I'm so sorry that this chapter took so long to not only make but to post. I was struggling with it a little but I found my way.
I was having a little difficultly with this chapter because it's a Xander-centric episode, that's why the chapter is so short but I tried my best. I hope you guys like it!
It had been a few days since the Cruciamentum and my powers were back, I was at full Slayer strength again, but that's not to say that I hadn't been staying at Faith's motel room to avoid the scoobies and Giles because I totally had.
Faith had been there for me when I felt like no-one else would understand, we had this bond that I don't think stays within the confines of normalcy, and that didn't bother me as much as it probably should have.
Feeling Faith's fingers run down my spine as I dozed made a smile grow on my face, why couldn't I just stay asleep like this forever with no worry about Slaying or people trying to fuck me over.
Sitting up I leaned forward and pulled Faith's bottom lip between my teeth before kissing her slowly, this is was our new normal, our friendship had turned into something completely more than friendship, but I had no idea what it was now.
Trying to pull her back into the bed, I felt her push back a little "Mm, we have to go help the others today" I just kissed her again trying to persuade her to forget about the others, they could handle things without us "Nikki" she sighed moving away.
"Why?" I huffed in annoyance; not only was Faith stopping my advances but because she wanted to help them, "you didn't care about helping before, so why now?" I spat as she blinked at my aggression.
"Puddin', we can go help them and then come back to finish this," Faith said, seductively trailing her hands over me, but I wasn't in the mood anymore, and I could feel my blood boiling as I remembered how betrayed I felt by Giles.
Faith being willing to help him wasn't sitting well with me, and having the one person I thought would be on my side suddenly try and push me to help someone who hurt me didn't make me feel very happy.
"This?" I repeated as I pushed her hands away and started putting my clothes back on "whatever this was is now over, you go help them Faith but leave me out of it," I say, spitefully slamming the door behind me as I leave.
I knew deep down inside I was being petty.
Still, I definitely wasn't going to go crawling back, it was already complicated enough trying to make sense of what was happening between Faith, and I let alone add in any betrayals by people I thought would never hurt me "Fuck."
Slamming my locker shut, I turned and came face to face with Buffy, who had her arms crossed, looking annoyed. "So, where were you earlier."
I sighed, not exactly wanting to tell her I was having fun with our other Slayer until the early hours of this morning. "We could have used your powers fighting these weird Demon things."
My sister walked by my side as I made my way to the cafeteria, "I was busy" I huffed as she peered at me stopping us both in the hall at the tone of my voice.
"Faith said you were still upset about - well – everything," Buffy stated apprehensively as my head shot towards her. "Not that I didn't think you weren't," she added, seeing the fury on my face, "but we still have a job to do Nikki."
I let out a short laugh, "Okay, first, it's none of Faith's business to tell you how I feel, and second you left Sunnydale when you were upset, so don't come at me like you're any better" I hissed at her shocked face.
Turning to walk away, I suddenly looked back at my sister. "We keep getting hurt over and over, but we're not allowed to be upset about it? We're not supposed to hold grudges against people who are meant to help us?".
Buffy's eyes soften at my words, and I knew she had probably asked herself similar questions "Angel hurt me, you hurt me, Giles hurt me. Even Mom hurt me," I scoffed as counted the number of people traumatized me.
"It's funny the one person who helped me out during my time of need was a fucking vampire" I laughed spitefully remembering how Spike gently undid the restraints Angelus locked me in, I can still hear the soft 'Goodbye Birdie' he had muttered in my ear.
"It's our job Nikki, we were chosen-" Buffy tried to put a hand on my shoulder but stopped when I moved back, she still didn't get it. God forbid someone hurt Buffy; she'll run away and make everyone worry about her, but my feelings don't get the same courtesy.
"- So I'm supposed to sit here and be a good little lap dog because the world chose me to be?" wiping away the angry tears I had let out before anyone saw glare back at my sister "I can't do this right now."
Leaving Buffy behind, I pushed open the doors to the cafeteria where Xander and Oz sitting at a table eating their lunch. Walking over to the table, I gave the two boys a small smile when they both greeted me, Xander, with a happy hey and Oz with his usual quiet nod.
"What's up?" I asked Oz seeing Xander's flustered face as he ranted about something, making me wonder if I should have found Cordy to sit with instead.
