Wow. We made it. We made it to the end of Riptide. A year in the making, this story truly grew a life of its own. I wanted to thank those who had been there since the beginning, those who joined at some point, and those who have just finished reading the story as it was marked complete.

119,211 words, 28 chapters, 1 story that improved my craft.

This was an amazing experience, hopefully, I improved along the way. I am proud of Riptide, and I don't think I've ever been more proud of a piece of writing than this. THANK YOU for your support. Y'all were me cheerleaders along the way. I never knew how supportive the Twilight Community could be, even after 10+ years of the first film coming out.

To readers who've never written before: it's HARD sometimes. Writing my very first fic makes me appreciate quality authors in the community even more. I'm not sure everybody realizes how much time is needed to write. So, be kind.

I cannot thank y'all enough, or find better words to say thanks as of finishing this super long chapter, lol.

Without further ado, here is the final chapter of Riptide.


Esme had invited the family over brunch, she was perking up flower arrangements and placing muffins, scones, and fruits precariously atop a milk glass cake stands. I was surprised to see her bustling around as I descended the stairs in my yellow gingham wrap dress. My duties of matron-of-honor did not begin for a couple of hours, and I was trying to enjoy the last few moments of peace before Angela would be all over the place as a nervous bride.

As I stepped down the bottom step, short raps on the door sounded. Edward peaked his head through one of the tall windows beside the front door, grinning like a fool as he saw me.

I opened the door a crack. "Yes? May I help you?" I smiled playfully.

"Mom forgot to unlock the door, good morning, my Love." He leaned forward to press his lips to mine through the crack, but I began shutting the door. Growling, he pushed the door open, pulling me to his chest and swinging me around in a circle.

"Edward!" I squealed, lightly pounding his chest. His lips met mine again, and I sighed in content.

"Edward, please push the tables outside on the porch together. Bella, will you set the tables for me?" Esme called from the kitchen.

"I wouldn't have arrived early if I knew I was going to be put to work," he whispered to me sarcastically.

"Do as your mother says," I replied, turning away to obey Esme. I felt a pinch on my hip. "Hey!" I swatted his hand away feigning anger.

He simply grinned in reply, following me into the hallway.

Everything finally was in its place, designated by Esme. She put the last of the scrambled eggs in the oven right next to the sausage links in the oven to keep them warm. Commotion came from the foyer as the rest of the siblings arrived.

"Good morning!" Esme sang cheerfully. Something was up. Her worker bee behavior earlier tipped me off.

Carlisle rounded the corner, kissing Alice sweetly on the forehead and clapping Jasper on the shoulder. Everyone greeted each other while I spied Esme observing, her hands clasped in front of her chest, tears brimming her eyes. A brilliant smile graced her face. I was distracted when Rose pulled me into a hug.

"I'm sure everyone is hungry, Mom set the tables on the back porch. Can the boys help me carry out the platters?" Carlisle said.

Esme linked her arm with Rosalie and pulled her towards the table outside. We all took a seat as the men filled in the table with the remaining food. Once everyone had found their seats, we each served ourselves. I eyed Emmett incredulously as he piled his plate full of eggs.

I had helped Esme prepare sangria, passing around the pitcher as well. After conversation began to flow easily, Rose cleared her throat, eyed Emmett, and stood.

"Thank you, Esme, for this beautiful brunch, you really pulled together something quite lovely in the short amount of time I gave you." Her blue eyes sparkled and she took a sip of her orange juice. "I truly love this family and feel so blessed to be included. Emmett sincerely changed my life when he brought me into this family. My own parents have been known to be a bit callous," Emmett chuckled darkly but Rose blatantly ignored him. "Esme and Carlisle, your example has enlightened and changed my thoughts on parenthood. I had my own inhabitants about the type of mother I would be, with my parents' way of raising me and the type of grandparents they would be, but all of my fears," her voice broke, "have been erased because of the love you've shown me. I know that my baby will be so utterly loved with the two of you as their grandparents." Emmett now stood alongside her, arm around her waist as a few tears slipped from her eyes. "I'm pregnant," she laughed, a sound more beautiful than delicate wind chimes.

Esme beamed as she rose, her own tears flowing. Carlisle took Esme into his arms and kissed her temple. Alice gasped and cheered, getting to Rose first, hugging her excitedly. Esme and Carlisle were second to congratulate the mother-to-be. I looked at Edward in awe, with my own happy tears tumbling from my eyes.

"I'm going to be an uncle!" He whispered, astonished.

Emmett had his hand on Rosalie's flat stomach, his animated grin stretched wider with each round of congratulations. Finally, it was Edward's turn to hug them, and I stood right beside him. Enveloping Rosalie in my arms, I proclaimed how she was going to make a wonderful mother. We both wiped tears from our eyes and laughed at our silliness.

Brunch ended not so long after that, final goodbyes were made on the front porch. Watching Rosalie and Emmett drive away, I leaned into Edward's chest as I waved. After Rosalie's announcement, something changed within Edward. I noticed as I spoke with Alice he was looking at me, partially slipping into an unknown expression which was gone if I met his eyes.

