October 31, 1981

(James' P.O.V)

"Padfoot, he isn't going to know your name. He was born only a little more than a year ago. Don't feel bad he knows Moony's name and not yours." I sighed, smirking as my best mate speaks to my son, Harry Potter.

"Come on, little Prongs, say my name. Pad-foot. Padfoot. Come on, Padfoot. You can do it." Sirius began again. It was his fourth try tonight to get Harry to say his name. It was beginning to wear on James, despite his typical actions. He still found it cute that Sirius was jealous of Moony, but also tried to connect with the baby.

"Moony." Harry cooed.

"No. Pad-foot. Pad. Foot. Padfoot. Come on little Prongs, you can do it." Sirius encouraged, urging the baby onward.

"Pa'... Pa'."

"That's it. Come on. Pad. Foot. Padfoot. You got this."


"YES! I have won! Padfoot is the best!"

"Sirius, you didn't win the lottery. You'll upset Harry with your yelling." Lily scolded. God she looked beautiful tonight. She was leaning against me, as she typically did now that we were married. She was even more beautiful when she scolded me and the rest of the group.

"Evans, me and you know very well that Harry will be more in the midst of a yelling war as he grows up. With me and James around, he will constantly be hearing your yelling. But that won't stop us. Maybe Prongs, the little bugger, but most certainly not I, the greatest of the Marauders and the best looking in the room, Sirius Black."

"Stop calling me Evans! It's Potter now." She gazed up at me, staring as I grinned from ear to ear. I still wasn't over the fact that Lily Evans was my wife. Still seems like just yesterday I was getting yelled at by her. In fact, I was being yelled at by her just yesterday. "Hun, when is Remus getting here? I thought he was supposed to be here by seven."

Just as Lily had spoken, the fireplace roared to life, shooting up emerald green flames. "Sorry I'm late. How much trouble has the mangy mutt gotten into while I've been gone?" Remus dusted off his tan blazer of the soot from flooing to our house. Moony, ever the neat freak, dusted off the floor around the fire, determined to get the worst of the soot before it affects our floor any more than it already has.

"Well he has brainwashed our kid, barked at the cat, and pretended he was a god. So no trouble really. At least none more than usual. How've you been Remus? You get your rest?" Lily said casually, as she has grown accustomed to Sirius's shenanigans. For a woman that used to hate us, she really grew onto my adopted brother. And Remus as well, of course. The bastard was lucky enough to be friends with Lily before any of us. Before me even! Who would have guessed.

"I'm fine, Lily-Flower, thanks for asking. I got plenty of rest. My furry little problem won't be bothering me for another month, so I will be fine for the meantime." Moony chuckled to himself. Despite his condition, he really was a jolly man. "Sirius! Stop humping the floor! You aren't an actual dog!"

Padfoot looked up at Moony, pouting. "Would you rather I hump you? Because I will do it. I won't do Prongs because he is tied down, but you, young man, are available." Sirius smirked up at Remus. I don't know if he is joking or not at times. He may even be bi. I can't tell half the time.

Moony's face turned a tomato red at his last comment. "I… I… I would rather you not," he stammered on. "Besides, you're supposed to be the great womanizer, not the wolf whisperer."

Padfoot roared with laughter. He jumped up and wrapped his arm around Remus's shoulder, giving him a one armed hug. "Moony, you sassy bugger! So, any news on ol' Voldy?"

"Padfoot, we agreed not to talk about this. Tonight we just have fun. Let's spare the two lovebirds on the couch the stress, I'm sure they would just have the night for family."

"Fine. So, what's the plan for tonight Evans? We just gonna talk all night before you two go up to snog, or are we gonna have some fun?"

"Fuck you Black. And I've got a card game for us to play later, but first, I just want to catch up. Then I've got a meal to prepare. What are you three gonna do as I cook?" Lily asked the group.

"I'm gonna play with Harry." I stated, smiling. I was still disappointed we couldn't name the kid Actual-Proof-I-Had-Sex-With-Lily-Evans, but at least I have a son by the woman I love. I can't think of a better way to be living.

