Bonds Made In The Stars

Chapter One

November Fourteenth

She paced the floor in her living room as she waited. Her husband and her darling son had left to go the park to spend some quality time together, while she dealt with the current major problem in their lives. She glanced at the small boy as he played quietly with a couple of Dudley's blocks, she could see a bit of her sister in his face and it made her heart ache. She had loved Lily fiercely once, still did really, but she knew deep down in her very soul that messing about with something like magic was dangerous. She sighed, and she was right. Her beautiful baby sister was dead thanks to that freakishness, and her nephew had been dumped on her front step without anyone even bothering to ask her to take him in! Well she wasn't going to stand for that nonsense. She'd already lost her sister and her parents thanks to this magic nonsense, she could not stand by and lose her husband and child to it next! The boy would have to go, that much was certain, and thankfully her husband agreed with her completely.

She had went through all of Lily's things she had been sent(what little of it they bothered to send that is) and found a name she somewhat remembered, a Remus Lupin. If she remembered rightly, he was friend of her good-for-nothing brother-in-law. She tried to find a phone number for him and after coming up empty, she had no choice but to go back to that dratted alley and send him a letter. In the letter, she explained to him that the boy had been left on her doorstep overnight and no one had bothered to speak to her about keeping him, that she already had one small child and just couldn't devote the time to Harry that he would need as her boy was only one month older. That frankly speaking, her and her husband were both opposed to raising a magical baby and had no idea how to raise one besides. She explained, that she firmly believed he needed to be with someone who had magic and had the time to devote solely to his care after his trauma. She asked him to please come get the boy and if he couldn't keep him to take him to the proper authorities for his kind so that someone else could.

She told him when he should come get the boy, a list of days and times was included, and now she was just waiting to see if he showed at the first time available or if she would need to wait longer. She frankly, wasn't sure if she could stand to wait much longer. The fear and stress was starting to affect her sleeping and her moods.

During her pacing and thinking Harry had toddled over to the bookcase and was trying to reach for a glass bird that was well out reach. She snatched it out of the air before it could flutter down to him and placed it higher. "No Harry, leave the figurines alone and play with the toys on the floor." She stated firmly with a sigh creeping in towards the end. She had idea what to do with this magic business, and prayed that this man would show soon.

She tried to remember how her mother had dealt with Lily's magic, but honestly couldn't remember her using it this young. Maybe since the boy had been exposed to it constantly he could use it much younger. Of course there was always the chance that she had just forgotten that Lily had used it when they were little, it's not like there was that many years between them after all. She sighed again, not sure how to feel about her sisters passing, or about her sisters former headmaster of all people leaving a little baby on a doorstep in the middle of the night in November. One thing is certain though, if they had been away on holiday the boy would have been dead from cold or animals before they got back...As it was it took her several hours it felt like to warm him back up.

She checked the clock, only ten minutes had passed since her last check. She made her way over to couch intending to sit down, when of course there was a knock at the door. She almost jumped out of her skin before rushing over to the door, opening it just a bit. She saw a shabbily dressed man, looking very anxious and like he was grieving.

Must be him then, she thought, but just to be sure "Yes? Can i help you?" she stated.

He looked unsure for a moment before finally speaking softly, "Is this the Dursely residence? I am Remus Lupin, I was invited over..."

She smiled slightly before opening the door fully and stepping out of the way, "Yes it is, please come in Mister Lupin. We can have our conversation in the living room, where Harry is playing." After waiting for him to step inside, she closed the door back and lead the way to living room.

After directing him to sit, she got Harrys' attention and directed his eyes to Mr. Lupin, just to verify in her own mind that this man actually did know the child. If not, she wasn't sure what she would do...

