually come up in the plot later? Again, you'll have to see. Im a bit impressed with myself on the funny moments for a serious character like her, so look forward to that towards the end too.

Now wash your face, get a towel, get your glasses, and be prepared to wash your face again, cuz the lemon section is as steamy as ever.

Anyways enjoy eue

Chapter 1: The Last Renamon -

"Whatcha playing?" I asked my cousin, distracted from my homework, "A game called 'None of your business' " Wes replied, keeping his device from me. He always spends some much time with it, and never lets me use it. Whenever he's not on it, Im starting to not see him at all. What's going on? ..I'll wait for him to get off of it this time. After finishing my homework, the night hit and he's still on that thing..I then made it seem like I was studying. "Wes, food is ready! Get your younger cousin!" his Mom ordered from the kitchen, "Alright mom. *looks at me* …I'll get that plate for you" Wes said before exiting the room. Now's my chance. I got out of my seat, and picked the small device up. I fiddled with a few switches and streams of light enveloped my body, soon I find myself going through a tunnel of light. Looking at everything closer, it's..Data. Tons of data.

A land of wilderness welcomed me as I fell on it, a few chunks of it missing. "Well look what we have 'ere!" said an approaching Impmon, with a group of other Impmons dropping behind him. "What do you guys say we teach this human a lesson?" the Impmon rhetorically asks his posse, and they fling a bunch of fireballs at me from their fingers. I end up getting hit in the shoulder and back by them while running away, then another fireball hits me in the leg. "OW! Hey, stop that! *gets hit by another fireball on my side, falls to the ground, and the device flies out of my pocket* Oh No! My cousin's!" I shouted, not able to get up. "That's your's, eh? Well not anymore soon! *puts on an evil grin*" said the leading Impmon, getting his fireball ready, this time it engulfs his hand. "Drrragggh…!" I growled, trying to get up by my bleeding leg made me lose strength fast and one of the Impmon drops on me, sitting on my back. The rest of them laugh at my misfortune as I hung my head down, and got teary-eyed. "(Im sorry, Wes..I shouldn't have used this thing..Now it's gone!)" I thought to myself as despair encroached me. Before the Impmon chucked the flame, the moment he cocked his arm, "Diamond Storm!" all of us heard, making the Impmon bat his eye behind him before getting blown back by a barrage of light leaf shards, which cut him all over his body. "Huh? Where'd that-" another Impmon was about to ask before getting spin kicked off of me, while the assailant had an Impmon in her hand, holding him by his face. This was the only moment I could keep up with. I looked up, and saw her. She had yellow fur, stood tall, black nails, had a small purple scarf and purple sleeves of some sort. Her dark blue pupils looked down on me from her black eyes, asking "Are you ok?". which I nodded a yes to, "Then stay. I'll take care of them" she said before tossing the Impmon away, then made a cross-cut on his face while he flew away. The last five were downed after having their faces cut in the same manner. "T-take this!" an Impmon said while throwing a fireball at her. The female mon ran forward on her toes straight to him, brushing the fireball away with a swipe of her paw, and chops him across the face, then kicks him in the gut, planting him above her on her foot. I was speechless. She took them out in seconds and I tried my best to run away like a baby..

"…..What's your name?" I asked, "*tosses Impmon off of the foot* Call me Renamon" she answered. Renamon walked up to my device that was on the ground, and picked it up, "This isn't your's.." she says, skeptically looking at me. "It's..My cousin's" I inform, "Return and only come back when you're older" Renamon advises, "Not now!..My leg..He can't know how hurt I got" I lowly said, "*sees the bruises* Do you even know how to get back?" she asked, "..No" I answered, making her sigh. "(These damn, feeble humans..) Seems as if I have to take you under my wing. You are not part of the Digi world's natural order" Renamon said, "Natual..Order..? Digi world?" I asked, "I don't want you to die out here. Especially with that Digi-vice. And yes, you are in the Digital world" Renemon replied. Digital..? So.. "You got digitized into this world. I know due to my previous tamer" Renamon further explained, "Tamer..?" I asked more puzzled than before, "*sees a hoard of aggressive digimon approaching, led by a darker lookalike* Tch, no time to explain now, child. We must flee" Renamon hurriedly said, putting the Digi-vice in her sleeve, then picked me up and leaps away from the enemies quickly.

