Summary: "Not that, but last nights that we'll keep talking about during the morning afters?" He tells her with a big grin.

Characters: Barry Allen, Caitlin Snow

A/N: It's been months since I last updated and I apologize for that : College requirements were nonstop and I had a lot of papers and reports to write and submit plus quizzes and exams were bitchy. Really sorry for the long-wait! And classes have been suspended due to COVID-19 (stay safe everyone inside your homes, uwu) but writer's block was a pain and I really wanted to write fanfics again but mind was empty as I stare at a blank Microsoft word paper. But somehow I was able to write this self-prompt that I had and planned it to be short but the output had 4k+ words :3. Anyway, please enjoy reading this! I hope you're all doing fine and safe and do enjoy this... OwO.

His eyes slowly fluttered open.

Mouth dry, head felt like it was filled with concrete and Bartholomew Henry Allen thought that he was the shittiest man alive (barely, he feels). He blinks his eyes once more, staring unfamiliarly at the room decorated with pink wallpaper. He slowly sits up from the bed, spotting an auburn-haired figure lying beside him who was covered by a fluffy white blanket that was shared with him.

What? He groans in confusion, lifting his own blanket and getting a peek at his naked body parts and a semi-awake thing. Blood slowly rose to his cheeks, as he observed the sleeping figure beside him that was clearly a woman.

Barry gazes at the visible skin that was white as snow and the woman, conveniently, turns to his side as his emerald green eyes widened in realization. It was similar to lightning striking him and his whole body, his heart beating like he was doing his daily workouts, and warmth was spreading fast all over his naked body.

"Caitlin?" he mumbles out carefully, mind still blank from what happened last night.

The sleeping woman responds with a soft twitch, still absorbed in her own dreamland. He whispers again and again, no response until he noticed her neck that was decorated with bright red spots.

He felt his whole face turn into a tomato, "What the hell happened last night?"

Barry sighs in frustration, "You actually don't remember what happened last night, Mr. Allen?"

His ears perk up from the voice, looking back at the now half-awake auburn-haired woman. Her doe brown eyes were slightly open, looking like an annoyed angel that Barry pissed off at 6:30AM in the morning.

He gulps and shows a nervous smile, "Morning, Atty. Snow."

She slowly sat up from the bed, hugging the thick blanket around her chest making a certain someone sweat a little and clear his throat.

"You're unbelievable, Bartholomew Henry Allen. After everything you-we-no-you forced me-no-I also wanted it-NO! I HATE YOU. AGH!" She glared at him with crossed arms.

He instinctively raised both of his arms, remembering why he feared his girlfriend, "I'm sorry, Cait—"

"Don't you dare call me Cait, you idiot."

Barry nods, "Just to make sure, did I make those you know." He gestures his fingers around his own neck, looking at the auburn-haired woman.

Caitlin Snow felt a vein pop, "Oh I don't know, probably a stupid hungry mosquito came in and attacked my neck."

He fails to hide the smile decorating his face, "Then I should probably kill a mosquito later, just to remind it that you already have a boyfriend."

The auburn-haired woman rolled her eyes, "You were so jealous last night, you literally ravaged me to sleep. I hope you remember the details, Mosquito Allen."

The man stared at her, speechless, cheeks red, and emerald orbs comically wide that Caitlin stifled a laugh at the view she was currently taking in.

~ last night ~

Caitlin Snow was talking with her colleague during lunch when her phone vibrated inside the pocket of her jeans, "Hey, Ellie, I just got to take this." Elisabeth smirked, "Go on, Cait. I know you've been dying to see 'him'. Have fun later. Stay safe, okay?"

The auburn-haired woman feigned a glare towards her friend, who laughed as Caitlin left the pantry and went to a more private room away from any disturbance or unwanted ears.

She picked up her vibrating phone, his name grazing her screen as her heart skipped a beat at the sight.

Clicking the green button, "Hello?"

"Hello to my favorite lawyer of Central City, come home now. Please. I'm dying to see you." A demanding but completely teasing voice greeted her.

She laughs at his tone, "Still a needy baby, Mr. Allen?"

"Absolutely. YOUR needy baby, forever and always. Can't you come home now? I've missed you, all those three months of filming got me all worked up and sad because I couldn't see your beautiful face. Or even hear your angelic laughter plus that singing voice. How pitiful, right?"