"Xander's having a quarter-life crisis" I just nodded at Oz's short description, his noncommittal way of talking was one of the reasons I loved being around the werewolf, but it was times like these that made me wish I knew what was going on inside his head.
"But... It's just that it's buggin' me, this 'cool' thing. I mean, what is it? How do you get it? Who doesn't have it? And who decides who doesn't have it? What is the essence of cool?" Xander ranted.
I suddenly understood, my dark-haired friend often went through these phases, and usually, it was to impress a girl.
"Not sure," Oz answered slowly as he reaches for a chip, but that didn't stop Xander's new wave of questions as his eyes fluttered between the two of us.
"I mean, the two of you are considered more or less cool. Why is that?" The chip I had stolen from Oz slipped from my fingers at Xander's words. He thought I was considered cool?
"When have I ever been considered 'cool'" I questioned with a confused expression as I continued to share Oz's chips.
"Well, I think it's mostly it a fear thing, you're intimating and can be mean when you want to be," Xander explained sheepishly before stuttering at my expression" Not that you're not nice, I mean you stick up for the little guys all the time, but you can be a little-."
"-Terrifying," Xander blurted out at the same time as Oz, both with different answers but with the same underlying message "You can be a bit aggressive at times, but it's still considered cool."
I shrugged, knowing he was right. He wasn't the first person to flinch out of my way when I was on the warpath. "You can't make people love you, Xander, but you can make them fear you."
Xander's eyes widened for a moment as a thoughtful expression claimed his face. "Nah, I don't think I could be scary," he shook his head, turning to Oz. "Is it about the talking? You know, the way you tend to express yourself in short, noncommittal phrases?"
I snorted as Oz sits back and considers Xander's words "Could be" was the only thing he offered.
Xander smiles wide, "I know! You're in a band! That's like a business-class ticket to cool with complimentary mojo after takeoff! I gotta learn an instrument. Is it hard to play guitar?"
Oz shakes his head with a small smirk, "Not the way I play it."
"Okay, but on the other hand: eighth grade. I'm taking the flügelhorn and gettin' zero trim. So the whole instrument thing could be a mislead," Xander stops to think as he frowns to himself, "But you need a thing, one thing nobody else has. What do I have?"
"An exciting new obsession. Which I feel makes you very special" Oz mocks making me snort, Xander was taking this 'thing' too seriously. We fight literal monsters on the daily, and he's worried about being cool?
"Now, with the mocking. Which I can handle because I know I'm right about this. I'm on the track. I just need to find my thing," Oz, and I give each other a look as Xander gets lost in his thoughts.
Oz sits up in his chair with a sigh "It seems like you're over-thinking it. I mean, you got some identity issues. It's not the end of the world".
"Oz is right, you can't force yourself to be someone you're not Xan," I say as I check my watch, Giles would be out on his lunch break now, and I could sneak into the library for some books before he got back "I gotta go."
The two boys just look at me knowingly, "Still avoiding Giles" Xander questions as I frown at his words, why did they all seem so disappointed in my avoidance tactics. It's not like only having 2 out of 3 Slayers was going to hurt them.
I wouldn't be avoiding them forever, only until the pain of facing him was a little less... painful. "Haven't you got a 'thing' you need to find?" I huffed before turning and leaving the cafeteria annoyed.
"So they're called The Sisterhood of Jhe is an Apocalypse cult" My sister ranted as she paced about in my room – uninvited - "Giles said they on exist for world destruction, and they want to open the Hellmouth."
I stopped flicking through the book I had taken from the library earlier and turned towards Buffy "The Hellmouth?. The one that opens in the middle of our school's library", Buffy nodded quickly as I pulled a face "The one that lets out all sorts of bad guys and deadly things?!"
I let out a sigh as I closed my book with a thud, "And if it opens?" I questioned as my twins sits herself on the corner of my bed with a grimace.
"Well, it'll be the first to come out, and Giles says it won't be the worst by a long shot. The world will be overrun with demons if we don't stop it" This wasn't supposed to happen, I was supposed to be able to work with them again in my own time.
A cult wasn't in my plan of ignoring everyone until the pain I was trying not to feel was gone, it was childish I know that but why couldn't I be immature with my feelings once and while "When is this supposed to happen?"
"Giles is trying to narrow it down. I-if you're up for it, we're heading into deep research mode in the library. Donuts included", My sister stuttered sounding hopeful, but I just shook my head re-opening my book.