Collecting a duffle bag from upstairs filled with things necessary for wedding prep, I met Edward in the foyer. He offered to take my bag, which I appreciated as I carefully held my bridesmaid dress in a garment bag.

Esme and Carlisle gave brief goodbyes and well wishes to Angela.

"Thanks for giving me a ride," I said as I maneuvered carefully into Edward's Volvo, mindful of the inevitable heat I would feel from the leather seats on my thighs.

"Sorry, I could have cooled the car down," he apologized, starting the engine. "I love being your chauffeur." he flashed a crooked grin my way and I was a puddle on the hot leather seat.

We pulled out of the driveway and headed towards Angela's parents' house, located conveniently across the church.

"I'm so glad you are able to make the wedding, it wouldn't be as much fun without you."

"Oh, I'm sure you would still manage to have fun, I'm glad I am able to escort you."

"And you'll know the way to the tents on the beach for cocktail hour?"

"Bella, I helped set up those tents, remember?"

"Oh, duh," I smiled nervously. "I want everything to go perfect today. Angela and Ben really deserve it."

"Too bad they're waiting for a proper honeymoon till December."

"School is starting soon, she wanted adequate time to explore London with her husband. Besides, both are Harry Potter nerds so they're spending the next week in Orlando at Universal."

"I still haven't been." he shrugged and frowned. "I heard butterbeer is fucking delicious."

"I haven't gone since I first moved here. It's so pricey," I said, scowling as we stopped at a stop sign.

"You're paying for lasting memories, Bella. Can you put a price on good memories?"

"You can make amazing memories anywhere. I've made some with you, for free."

"What are your top three?"


"Yes, particularly including me." I rolled my eyes at his confident smirk.

"Hm...I would say after our first date. We were on the beach between the ocean and the dying fire…"

"You laid in my arms while we looked at the stars. You have no idea how badly I wanted to kiss you."

"Why didn't you?"

"I didn't know you as well then, I wanted to play my cards perfectly."

"You should've kissed me. I wanted you to."

"I should've known. Number two?"

"Kissing under the fireworks during the Fourth of July, easy."

"Your denim shorts were driving me crazy,"

"My most favorite memory, so far, would have to be seeing you get along with my Dad so quickly. And taking that walk with you in Georgia, laying in the grass, kissing…"

"Talking about the future."

"Right," I said gently as he pulled to a stop in front of Angela's parents' house. He stepped out of the car to open my door and retrieve my bag from the trunk.

"Thanks for sharing your favorite memories with me. I'll see you in a few hours, I love you." He gave me a quick kiss under the sweltering sun, nearly knocking me off my feet.

"I love you too—and don't think you got away so easily. I'll be waiting to hear your favorite memories too." I gave him a pat on the cheek and spun around, ready to face the chaos inside.

I knocked on the door, flashing Edward one last smile over my shoulder.

"Come in!" Angela called out. Opening the door, I found the living room in disarray. I was the first to arrive, and I set my belongings down on the couch.


"I'm in here!" Her voice echoed from the bathroom.

"What are you doing?" I asked hesitantly.

"I'm just shaving my legs, come in."

I peeked my head through the door to find Angela with her dark hair piled into a bun atop her head, wearing a tank and booty shorts balancing her slender leg on the countertop.

"I'm so nervous," she gushed, eyes leaving her razor for a few seconds.

"Everything is going to be fine, Angela. When are the other girls arriving?"

"The should be here in the next thirty minutes. Jess said she's bringing coffee. Lord knows I'll need all the caffeine today. I didn't sleep."

"You and Ben aren't leaving for Orlando tonight, right?"

"No, tomorrow. He and I are going to spend the night at a hotel."

"Are you excited for tonight?" I shrugged my eyebrows suggestively. Angela, as a pastor's daughter, was saving sex for marriage.

"Hell yeah, tonight will release all of the built up sexual tension...and trust me, there's a lot!" She giggled.

"Are you nervous too?" I jumped to sit on the counter.

"Just a little, I mean, we've been dating so long, I'm so comfortable around him. But, of course, I'm nervous about the pain. Ben said he wants to make me as comfortable as he can."

"That's sweet he wants to take care of you," I said, smiling as I pictured all of the times Edward had taken care of me.

"I love him!" She sighed, setting down her razor and rubbing her legs with a washcloth. "All done. Lauren is going to be doing my hair, we practiced a couple of times so today would go smoothly. Help me take all this stuff to the living room?" She asked, gesturing to the basket of hair styling tools, creams, and sprays and her bin of makeup.

"No problem," I grinned, grabbing the basket from the floor. Wow, it was heavier than I thought it was.

Just as Ange and I set down the containers on the coffee table, Jess and Lauren came through the front door. "Knock, knock! I come bearing coffee and muffins!" Jessica grinned. Her tray of coffees and brown bag of baked goods joined the containers on the coffee table. "Happy wedding day, Angie!" Jessica squealed and wrapped Angela in a fierce hug.

Lauren grabbed Angela as soon as Jess let go, "It's going to take me a while to get your hair looking decent, let's get started."

Jess gave me a look and rolled her eyes, "Lauren hasn't had her morning coffee yet" she said in a baby voice.