Renamon takes me deep into a forest, hopping from tree to tree, "I..I saw a movie where a guy was..handling a lion..and they called him a tamer..Is being one like that?" I asked, "It is" she answered, "Do you think..I can be your's? Minus the whip" I asked, "Charmed, but I don't accept Tamers I have to always babysit" Renamon retorts. We dropped down in front of a hut, "Is there someone in there, Renny?" I asked, "*looks down on me* Look, I do not ask for companionship from you. An ally I found is in there, Palmon-X" Renamon replied, I then frowned when she turned around. We went inside, "Renamon? Hey, where'd you get the human?" Palmon-X asked, "Never mind that. Heal him. He said he needs to return unwounded" Renamon ordered, "Alright. Hold still, little boy" Palmon-X complied then puts color-shifting herbs on my wounds, and they burn my skin, making me wince. "Again hold still, I need to touch you so they actually heal" Palmon-X advises, holding my shoulder and back with her hands, "Yessh Renamon, how'd let this kid get hurt this bad?" she asked Renamon, "I saved him from a gang of Impmon. I wanted to make sure he can return" Renamon informed, resting her back on a wall, looking off at the hut's entrance. "Poor kid. Well, you help too. *gives her a few herbs, but looked away* I know that what those humans did in the past was awful, but remember the bigger threat here" Palmon-X convinces, "…..So be it" Renamon said after hesitation, "What's the matter..Renny?" I asked, "*looks slightly angered* I told you I don't seek companionship, so don't call that..!" Renamon said with warning in her words. "Sorry..*turns to Palmon-X* Can she heal too?" I asked, "She's one of the holy beast digimon, but can only really heal with me here. I amp her healing touch" Palmon-X informed before Renamon stepped up, and takes the herbs, placing her now glowing paw on my leg. My body felt pretty warm and the pains were numbing, then my leg recovered in no time, "Hmm, that healed as fast as my method" Palmon-X comments. "Thanks Renn- I mean..Renamon" I corrected, Renamon then sees that all my wounds are no more. "*stands with no problem* Alright, Im all better!" I said happily, "Good. Now leave" Renamon ordered, "You really want me to go, huh….Ok.." I lowly comply, "You need to go. Your family will worry and it is dangerous in the Digital world. You experienced that, first-hand" Renamon advises and reminds. She then shows me the button to press to return to my place, and I press it. Before I could say my farewells, "*rips through the back of the hut with claws* So you did have a human with you. A child at that. *giggles maliciously* I thought I was seeing things. Enjoy your departure while it lasts, human" said a dark Renamon, "*turns to the dark Renamon* Dammit. NaitoRenamon, you always seem to catch up fast, huh?" comments Renamon with a serious stare, "H-huh? NaitoRenamon?" I said in surprise as she grabbed my head, forcing me to look at her, "If you happen to return, I will be sure to make you mine" NaitoRenamon said with dominating, yet alluring voice before I disappeared, which implanted fear into me. "That was unnecessary, NaitoRenamon" Renamon said to her, clearly displeased with what she saw, "You have no room to talk. I had my fun, now get to the part where you two run from me" NaitoRenamon said with an evil smile, seeing Renamon leap away with Palmon-X as she rips the hut to shreds with her many Diamond Storm shards while spinning.

My body digitizes through the realm of data, sending me back to my world. "Hey, I got your…" Wes began but stopped, seeing me come out of the Digi-Vice. He dropped the plate, and ran to me, grabbing my collar, "What were you thinking?! You weren't supposed to go there!" he yelled, about to punch me, but my gaze was emotionless. "Wha….What's wrong..? Say something, Im talking to you!" Wes ordered, and I looked away, "…..Dont..Worry" I said, very unsure about what happened. "Are you two ok? Does he need anything?" Mom asked behind the door, "Uh no, mom. He'll be fine" Wes replied, hearing her footsteps fade away. Wes then threw me to the bed, "You're telling me what you saw in there..*clinches fists*" Or else..!" he ordered, but I just sat there.. "…..Do..You know..Renamon?" I asked, "You mean NaitoRenamon? Yeah" Wes answered, "No..Normal Renamon" I correct him, "Huh? I only have the Naito one. I don't know where a..Did you talk to both?" he asked, "Yes..More so with the normal Renamon.." I answered, "What about the Naito one?" he asked, "*looks at him* She..she said she wants me to be her's.." I reply, Wes' heart sank. "(W-what's going on….? She never acts like that with me)" Wes thought to himself, "W-we're..No..I gotta see what's going on by myself" he said, "I have to know..What happened? What's wrong with Renamon?…..She seemed so mad at me.." I asked, concern written all over my face. Wes took a deep breath.