"I'll pass, thanks, B."
I saw Buffy's mouth drop from the corner of my eye as she crossed her arms. "What part of 'if this happens then the Hellmouth will open' did you not understand" she was the last person I needed to be lectured by right now.
"Wow in that case maybe I won't need to worry about forgiving anyone" I hissed at her knowing she was trying to push me into talking to Giles again; she was so quick to forgive him for almost letting us become vampire chow.
My twin scoffed as she slammed my book shut, missing my fingers by an inch. "When did you become like this? When did you get so bitter?" she questioned, sounding disgusted by my lack of desire to help.
"Maybe I was born like this. This is who I am" I sniffed knowing I sounded like a brat, as much as I was an asshole at times I was definitely not usually bitter. I was always one of the first people to dive headfirst into trouble.
Buffy shook her head with a huff, "No, it's not. Yes, you're a hardass and downright mean at times, definitely impulsive, but you're also caring and loyal" I bit my lip as I tried not to smile at her on-point description.
My sister's eyes soften slightly "I know you're hurt and scared to let us back in because you don't want to get hurt again. And I'm sorry I couldn't protect you, but the world needs us to protect it from being hurt right now too".
I just let out a sigh as my sister slammed my door shut angrily behind her; she was right people needed me to help them. I knew she was sorry, Angel was sorry, Giles was sorry, hell they were all sorry but an apology couldn't always fix deep wounds.
Werewolf Oz growls in his cage as he stares at Willow and Buffy, sitting at the table doing the research that was needed to keep the Hellmouth closed. Willow looks over her shoulder at him. "He's cranky," she says, worried as Buffy just nods.
"It's a good night for it" The blonde comments as the wolf-boy continues to pace in his cage, she was able to block out his rage, but Willow wasn't as tough to listen to the irritation of her boyfriend.
"Can't dogs sense when there's an earthquake, a-a-and they bark? Or cows lie down or something?" The redhead stutters as she looks at Oz again, a part of her knew he would be fine, but she had never seen him this riled up before.
Buffy just ignores her friend as she reads aloud "'Sisterhood of Jhe. Race of female demons, fierce warriors...' Eww. '...celebrate victory in battle by eating their foes.'" Her nose turns up at the words, "They couldn't just pour Gatorade on each other?"
Giles comes out of his office carrying a heavy leather bag. "The Council wouldn't even take my calls," he muttered, sounding disgusted "Idiots" he scoffs before looking at the girls "Anything useful in the books?"
Buffy rolls her eyes at the notion "Not wildly" she closes the book she was reading; it had nothing insightful inside it. Oz wasn't the only one feeling riled up right now, after the conversation with her sister Buffy felt more irritated than usual.
"We still have the Books of Pherion to go through," Willow explains gently as Giles nods at the two of them.
Buffy sets her book down "I'm getting itchy feet, Giles. We don't turn up something soon, I'm gonna hit the streets" she informs him as she grabs and opens another book "Maybe check out Willy's."
"Fine," The older man says before scanning the room, "No sign of Nikki?" Buffy shakes her head sadly at the hopeful tone in his voice, he was missing her. It was written across his face.
The librarian just nods as he goes back into his office for his overcoat. "Where are you going?" The redhead calls out as the two girls watch Giles move about the room, obviously about to head out somewhere.
"Um, to try and contact the Spirit Guides" he takes his overcoat from its hanger "They exist out of time, but have knowledge of the future" He explains as he pulls his coat on "I have no idea if they will respond to my efforts, but I have to try."
The man comes back from his office with a sigh. "All we know is that the fate of the entire world rests on it," he glances into the doughnut box. "Did you eat all the jellies?" Buffy looks up from her book with a deer in the headlights expression.
"Did you want a jelly?" The Slayers asks innocently and wide-eyed, like a child who had been caught out.
"I always have a jelly. I'm always the one that says 'let's have a jelly in the mix.'" Giles says petulantly as Willow and Buffy almost shrink in their seats at the sound of his voice.
Willow frowns sadly. "We're sorry," she pouts as Giles turns his sights on her. "Buffy had three," she tattles quickly as Buffy shoots Willow a look, making the redhead shrug in response.
"No matter," Giles huffs as he grabs his bag. "If Xander makes another run..." he starts to go before Buffy's voice stops him.