Thankfully(for her state of mind at least) once the little boy saw the man he stood shakily and toddled over to him quickly squealing and giggling "moo'ey!" as he did so. Remus picked up the little boy and held him tightly, trying not to burst into tears as he did so. After taking a few minutes to compose himself he looked up at Petunia, who had remained quiet through their reintroduction. "Thank you for contacting me, no one knew where he was. Neither of his god-parents had him, nor did any family of theirs, I was starting to think he'd been kidnapped." He took a deep breath to steady himself, "If I may ask, how did you end up with him? I was under the impression that you and Lily had not spoken since your weddings."

Petunia sat down and poured them both some tea, having made some while the boy and man had been getting re-acquainted with each other. "I'm not really sure how he ended up here Mr. Lupin, neither my husband nor myself was asked to take him in nor has any agency stopped by to confirm he can stay with us, make any arrangements for him or his care, so on and so forth. All I know is that I woke up on what I presume to be the day after my sisters death and found a small child on my doorstep in basket, wrapped in a thin blanket with a letter tucked in with him. The letter said that Lily and her husband had been murdered and that I was to take the baby in for the safety of him and my family. It was signed by Albus Dumbledore whom I believe to Lilys' old headmaster."

She sighed and took a few sips of tea before continuing, "And that's it. I know nothing else, I had to do some digging on my own through the few things of my sisters that were brought here. My husband and I do not wish to keep him. Our own son is only a month older than Harry and I can not split my attention between the two boys, I am simply not cut out for having two so small at the same time. We also do not know anything about raising a magical child, nor do I want magic in my home at all. It's far too dangerous for me to ever be comfortable with it. So I am asking you, Mister Lupin, to either care for the boy yourself, take him to the proper magical authorities in charge of cases like this, or find another friend of my sisters willing to take him in."

Remus was frankly, shocked by what he heard and was having a hard time processing it. How could Dumbledore have just left Harry out in the cold? Did he want him to freeze to death? Be carried off by persons' unknown? How could anyone think that that would be a good idea, Harry could toddle for Merlins' sake! He shook his head some, trying to clear his thoughts of anger and grief, breathing in deeply before looking back to Lilys' sister and speaking quietly, "I personally can not raise him." Watching Petunias' shoulders slump in defeat, he continued. "But I do know of several families of friends that were willing to take him in. If you can gather his things I will take him with me and see which one with the strongest claim is willing. You would likely have to come by our bank or maybe a law office to sign custody over fully once I have a family ready for him. I don't think it should take more than a week to be over and done with."

Petunia smiled and relaxed, very relived, as though a burden had been lifted from her shoulders. "I can have his things ready in just a few moments Mr. Lupin, we've kept it together as we hoped for this outcome." Her smile would get a bit tight, "Frankly I would rather not go into the bank but I understand that it will most likely be needed in this case and will make arrangements as required to get this done and over with."

Within fifteen minutes Remus Lupin and Harry Potter were gone from Number Four. Petunia was beyond ecstatic that the boy was where he belonged and her and her family would no longer be exposed to his unnaturalness, she just hoped that Lupin was able to find someone to take him and they were able to make it all nice and legal before anyone could try and force the boy back on them. She didn't know what she would do if that happened...

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Remus Lupin was hoping the same as he headed for the person with the current most legal claim to Harry Potter, either she would want to keep him or she would refuse him. Honestly, he wasn't sure which option was worse but this needed to be done properly before the ministry or Dumbledore got involved. He could only imagine how much of a fit all sides would be having when it was found out and he knew he may well be taking his life in his hands, but at least Harry would be safe somewhere first.

Remus apparated with little Harry to London, to a small park near Gimmauld Place. He talked with Harry some as he pushed him on the swing, "I'm not sure what all I can do for you cub, but I will find you a home that you can grow up in safe and well cared for, it may be different for you, might even be a bit hard, but you will be well provided for. I'll do my best to make sure of it...I'm sorry about...your parents, and I wish more than anything they were still here for you." He shook himself a bit, blinking back the tears that hadn't yet escaped, "I can't promise you much, but I can promise that I will always do my best to check up on you."

Little Harry would giggle some, "Ok Moo'ey" making Remus give a soft watery laugh in response.

