A frightened Titan entered the Realm of the Dead. He searched, and searched, and found the one man who had fought the demon that now threatens his universe - Doctor Stephen Strange.

"Why do you bother me, Thanos? You killed me and half my universe."

"A threat I had not seen has come to our universe."

"You mean, your universe now? It's no longer mine."

"A demon has come to lay claim to it. His name is Dormammu."

"And why are you coming to me?"

"You are the only one of our universe who has fought Dormammu, and won."

"But you destroyed me. I am no longer in that universe. Fight him on your own."

With that, the smaller man floated away.

But Thanos was not to be denied. He followed Doctor Strange.

"But Tony, and Christine! Don't you want to save them?"

"Tony and Christine will be here soon. That way, I'll have more friends here."

"But why? What will it take to

And with that, showing visions of the trillions brought to the Realm of the Dead from the universe whence they came, Stephen finally went in for the kill.

"You know the price, Thanos."

"I will not undo my decision. That has been done."

"Well, then, the rest of the universe will be joining us shortly."

"How could you delay? I'm trying to save our universe!"

"Being dead has not been so hard on me. Ask someone who it has been worse on."

"Please, Stephen. I am begging you. I'm not heartless."

"Tell that to Gamora."

And Thanos was speechless - for a minute.

"When I decided to cut the people in half, it was to be fair to the other people. I wanted full bellies. The resources of Titan were wiped out. I only wanted to be fair."

"Was it fair to the people you killed?"

"Every world I repaired has been blessed with full bellies,

"Every world whose people you killed has grown in resentment towards you. Have you been back to the world you stole Gamora from?"

With his anger incensed, Stephen continued.

"I remember studying the history of the United States, where I am from. I remember coming upon a simple fact: When the first Europeans came, there were many nations and tribes occupying the lands. But when people started settling, there were few. European diseases had wiped them out. The few that were left were easily conquered by the immigrants. An entire nation, no, an entire world was changed because so many people died."

"What does the history of one nation on your planet have to do with the Universe?"

"History is repeating itself on a multiverse scale even as we speak. People from other dimensions are invading and colonizing, even Dormammu, now that those who guarded our reality are dead."

"You mean…"

"I was holding Dormammu back."

"How do I stop this?"

"You know the price. Bring back the people you killed."

With one flick of the wrist, Thanos reversed his decision.

As the souls disappeared from the Realm of the Dead, one could notice a small smile on his face as he left. Finally, the future he had fought for was coming into fruition.