"No," The blonde says seriously as the other two glances at her, "Xander's out of this. He nearly got killed last time we fought. This whole thing will be easier if we know he's safe".
Faith is thrown against a fence before being pulled off and thrust against it again by a member of the Sisterhood of Jhe. The Demon pulls her off back, but Faith shakes loose and does a backhand swing at the Demon's head, making it snap hard to the side.
She then punches it in the gut and tries for a second hit to the head, but the Demon blocks the attempt, grabbing Faith's arms and throws her to the ground; only she rolls and comes back up to a fighting stance.
The Demon lunges at her, but she kicks it in the knee and then roundhouse kicks it in the head. Without pausing, Faith launches into a half spinning high wheel kick, which the demon blocks with both arms.
The Demon throws Faith's leg down, grabs onto her jacket and swings her around and back into the fence, the Demon rushes Faith, who grabs the fence behind her and lifts herself up to do a twin push kick to the Demon's gut, shoving her back hard.
Suddenly a car drives right into the Demon, knocking it back quite a ways onto its ass, the Demon gets back to its feet and starts her chase "Get in!" Xander shouts from the car as Faith dives into the back seat.
Xander guns it just as the Demon catches up, but she can't run fast enough to grab hold of the car and is left behind.
Faith huffs as she looks back, annoyed, she was supposed to patrol with Nikki like usual, but it seems her - whatever she was right now- was avoiding her, since storming out of her motel room yesterday the blonde hadn't been taking her calls.
The fear of losing her best friend was there but also the heat of their argument, no matter what they'd done together, they were still best friends. Even if Faith was dying for the roughness of their impending 'make up.'
Xander pulls the car to a screeching halt in a parking spot as they both run out and to Faith's room, watching for any pursuers. The brunette opens the door and runs in with Xander right behind her.
"You think Demon Mama followed us?" He checks out the window but doesn't see anything. He rushes over to the other window and checks there, too, but again sees nothing.
"No, we're cool," The Slayer says as she takes off her jacket "The bitch dislocated my shoulder, though" She tosses her coat aside, careful not to move her arm too much as Xander comes back over to her.
Glancing between her shoulder and the boy, she rolled her eyes inwardly, he was no Nikki, but he'd do for now "Hold me.".
Xander looks at her a bit confused, but gets closer and reaches out to her. She sighs, taking his right hand and puts it on her left upper arm. He finally realizes that he's supposed to hold it steady.
Faith reaches up with her right hand and grabs hold of his jacket for leverage. She pulls her left shoulder back and jerks it forward as her shoulder audibly snaps back into place.
The brunette Slayer heaves a sigh and rotates her shoulder around in different positions. "That's better," she sniffs, rolling her shoulder and neck. "She got me really wound up."
She looks at Xander and runs her hand over his chest as she inhales and exhales deeply. "A fight like that," a flash of blonde enters her mind "and no kill... I'm about ready to pop" She smiles at him, still rubbing her hand over his chest.
Xander gazes down at her nervously. "Really?" he looks down at her rubbing hands "Pop?!" he almost squeaks as he repeats her words.
Faith smiles sexily, "You up for it?" She runs her other hand down the back of his neck, wanting to get rid of the anger and confusion from her body, using Xander seemed like the most logical idea.
Xander nods quickly. "Oh, I'm up" The brunette smiles at him and gets closer, looking very much like a lioness. She stops rubbing his chest and lowers her hand to his crotch.
Xander jumps and stumbles over his words, "I'm suddenly very up. It's just, um..." he grins sheepishly. "I've never been up with people before."
Faith grabs his jaw and kisses him full on the lips with plenty of tongue "Just relax... And take your pants off" She starts to push his shirt and jacket off of his shoulders.
"Those two concepts are antithetical," Xander says as Faith yanks his shirt and jacket down his back and off his arms and throws them down before they lock in a passionate embrace and kiss each other hard.
Faith turns him around and shoves him back onto the bed. She jumps up after him and straddles him "Don't worry" Faith huffs as she pulls off her own shirt "I'll steer you around the curves" She grins broadly down at him, he looked terrified but wanting.
Xander looks back up at her with more than a little apprehension on his face. "Did I mention that I'm having a very strange night?" Faith just ignores him as she tries not to think about the person underneath her, it wasn't the person she wants there.
