A Helping Mom

Chapter 1: A Heartbroken Drunk

Yang was sitting at a table in Junior's club with about a dozen empty bottles of alcohol next to her. She had been sitting there for hours, doing nothing else but drink and order a new bottle when her last one got empty. The blonde had an aura of depression around her, driving away all the other people. This wasn't even the first time that she had done this, as seeing her in such a state had become pretty much a daily event.

One might wonder why such a bright and cheerful girl was acting like this. Well, the answer was very simple. Yang was heartbroken. The one person she loved with all of her heart had recently gotten together with someone and it left her devastated. That one person that Yang loved was none other than her younger stepsister, Ruby Rose. For a long time, the two girls had lived thinking that they were related, only for the truth to be revealed to them not too long ago. The brawler had been happy to hear this, as it meant that she could possibly pursue a life of romance with the girl she loved.

However, Yang's dreams were destroyed, when she discovered that Ruby had begun seeing someone. And to make matters worse, that someone was none other than Raven Branwen, Yang's mother.

For some time now, Raven had been trying to repair her relationship with her daughter that she left for years, only for all that work being destroyed in one go. Now Yang didn't even want to see her mother or even Ruby, which led to her avoiding them as much as possible. This in turn led to her escaping into Junior's club almost every night to drown her sorrows in alcohol.

Ruby and Raven obviously knew of what the blonde was doing, but couldn't bring themselves to go and talk to her. They had seen the way she looked at them and were honestly afraid of angering her further. Ruby and Raven could only hope that by giving Yang some much needed space that she would eventually calm down and become much more approachable.

However, the other two members of team RWBY had decided that Yang's self-destructive attitude needed to stop. And Blake actually had an idea of how to do it. They just needed their heartbroken teammate to take a little trip with them.

Weiss and Blake didn't need to look for long until they found their blonde teammate in Junior's club. Yang had a habit of going to a booth that was as far as possible from everybody, so that she could sulk in peace. The monochrome duo walked straight to her and sat at her booth on the opposite side. The blonde barely lifted her head an inch to give her teammates a glance before looking back at her drink.

''What do you two want?'' Yang asked in an angry voice.

''We came here to take you back to the dorm,'' Blake replied. ''Ruby's very worried about you.''

''Well, if she really cared about me, maybe she wouldn't have broken my heart!'' the blonde said with her anger rising.

''Yang, stop that,'' Weiss commanded sternly. ''Ruby has a right to choose whoever she wants to get together with, whether it's you or Ra-''

Before her mother's name could be said, Yang slammed her fist on the table. She glared at her teammates with furious red eyes that practically promised pain and destruction, if she were to be angered further.

''You don't understand a damn thing about this, princess!'' the brawler said with as much venom as she could. ''I've loved her with all my heart all my life! I took care of her, taught her things when dad couldn't and protected her with my life! I gave everything I had for her and all I wanted was for her to show at least a fraction of that towards me! But did she do it!? Of course not!''

''Yang, you can't hold Ruby in debt over you looking after her! Family and friendships don't work like that! You know this!'' Blake argued back at her partner. ''You can't blame Ruby for finding love in someone else!''

Suddenly, Yang stood up to glare down at her teammates with her red eyes. Despite being nervous over the blonde possibly attacking them, the monochrome duo held their ground and sat still while giving their teammate stern glares of their own. This staredown lasted for a moment before Yang's eyes turned back to their lilac color and she started to shed tears with a sad look on her face.

''It's not fair,'' Yang said in a broken voice before slumping over the table with her face buried in her arms. ''All I ever wanted was for Ruby to love me like I love her. That's all. I was ready to give her everything I have, but she chose Raven. She hasn't even known her all that long and she abandoned me. Why would Raven be better than me? Just why?''

The blonde started crying. Her teammates could only watch with sadness in their eyes as their friend was letting out all her sorrows. This went on for a couple of minutes, until Yang suddenly went completely silent. Weiss got up from her seat to check up her friend's condition.

''She's out cold. I guess all the emotional baggage and alcohol finally took their toll on her,'' the heiress said.

''Let's get her back to Beacon. It's not safe here for her and I'm sure Ruby's worried sick over her,'' Blake said with a sigh and got up.

The monochrome duo went to pick up their teammate and started to carry her out of the club. Blake had her arms under Yang's arms and wrapped around her body while Weiss was holding the blonde by her legs. The two girls called a taxi once they got outside. Luckily Yang had not taken her bike with her as neither of them would have known how to get it back to Beacon. Despite letting her depression turn her into a drunk, the blonde knew not to drink and drive.

It took them some time and effort, but eventually the two girls managed to bring their blonde teammate back to Beacon. As soon as they opened the door to their dorm, Ruby ran up to them, worry over Yang's wellbeing shining in her silver eyes. The monochrome duo laid their passed out friend on Blake's bed, not being able to put her on her own bed.

''She's going to be fine. She just drank a bit too much. Although, I'm pretty sure she's going to have a horrible headache in the morning,'' Blake said in an attempt at calming down Ruby, who was looking at Yang.

The young team leader nodded with tears at the corners of her eyes before turning her attention back to Yang. Both Blake and Weiss hated seeing her like this. It pained them to see their cheerful and happy friend get turned into such a sad sight. They felt the same way about Yang as well. It was just wrong that the two girls were going through such pain.

While Ruby was focused on Yang, Blake turned to look at Weiss and gave a nod towards the door, telling her that they should go outside. She needed to have a talk with her white-haired teammate about their current situation.

''We need to fix this,'' Blake said as soon as she and Weiss had gotten out of the dorm and closed the door. ''If we let this go on, I fear what might happen to those two.''

''I agree,'' the heiress said with a nod. ''But how are we going to do that? I doubt nothing less than having Ruby break up with Raven and proclaim her love for Yang is going to cure her depression.''

''Don't worry about that. I have a plan. We just need to take a trip to Menagerie.''

Author's notes: Hi guys, I've got a new story for you here. This was inspired by a Yang/Kali story on the site and I decided to try it out myself. At first, I was planning to make this into a very big one-shot, but I decided against it. This way it will be easier for me to see if people actually like this idea or not.

I have a good amount of this story already written, so I should have the next chapter up soon. Depending if you guys like this story or not, of course.

Until next time.

RWBY is owned by Rooster Teeth.