Hello fellow Reylos! Rey and Kylo Ben will not get out of my head! I've always liked Star Wars, but have never been a full on fan- that was more my dad and older brother! I really enjoyed The Force Awakens and was a Damerey shipper because they're pretty and I can be shallow like that. ;-) Then The Last Jedi took that notion and threw it out the window! I'm all in for Reylo. I'm a sucker for a bad boy and a good girl relationship. I'm not the best writer- I'm more of a math/science person- but I thought I'd share my Reylo love. Who loves angsty romantic dramedy? Let's get this party started!

Kylo Ren. Master of the Knights of Ren. Supreme Leader. A few fear-inducing titles he had. So then why did he, kneeling where the girl he loved could see him, feel so helpless? The object of his affection only saw him through their force bond, but that didn't make their exchange any less real. He watched as she pressed the door to his father's ship closed. Rey. Turning her back on him, again.

Love. It was an useless emotion. It had caused a momentary lapse of judgement. However, it had also allowed him to usurp Snoke and take the power over the galaxy for himself. Was that his main objective? No. But after everything that happened, he needed to focus on the positive outcomes.

Love. His mind kept coming back to that word. Why had he expected anything different from love with her. According to past experience, love and pain were practically synonymous to him. And betrayal. Oh, how she had betrayed him! He had opened himself up to her. Killed for her. Her. A lowly scavenger. Someone whose own parents sold in favor of booze money. She had tossed him aside in favor of her precious traitorous friends. Refused his proposal and attempted to kill him by summoning her lightsaber.

Rage. His old friend, a familiar emotion came seeping back in. Rage was more comfortable than love. More welcome. It helped call the darkness to him. It gave him strength. Rey. Through his rage, he would make her answer for her betrayal.

He had learned something. Saw something she had not. And he would use it against her. He would be true to his word to his uncle. He had told Luke that he would destroy her. That was now his goal. Revenge for a broken heart. If she thought him a monster, he'd show her how monstrous he could be!

Kylo Ren made his way back to his ship with a new purpose.

"We make our way to Jakku," he announced.

"Jakku?" one of the officers questioned. "Shouldn't we go after the remnants of the Resistance?"

Kylo promptly broke the man's neck using the force. Mercy was something he no longer possessed, and he would be sure that no one would second guess his commands.

Turning to the next in command he simply stated, "Jakku."

"Y-yes, Supreme Leader," the man stammered. "Setting coordinates now."

"Good," he commented. "I will be in my quarters. Do not disturb me unless absolutely necessary or until we reach Jakku."

And with his last orders made, Kylo Ren swept from the room to formulate his plan.

Once the door of the Falcon was sealed shut, Rey felt the familiar sting of her tears silently escape down her cheeks. She hastily wiped them away with her sleeves and refused to think about what had taken place over the past few hours... days. She felt like a stupid girl. Naive, too trusting, and desperate for love.

Love. She would not deny, if only to herself, that she loved him. Ben. Kylo. It didn't matter. That man understood her, and she understood him. Well, she thought she had. Two lonely souls finding peace and companionship in each other. She was so certain that she could turn him. She should have listened to Luke.

This is not going to go the way you think. Those words haunted her. It had not gone the way she had thought. It went better. And worse.

She had wanted so badly to take his hand. Accept his offer. Just to be with him. Just to be loved and to love him in return. It took everything within her to turn away. Away from her first love and towards a broken heart. He, of course, was not blameless in this.

As she made her way down the hallways on the Falcon, Rey began to wonder if he had actually loved her. Or had he used her, preyed on her naivety to do exactly what he had wanted her to do. Help him kill those with the power over the galaxy so he could seize it for himself.

She pushed those thoughts away, buried them deep so that she could return to her friends as the optimistic, hopeful Rey they needed her to be. She took a cleansing breath before entering the room full of strangers and friends. Rey took a seat next to General Leia and watched the remaining resistance fighters discuss possible plans of action.

Rey had turned her attention to Finn, watching him care for his new friend. She loved Finn but it wasn't in the same way that she loved Ben. That's how she knew her love for Ben was different. Something she had never experienced.

Leia interrupted her thoughts by taking a seat next to her. "Luke is gone," Rey told her with certainty. "I felt it. But it wasn't sadness or pain. It was peace and purpose."

"I felt it too."

"How do we rebuild the rebellion from this?"

"We have everything we need." After a moment Leia added, "I feel that I must apologize."

"Apologize? I don't understand. For what?" Rey asked a bit nervously.

"My family has only put you in danger and caused you pain," Leia explained. "You are just an innocent girl, and the two grown men who should have protected you failed." Leia patted Rey's arm sadly. "I don't want to even think about all my son has done to you... You must be very weary."

Rey hadn't really had time to feel weary since this journey began. Though, now that she thought about it, she wasn't even quite sure what day it was. How long had she been gone from Jakku? She had no idea.

"Quite a lot has happened," Rey admitted. "Though, I wouldn't say that either Han or Luke failed in protecting me. I don't need protection..." She explained, then added because she felt the need to talk, "sometimes I feel that I both need to save and to be saved... that I'm both the hero and the damsel. I've been alone for so long that I haven't had my feelings affected by others. Now that I've felt all of this love, love I've never known, I finally feel like I belong somewhere."

Leia smiled warmly. "We're happy to have you with us and proud to call you an ally."

"Though, I will admit, my whole life has changed because of both the Resistance and the First Order, Luke and Kylo..." And Finn and Poe and BB8 and Leia, but Rey didn't feel like listing of everyone.

"Please have a rest," Leia urged her. "I have a feeling you'll need your strength in the near future."

Rey nodded but hesitated. She felt the need to tell Leia everything. Eventually she decided against that, for now, and made her way to a slightly more quiet part of the ship. She settled down for a rest. Determined to not think about him.

That, of course, was easier said than done. Every time she shut her eyes she saw his outstretched hand, pleading eyes, trembling lips, and heard his desperate "please." Or... she'd see the hungry look on his face as he killed the last Praetorian guard, keeping his dark eyes on her. Or... she'd remember their closeness in the elevator, in her hut. She knew she already missed him. Missed what could have been.

Rey once again tried to clear Ben from her mind. As she drifted off to sleep, she could feel the force surround her. She heard the whisper of words spoken in anger, the force gently warning her of the change of light versus dark in her opponent. The words spoken by him: Shoot that piece of junk out of the sky. No quarter, no prisoners. I'll destroy her. He sounded dead-set on killing her. With these words in her head, she finally found sleep.