She rolled her eyes, "I've missed you too, Barry. All of you, to be honest. It was a hard task falling asleep all by myself at our apartment but at least your home for now, right?"

"I know and I'm sorry, it's just that I really had to attend the shoot because I'm going to play this superhero who could really run fast to save the day. You know how I'm such a superhero nerd, babe."

Caitlin smiles at the soft and excited tone, "I know. And don't be sorry, I already knew that when I started dating a rising star celebrity. I hope you'll still remember me even after you save so many damsels in distress while being a superhero."

Barry smirks as he fishes for the keys of their shared apartment, "I'll always be your Superman, babe. Don't ever forget that."

She laughs, "Superman, huh? Last time I checked, you weren't really Superman level kind of buff, right?"

He pulls in his bags and slams their door shut, "Oh, you're trying to provoke me, Cait. Last time I checked, you were obviously drooling at my gorgeous body and you even had a saved summer photoshoot on your iPhone."

Barry smirks at the memory, teasing her when he accidentally saw a photo of him only wearing beach shorts and had his arms all flexed up together with his charming smile.

Caitlin felt her cheeks turn pink from the reminder of her boyfriend, "Bartholomew! I was just… Looking at the shorts you were wearing. That's all."

"Yeah, whatever. Let's pretend you don't have a major crush on me, Caitlin Snow."

"Shut it. I'm going back to work now, alright? I'll get home by around 7PM. Wait for me, babe, okay?" She replies, a part of her wanting to just skip her work and go back home and run to his arms but as a proper lawyer, she won't bend the rules for her own satisfaction.

Barry sighs dramatically as he sits on the couch, smirking to himself with a silly idea, "I really can't convince my gorgeous and brilliant lawyer to come home and cuddle with me, huh?"

The auburn-haired woman was about to reply, "Too bad I have a gavel here that only she can use as long as she wants."

"Barry." she wanted to slap his arm, through call if possible.

"Oh, did I tell you that I want her to look through these briefs?" the man adds in a tantalizing tone

"Mr. Allen!" her face was rose red, eyes closed in embarrassment.

"I mean spending the whole day with me and badgering me in our bedroom, the perfect alibi, don't you think, Atty. Snow?" Barry finishes his sentence, making sure to make his voice sound husky and raspy.

"Bartholomew Henry Allen." Caitlin was full on red and wanting to slap herself because her stupid mind was agreeing with these stupid pick-up lines that her stupidly amazing boyfriend thought off or searched through the internet.

"Yes, Dr. Snow? Are you going to hold me in contempt, as long as you promise to hold me tight?" He replies back with a wide smirk.

"Stop. Oh my god, Barry. You're not helping. Look, I'm going back to work. Stop with the silly lawyer pick-up lines." She said with a hint of venom as she starts walking back inside.

"Okay. See you later, then. You're just hating it because it worked, huh?" He asks in a smug tone.

The female lawyer ends the call, rolling her eyes in annoyance, "Of course, it worked." She mumbles with a silly smile and heart in a frenzy.



Time flew by but not quick enough to stop her mind from imagining his annoying laughter, that perfect wide smile, and how he likes to keep her so close to his body.

"You're going to squish me to death, Barry." Caitlin once complained as they watched a movie together, all tangled up with one another. He releases a deep chuckle, reverberating through their bodies, "It's not my fault that I want to hold you forever and always, as much as I possibly can."

She feels herself flush red and smiles widely, scooting closer to her cheesy boyfriend, "How romantically sappy as always, Mr. Allen."

"Of course. I hope you don't press charges on me, Atty. Snow."

"Hmmm, I'll think about it."

"Well, I suggest you just press me on our bed. Both of us naked and you—"

"Shut up. Your silly libido is ruining movie time."

Caitlin chuckles at the silly memory, browsing through the last case she was supposed to analyze for today. No matter how much she was daydreaming of spending time with Barry, her mind was still focused on highlighting details that would help this case at hand.

"See you tomorrow, Cait! Enjoy and stay safe, okay?" Elisabeth bids goodbye while sticking her tongue out at her colleague. Caitlin chuckles and waves at her, her blue jacket on her other arm. She was waiting for Barry to pick him up, standing outside their law firm.

