Loki knew several things:
First, that he was a failed experiment. And that even though he was the king's son, he was an outcast; his father hated him.
And lastly, most importantly, it was all the King of Asgard's—Odin's- fault.
All of these facts made his life miserable. They made Loki wish he had never been born; but unfortunately for him, he had been.
His father often told him about his plan to create a master race that was part Jotun and Asgardian—a creature the size of a frost giant and the magical skill of the Aesir. What Laufey hadn't counted on was Loki taking after his mother—something she had been killed promptly for. Why Loki hadn't joined his mother, he never understood. Sometimes he wished he had been killed right away so he wouldn't have to suffer at the hands of his father and the rest of his race.
A race that treated him less than the lowest slave in the realm. They often used him as target practice when training; after all, no one cared if he got hurt. As a result, he has a collection of scars that, when combined with his tribal markings, meant he didn't have an inch of smooth skin on his body.
If he was lucky (he almost never was), he would keep out of sight long enough to where no one noticed him. He would spend days hiding in the library of Jotenheim, a place with the only books in the realm…and a place where no one ever went. It was here he fed his hatred of Asgardians and found out why Laufey was so determined to create a secret weapon. It was also where he found the only book about magic-magic that he was pretty damn good at. Loki was able to conjure weapons out of thin air, create clones of himself (he wished he would master that one—these were so feeble), cast illusions, and if he tried hard enough, he could shapeshift.
He worked hard to shift into the pictures of Asgardians he saw in the books. Loki was able to replace his blue skin and red eyes, but the scars remained. He managed to give himself shoulder length black hair and a more regal shape to his face. He could pass for an Asgardian if it wasn't for the damned scars. But then…maybe that could work in his favor…
Loki braced himself as he walked into his father's chambers; something he never dared to do since his father was the reason for the most horrendous scars on his body. Laufey was sitting on his throne, a few of his advisors muttering about what was plaguing the planet and how as King of the Frost Giants he must have some plan to save his people. But as soon as Loki came into his line of sight, his red eyes narrowed into slits..,
Loki paused for a moment. His father was in a bad mood, and if he just stood there like a fool he would be lucky to crawl back to his chambers. But he ran his plan through his head carefully. He knew it step by step, every detail by heart.
"I have a plan to restore Jotenheim to glory."