Lauren shot a glare towards Jess and grabbed on of the cups from the drink holder. "Tyler was over last night, so I didn't get much sleep if you know what I mean."

"TMI, Laur, TMI," Kate said scrunching her nose as she shut the front door behind her.

After everyone was thoroughly greeted, Lauren had finished her coffee, Angela sat on a bar stool awaiting Lauren's skilled hands to work their magic. While Lauren worked, Jessica, a self-proclaimed makeup artist with experience through Youtube videos, began applying Angela's makeup. I had assigned myself the task of steaming Angela's dress while Kate ironed the bridesmaids' dresses.

The wedding was three and a half hours away, so we buzzed around the house like worker bees, getting ready ourselves.

Getting Angela in her wedding dress without messing up Lauren and Jessica's handiwork proved challenging. Lauren suggested we help her put it over her head, but we ended up going with my suggestion, pooling the dress on the ground and stepping into it. Lauren pouted her idea wasn't used. I helped lace Angela into the dress while the other girls fiddled with the skirts and put on her shoes.

The photographer came by and took some shots of us putting the final touches on our appearances. We were now loading into the car to takes some pictures over at the beach. It was hilarious trying to stuff Angela's dress into the front seat of Jessica's Nissan Rogue.

The portraits went well and Angela was beyond happy it was time to head over to the church and wait in the bridal suite.

"This is almost it, girls!" She said, tearing up.

Jessica leaned over and wiped her tear, "Don't ruin my masterpiece!" Masterpiece was right, Angela looked absolutely stunning with her neutral yet undeniably classic makeup look completed with mauve lipstick. Her dark locks were curled and twisted into an elegant half-up style, so her hair cascaded over her shoulder.

Finally, inside the bridal suite, Angela was a bundle of nerves. She was pacing the small room trying to shake out some energy. A knock sounded on the door, and we all looked to each other. It was time for her descent down the aisle and into her future.

By the time Jess and Lauren had already been making their way down the aisle and Kate already stood at the end, my own nerves twisted in my stomach. I straightened my dress just before the doors opened for me.

The church was crowded with people craning their necks to catch a glimpse of the bride. I began slowly taking steps, trying to exude complete confidence. I saw Ben at the end of the isle, grin beaming as he realized Angela would come next.

My eyes searched the crowd, looking for the mess of bronze that caused my heart to skip a few beats. When I had made it halfway, my eyes met his breathtaking green eyes. He was grinning so wide I thought his face would split. I smiled back at him as I found my place next to the girls. Everyone stood, signaling the arrival of the bride. Watching my best friend walk down the aisle to her true love was something I could never forget. She and Ben only had eyes for each other, Ben wiping away a few tears. Angela giggled quietly and squeezed his hand. All the while, Edward's eyes flickered to Angela then never left mine. His perfect smile kept my heart racing.

The rest of the ceremony passed without any problems. Beautiful vows were exchanged, and two best friends became husband and wife. Their kiss was maybe a bit too steamy to have happened right in front of her father, but everybody laughed it off. After they said "I do", my eyes met Edward's again. He mouthed an "I love you" and I tearfully mouthed one back. It took everything in me to not run into his arms.

The wedding party was ushered back into the chapel to take pictures and Edward had snuck back in.

"Bella, you are the most exquisite creature I've ever laid eyes on." He murmured in my ear, his perfect lips caressed my earlobe.

Blushing deeply, I leaned into him, smiling against his chest. "You look too handsome for your own good, Dr. Cullen." He wore a charcoal suit, slim fit, which hugged his body in the most delicious of ways.

"I don't want to keep you from your bridal duties, it looks like they've noticed your missing," he chuckled lowly.

"I think you're right," I sighed, reluctantly letting go of him. "Wait for me?"

"Of course," he sat down in a pew as I joined the group for a picture. Countless photos were taken, the flash going off so many times I was almost disoriented.

Angela and Ben kissed, then she exclaimed it was time to go party. During the photos, I did happen to notice Lauren looking a little too much over at Edward. She sauntered over to him as I began to tie the bustle on Angela's dress. Ange poked me and pointed over to the pair of them.

Lauren had flipped her hair over to one side, leaving her bare shoulder exposed.

"Hey there," she grinned.

"Hi," Edward said curtly, meeting my eyes. I saw the beginning of a smirk on his lips.

"I'm Lauren, what's your name, handsome?" I inwardly rolled my eyes as I finished the last two ties on the bustle.

"Go get her," Angela whispered.

"This is my boyfriend, Edward, Lauren," I slid my hand around Edward's arm.

"Oh, right," she said, slightly discouraged, but not enough to stop eying him up and down.

"Are you ready to go, love? Do Angela and Ben need any help taking anything over to the reception?"

"No, Ange is just ready to start partying, let's go."

I reached up on my tiptoes to place a not so subtle kiss directly on his lips. Lauren scoffed. "We'll see you and Tyler at the reception, Lauren," my lips curled into a smug smile.

Edward wrapped his arm around my waist and snickered into my ear as we left the building.

"Why does every woman think they can have you?" I huffed as I sat down in the car.

"They don't see a ring," he wiggled his left ring finger. "I could never belong to another woman, Bella, only you."