"Cait." She looked back and saw Peter, another colleague of hers. She smiled at him, "Hey, Peter. Send me your thoughts on that case that I left on your desk." The man with shaggy black hair nods, "Are you going home, Cait?"

She hesitantly nods, remembering how Elisabeth told her that this man had a thing for her. "Yeah, I'm going to be picked up by a friend."

Caitlin starts to walk away from him and wait for Barry to pick her up, "Wait, Caitlin." Peter grabs her arm, turning her towards him. He sighs and smiles at her, "Can I take you out next week, just some friendly chat?"

She shakes her head, a disapproving look sent towards his hand clutching her arm, "No. I'm busy and I have to meet a friend, so let me go. Please." She shook off his grip, the man releasing an annoyed "tch" sound.

He tries to grab her again when a hand stops him from further bothering Caitlin, "Hey buddy, the lady said stop. And even said, please. So, back off." The man looks at the stranger, a man with brown hair wearing a pair of glasses and a sweater over his shirt appeared beside the auburn-haired woman.

Caitlin gasps quietly, surprised to see her boyfriend shielding her from Peter, "Who are you, anyway? I was just talking to her." Her colleague said, gritting his teeth together.

The other man smiled, "I'm Bartholomew. Caitlin Snow's boyfriend. You?"

Peter's eyes widened, stumbling backwards a little, "Shit! I didn't know Caitlin had a boyfriend. Man, I'm sorry."

Barry nods, grabbing hold of her arm, "You weren't just talking to her, man. You grabbed her arm even though she's completely against random people trespassing her boundaries."

He sighs and runs a hand through his hair, a smirk plastered on his face, "Back away from my girl, man. Well, you're still in danger if I didn't come to pick her up. This brilliant lawyer also has a blackbelt in Taekwondo. Wonder how you'll fare over that fact, Peter. See you man, we still have a reservation to catch up to." Barry smiles sincerely, fixing his glasses with his middle finger.

Caitlin shakes her head at the action, "Come on, Barry." She pulls him away, breaking the tension that her boyfriend intended to create between him and Peter.

When they reached where Barry was parked, "I can't believe you did that." She tells him as he opens the car door for her. She was glad he came to her aid but to blatantly lie about her having a blackbelt and that silly childish gesture he pulled off.

Barry gets inside his car, "What? Picked you up? Scared off your Peter?"

She sighs, "No. Telling him that I have a blackbelt in Taekwondo, really Barry?"

He looks at her and smirks, "Well you did flip me over one time really good, remember?"

Caitlin turned red and remained quiet, "I hate you." Her boyfriend simply chuckles as they drive back to their house. His hand sneaks on to hers, squeezing her hand, "I'm really glad I'm back here with you, Cait. I missed you so much."

She looks back at him, who turns to her, "I missed you too, Barry."

He smiles, starting to lean in closer, but Caitlin stops her. "Drive. I'm not defending you if you get a violation."

Barry pulls back, rolling his eyes but grinning widely, "I really have the best girlfriend in the world, huh?" She simply nods and winks at him, "You darn right, you do."

Caitlin was putting on her facial cream as Barry lies down on their bed, eyes darting from watching a basketball game replay and observing the beautiful woman across him.

She stood up from her mirror table and went to him, wearing an oversized shirt that clearly belongs to Barry paired with dark blue cotton shorts. He looks at her and hitches a breath, "Is that my shirt?"

Caitlin lies down on his bare chest, "Yes."

He breathes in and out then pins her on their bed, emerald eyes glued at every inch of the auburn-haired woman.

A little squeak of surprise escapes her lips, heart beating fast and doe brown orbs blinking in fear, "B-B-Barry?" She mumbles almost inaudibly, warmth spreading fast the longer his eyes feasted upon every detail of her.

"I missed you, Cait. And I wanted to see you that I decided to pick you up even though I'm tired from the flight. But I told myself, nothing of those matters as long as I see you. That's what matters." He states, chuckling to himself while wetting his lips causing someone to whimper.

He looks at Caitlin once more, hands gripping both of her wrists, "Then I see you arguing with some dickhead coworker of yours. He didn't even have an idea that you're already taken, huh?"