"A while back..Renamon's whole clan got taken out by human players a while back, and..There was only Renamon and NaitoRenamon, who've hated us ever since."

"You mean…The Tamers?"

"So she told you about that too?"

"Which are you a Tamer of?"

"NaitoRenamon's. Why you ask?"

"Don't you see that she's evil..?…All those things she's said to me.."

"Like what?..Besides that one thing.."

"Like…'Enjoy your departure while it lasts, human'…What else would that mean?"

"NaitoRenamon..I can't believe you..!"

"Where'd you…meet her?"

"She was being chased by several stronger Digimon when I first came to the Digital world. She saw that my crest was one she needed to Digivolve into Yokomon, then me and her became friends. I ended up hanging out with her. NaitoRenamon seemed to be alright..Yeah she liked fighting other Digimon, but still. Then I hear about this.."

"Is that it..? Nothing else made you..wanna go around with her?"

"*blushes* Well..She told me the same thing as you, but I always turned down the offer..I was just hesitant really, but now..I don't wanna talk to her again.."

"Before I left, she said something about Renamon running away from her.. From what I've seen, Renamon was really strong. I don't see why she'd run."

"NaitoRenamon knows alot about the Digi-world. Maybe she is keeping secrets from Renamon..Just what is she planning? She can't be just doing this to her for fun."

"When I….When..I got into the Digi-world, a bunch of Digimon tried to kill me, then Renamon saved me. After that, even more Digimon came to where we were."

"!…Drrrgh! *grabs Digi-Vice, tries to turn it on, but it ceases to work* Cmon, cmon, work! I have to know what's she's planning!"

"Are you sure you're pressing it right? *Touches it, sees the device powering on* Huh? *holds it, sees a crest symbol on it*"

"….No..It's too soon! That Digi-Vice chose you?!"

"What if it did?"

"Then..You're NaitoRenamon's Tamer."

"…..*throws it at the wall* NO! IM NOT OWNING HER! NOR WILL SHE BE MINE!" I yelled, collapsing on the bed, holding my head, starting to cry. "I..I CANT RETURN LIKE THIS! Renamon..She..She wasn't nice to me, but I know she can do much better than that evil Renamon!" I protested and complained. "Im sorry, but..We'll have to wait it out.." Wes said heavy-heartedly, gripping his pants. "*cries on the bed* Renamon..Renamon..*hic* Don't go!" I pled to myself, "..Look, our parents shouldn't find out about this..Finish eating and I'll..eat in the dinning room.." Wes said, leaving the room but steps on my food, "and..I'll remake your plate..ok?…Im really sorry" Wes added before exiting. After eating a quiet meal, I went home. The night was long and cold, the possibility of Renamon, the last of her kind, soaked in even deeper..Wes didn't seem that he wanted me to go back into that world..For a while..And Renamon won't let me Tame her til I got older.."*enters my room* Son..what's the matter? You've been sad and cried all night" Dad worriedly asked, "I..I made a girlfriend today and..She told me she had to move.." I lied, "Im sorry to hear that..There's more fish in the sea yknow" Dad said, tring to cheer me up, "But I know she's the only one for me.." I continued to lie, "Well..Maybe later in life you can meet up with her again" Dad tries to further encourage me, "..Hopefully" I replied, "What's her name?" he asked, "…r…renny.." I lowly answered. He wasn't sure about what else to say, he just closed the door on me..Yknow how they say G'night before bed? Well, this was far from one of them…..

9 years later, I went through high school, and puberty hit me like a truck. When I felt lonely enough at night, I always thought about Renamon and..Yall should know where that's going. The moment I met her felt life-changing, I find myself replaying that moment in my head..The way she attacked..The way she spoke..Her soothing, mature voice..I adored everything about her the more I thought about her presence. It all made me also hope that she was alive that much more..I walked home from my last day of school, then Camil came up to me after getting off the bus stop, "Hey, my house is this way. I thought you said we were gonna hang out" she reminded, "*stopped for a moment* I changed my mind. Im staying home" I lied, going back to the way home, then turned to Wes' house when she wasn't looking. Though I became very distant to everyone else ever since, I made a friend that found any possible way to cheer me up..Carmil wasn't romantically interested in me, and gave me enough space when need-be. At any rate, I think Im more than ready to go back to the Digi-world. Arriving at Wes' house, I rung the doorbell, and Wes opened the door, "It's my 20th b-day. Let me use it" I said to him, "….*sighs, taking the Digi-Vice out of his pocket* Don't get yourself killed" he said, handing me the Digi-Vice as it glows brighter in my palm. I activated it, and the bright light threw me into the Digi-world.