"Let's just go, Angela is having a margarita machine at the reception, and I could really use one right about now."

With the new Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Cheney officially announced for the first time, they began their first dance on the makeshift dance floor. I stood with Edward on the edge of the dancefloor, watching the happy couple with watery eyes.

"What are you thinking?" He murmured, lips close to my ear.

"I know this isn't how they planned their wedding, but they really turned a bad situation into a beautiful one. Angela deserves so much, I'm just so elated for her."

He snaked his arm around my waist and laid his head on my shoulder. "I can't imagine a more perfect wedding for the two of them."

Other couples began making their way to the dancefloor, swaying to the music.

"Care to dance?"

"I'm not a great dancer, but I'd love to dance with you."

"It's all in the leading," he chuckled lowly, grabbing my arm and pulling me to the middle of the couples. "Just follow me, I won't let you fall."

"I know that now," I replied, resting my cheek against his shoulder.

"I don't deserve you, Bella. I'll always be trying to prove myself to you that I am worth you."

"Oh stop, we deserve each other, we deserve to be happy."

He leaned down and pressed a kiss to my hair. "I love you for loving me."

I closed my eyes and just let Edward guide me around the dancefloor.

"You never told me your top three memories together, Edward. You've had plenty of time to think." I pulled my head away from his shoulder to look up at him.

"Hm, I have too many, but in no particular order, I would say waking up with you curled around me at Nana's house. It felt so natural."

Cheeks reddening, I smiled and looked away. "We cheated on that rule."

"Doesn't count if my parents were in the room too," he laughed spinning me around. "Another favorite memory is spending time with my family. You fit in so well with us like you were always meant to be a part of us."

"I love your family, they truly mean the world to me."

"They love you too, especially my mother. Which really is important to me."

"Your mother…" I said shaking my head, "is one of the best people I've ever met."

"She is pretty great," he laughed again. "My last favorite memory, again in no particular order because that is too hard, would have to be the opening night of your community art show. You were so happy in seeing Maggie at the show. I was so proud of you. Also, I loved seeing you in your element."

"That's a good one, meeting Maggie did change my life. Of course, so did meeting you. I am truly grateful to you for the night we first met…" I said, wincing.

"Hey," he said, pulling my head against his shoulder, "Let's not think about that night, we've created so many amazing memories since that awful night, let's dwell on the good times."

"You're right," I whispered.

"Those are some of my favorite memories of us. I know there will be many more to come."

"Me too, the best is yet to come."

Guests at the tables surrounding the dancefloor began clapping, signaling the end of the dance. Edward kissed me soundly and I hummed in appreciation.

Soon it was time for the meal, and Edward was the perfect sidekick at the table for the bridal party. Lauren fluttered her eyes a little too often at him, thoroughly pissing off Tyler. He stormed off and she rushed to follow him, whining. Mike and Edward worked together, so they already got along, surprisingly, because Mike had asked me out several times before the Cullens had moved here. But he seemed happy with Jessica. Kate's date Garrett seemed nice enough. It was my first time meeting him, he drove in from Orlando. Kate seemed absolutely enthralled in every word he said. They appeared happy together.

Champagne was passed around as Eric, the best man, and I prepared for our toasts. Eric had made the crowd laugh with his and Ben's antics in college. He wished Angela and Ben the best of luck on this new chapter of their life. Soon enough, it was my turn and a wave of nerves overcame me as Eric passed the microphone to me. I met Edward's eyes as he smiled crookedly at me from across the dancefloor, still seated at the table.

"Hello everyone, I hope everybody is enjoying themselves tonight. My name is Bella Swan and if you hadn't figured it out, I'm the maid of honor. I met Angela two and a half years ago when I first moved to Clear Lake. She and I actually met at the grocery store. She had bumped into my cart with hers and she apologized profusely, as you all know, she hates people being upset with her, even perfect strangers." This earned a round of low chuckles from the crowd. "She asked me if I was here on vacation and I had told her I was new to the area, just moving from Phoenix. After that, we practically became instant friends. Of course, with her friendship, Ben automatically came in the package deal. But, in the end, I felt I was getting a great BOGO deal, as Ben is a great friend as well.

"I suppose I should share an embarrassing story of the newlyweds, isn't that the purpose of my speech? So Angela had invited me to a little get together with some of her friends who quickly adopted me into their friend group as well. I was early to her house where she was hosting us with a barbecue. I had rung the doorbell several times not hearing an answer. I finally called Ange who apologized of course, and ran to the door. Ben was behind her, and both look disheveled. As I stepped inside, I noticed Ben had red lipstick, the very lipstick Ange wore, smudged all around his mouth. It took everything I had not to burst into laughter! When Ange turned around, her eyes practically popped out her head when she saw Ben's face, pushing him into the bathroom. Her face turned as red as the lipstick on Ben's face!" I looked over to the couple, Ange's cheeks were pink and she buried her face into Ben's side who looked smug.

"Anyways, Ben and Angela make a truly great couple and I know they will take care of each other. They are so in love, they deserve every happiness coming their way. Here's to my best friend and her new husband! Cheers!" Glasses clinked and sips were taken, while I had almost finished my glass.