"For the record, we both talked that I'm not going to prance around the world and declaring to it that I'm dating a now famous celebrity/model, remember?" She reasoned with him, feeling a bit afraid from his tone and how he was gripping her wrists.

Barry nods at her, "Yeah, I know that. But, Cait, seeing you with him overstepping your boundary—"

"Barry, we weren—"

"We weren't doing anything? I know, I saw everything, Cait. I believe you and I have full trust in you. But, seeing him so close…" Her heart was beating quickly, scared of this never before seen side of Barry.

"I felt something stir up inside me, Cait. Something I'm not familiar with because I swore again and again that I won't feel this silly feeling. But that dumbass, he did a great job." She stares at his intense emerald eyes, biting her lip then smiling widely.

Caitlin turns her head to the side, smirking, "All these scaring me and pinning me down because you're feeling green over Peter, Mr. Allen?"

She felt his grip loosen causing her to look at him, witness his cheeks turning red and slightly pouting at her, "Wow, way to ruin the mood with your observation, Attorney."

A giggle escapes her mouth, "My my, Barry Allen. So jealous, you really missed me that much, huh?" He sighs and rolled his eyes then pulled her to himself, wrapping her legs around his torso.

In mere seconds, she was inches away from his face that was decorated with a wolfish smirk.

He's so handsome. Caitlin thought, face turning red as Barry continued to smirk wider. "You have no idea, Atty. Snow." He answers her question then presses their lips together, surprising the female lawyer in a good way.

Passion and emotions were rolling off their lips and tongues, connected after months of video calls and long messages. He bites her lower lip, the woman groaning in pleasure that grew louder as the man's tongue explored her mouth.

Her hands were on his back, lightly scratching it and gripping his skin whenever he bit her tongue and lip. She didn't want to lose but everything was too overwhelming, his taste that she missed so much sent tingles in her legs. His hands were playing along the ends of her cotton shorts, squeezing everything beyond it.

Caitlin slightly opened her eyes, shocked to see a half-lidded stare from her boyfriend. She felt herself turn redder and warmth to spread more across her body then Barry breaks off their kiss, both of them were breathless from what they've done.

The man smirks at her once more, pulling her once again for another searing kiss then he moves lower and decides to focus on her neck pure as the snow. He encases her petite body inside his lanky arms, resting on her waist as she starts to kiss her neck. His teeth graze the sensitive skin, Caitlin groaning and then whimpering when his tongue darts forward against the bite mark that Barry was sure to leave.

She intertwines her fingers through his fluffy brown hair, pulling some of it whenever he bites the skin of her neck. Leaning her head back, allowing the man to decorate her neck as much as he wants. This continued for a while, sounds echoing in their intimately lit bedroom until Barry pulls away, admiring his work on her neck.

"That… deserves to be hanged in the Louvre, baby." He declares, liking how his girlfriend's neck was now filled with red bumps and marks all made by him. She looks away from his gaze, face rivalling a scarlet letter, "A-A-Are we done, now? I still have some books and files to read, just so you know."

Caitlin looks back at a smirking Barry Allen, "Who told you were done, Cait? The night is still young. "He pulled her thighs and wrapped it around his neck, making her squeal in surprise, "B-B-Bartholomew!"

He raises an eyebrow, lightly nibbling her exposed flesh, "I still have to show you how much I missed you and every inch of you. Now, relax and enjoy the show, Atty. Snow."

She was about to complain but his hands already undid her shorts that were sent flying on their carpeted floor. Her words of complaint were snuffed out at every part touched by his stupid mouth and that stare he was giving her; Caitlin Snow was shamelessly defeated in this case of lip locks and body talks that continued until god knows how long.

~ end of flashback ~

"Oh. Oh. Ohhhh!" Barry exclaimed, the events of last night playing inside his mind as his girlfriend simply rolled her eyes and closed her eyes. She willed her mind to stop picturing the heated moments of last night, no matter how much she enjoyed the attention they bathed each other with.

Every lingering touch that drove her mind in a frenzy, she didn't know if it was because she missed him so much or that Bartholomew Henry Allen was just a man that drove her crazy but she didn't mind even a single moment of it.