Upon arrival, the world was…Darker.. More black versions of Digimon began to be more apparent than normal ones. They didn't attack me unlike when I first arrived. Something told me that I shouldn't ask them about Renamon, but I had no leads, so I had no choice.. I walked up to a Black Petaldramon, ignoring the fear of how large it looked, "E-excuse me, but do you know where the last Renamon is?" I asked him, "Oh you know her? We saw her high in the mountains. I heard she took a beating, so watch it if she gets aggressive" he warned, pointing up to the mountains behind me. I began my venture to the mountains, walking across many Digimon, ones that soared like these large red falcon-like Digimon (Garudamon), and others that walked the land like these wooden Digimon (Woodmon). Hearing that Renamon is the aggressive one among them is incredibly ironic. Several minutes up the mountain, I heard footsteps behind me, I turned, no one in sight. What's going on here…? The instant I hit a long, rocky corridor with a strange set of stalagmites you'd see in a cave, I heard leaping echo throughout the area. "If you're going to show up, do it now" I bravely said, then I found myself pressed against the wall, a paw holding me in place. The female Digimon rose her head, showing me an unsettling smile, "I was wondering when you'd show up" she said, "NaitoRenamon..!" I said with a hint of anger, "Hehe glad you remembered. You must've remembered what I said too, right?" NaitoRenamon said, but with a rather lusty voice. "Im not having this. Let me go so I can see Renamon!" I tried to order, "Hmph. You have no idea what your position is now. You're in my world now, and you are gonna like it" NaitoRenamon said, grabbing my privates, making me jump and leaned forward on me, licking my face. I-is she going to rape me? "I said you were gonna be mine when you come back. You can see her when Im done with you, but she's powerless against me and she knows it" NaitoRenamon starts, pressing her pussy against my upright cock, rubbing my face tenderly, "But for now, just enjoy what is going to happen.. I know I am" she said before holding my face with her paw, and kissing my lips, making me close my eyes..I..I don't want any of this..This is my first kiss too..Soiled by this..This..Fake. My cock had a mind of it's own and got hard on her slim stomach, then she grabbed it, twirling the tip around her pussy's entrance and anal entrance under her tail, she moans in my ears. I tried to wiggle free from her grip, but she then holds my arms up against the wall, over my head, "Struggle any more than that, and I'll kill you here. Now, let me have my way here" NaitoRenamon said before resuming her dominance over me. The dark Renamon aligned her vagina above my hardening dick, some of the tip starts going into her "OOOH!" she breathfully gasped in pleasure, making me close my eyes even tighter, not wanting to let out my own moan, "Come on now. I want to hear the moan of someone getting satisfied too" she said dirtily. Suddenly a sharp leaf cuts through her face, NaitoRenamon hops away from me. Renamon drops in front of me, "*raises head to NaitoRenamon* Stay away from him…!" Renamon demanded, viciously staring at her, "*wipes the bloody cut with her finger* So you have gotten stronger..This could be fun..!*licks the blood*" NaitoRenamon comments with an unhealthy smile, "I am not here to have fun..I came for him" Renamon said while holding my hand, then sees that my penis is showing "*blushes* Dignify yourself, human! We must leave" Renamon added before me and her rush out of the cave-like area. "I love a good chase..!" NaitoRenamon said with excitement, launching many Diamond Storm shards at Renamon, who saw them, and matched their speed, but decided to run up the mountain with me in her arms. NaitoRenamon runs out of the area, looks skyward to see nothing, then looks behind herself, seeing that me and Renamon were dropping together, into the forest below, "*Looks down at Renamon angrily* You cannot escape me forever, Renamon. I will have that boy..Or should I say man?" said the darker Renamon, sinisterly chuckling at her, which rung in Renamon's ears as she dove downwards.