Ben and Ange now were going to cut the cake and Edward snuck his arms around my waist and pulled me into his chest as they shoved cake in each other's faces. Frosting flew everywhere and laughter ensued.

Soon enough, it was time to bid the happy couple farewell The crowd formed two lines facing each other, leaving a path for the couple to go through. While everybody waved and flicked wands with white ribbons attached the end, Ben and Angela made their way through the makeshift aisle. They loaded into the car and with a final wave to everybody, they sped off towards their future.

Edward insisted on staying with me while I helped clean up the reception area. With both families helping, plus the bridal party, many hands made light work. It was well after one in the morning when Edward had pulled up to the curb of his parents' house.

He opened the car door for me and walked me inside.

"I had so much fun with you tonight, thank you for inviting me," his lips found my jawline in the dark of the foyer.

"I can't imagine spending the evening with anybody else. It was perfect."

"I think I'll crash here tonight, I don't want to drive home."

"That sounds like a good idea, it's late. Plus, I'm sure your mom will love to see you at breakfast tomorrow."


"Every Sunday morning she and I had been having breakfast together before she goes to church."

"How sweet," he smiled. He took my hand and led me up the stairs to his bedroom where I had been staying since Esme and Carlisle opened their home to me. Opening the door, he kicked off his shoes and shrugged off his jacket depositing it on the chair next to the door. He laid casually on the bed as I began to remove the pins from my hair and jewelry.

"You really looked beautiful today, love," he sat up on his elbows, smiling my favorite smile at me.

I made eye contact with him through the mirror, "Thank you, Edward. You looked very handsome."

"If you looked this beautiful as a bridesmaid, I can't even begin to fathom what you will look like as a bride."

Removing the last pin, I spun around and faced him. "We'll see," I smirked. I joined him on the bed, with my hair in silly looking curls from being pinned away and cuddled into his side. "I wish you could stay."

"I am," he said confused.

"In here."

"I know."

"I love you, Edward. I had so much fun with you tonight."

"Bella, I love you to the moon and back. You're fighting sleep, how about you change and go to bed? I'll be here in the morning."

I stifled a yawn, "You're right." He pressed a kiss to my forehead and stood.

"Goodnight, my love. Sweet dreams."

I stood as well. "You're not going to give me a proper kiss goodnight?" I pouted.

"Well come here then," he opened his arms to me. My lips met his in perfect harmony. He broke apart, leaving me wanting more. "Sweet dreams, my love," He backed away grabbing his coat and shoes on the way out, closing the door behind him.

The next morning, Esme made omelets for us, I hinted she should make a third one for Edward. He stumbled into the kitchen just as she slid the last omelet onto a plate.

"Morning Ma," he said kissing the top of her head.

"Good morning, Edward," she smiled and handed him the pitcher of orange juice. I smiled at the two of them while placing silverware at the kitchen table.

"Good morning, my love," his eyes twinkled as he started walking towards me. He set the pitcher down and captured me in his arms, pulling me back to his chest and nuzzling my neck.

"Good morning, Edward," I sighed in utter content. He placed a kiss on my cheek and released me all too soon from his embrace.

Breakfast went smoothly, and soon Carlisle returned from the farmer's market, bearing some flowers for Esme. She smiled and gave him a kiss and promptly went to locate a vase. Esme soon left for church and Carlisle went to his study, leaving Edward and I alone in the living room watching movies.

"I want to do something special tonight," he mentioned during a commercial break.

"Alright, I'm in. Do you have something in mind?"

"I do," he nodded tracing lazy patterns on my hand.

"You're not going to tell me, are you?"

"I know how you love surprises," he chuckled.

"You know I don't like them…"

"But you trust me, right? This will be a good surprise, I promise."

"Fine." I pouted.

"You look so cute with your lips puckered like that." He brought his lips to mine. "You turn even more kissable if it's possible."

I playfully swatted him and pressed my lips to his again. Snuggling back into his arms, we continued to "watch" the movie.

Alice had asked Rosalie and me to grab a coffee, which Edward offered to drop me off at Rose's house. I had protested, insisting I could ride my bike, but as soon as he mentioned air conditioning, I was sold. We had a sweet goodbye in the car in Rose and Emmett's driveway.

Rose answered the door quickly and let me inside.

"How are you?" she asked, giving me a hug.

"I am wonderful!"

"So glad to hear it. How was the wedding?" She asked leading us to the living room to wait for Alice.

"Oh Rose, it was stunning...everything went perfectly."

"Did you and Edward enjoy yourselves?"

"We did, he managed to convince me to dance with him, and I ended up having a lot of fun. Although I might have stepped on his toes once or twice."

She laughed, "I'm sure he didn't mind."

"How are you and the baby?"

"Oh, we're good. I found out at my last appointment I am around six weeks." her hands instinctively rested on her flat tummy.

"I am just so happy for you. You are going to make an amazing mother."

"Thank you, Bella." She smiled.

"So Edward is supposedly planning something tonight, but all of my nice dresses are packed away. Would you mind if I borrowed something of yours?"

"Of course! Let's go look, I'm sure Alice will be able to find us."