Walking into the library, I frown when I see Giles sprawled on the floor looking dazed, Willow trying to load a dart gun as Werewolf Oz lunges toward her. Lifting my arms up, Oz gets thrown back as I jump in front of the redhead.
Oz jumps up onto the table, growling fiercely as I lift my arm up and flexed my fingers as Oz hits the cage wall unable to move. Willow takes the shot and the werewolf yelps before collapsing onto the floor.
The wolf pants shallowly as Willow steps up to him and soothingly pets the thick fur on his head. "We've got to move him before he wakes up," Giles says as Willow gazes at Oz remorsefully.
"Sorry. I hope you're not mad at me in the morning" The redhead whimpers running her fingers through her wolf boyfriend's fur.
Giles glances at me as I stand in the library with my arms crossed awkwardly. "Thank you, Nikki" His words were so honest, and I knew he truly meant them, but I still couldn't bring myself to forgive him.
I just grit my teeth and shrug, feeling very out of place. "I'm not here for you," I explain, lifting my head to look at him, "Buffy said the Hellmouth was opening, and I couldn't sit back while that happened. I'm still a Slayer".
Giles nods with a saddened expression that goes straight to my heart as Willow practically drags Oz out of the library, giving me a pitiful smile almost as if she knew the situation was as sad as it was awkward.
I silently help Giles clear away the table and chairs as he paints a black circular figure on the floor with markings and lit candles inside it. All around the circle and the room are more candles.
Giles is busy lighting them as he recites a spell from a book, and I watch on in silence, "Terra, vente, ignis et pluvia. Cuncta quattuor numina, vos obsecro. Defendete nos a recente malo resoluto".
Willow returns to the library with the tranquilizing gun and sets it down on the counter as she passes by "Okay. Oz is moved. He could barely walk after that mickey I gave him, but we made it. Is he gonna be alright there?"
Giles just nods at her as he lights the candles he set out "Anywhere is safer than here. Um, help me with the candles" He tosses her the lighter as I sit on the table I had pushed into the corner.
"We're doing the binding spell from the Hebron's Almanac?" The redhead asks my former Watcher who nods at her question, but I was totally in the dark, it must be a witchy thing.
"Yes, but once it's ready," he lights a match "you're to stay back and let me finish the recitation" Willow starts to protest "Don't argue. I want you safe. Who knows what's going to come up from beneath us". Willow crouches down and starts lighting more of the candles.
I bit my lip nervously, I was the only one here to not have dealt with the Hellmouth even Xander was here when it was opened by the guy who killed my sister leading to my becoming a Slayer.
Xander barges through a door and runs past the basement access door, he comes back to it and notices the sign stating 'Door to remain locked at all times.' That's where the bomb was.
Buffy was no help, he tried finding Nikki but Joyce said she had left the house after arguing with her sister and Faith had thrown him away like a used tissue. His only option left was Giles.
Jack, Bob, and Dickie crash through the hall door and start to chase him away from the basement "There he is!"
Xander starts to run down the hall again. "Where's a Slayer when you need one? Or two" glancing back at the zombies he grimaces "or three."
The Hellmouth had opened, and a huge, green, multi-headed, tentacled Demon that I'm guessing to have erupted from it less than two years was now looming over us dangerously.
I'm standing protectively in front of Giles and Willow as Buffy, Faith and, Angel is beside me. The other two Slayers giving me proud smiles after running into the library to see me standing tall in front of the Hellmouth.
Bolts of energy flash about like lightning as we stand together, wielding different weapons, getting ready to defend the world once again. I see Giles watching the Demon rise up with an awed but terrified expression "Oh, my God. It's grown".
My eyes widen as I give the Demon a glance over, feeling a little worried that this huge monster was bigger than when they fought it last, but this wasn't the time to become fearful.
Swinging my razor-wired bat up over my shoulder as I took an attack stance, I growled "Let's do this" we all jump and run into battle with the Demon, swinging our weapons hoping to get some hits in.
I could feel the razor wire cutting into the skin of the Demon with every swing when suddenly the Demon throws up a tentacle and Buffy goes flying out backward, landing almost at the far end of the hall "Buffy!"
The three heads of the Hellmouth demon slither through the doors after her, but she was already up and running back towards us. "Go for the heart!" she calls out to us as we struggle to gain the upper hand.
