(20 years ago)

It happened a long time ago, after you mother had destroyed my doomsday device. I was launched into the ocean, where I rifted off into the open water. I had no idea where I was going, nor what happened to my comrades, I was just floating along in the vast ocean where ever the tide takes me. When I woke up I was one a deserted island, the same one you and Fink have been for the last two months.

I didn't know where I was. I had no tools or gadgets, no way to contact my fellow scientists. And no pants. But luckily, my mother was the head of a survivalist compound. She taught me everything in the ways of living in the wild in case I ever find myself stranded in the middle of nowhere, whether it be an uncharted island or in the woods. I made a shelter with some sticks and leaves, I caught dinner with traps and a spear. I quickly adapted to island life pretty well, I had made a house that runs on solar energy and salt water and even a hot tub.

But one day while I was hunting for some meat, one of my traps went off. I went to see what was gonna be mu next lunch, though I was shocked to see what got caught in my snare. It wasn't any rabbit or deer, but she was quite the catch. I recognized the tan skin and big blonde hair from anywhere, "Silver Spark?"

And that's when I stopped narrating.

The super heroine ceased her struggling when she heard that deep voice, she looked up too a tall purple man staring her down with a confused look on his face. She blushed when she saw he was buck naked with his purple penis at 9 feet in length, though she shook those thoughts out before saying, "Huh, didn't know it was hero season."

"Uh, what are you doing in my trap?" Venomous questioned.

"Oh nothing, just looking around and- GET ME OUT OF HERE!" Venomous dully complied to her request as he grabbed a machete and cut the rope that held her up, she yelp when she fell head first on the ground. She sat up with a crick in her neck. "Okay, now that the blood stopped rushing to my head, where are we? How did we end up here? And why are you naked?" Venomous just looked away with a light blush and a hand over his crotch, "And why I am 'I' naked!?" she yelled that last question as she covered her C-cup breasts and cleaned shaven pussy.

Venomous sighed as he stroked his chin in a thinking manner, "I believe we are on an uncharted island untouched by mankind, I'm pretty sure that we are the first and only sentient lifeforms to step foot on this land."

"Yeah, you're probably right. I don't recognize any of the floral and fauna from the POINT HQ ultra computer, and that thing spans to the edge of the universe." Carol said as she looked around, "Though I got to say, it looks very beautiful." she said with a smile.

"Yes, I admit the scenery is very miraculous." he nodded, "I should probably head back to my camp now, I'm sure you have your own lunch to catch." Venomous turned to leave, unknowingly giving her a view of his grape colored butt.

"Uh about that..." Venomous looked back with a confused look, the confident and go-lucky Silver Spark he knew was now twiddling her thumbs and traced her bare foot on the ground in an embarrassed fashion. "I didn't exactly passed my wilderness survival training during POINT training. This may come as a shock to you, but would it be okay if I joined you? I mean two heads are better than one right?"

Venomous gave her a questioning look, "Are you suggesting a temporary acquaintanceship that benefits both parties in hopes of reaching a common goal?"

"Basically, yeah. I know that I'm a hero and you're a villain, but that doesn't mean we can't work together right? There have been times when good guys and bad guys have joined forces."

"...… Alright."

Carol went wide eyed, dropping her arms leaving her nudity exposed "Really, you agree just like that?"

"Yep, just because I'm evil doesn't mean I can't be civilized." he replied as he turned away, being the gentleman he is before walking to his camp with Carol following suit.