Emmett and Rosalie's house was very nice. The inside was very farmhouse mixed with just a touch of beachy while also minimalistic. They had a smaller two-story house, the upstairs only having two rooms and a shared bathroom. The master bedroom was downstairs, tucked away just off of the kitchen. She opened to door to the bedroom revealing a plush carpeted room with a white four-poster bed topped with a beige comforter and matching pillows. Through the bathroom doors, a tub with spa jets and a glass shower looked very modern.

"That tub looks like it will get a lot of use during your pregnancy, I'm sure the jets can help you relax," I said, Rosalie nodded and laughed in reply.

"Hmm," she thought, flicking through different dresses. "What's your favorite color?"

"You're asking an artist her favorite color?" I laughed. "It's hard to choose just one, but I love blues."

"Oh, I know!" she grinned, "How about this one?" she asked, pulling a dress from the rack. It was a deeper teal color, something I immediately loved. The sleeves were off the shoulders with a square neckline. Elastic cinched the waist and embroidery in the same color as the fabric gave the dress nice texture without being too much. Tortoise buttons went down the front of the dress as well. The hem was looked like it would fall just below knee length on me, as Rose was a bit taller than me. It was perfect.

"I love it," I said, running my hand over the embroidery.

"Perfect! Maybe we could curl your hair and pin it to the side, that would be lovely on you."

"I would love your help with that," I laughed. "Oh, hey, Alice."

"What are you doing in here?" she asked, looking at the dress.

"Bella has a hot date with your brother tonight and needed to borrow a dress."

"He will love that on you...that color is just gorgeous. So summery."

"It's settled then, this one has three votes!" Rosalie grinned.

"Let's go get some coffee now!" Alice sang.

Our time at Coral Cove was fun, although Alice kept apologizing to Rose because Rose stopped drinking caffeine because of the baby. She opted for decaf and promised it wasn't a big deal. We caught up with each other, discussed Angela's wedding, Alice's wedding plans, and she surprised us by ordering us a sweet treat. She went to the counter to grab the boxes they were placed in and brought them to the table.

"Alice, you didn't have to buy us something," Rose shook her head and smiled.

"We'll get them next time then," I added. Alice smiled brilliantly and slid us our boxes, keeping one for herself.

I opened my box and gasped. A sugar cookie iced with maroon, deep blue, and forest green flowers sat inside, along with the words "Will you be my bridesmaid?" piped in perfect cursive."

From across the table, I head Rose gasp as well, covering her mouth with her hand. She and I looked up at each other and grinned.

"Of course, Alice!" I beamed.

"It would be an honor," Rosalie said, eyes tearing up.

"Thanks, girls!" We took a couple of pictures together before eating the cookies.

On the car ride back to Rosalie's we were talking non stop about the wedding now. Just less than three months away, Alice admitted she was struggling to find a way to ask us in a cutesy way.

"Thanks for helping me get ready for tonight," I grinned, making eye contact with Rosalie through the mirror. I sat in a chair in her bathroom as she curled my hair.

"Oh, no problem, Bella."

"I'm glad to help too, Bella," Alice chuckled as she painted her pointer finger with nail polish.

"What time did he say he wanted to pick you up?"

"I think like 6:30."

"Oh yeah, we have just enough time to finish."

Keeping my head in place, I tapped my phone screen to see the time. It just turned 6.

"What are you going to do tonight?" Alice asked, still focused on her nails.

"He wouldn't tell me. It's a surprise."

"You hate surprises." Alice accused.

"I do. He told me to trust him," I rolled my eyes.

"How frustrating," Rosalie snickered.

"I just like to know what's going on." I shrugged.

"I love surprises," Alice held her hand out in front of her. "Especially expensive ones."

Rose and I both snorted.

"Just one more pin," Rose murmured, brows furrowed in concentration, "and—there! All done. Let me just spray it, close your eyes." I did as I was told, plus held my breath as she hairsprayed the curls into place.

"Perfect!" Alice clapped, using the heels of her hands to avoid mistakes on her semi-dry nails.

I looked in the mirror admiring Rose's work. It truly did look beautiful. While she had been finishing up my hair, I had applied some makeup. Adjusting the sleeves of the top, I stood up and looked in the full-length mirror.

"You look so great," Rose grinned, flashing her pearly whites.

"Totally agreed!" Alice's face matched her sister in law's. "Edward is not going to be able to take his eyes off of you, or his hands.

"Thanks, guys, I hope he liked it," My hands sat on my hips while I looked at myself in different angles.

"Edward's here," Emmett popped his head in the bathroom with his eyes closed, grinning like a buffoon.

Rose rolled her eyes, "Everybody's decent, Em." His eyes flashed opened and he chuckled.

"Ow, ow, Bella, you look fantastic," Emmett said, leaning against the door frame.

"Thanks, Emmett," I giggled, slipping on the sandals Rose was also letting me borrow. "Thanks again, girls!" I pulled them into a hug. Releasing them, they ushered me into the living room where Edward had his back to us, looking at a picture with a frame in his hand.

"Here ya go, Eddie," Emmett's voice echoed in the living room.

