Guys this is my 1st time writing so please forgive any grammatical errors and spellings as well as how my characters are "Out of character". This story's mostly focuses at 2nd year of college of the oregairu cast

My plane just landed, I was fortunate enough that only a few booked for business class thus the flight was less crowded. And yet i felt stressed all the same. Father called me back home after my 1st year of college in Cambridge it was something concerning a foreign business conglomerate setting up a foothold on the country. And it seems that this business venture would take up huge profits from our company if it were to suceed which will surely happen

Nee-san was the one I was designated to meet once I landed. She called me an hour ago telling me to meet her in a nearby cafe which was less crowded than others and as expected i wished i never came. Before leaving for Cambridge Nee-san and I had a huge arguement concerning decisions that i wish to leave in the past. Due to this, My relationship with my sister only worsened.

As I walked in the cafe I immediately saw a woman with a familiar stature sitting with her legs crossed in a table beside the window. Her elegance and beauty surely attracted the eyes of men and women alike. She seems much mature than a year ago, her hair was now longer which were reaching seven inches below her shoulder and much to my dismay "it" actually got bigger, clearly showing her superiority against me.

"Good Morning Nee-san" i took a seat opposite of her

"Ah! Yukino-chan It's good to see you again. I already ordered a cup of cofee. I thought of getting you one before you arrive but then again it might get cold"

"It's Okay, I'm in a hurry anyways. Should we get going?"

"Ah Waiter-san, can I order a cup of tea and a slice of cheese cake for my sister please"

"O-okay, would that be a-all miss, uh ma'am?" The waiter stuttered and blushed, clearly charmed by my sister.

"Onee-san what are you do-"I proclaimed my annoyance

"Yes, that would be all thank you"

"You should just relax Yukino-chan, you just arrived we are in no need of a hurry. We have all the the time in the world!"

"Unlike you Nee-san I have many matters to attend to. I'll just go get a cab instead" I stood up and as I was about to leave but then the waiter arrived.

"H-here you go ma'am, would that be all?"

"Yes, please thank you!"

"I would advise you to sit down Yukino-chan, the tea i have ordered will go to waste if you dont. And besides, you know mother will get furious if you were to go home with out me."

I sighed in annoyance as i complied

"Soooo... How's Cambridge Yukino-chan? You were rather lucky that you were allowed to study abroad! I wished for that as well but ofcourse mother would not allow it, after all when I was your age I was busy attending social parties and business meetings"

I bowed my head in silence and clamped my hands together. I know what she was trying to do and where this conversation will lead us. I hated this...

"Oh, come on Yukino-chan! Answer nee-san! Life sure is fun eh? Studying abroad with the one you love! where is he anyways? Why didnt he come with you?"

I twitched but I try to remain calm as she said those words

"He must be busy, after all studying abroad and in Cambridge no less is difficult. Must be hard for him as he is not as smart as you! But oh well, I called him an hour ago and said he'll be flying back to japan in two days. That sure makes you happy eh?"

"Nee-san I'm not in a proper mood to talk right now. So why won't we skip the chatter and get going" I said desperately to escape the conversation.

"Sooo how far did you two go?" she said cheerfully. Not even budging after what i said.

"Excuse me?!" I yelled and stood up gathering the eyes of fellow patrons. I overreacted and bowed down in shame as I sat down. I feel I can no longer bare this conversation any longer.

"Knowing you two I'm guessing you never even had your loves 1st kiss. Maybe even holding hands is a far away future"

"You are so cute Yukino-chan! So innocent and young!" she said happily

Then suddenly her expressions and the mood changes.

"But of course, that is expected after all you did. Holding back won't do anything you know Yukino. What's done is done, and the decisions you make can never be changed again. Betraying your friends, disappointing your family, and leaving are just things you have to accept and move on."

"I know that! You of all people shouldn't remind me!" Like a bottle spilling after it can no longer take anymore. I said those words with all the bitterness I kept hidden all these years. I stood up, dragged my case as I was about to leave she spouted more words maybe just to spite me

"But unlike you Yukino, I no longer need to hold anything back. The limo is just around the corner. You can leave 1st, tell mother I suddenly need to attend some matters. Tell her I won't be long" She said silently

I never glanced back nor replied as I walk my way out.

Meeting my family again was stressful. Father requested me to stay in our family home instead of the condo I previously slept at. His reasons were for me and mother to fix our relationship, As it was father whom requested I did not dare deny it.

While I was home mother rarely talked to me. It was as if she was avoiding me after all the mistakes I did a year ago. Has she not forgiven me? Did I not fix what I did? Even if it hurt the people around me? Even if it hurt me the most? Did everything I acted upon was in vain?

We were waiting for almost an hour now for the plane to arrive. Nee-san barely spoke a word It was rare for her to do so but its no like I don't enjoy it although I would enjoy It even more if she were not here right beside me."

As we heard an announcement of the planes arrival she suddenly broke the silence.

"Yukino his finally here! You must be really excited huh? you can no longer bare any moment with out him! Am I right? haha" she said cheerfully as if nothing ever happened two days prior.


"Yukino there he is" she pointed "your boyfriend!"

I directed my sight to where she was pointing. He was walking towards stealing glances as he walked by, but it was not the glances that I was used to and remembering so made my chest felt uncomfortable.

I greeted him as he arrived.

"Good evening Hayama-kun"

Psych. I know its rather short I'll try to make if longer if This gets positive feedbacks as well as when I have time writing. In the next chapter I will explain the plot further and sooner or later will get to see how and what happened to other characters. Especially 8man