Renamon carried me while speeding across the plains, passing up any Digimon who were hostile towards her. "Renamon, what's going on?" I asked her, "NaitoRenamon has gathered a legion of dark Digimon, and growth rate of it has expanded to more than 80% of the Digi-world population. I don't know how she does it, but her influence has become rather great, despite her passive efforts" Renamon briefs. "What are we to do then?" I asked, "I am uncertain..Our only hope lies in Palmon-X. I made sure she was hard to find" Renamon disclosed, "Where is she now?" I asked, "Wait until we are somewhere private" she replied, "*sees Digi-Vice trying to rupture with light in my pocket* I know you can feel it too..I guess this makes me your Tamer" I said, "…I suppose so" Renamon said, accepting the truth. "(If I can get us to an untainted town, that'd be ideal..Hmm?!)" Renamon thought to herself, jumping back from a drill attack from a dark-furred, wolf-like Digimon with a drill-tail, "A dark Dorulumon?" she said to herself, finding it hard to get pass him as he tries to swipe at her while firing his drill at her, "*Holds with one hand and swings with the other* Diamond Storm!" Renamon shouts, trying to depend us both, but the drill proved too great for her attack. Unable to react fast enough, the drill ends up getting lodged into my shoulder, "AAAAAGHHH!" I screamed, the drill making a bloody coil into my fibers as I try to take it out, "R-renamon..! I can't get it out!" I said in urgency, "*looks to BlackDorulumon, who chuckled* Damn you…! *grabs my shoulder, giving it a healing touch* (If I were to beat this one, I have to set him down..) *Places me on the ground, on my side* Wait here" Renamon then ordered, stepping towards the BlackDorulumon. "Oops, Im sorry there. Did I hurt that little partner of your's?" BlackDorulumon taunts, giving us an unhealthy smile, "You made me look bad in from of him. Now you have to pay" Renamon seriously said, dashing over to him, delivering a punch to his face. Unfazed, BlackDorulumon swipes at Renamon, who was able to dodge backwards to, her patch of fur barely grazed, then scurries under him to kick him several times into the air, and swipes down at her with both claws, but ends up missing those swipes too. The momentum of the swing carried him too far around, exposing his back to Renamon and begins to drop on her, with Renamon preparing an unseeable wind-up. "(I have to protect him..and make up for his injury..!) Power Paw!" Renamon shouts, thrusting her energy-imbued paw upwards into BlackDorulumon's back, along with her claws as she turns her wrist, making her punishing blow rather fatal. Renamon sees his tail grow another drill, making her quickly give him another Power Paw, flying him away in front of her, the BlackDorulumon laying a meter away, defeated. "*takes a quick breath* Let's continue. *walks over to me*" Renamon said, "*I look at the blackened Digimon and see him fire yet another drill at her* Renamon, watch out!" I alert to her, "*not turning around, moves head to the side, making the drill miss* Tch! *turns to him* you don't know when to- *surprised to see another drill zip by, directly hitting the Digimon's head, deleting him* ..Human? *turns to me, seeing a bloody, slightly torn right hand. Walks over to me, holds my hand, slowly healing it* That was quite a throw" Renamon commented, feeling some sorrow for me. She kneels to me, and puts my hand to her body, hoping that I'd heal faster this way.. I would feel some pleasure from this, but I was still in significant pain. Yknow, bleeding out and shit. Renamon sees that my hand was healing no differently. "..Im sorry..You were hurt so badly from some of my unwise decisions.." Renamon lowly said, "No..It's ok, Renamon. Im still alive, right?" I said with a smirk, "*looks away with a light blush* Y-yes. You are still breathing. I suppose I did well to that extent. In turn, you did your part to help" she comments, as we shared a gaze. Our eye-contact broke the moment Renamon heard flapping, making her long yellow ears twitch, then look upwards to see a large, black insectoid Digimon descending below us, "Now a dark Kabuterimon?" Renamon said with some fear in her heart, which the thing swooped down, cuts her across her lower torso, blowing both of us away. "AAAGH! *slides back, holding her stomach wound* (We have to exit from the Digital world. I can't keep fighting like this!)" Renamon thought, frustrated about the situation. Renamon ran to me, holds me in both of her arms while leaping forward, rolls across the ground to avoid Blackabuterimon's shock attack. "Quick, human! We need to go to your world!" Renamon hurriedly ordered, "But Im not sure if it'll wor-" I tried to say, but Renamon interrupts, "Do it now!" she urged, still in pain herself. I took a few seconds to decide, then I see the Kabuterimon charge up with more electricity, ready to toss it at us, "Yeah no" I said quickly, pressing the button to return me to Earth, lights ensnare me and Renamon from the Digi-Vice.