"Gonna torture Prongs by going on about how his crush actually paid off." Padfoot smirked. "It's not like it's everyday that your best mate marries his high school crush."

"Sirius, you are such an idiot. Lily, I'm helping you cook. Don't even try to argue, I know how you are. Also going to make sure Padfoot doesn't break anything, more importantly your baby."

"Moony, I'm hurt. You really think I would hurt my child? I would never. I love little Prongs."

"Padfoot, that isn't your child." I swear, at times Sirius was a bit much. Especially when he was trying to steal my child.

"Are you kidding me Prongs? This is everyone's child. Just like Lily is also my wife. She married one of us, she married all of us. And the kid is also everyone's son. You can't tell me otherwise."

"Hun, how do you put up with him? Even after all these years he hasn't changed at all." Lily sighed dramatically.

"You get used to it. After so many years, his blabbering just becomes static. He can be a drama queen all he wants. Moony will keep him in check. He is the only one that can."

"And how many years would that take? I'm considering just sticking a muzzle on him to shut him up."

"Well, I met him first year. So I'd say about 7 years. Of consistently being beside him."

"Alright, muzzle it is. I'm gonna go cook. Don't lose Harry. Again." She gave me a peck on the lips before moving into the kitchen with Moony following close behind.

"Moomy. Bye bye." Harry cooed from the inside of his crib.

"Alright, that was cute. Wanna go for a ride little tike?" Harry reached up with his tiny little hands, knowing what was about to come. "Let's go!"

I picked up Harry and carried him over to the makeshift baby-carrier and placed him inside, before wrapping the straps around myself, buckling it onto my back. "Sirius, grab your broom. We're going to have some fun. Lily, we're gonna go a fly! Don't burn down the house while I'm out!"

Faintly, I hear a "bugger off!" I chuckle to myself before snatching up my Nimbus 1999 and rushing out the door into the night sky. Sirius straddles up beside me, and we both take off.

Harry squeals in delight at the rush of wind and the sound of the night surround us. He seems to love flying just as much as I do. For me, there is nothing more liberating and relaxing as flying. It's like my troubles are left behind on the ground as I soar into the air. I think more clearly, my head works faster. Lily may hate the feeling, but I don't mind. As long as I can be with the one I love, the time on the ground isn't as bad as it once was. To think, first through fifth year she hated my guts. Now we are married and with a child. I changed for her, and for my friends. Being arrogant wasn't working for me. It almost cost me the life I'm currently living. Hell, I'm surprised my friends are still with me. I learned though. Unlike Snivellus. That slimy snake couldn't accept the fact that he had said something he never should have said. Even if he did think it.

After about 30 minutes of flying, Lily called us in. So, me being the absolute brilliant man I am, I flew for another 10 minutes.

"James Potter, stop acting like a child, and get down here!" Lily yelled up at me, wand at the ready.

"What do you think Harry? Do we stop?" Harry shook his head up at me. "Alright then. Sorry Lils! Harry doesn't want to stop!"

Soon a flash of light from her wand had the broom flying out from under me. "Arresto Momentum!" Moony joins in. "Levicorpus!"

And now I was hanging, suspended in the air. "James Potter, you are in so much trouble! You're lucky I love you, else you wouldn't be getting food tonight. I had to talk Remus out of it." She took the baby out from my arms and stormed off back into the house. Moony dropped me to the ground, whispering to me "You really shouldn't have done that mate. Harry could have gotten hurt." Then he followed Lils back into the kitchen.

I stood up chuckling to myself. "Oi, am I ever an idiot for pissing off Lils. That Evans temper is famous." I dust myself off before heading back into the house. "Accio Broom!" My Nimbus comes flying to me before I close the door to the outside world, to enjoy a home-cooked meal cooked by my wonderful wife and my second best mate.