Edward suddenly turned around, looking devastatingly handsome in a light khaki suit and navy buttoned up shirt. He also wore a white tie, which made me smile because I know he hated wearing ties.

Edward's mouth slowly transformed into a full-blown smile. He set the frame down on the table and rushed around the sofa to me.

"You, my love, look breathtaking." He murmured taking me into his embrace.

"Thank you, I had some help from Alice and Rose." I placed my hand on his cheek.

Edward looked over my shoulder at the two girls and mouthed a thank you.

"Are you ready to go?" he asked, taking a step back and offering me his arm.

"Yes, sir. Are you going to reveal where we are going?"

"Not yet," he smirked.

"Bye everybody!" I turned around as Edward escorted me to the front door. They all waved and smiled wishing us a good time.

Edward, ever the gentleman opened the car door for me and helped me inside. He got in as well, the Volvo starting quickly with a soft purr. He pulled out of the driveway and turned down the street and out of the neighborhood.

In the golden sun, people were still enjoying summer despite their losses. Only a handful of tourists were in the area, so it was mostly locals enjoying the last few weeks of the summer.

A few minutes later, I had a prediction to where we were going. "Dockside Grill?" I asked, unable to contain my grin.

"Damn, you're good." He chuckled, holding out his hand which I immediately placed mine in.

We pulled up and parked. The restaurant had only minor damage, but I didn't think was open yet.

"It's still closed isn't it?"

"I pulled a few favors. Plus, they're trying to reopen next week."

"Edward!" I grinned. He got out of the car, and I waited for him to open my door. He had pulled some strings just to eat here with me? My heart was so full.

"You know I love how you take care of me?" I asked after accepting his hand to help me out of the car.

"I know you can take care of yourself, but I love that you allow me to." He moved my hand to his forearm and placed his other hand on top of mine. We walked up the steps, and of course, he opened the door for me.

Inside, a table in the middle of the room sat set for two, complete with candles. The huge windows gave the amazing view of the sun just starting to wind down for the day. Some of the long docks that had been off the pier had been destroyed, leaving a reminder of Aro.

He pulled my chair out for me and then sat across. A bottle of champagne sat in ice. He pulled it out, "Care for some?"

"Of course," I smiled. "Is it the same from our first date?"

"Of course," he said. The cork popped out, shooting across the room and we both laughed in surprise.

A server came out carrying a plate and set it down before us. "Our appetizer this evening, Steak and Lobster Tartare."

I couldn't contain my smile as I realized he was recreating our entire first date.

"How do you eat this again?" I smirked, teasing him.

"Let me show you," he scooped some tartar onto the toasted bread and brought it to my mouth. I gingerly took a bite and closed my eyes.

"It's still so good," I sighed.

"I didn't know you liked it all that much, I'll learn to make it for you."

"Better yet, we'll both learn to make it."

He chuckled in agreeance and put the rest of the bite into his mouth.

"What did you do today while I was with the girls?"

"Nothing much, just some yard work. Mom wanted to replant some flowers, but none of the surrounding stores have live plants yet."

"Oh, that's too bad."

"She understands why, she's happy to make the sacrifice knowing there are more important things to take care of first."

"She's keeping really busy right now with work too. She has some high profile clients she was telling me about. Has she told you about her idea for Clear Lake?"

"How she wants to help those rebuild their homes?"

"Yes, it's so kind of her. Offering her services for little to no cost depending on what they can afford. Building their houses back up stronger and more efficient."

"She also wants to try her hand in building spec homes. Building houses that are more affordable for those who can't afford to rebuild."

"Your mother...she is just something else. I love her."

"I love her too, she's the best woman in the world. You come in second place," he winked. My cheeks flushed and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Oh, here comes our dinner."

Edward really had recreated our first date from the type of champagne we drank to the meal we had. After we had finished our meal, the sun was almost beneath the horizon and Edward suggested we sit on a bench on the pier and watch the rest of the sun's descent.

He found a suitable bench and I leaned my head against his shoulder as we sat down and just enjoyed the sound of the waves, the sea breeze, and the splash of colors in the sky.

I felt so at peace, just sitting there with Edward, not speaking, just enjoying each other's presence. When the last rays of light left the sky, he stood up, grabbing my hand.

"I have one last thing planned this evening."

"Something else? This night has already been perfect."

"You'll love it. Come on," he led me to the car and helped me inside. Edward grinned at me through the windshield as rounded the car to the driver's side.

Soon enough, we pulled up to his parents' house and I looked at him in confusion. He just chuckled and exited, of course coming to open the door for me. Instead of going inside, we walked around the house and through the gate into the backyard. Edward grabbed a lantern and guided us further, out of the backyard and down the path to the beach. Just before we stepped out of the dunes, he spun me around and asked me to close my eyes. I did so, just huffing a bit in which sparked his deep chuckling.

"Don't let me fall, Edward," I said, blindly trusting him as we crossed the sand.

"Never." he tightened his grip on my hands which were wrapped around his upper arm.

Suddenly, he stopped moving. "Just a bit longer…" he said, letting go of me. "Alright," he said after a few moments, "open your eyes."