"How are you feeling?" She heard him ask her, offended by the question especially now that every part of her trembled in pain and soreness. Caitlin faced him once more, eyes flaring in anger but once seeing his teasing grin, Is he making fun of me?

She continued glaring at him, "Oh, I don't know. Wait, I do know. Every part of me is sore because of you and your silly fire of childish jealousy."

The man chuckles and flashes a toothy grin at her, "Well, I am your baby, right? Childish actions are to be expected." She sighs in annoyance, noticing how he still looked gorgeous despite having a silly bed head.

"I hate you. How will I start my day if I'm all sore because of you?" He chuckles and suddenly stands up, blanket falling down as he proudly says, "Then I'll carry you all over the house all day or even everyday just because I love you with all of my heart."

Her eyes were glued at some very private parts of him that she turned red, "Put some clothes on, Allen. Ugh." She looks away, heart beating fast.

Barry laughs and walks around the room, "Hey, you've already seen and played with this but you're still flustered by the sight of it?"

"Bartholomew!" He shakes his head in amusement, putting on a pair of discarded red boxer shorts from the floor. He stretches his body, suddenly feeling energized.

He looks at his girl, who had her back on him and her face (probably) still red. Walking towards her, Barry slowly lifted her from the bed, clutching her in his arms securely.

"Barry! What are you doing?!" She exclaimed as her boyfriend started walking towards their bathroom. "What, you said you couldn't walk, right? So, being the best boyfriend I am, we'll take a bath together and wash each other together."

Caitlin tried to get off his arms, the blanket wrapped around her like a dress, "No! I can take a bath on my own. And we would probably end up making a mess and not cleaning up each other. Put me down this instant, Bartholomew Henry Allen."

He ignores her warning, even with the use of his full name, "That would work but I am currently feeling indebted to take care of my girl who had a fun and wild last night with me. And as your most amazing boyfriend, I will take care of you. Every inch of you, just like last night."

Her protests were no longer heard as Barry kissed her, effectively shutting her up as he slowly placed her inside the bath tub filled with bubbles and her favorite bath bomb.

"When did you prepare this?" She asks in curiosity, the water's temperature completely perfect for them.

Barry grins at her, "Well I woke up a little bit earlier and decided to prepare us a hot bath just because I know we would both love it." Caitlin smiles at him, "Wow. You really are wanting to be the world's best boyfriend, huh?"

"Technically, I think, I already am. And maybe this would help in boosting my score." She raises an eyebrow, wondering what he was up to.

Barry reaches for a closed red soap box from the small white bath shelf, "Open it."

"If this is some silly bath-themed pick up line, I'm going to punch you." Caitlin declares as she opens it, eyes widening at the sight of a blue diamond ring.

He chuckles at her expression, "I've been thinking about it, you know? Asking for your hand in marriage because I guess five years of being together is enough for me to decide that you'll be the one that I want to spend the rest of my life with."

Caitlin bites her lips, willing herself to not cry, "Plus, I wanted to marry the best lawyer in town just in case I do something against the law, right? Like loving you so much that I would rob Baskin-Robbins and give you an endless supply of their thirty-one flavors."

She looks at him, through the tears in her eyes, "I mean I'm not forcing you to say 'yes' to me, okay? Though that would be awkward thinking about last night's events and the five years' worth of memories we shared together."

Caitlin playfully slaps his arm, putting the soap box on the bathroom's small table, "You really are driving me insane, huh? Of course, I would marry you, Bartholomew Henry Allen. It's a 'yes' forever and always, babe."

He grins at her widely, cheering loudly and pulling her into a kiss then a hug, water splashing and falling on the bathroom tiles but that didn't matter for now.


"Hey about last night, can we keep doing those?" He asks her as they wait for their food to be served.

She gives him a look, "Barry! We're in public."

He chuckles, "Not that, but last nights that we'll keep talking about during the morning afters?"

Caitlin rolls her eyes, "Always the romantic sap aren't we, Mr. Allen?"

Barry grins at her, "I'll take that as a 'yes', soon-to-be-Mrs. Allen."

A/N: Thank you for reading! Excuse the suckish lawyer puns HASSJKDJAKDKSJ Hope you had fun reading and please stay safe and inside your homes! uwu!