"Lils, I hope you know I love you. Even if I do piss you off frequently because of my childish ways. You do make me a better person, and you are my better half. Thanks for making the meal for tonight, love." I admitted, because I know I made a mistake by continuing to fly for an extra eleven minutes. I blame Harry though. He has no self-control, and what kind of father would I be if I didn't oblige him.

She stared at me for a while, before cracking a smile and ruffling my hair. "I love you too, hun. Now eat. I didn't slave away at this for nothing. With a little bit of help of course." She sent a smile towards Moony.

With a swish of her wand, the food floated over to the table. Covering the plate was a pristine steak, medium rare of course, beautifully lavished with a sauce that I could only assume was Remus's doing, some herbs tucked to the side of the plate, and mashed potatoes drizzled in brown gravy. "Dig in everyone!"

We talked up a storm, discussing Quidditch, the Ministry, magic, and all sorts of other wizarding stuff, avoiding talk of Voldemort and the dark arts. Lily and I took turns feeding Harry as he gobbled it up. Soon dinner was finished. We go back to the living room to digest our food, and play the card game.

Moony stalks over to the window. Even though his furry little problem won't bother him for another month, he still subconsciously checks each night to see how the moon is looking. "Um, James, Lily, you might want to take a look of this."

We walk over to see what Moony is looking at. Up in the sky, the dark mark is displayed up in the sky.

"I don't see anythi-" Moony pushes Padfoot's gaze up into the sky. "Ohhh. Guys, go. Myself and Moony will protect you. Just get away." Padfoot adopted his stern gaze, any sense of humor that had first glazed his eyes was gone, and had been replaced by determination.

"Bombarda!" The glass to the front window was blown out, and Voldemort stepped into our home at Godric's Hollow. "Stupify!" Both Moony and Padfoot were now knocked out, and it was just myself, Lily, and Harry. "Well, well. If it isn't the family I was looking for. You will be begging for death by tonight, and being the honorable wizard I am, will grant you that wish. Please, take your places. First, we must bow."

I grabbed my wand and prepared to fight him.

"Mr. Potter, please, we must not forget our formalities. Dumbledore wouldn't want that. I said bow! Imperio!" Voldemort hissed, forcing me down into a bow. He released the spell, but before I could move, he was starting up again. "Crucio!"

Pain writhed through my body, causing me to shake and scream with pain. The spell was relentless. Voldemort released the spell's hold on my body, giving me time to gasp. "Now, Lily, I must ask you to step aside. I need to see Harry. You see, that boy will cause me great grief. Plus it will be fun to watch your hearts break as I kill your only son. MOVE!" I was helpless, watching Lily stand there facing Voldemort on her own. Without me. "I SAID, MOVE!"

(Lily's P.O.V)

I stood there. Frozen. What was I supposed to do? He already announced his intentions were to kill my son, and then myself and my James. But I didn't fight. I was petrified. My family was about to be killed in a single night. Sirius and Remus as well.

"MOVE!" Voldemort shouted at me, causing Harry to start crying from his crib next to the fireplace. "I SAID, MOVE!"

Then, I snapped. My boy's cry awoke me from my frozen state and I moved. I stood more in the way of the man who intended to kill my son. I shoved Voldemort back towards the window, the only thing I could do. Harry's wails start getting louder and louder, each second that passes is more time that can be spent saving his life.

"You dare touch the Dark Lord! You will pay, you filthy mudblood! Avada Kedavra!" I shut my eyes readying myself to feel my life slip away. But after a few seconds after the Killing Curse was cast, I knew nothing had happened. In fact, I felt more alive than I ever have before. I open my eyes to see that I'm no longer in front of Harry, but in front of James.

Harry's wails become ear-shattering, almost like that of a banshee. The glass around the house breaks, and soon a golden ethereal light blooms into shape around my son. I stare in awe as this shimmering light slashes through the room, causing Voldemort to disintegrate into nothing. The light continues to slash through the room, seeming to lash at anything to protect the young baby.

