The warrior and his rat freind stopped under what seemed to be a tent of downed trees as it became dark, the silence creeping around them.

The last sound of the wildlife around them before the bugs started making sounds was the echoed sound of a Darrel's laugh- echoed by a Laughing Pterodactyl, a remnant of the long extinct Laughing Kookaburra from the ancient land of Australia.

KO sighed, looking at Fink, who laid sleepily on his shoulder. She looked right back at him, pink eyes sparkling with tiredness.

Sighing, he gently laid her on one of the downed trees before beginning to create a small bed for them to sleep in.

After a few minutes, a soft bed of moss, grass and leaves, laiden with the soft, blue towel to be used as a blanket and the plush bear as a comfort.

Fink shifted her size to around KO's and crawled over to him in the makeshift bed, who beckoned for her to join him.

And as the night closed in around them, the only two remaining members of the Lakewood Resistance drifted off to sleep.


Im sorry this is so short, chapter 3, will be up tonight!