Let me pose a question, is it possible for space marines to defect to other religions besides the emperor or the dark gods.

I use the Army Painter on Dawn of War:Winter Assault to paint space marines ork green and bear orkish insignias just for a laugh, but now I'm going to put some lore, or at least facts, behind... the Heretics of Gork.

Origins Originally an ordinary chapter of space marines, these marines are unsatisfied with serving the God Emperor but are unwilling to pay the price of serving the dark gods.

Their anger and rage is only satisfied in battle, and this draws the attention of the orkish gods Gork and Mork.

Gork and Mork subtlety increase the enjoyment the marines feel in battle, until they feel ready to reveal themselves to the marines.

Unwilling to defect at first, the marines soon succumb after Gork and Mork cease to increase their enjoyment of battle and promise to increase it more than ever should they defect... which they do.

Aftermath I saw on a YouTube video that those who serve the dark gods suffer for it in various ways depending on which god they serve, Gork and Mork, despite their barbarism, are kinder than the dark gods, so I don't think they'd go through this, but the same video stated that all traitor marines suffer some form of preprogrammed shame that comes from being basically brainwashed to serve the Emperor.

Personality The Heretics of Gork would be similar in personality to orks, but they would maintain their training, strategies, and of course, speech patterns.

Allies and Enemies The Heretics of Gork would be able to work as mercenaries similar to orks, however, imperials would despise them as much as the chaos marines because of the treachery they represent.

They would work best with orks, particularly the Blood Axes, who have adopted as much of human society as the heretics have adopted ork society.

Appearance As in my Army Painter, the Heretics of Gork would paint their armor orkish green and bear orkish insignias, but what I can't do with the army painter is add skulls to their belts and red gobs to their helmets.

In Closing I will freely admit that my knowledge of Warhammer 40,000 is limited to Dawn of War and it's first two expansions and some videos on YouTube.

Please tell me what you think without hating on me too badly (I tried to do a comparison of 40k and Dragon Ball Z and got straight shat on)