"Harry! Calm down! I'm here! You don't need to worry, Mommy is here! Mommy is okay! Daddy is okay! Padfoot is okay! Uncle Moony is okay! Mommy loves you! We all love you!" I yell over the crying, hoping that maybe this can do something to calm down Harry. Harry continues to wail, and the light continues to lash out at anything.

James recovers enough to cry out. "Harry! Daddy is okay! Let Mommy come to you! She will protect you."

I start walking. I can't seem to stop myself, my feet working of their own accord.

"Lily, what are you doing!? Did you see what happened to Voldy?! He disintegrated! Stop! I can't lose you!"

I keep walking, and soon I am near the golden bubble. A thing of light lashes out, and whips through me. I scream in pain, the light seeming to sear through my very being. But I keep walking. I pass through the sphere of light, and I reach the crying child. I pull Harry up into my arms and hold him tight, singing to him to calm him down. Soon the light turns into nothing. I continue to soothe Harry, whispering to him that he is okay, and that Mommy loves him.

James staggers up to me and wraps me in a hug. "Lily, are you alright? I heard you scream, it was heart wrenching. I was terrified that you were going to be turned into a mist like Voldy was. Please don't ever do that again."

"I'm fine love, you can calm down. At least Harry is okay." I look down at Harry to see how he is doing. And right there, in the middle of his forehead, is a lightning bolt-shaped scar. I gasp. "James, look at his head!"

James looks at his son's head, and sees his new addition. "Shit! I new the spell would do something to our son. Shit!"

"No cursing in front of Harry, James, he might pick up on it. And what do you mean, the spell?"

"Lils, when he cast the spell, you ended up teleporting in front of me. The spell didn't fail, it hit a target. Just not the intended target. The Killing Curse hit our son."

I broke down into tears. Harry was hit with the Killing Curse. It should have been me that it hit, but instead it was my son. I clutched him closely to me, thankful for whatever that light was that saved Harry. "Shhh. Shhh. It's okay. We're all alive. You don't need to worry. We're all alive, and we are safe. Voldemort is gone. We can live our lives again, Lils." I allowed James to pull me closer to him, appreciating his comfort.

"It should have been me that was hit. Not Harry. No child should have to go through that, let alone being hit by it. It should have been me."

"Don't say that. Let's just forget about it for now, okay? Let's wake the other two." He looked at me with concern covering his face until I simply nodded, which caused him to smile before kissing me on the lips. He walked over to the two unconscious figures, muttering "renneverate."

The two men awake with a sharp intake of breath, clearly feeling pain of the blast that happened minutes ago and also the stunning spell right after. "What happened?" Remus mutters, trying to grasp the destruction of the room.

I can't bring myself to speak, so I let James do the talking. As he gets to the point where he was victim of the Cruciatus Curse, tears start flowing from my eyes. When he gets to Harry being hit by the Killing Curse, I am all out bawling my eyes out while James rubs my back and strokes my hair.

"Wait, James, go back. Did you say that Harry had a golden light around him?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Do you remember the story The Gods of Old?"

"What about it?" James was starting to grow more understanding, while I was still in the dark about as to what the story was.

"In The Gods of Old, it talks about auras, a person's representation of their person. It is typically spherical, and consisting of different elements that cause the aura to be unique to one living person at a time. It involves color, level of light, presence or absence of sparks, and the way the aura manifests. It isn't considered a magic as everyone has it, even muggles. However, only powerful wizards can even begin to access this new well of power, but even fewer are able to properly implement this into their spell work, causing their spells to be really power, and it also acts as a shield. The Deus, the gods, are said to have really powerful auras that manifest early, and can defend the person with the aura. Let's see. Harry, who is barely a year old, just manifested an aura. Said aura also just defended him from the Killing Curse and enabled him to escape with just a scar. What I find even more interesting, is that his aura, if it is how you described it, is identical to Dieu de la Lumière." As Remus finished his explanation, I looked over to where Harry was currently sleeping.

"Remus, what exactly does this mean?" I ask unsteadily, waiting for an answer that will cause him to be put in more harm.

"Lily-Flower, it means that Harry is Lumière reincarnated."