Once my sight comes back to me, I see that Im in my own room, and instead of seeing Renamon I see a shelf with my desk. "Renamon? Where are you?" I asked myself, looking around, "This way, human" Renamon said, making me turn around to her. "Phew..I was worried" I commented, "What matters is that we're safe" Renamon replied, "That you're safe" I corrected, "Hmm? What do you mean?" she asked, looking puzzled, "I..Dont like seeing you fight out there. I couldn't help but feel worried for you..Ever since we first met, I didn't want to lose you.." I expressed, "*shyly scratches head* Im..sorry to make you worry for me, but I had to fight so that I do my part for you..I feel as if I failed you twice. If I can make it up to you in any way, I will do anything" Renamon said. Hmm..There's this one thing.."I'll start by doing this" Renamon began, putting my hand to her soft body, healing my hand some more, also making me blush "I was right then. I saw that you like it the instant you touched my body.. Could you possibly have feelings for me?" she asked, "..W-well feeling is a strong word for it, but sure.. I also like it when you talk" I said with a brighter blush, "My voice..? …Like this?" she asked, "..Deeper" I pled, "..Like this?" she said with a slightly deeper tone, "Maybe put more breath behind it?" I hinted, "Like thiisss~?" she said more attractively, "More like that but..let's see if this helps" I said while putting my hand down her crotch, caressing her cunt with my fingers, "oh..Oh..So you..Mmmm..Do I sound better now, human?" Renamon said more sensually, steadily breathing, her pants reaching my face, her mouth open from moaning. Renamon then rubs her paw up my arm, seeing my shoulder heal, then wraps her arms around my arm, then pulls me closer to her, with her chest now touching my shoulder, recovering it still, and her face an inch away from mine, looking into my eyes "Do you like this as well, human?" she suggestively asked, moaning in front of me.


"O-of..C-course" I answered, feeling hornier from her sexual presence, "Tell me, human. What is it that you now desire?" Renamon asked in heat, "..To simply put it, You..Renny" I said almost as sexually, making her jump back a bit, "I knew you were that same human I assisted once….You are rather peculiar. Wanting a Digimon to provide you such pleasure..But if it is me you desire, and I want to compensate..You put me in a tight spot. It seems I must give such please~" she said more and more lustfully. Renamon leaned back on her knees, opened her crotch to expose her pussy to me, and puts one hand to her head, "Im ready for you, human" Renamon softly said to me, getting me even more "excited". I initially rubbed and then licked Renamon's sexy thighs, then worked my tongue up to her scar on her stomach, "You're..Licking my cut too..? I never thought a human would have such infatuation for me.." Renamon comments, moaning, looking at me with eyes of growing infatuation of her own as she pets my head. I then lift up her leg to put her on her side, exposing more of her wet vagina to me, "You..wish to please me as well, human? You're so forgiving.." Renamon comments as I drift my head down to her privates, which had a rather clean yet pheromonal scent to it, inviting me to satisfy her growing lust for me, and so I started to swirl every part of my tongue around her vaginal region, wanting more from her delectable tastes. "Aaahhh…How gentle, human..We may not be so different after all.." Renamon says as she lets out a series of moans, her yellow tail wagging slowly on the bed, "H-human..Does this mean you wish to not seek another female of.. your kind?" she asked while moaning, "With someone as hot as you..I wouldn't ever want to.." I replied as her leg goes over my good shoulder, "*rubs her long, hind leg* I always dreamed of this moment..and now that we're here like this, I don't wanna stop" I said suggestively, raises up and puts my hard dong to her pussy, "For shame, human..Deflowering a Digimon like me. It's hard to believe that I saved you earlier" Renamon further comments, "If you're trying to get me harder, it's working" I respond. Renamon then got on her back, spreads her legs and bright pink cunt to me, waiting for me to enter into her, then looks back up to me with a pleading stare, "You should feel ashamed yourself. I get endangered once and you get like this. I thought this was only a favor you owed me" I teased, "Maybe I wanted to be 'Tamed' like this in actuality. Maybe lust overcame me from how well you've pleased me..Either way, I now want you to..Penetrate me..Please human" Renamon teased back and begged, "I guess you can say you want me to 'Drill' you" I unhealthily joked, "*rolls eyes* Very morbid, human. Now come on and fuck me" Renamon said with a hint of impatience, "Not unless you beg~~" I teased some more, "*heavily sighs, looks away* I really want your penis in my privates, human. I beg of you to please this Digimon" she said plainly with more attitude, getting pouty, "I didn't think you had this side to you. Mind making it more convincing?" I said, "(If this happens again, I'll make sure he doesn't walk. Maybe he'll be the one that begs by then eVe) Come do the sex with me, human! I really love your hard penis! Please me to our heart's content! I want to be tainted only by you!" Renamon pled loudly with a lewd tone to her voice, "(…..Woah 0.0) Hmmmm, maybe your calm voice sounded better.." I said with a smile, making her close her eyes in anger and annoyance, "(I never thought I wanted to kill someone for not having intercourse with me)" Renamon wondered. "Alright, enough fuckin' around" I said, "(Finally. e e) I advise you to not make fun of me like again. *clears throat* Im r-ready" Renamon said with her blush returning, I then plunge my flesh rod into her very wet pussy, and she lets out a big moan as I go deeper into her, her head flipping back from the pleasure. I rubbed under her legs and ass when I hit her internal wall, increasing the size of my cock,"I-it's..G-growing, h-human..p-please don't stop" Renamon urged while slobbering, and so I continued to fuck her, each thrust made my pelvis hit her's, which she thoroughly enjoyed each of. "Ahh! Ahh! Haah! Y-you're gaping my insides, h-human! Haaaaah!" Renamon moans, wincing from the pounding and her vaginal walls being bumped around. I leaned my body closer to her's, making us feel more intimate as my chest touched her patch of hair between her tits, and I looked tenderly into her black eyes as we moaned together, which she looked away a few times. "You're s-shy..How cute" I teased, "It's not that..Does it..Really not matter to you that Im a Digimon?" she asked, then I gave her a kiss to her surprise, locking my cock deep into her sugary vaginal walls, "Mmmmm! Mmm.. *feels the unlock of the kiss*..I suppose that's..one way to answer that" Renamon said, a heavy blush takes her face.