Glancing around quickly I see Angel and Faith fight against one of the Sisterhood, Willow is using her mace to pummel a downed Jhe, Giles was swinging his ax around, and Buffy was up in the stacks chopping at a Demon tentacle.
I grunted when I felt one another of the sisterhood jump into me, she swings at my face, but I duck the punch. Taking a swing at her, I hit her dead in the face knocking her back a little as she screeches.
Giles swings at the Hellmouth demon with an ax, still trying to force it back the rest of the way as he recites the rest of the binding spell "Omnia... vasa... veritatis!" he shouts out "Now, Buffy!"
From above him, at the stack level, my twin starts to swing at the creature with a battleax hitting every place possible.
Suddenly one of the tentacles lashes out towards me, and I'm thrown into the air before being caught, glancing up at Angel, who jumped to catch me I give him a tight-lipped smile "Thanks."
He breathes heavily as he gazes down at me but doesn't immediately put me back onto the ground. "Nikki..." struggling in his arms, I jump away at his tone of voice, ready to jump back into the fray.
"Now's not the time to talk Angel," I commented as I passed Faith, who only glanced in mine and the vampire's direction with narrowed eyes.
We were already battered and bruised, but we couldn't stop until the Demon was back where it belonged, the fate of the world rested on our next moves.
Buffy, Giles, Willow, Oz, and I are sitting at a lunch table quietly as students come and go as though nothing has happened. "But Angel's gonna be okay?" Oz asks Buffy whose right arm is in a sling.
"He was only out for a few minutes. Longest of my life", My sister answers with a sigh, as I picked at the bandage covering my arm. I tried to use my telekinesis only to have my arm bent backward by one of the sisterhood, so now Buffy and I have matching slings.
Willow shakes her head as my eyes caught her bruised chin "I will never forget that thing's face. Its real face, I mean". I took a deep breath and nodded, it was definitely worse than I expected.
I was covered in bruises, my eyebrows had stitches, and my lip had been split. I could categorize all of our wounds, but I didn't feel the need to. When it came to protecting the world and my friends, a few cuts and bruises were a small price to pay.
Faith was nowhere to be seen after our battle with the Demon, I did notice her stalk away in the shadows when all was said and done, but the look she gave me showed me that she wasn't upset with me and that was all I needed to know.
Buffy glances at Giles in awe "I don't know how you managed" The ex Watcher looks up at her "It was the bravest thing I've ever seen." she said with a beaming expression, and I didn't say anything, but I was proud too.
He jumped into a fight with no extra strength or powers, it was stupid and reckless, but those were traits close to my heart.
Giles grins sheepishly. "Stupidest," he admits as he turns his face showing several nasty scratches across his left cheek, ear, and neck from a hit by the Demon. "But, the world continues to turn."
"No one will ever know how close it came to stopping. Never know what we did", Willow whispered to us, looking almost sad as I placed my hand on top of hers, trying to give a comforting smile.
"Guys..." Xander says as he walks over to us, free of any bruising or wounds for once.
"Xander," Willow gasps, gazing up at our dark-haired friend "Boy, you're lucky you weren't at school last night. It was crazed", she told him as he just shrugs, making me narrow my eyes suspiciously.
Something was different about him.
"Well, uh, gimme the quiet life" He grins before pointing over his shoulder "I'm gonna grab a snack. Anyone want?" we all shake our heads for once, the events of yesterday fresh on our minds.
"Oz?" Xander questions the wolf-boy who shakes his head too.
"No. I'm oddly full today" An amused smile takes over Xander's face at Oz's words as he walks away from the table as he goes to get his snack before stopping when I called out to him.
"Did you find your thing?" I asked as he turns and gives a broad smile at my question.
"Not in the way I thought I would," He said before shrugging "but I guess I did" I frown at his mysterious answer wondering what the hell he had gotten up to yesterday but seeing him walk away from Cordelia with a smile made me guess it was something good for him.
Pushing up from the table, I was about to take my leave before my sister calls out to me, "Where are you going?" Giles, Oz, and Willow all follow her gaze as I stand in front of them awkwardly.
Giving them a sigh I let my walls down a tiny bit as I gave them a small smile "I'll be back when I'm ready" I promised nodded to them as I walked away, I wouldn't upset at them forever.
But for now, they'd just have to be content with me being a Slayer and not a friend.