The basketball tournament had ended and unfortunately Lynn hadn't earned her new b, yet she seemed to be taking the loss in stride.
Everyone had gone to the park to celebrate but as the day wore on the other girls drifted off until only Lynn and Paula remained.
As Lynn sunk free throws from the half court line cheering herself on Paula sat on the bench and watched.
A knot was forming in her stomach as she watched Lynn's antics, the street lights would be coming on soon.
She had to act soon she told herself or months of planning would all be for naught, not to mention the effort of the other girls.
Clearing her throat Paula called over to Lynn a bit too quietly, get a hold of yourself Paula she's just another girl, "Lynn!", she called again a bit louder this time.
It was enough of a distraction to cause Lynn to miss her shot, Paula winced when the other girl swore.
The brief flash of ire that flashed across Lynn's face when she looked over at Paula was like a punch in the chest.
It was followed by a flash of realization then an apologetic expression, "Sorry," Lynn said as she walked over leaving the ball on the court, "I just got in the zone and forgot you were here."
The idea of Lynn being mad at her hurt less than the thought she wasn't on the other girls mind at all.
Taking a seat on the bench Lynn briefly brushed up against Paula causing her to blush.
"Was there something you wanted to say," Lynn asked before taking a long pull on her water bottle.
"Oh, um," Paula sputtered trying to come up with something, anything, "I was wondering if . . . you're seeing anyone," she trailed off weakly.
Apparently unaware of her discomfort Lynn answered candidly, "There was a guy."
That's that, Paula thought to herself, out of the game before I had chance oh well could have been worse.
"But that's over," Lynn continued causing Paula to perk up, "Some guys just don't appreciate a lucky jockstrap."
Paula didn't know what to do with that information and Lynn didn't seem to be about to elaborate on the subject.
"There hasn't really been anyone since," Lynn continued, "What with high school coming up I won't have time for dating, I'll need to impress the college scouts."
"So," Lynn asked changing the subject, "tell me Paula are there any special guys in your life?"
The turn around caught Paula off guard and she tensed up, "Oh I don't. . ."
This was apparently enough for Lynn to come to a realization, "My bad I shouldn't have assumed," Lynn said a bit chagrined.
Assumed what?, Paula wondered silently, the confusion all over her face.
Lynn winked at her and said, "It's okay, I won't tell anyone if you don't want me to," then trying to reassure her further, "a couple of my sibs are switch hitters."
It took Paula a moment to grasp the metaphor, when it hit her she made an ooh face.
Then trying to duck Lynn's question she asked, "You have siblings? How many?"
However Lynn's focus was laser sharp, "Ten; nine sisters, one brother but we're not diving into that right now, stick to the subject,"
The girl was relentless, "If your trying to dodge the question then I must know her which means she's on the team," Lynn said thinking aloud
Paula was lost for words, Lynn was so close and it killing her.
"I'm right aren't I," a smug grin crossed Lynn's face and she pumped her fists in the air triumphantly, "I knew it!"
So close, Paula thought, just a little bit further trying to will Lynn to the inevitable conclusion.
"Hmm well I don't think it's Amy no offense to her but I don't think she's your type,"
"Maya's cute I guess in a cuddly sort of way, but you seem like a girl that needs someone that can keep pace with them," Lynn said while framing Paula with her fingers, "I mean look at you laid up and even that isn't keeping you off the court."
Hearing admiration in the other girls voice Paula felt her face heating up.
"That only leaves Diane," Lynn said it but sounded unsure of herself, "Well come on don't leave me hanging!"
Nervously Paula slipped her hand into Lynn's then speaking quickly to make sure she got it out, "There is one more member of the team,"
Lynn's reaction was automatic she ripped her hand away in revulsion and slid down the bench.
Paula could feel her world coming crashing down around her, not again she thought why does this keep happening to me?
Staring at her incredulously, Lynn said, " Eww, you know Flip is like sixty years old!"
Dumbfounded at Lynn's mistake Paula gagged for a moment then without thinking said, "I'm not talking about Flip you dummy, It's you I like."
"Oh phew," Lynn said sliding back, "I was worried there for a moment."
There was moment of silence before the truth hit Lynn, Paula could practically see the gears grinding behind her eyes.
"Wait," Lynn said clearly confused but not repulsed, "Did you say, you liked me?"