I then turn her over, Renamon's ass is now exposed to me, which was fairy big and curvy, just as the rest of her body, her tail wagging in my face, "Is there pleasure in this as well?" she asked, "*puts her tail down to the side* Not as much as this angle" I replied, "We should do this more often then. Something about this pose makes me feel.." Renamon started, "Sexy?" I followed, "HmmHmm, perhaps" she replied with a smile, crossing her arms below her chin. I rubbed my cock around her asscheeks, feeling every hair fiber my dick can surface, and my tip to her pink asshole, "Humans enter there as well? You beings can be really indecent" she teased with a lewd smile, "Speak for yourself" I reply, entering her ass with my swollen, pussy-drenched cock, making her hold the bed tightly, but she maintained her lewd expression despite her first anal experience as well. Renamon's eyebrows flick and curl upwards as my pelvis got closer to her asscheeks, with a satisfying bump when the gap was closed as she looked back at me, "Aaaah..Take me, human" she said lewdly, her body surges with flickers of orgasms traveling in her body, biting her lip, and I start to pound and quake her ass with my cock, "You like it, Renny?" I asked, "Mmmhmm..Be sure to keep it up now" she said, starting to moan breathily, and I go faster inside of her, closing to my climax rather quicker in this position. I start to drool on her ass from my tongue, making her initially shocked at what her was feeling but didn't mind much since she feels the raw dogging more than compensates for that, "Oooo Renny, you're such an indecent lil' mon, aren't you?" I teased, "I hope you're fantasies arent where I say 'Yes I am, master' to that" Renamon said, "Don't give me ideas now" I winked at her, making her roll her eyes, and spank her ass, another surprise to her, which she grabs my shirt to slam me into her cheeks, surprising me back, "O-ok, I'll stop" I said a bit innocently, "Just don't have all the fun now" Renamon said, trying to keep her skepticism at a low for me. Several moments of constant anal pounding passes, Renamon got tired of standing on her knees, so she splits her legs on the bed, her pussy now touching the bed, "(Damn, now she looks hotter! OqO)" I thought to myself. She then feels my penis erupting, "A-are you about to finish?" Renamon asked a bit shyly, "Y-yeah..Any..second..!" I replied, "Mmmmm Yesss..Ooooh Human..Oooo Human" Renamon said sexually as her hole started leaking my white stuffing, feeling my virginity slipping into her, "R-renny..Renamon, Im..Cumming..AAAUGH~!" I moaned and exhaled, spewing my jizz inside of her rectum, covering her ass in white as I pumped her at max thrusting speed, "MMMM, HUMAN~~~!" Renamon ecstatically moaned and orgasms with me, our visions going blurry from an explosive, wonderful climax that got the bed stained in our juices. In other words, we had really fuckin' good sex. I made many squishy sounds as I twirled my somewhat hard cock inside of her asshole, "*bites lips* Mmmmm..That was..Impressive, human..I've no idea intercoursing with a human could so..Incredible. I felt every ounce of your passion for me.." Renamon comments, "Same for you, Renny..You did better than you thought too" I replied a bit lewdly but tiresomely, falling on my back in exhaustion, and Renamon rests there as well. "*takes a deep breathe* So..What now?" she asked, "Uhhh *hears the door close from downstairs* Q-quick lets run the bath together" I whispered, "Son, Im home" Dad said, which like hell Im gonna reply to that now. I gestured Renamon to hush, then we sneaked into the bathroom together, next to my room, which was of course easier for Renamon. I hear Dad put down some groceries as we entered