Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha, Avengers, Black Panther, or Ultimate Spiderman. Characters may seem OOC. Shoutout to A10riddick for helping me with ideas.

Chapter Four:

"Wait, so if he introduced himself to you as Erik Stevens why did you call him Killmonger?" Bankotsu asked as he watched Kagome confused. "Oh! Its cause that's what his friends called him. I guess I had gotten used to hearing it so much that that's what I called him" Kagome admitted sheepishly having not noticed what she had said until Bankotsu pointed it out.

"Although I should be mad at you with how you up and left me after we had ..." Kagome trailed off not wanting the hurt to seep into her voice. "Even after I told you about him." She mumbled looking down at her feet.

Erik frowned and gently placed his index finger underneath her chin and made her look up at him. "I didn't want to leave you that morning but I had no choice but to and with everything that happened since we last saw each other I didn't think you'd wanna speak to me again." He admitted to her softly.

Smiling a little when Kagome nodded in understanding before looking at the others and moving his finger away from Kagome when he heard someone clear their throat.

"Are yall currently sightseeing or do you have somewhere important you need to be?" He asked looking at back Kagome curiously, raising an eyebrow when he saw her winch and cursed underneath her breath. "I was so excited about seeing you again, I had almost forgotten that we had a meeting to get to," Kagome said with a slight pout.

Erik chuckled softly before looking at the group of people with Kagome. He instantly noticed that someone very important to him wasn't with them. "Is Takeshi back at your hotel or is he back at your home in Japan?" He asked looking at Kagome trying not to pout.

He had thought and hoped that when he saw Kagome again, he would see the four-year-old little boy again too. The last time he had seen him he was two years old.

"He's back at the hotel with Kanna-chan and Yukina-chan," Kagome told him with a slight smile as she thought about how close Erik and Takeo had been while Erik was in Japan. "We couldn't bring him with us seeing as how it's time for his nap, and he gets cranky when he doesn't have his nap." She said with a slight giggle while Shippo snickered.

Erik momentarily wondered why Takeo would need two people to watch over him but chose not to ask. "Speaking of meetings, I have to get to my own soon. Who are you here to meet anyway?" He asked curiously. He mentally hoped that Kagome wasn't here to meet T'challa.

He knew that they were there to meet T'challa's betrothed but didn't know her name seeing as how the only people who knew wouldn't tell him. Why? He didn't know, and he hadn't cared until now that is.

"We're supposed to be meeting with the king of Wakanda, T'challa and his associates. We would have been there already if someone," Shippo stopped talking and gives Bankosu a pointed look. "Hadn't gotten us lost!" He yelled, growling slightly when Bankotsu matched him with a glare of is own.

"I got us lost?! We were following you!" Bankotsu snarled before both of them began to argue over who's fault it was while everyone, except for Kagome who was ignoring them, watched them wondering if this was a regular occasion between them both.

Ava looked at Kagome silently asking if they should do something. "Don't worry about them. They know if they were to get into a physical fight that Sesshomaru would somehow, don't ask me how he does because I want to know myself, hear of the fight and assign them both to either train newbies or babysitting duty for the next month." Kagome told her with a slight sadistic smirk causing the teenage superheroes to shudder a little at the sight and for Shippo and Bankotsu to quickly stop arguing.

"I can take you to you're meeting. That's where I have to go too." He told them before leading the way to the cafe. He momentarily wanted to touch the tattoo that was in between his neck and his shoulder. He didn't necessarily know when he had gotten it but he knew its been there ever since he slept with Kagome and that every time he thought out her it felt like it was burning.