My eyes fluttered open, taking in the scene before me. A small canopy stood, draped with organza curtains which fluttered in the evening breeze. Silver lanterns were hung around the canopy, providing ample light and artificial flowers hung down from the center of the canopy. Edward stood in the middle, pressing play on a remote before hiding it in his pocket. Music flowed through a Bluetooth speaker. My eyes watered.

"Care to dance, my love?"

"Only with you," I managed to so coherently. "How did you manage this?"

"I had some help," he said wrapping his arms around my waist. "Mom and Dad helped me while you were with the girls. Rose and Alice had a part in it too. They helped me keep you distracted long enough to make it happen."

"You did all of this for me? The private dinner and now this?" I gestured with my head in awe.

"Of course for you, Bella, only for you." I released one of my hands around his neck to wipe the tears from my eyes.

"I love it, Edward. This is the most special thing anybody has ever done for me."

"I'm glad you love it." He murmured.

We both fell silent as we continued to dance on the sand.

It was only then when I realized what was going to happen.

The music softly faded, leaving us only with the sound of the ocean.

"I love you, Isabella Swan, so much."

"Edward," I whimpered, "I love you more than words can say."

We stopped swaying then and one of his hands left my waist and slipped into his pocket.

I shook my head in anticipation and in just utter shock I hadn't seen this coming until right now.

Edward dropped gracefully to one knee and looked up at me with a brilliant smile. "Isabella Marie Swan, I promise to love you today and every day, forever more. You came into my life like a firework across the inky black sky, bringing color, excitement, and amazement. Your selflessness and kindness pour from every pore of your body, always ready to help others. You take care of me, and allow me to take care of you. Every moment I have spent with you has instantly become the best moments of my life. I truly believe I was put on this earth to love you, and only you. Trying to imagine life without you devastates me, I can't live without you. I adore you, I will always adore you." Edward's eyes began to water as he pulled out that little velvet box. He opened it slowly, painfully slow, finally revealing the most beautiful ring I had ever seen. "Will you spend the rest of your life with me? Will you marry me?"

Tears streamed down my cheeks. I looked down at the bronze haired man that had transformed my life into one I never knew I could have. He gave me a family, amazing friends who truly care about me. He shared his secrets with me as I had shared mine with him. Fate brought us together, he had saved me from much greater things than just James. He saved me from myself, taught me how to love properly.

I bobbed my head up and down, "Yes," I managed to croak out. "Yes!" Edward's face lit up and he sprung from his knees pulling me into his arms kissing me deeply. He spun me around in excitement, and cheers and clapping sounded from the dunes. "The ring, Edward. The ring!" In his excitement, he forgot to slip the ring onto my finger.

"Oh, right!" He brought the box in front of me and I offered him my left hand. I watched his nimble fingers slide the white gold ring encrusted with an oval diamond with the tiniest delicate vines littered with the smallest of diamonds.

"It's absolutely stunning, Edward. I love it."

He pulled my lips back to his. He pulled back with a grin and looked to the path to his house. "Come on out!" he called. The rest of the family ran to us, offering congratulations and to admire Edward's handiwork of picking out the most perfect ring.

In this moment, I realized with my new almost-family and soon-to-be husband by my side, the world could throw anything at us. Another hurricane, meddling Nana's, rogue criminals, Renee's antics. We would make it through anything. With Edward with me, I knew I could tackle rough waters, crashing waves, and even riptides.

Cigarette smoke lingered in the air as he smashed the butt into the ashtray resting on the nightstand. They had been staying in the motel for a few weeks now, soon preparing to move again. His eyes narrowed in disbelief as the old television displayed the evening news.

"Vicky, look what we've got here," he said, voice slurring from intoxication.

"What now, babe?" she sighed frustrated, she had been trying to tie the rubber band around her arm for about five minutes now.

"Quite that shit and look," he pointed to the TV.

"What the fuck," she whispered, syringe left abandoned on the worn desk. "That's the little bitch." Her flimsy silk robe untied, exposing her lacy bra and underwear.

"You're damn right it is." he snarled.

"I can't believe we've foun—"

"Shut the fuck up!" he hissed, fumbling with the remote to raise the volume.

"—my entire house needed to be torn down. A tree fell through the roof, combined with the wind, it was beyond repair." The pretty brunette girl who had managed to get away and cause all this trouble for him told the reporter.

"I am so sorry to hear that, yet you are still here and volunteering when you have lost so much yourself."

"Other people need help too. It's all I can do to lessen the reminder of losing my home and what was left. In my short time living here, Clear Lake has been an amazing—"

"Gotcha, bitch," James said, a nasty grin filling his features. "Change of plans, Vic, we need to go to the store and get a few things."

"Shit, James, I was just about to—"

"Shut the fuck up and get dressed." She scrambled to throw on some clothes. "Get my hat," he said, running his filthy fingers through his long hair. "We're gonna need some hair dye for you, some razors and some scissors. How confident are you in giving haircuts, Vic?"

"I dunno, James."

"I better look like a fuckin' million bucks, 'cause it looks like we're goin' back to Clear Lake." He lit another cig, taking a long drag in celebration in finally finding the bitch and her little fucking boyfriend that had forced him into hiding.

Part 2?