the restroom and I ran the water, "You want to bathe with me?" Renamon asked while blushing, "For a bit, so let me undress" I whispered, taking my clothes off in front of her. Renamon looked me in disappointment, "Now's not the time to judge me! You may have to leave in a few" I whispered to her, "Not about your body, but your..penis. It's small and flaccid now" she comments, "*looks upwards in frustration* That's cuz you emptied me out! That's what happens to it, ok!?" I explained to her, "Im not sure about doing it so often then. It's better when it was larger" she comments lowly, "Look just get in the tub with me!" I whispered some more, getting in the half-full tub, and she enters it with me. Renamon sits on my lap, and we had an awkward moment of silence as Dad starts looking for me. "(Fuck!)…..*looks to the window above us* Yeah you'll have to leave through there" I said, pointing above us, "Im not going outside all wet like this" she replied, "*sighs* Ok, let me dry you off. Get the towel" I ordered and she got off of me. Renamon grabs the towel for us, and I stand on my knees as she gave me the towel, drying her lower body. Once I got to drying her ass, she started shaking it for me a bit, "…Later, Renny" I said plainly, then she swipes her tail in my face, "That's for making me your little actress earlier. Do I look like a jester to you?" she rhetorically asked, "Ok ok Im sorry, I won't do that again" I said, continuing to dry her back side off as she has her nose in the air. Not much longer, "*knocks on the door* Son, can you hear me in there? I hear splashing" Dad asked, making both of our hairs stand in surprise. Renamon looked at me and knew it was time to go. I opened the window for her and silently leaped through it head-first. I hear the doorknob turning, and Dad opens the door just in time for him not to see Renamon, "So you were here. You couldn't hear me come in?" Dad asked, "No, the uhh..The water ran a bit too loudly to hear you" I said, "Hey what's with that wound on your shoulder?" he asked, "(Oh shit! That's right!) *looks at it, seeing that it's closed but looks more like a bad bruise* It's from uhh….uhh I hit the side of the door hard..Like really hard" I lied, "*looks at me skeptically* If you say so, well be careful when..exiting next time" Dad said while closing the door, making me sigh in relief. Hopefully Renamon returns in the morning or at a good time. We got some business in the Digi-World. As I rested there in the tub, NaitoRenamon looms over my window, plotting her next move. "I'll wait for the right time to strike, but causing commotion here and there sounds fun. Hehe" said the dark Renamon, hopping up to my roof, watching Renamon go off into the distance, hopping on buildings. "I really wanna see the look on his face when he sees when he sees me, and when he figures out that he owns two of us" NaitoRenamon said, her malicious laughter going unheard throughout the night.

So I wanted to name NaitoRenamon "BlackRenamon", but I have an idea for what I wanna do with the name later in the story. I imagine her to be seductive, if not, aggressive, instead of just being evil and creepy (and hot). Also, as mentioned before, she isnt the final antagonist, and Im thinking he/she'll be a larger threat, defiantly Mega/Ultimate leveled. NaitoRenny is more than likely gonna obtain her own Mega form though, and will have a partner to help her Digivolve (for those of you that are smart/can guess right, you know who it'd be). Hopefully now that you've seen how the humor is built up, you should feel how the relationship is going be like (and hopefully you guys like it). Anyways thanx for reading!

More sexual mishaps, adventures more in chapter 2, so dont miss it!