Sighing deeply and looking a bit lost he goes quiet for a few moments just letting Harrys' babbles wash over him before continuing. "I know you were supposed to go to Padfoot but...He...He can't take you right now, and neither can Alice. But Padfoots' wife might take you in. They didn't like each other much, their marriage was arranged when they were little and magical contracts are tricky things, but she would have the most claim after your aunt. If she wont take you though, don't worry there are other options." He smiled down at the happy toddler, Harry was such a good baby and didn't deserve all of this.

However, it had happened and now he was determined to get either the Blacks or the Longbottoms, as those with the most claim, to take Harry in. They would be the only ones capable of protecting him from those who would want to use his fame.

An hour, a snack, and a diaper change later Remus was standing nervously in front of the imposing door of Number Twelve, gathering all of his courage he would lean forward and knock on the front door and prepare himself for what he is about to try and do. It seems that barely a moment has passed before the Black families rather ugly house-elf has answered the door and is all but glowering at him.

"What business does you has with my mistresses?" It asked in its' rather oily, hateful voice.

He refused to be intimidated by it however and spoke calmly, "I need to speak with Süheyla about a matter her husband should be taking care of. If you could please let her know that Remus Lupin wishes to speak with her briefly, the sooner I speak with her the sooner I can leave."

The door was promptly shut by the house-elf and he assumed that Kreacher was going to relay his message so all he could do was wait and hope. He did his best to keep little Harry calm and entertained so that he wouldn't start crying, who knows how long that would be able to last though.

After what seemed like ages, but was probably only ten minutes or so, the door re-opened as Kreacher hatefully said "My young mistress will see you briefly." and as soon as Remus was clear of the door it was closed behind them with a snap. With a clipped "Follow" Kreacher lead them through the house and into the parlor where Sirius' intimidating mother Walburga sat across from her daughter-in-law, Süheyla Aranea Black nee Shafiq.

Süheyla looked up at him from where she sat primly, her honey brown eyes showing her confusion. Her dark caramel brown hair framing her face and contrasting beautifully against her slightly tan skin. It had always amazed and confused him in school that Sirius had never had an interest in the pretty Ravenclaw and for the most part seemed to pretend she didn't exist. He hadn't found out the reason for that until their seventh year when he had come across them in an unused classroom discussing their wedding.

He had known that many, if not most, of the pure-blood families arranged marriages but he had thought with Sirius being disowned shortly after he turned sixteen that he might have escaped that as well. Instead he found out that they had been betrothed when they were four and Sirius had to either fulfill the contract or risk losing his magic, and with the war heating up he didn't really see where he had a choice. So they married the first week of October following graduation, went on the honeymoon their families arranged for them and went to living in separate homes. Süheyla went to work on her own projects and Sirius joined the aurors. As far as he knew they had limited contact with one another, but as the wife of Harrys' godfather(who should be his legal guardian) she had the most legal claim to the baby.

His musings were interrupted by a sharp "Well, what is it you want with my family?" from Sirius' mother, Walburga. He focused himself and faced Süheyla, giving her a soft smile he began, "I'm sorry for coming un-announced and I know you and I don't know each other well but well..." He stopped and tried to focus himself, to get past the grief of the situation so that he could explain. He took a deep shuddering breath but the words didn't want to come. When soft almost musical voice interrupted his thoughts.

"You're here about Harry aren't you? I see you holding him, but I'm not sure what you want or why you brought him here?" Süheyla watched and waited for her husbands friend to speak, but words seemed beyond him before she spoke. The poor man didn't seem to be handling things well, but she was also sure the little boy wasn't placed with Lupin either. What with him being a werewolf and all, no one would have given him a small child. To afraid he might eat it.

"Sirius was, well is, his godfather."

"Yes, I know this."

"Well Harry was sent to live with his Aunt, Lilys' sister but she didn't want him and somehow found or remembered my name and sent me a letter asking me to come get him. I did, and I've brought him to you first since you have the strongest claim after what happened to the Longbottoms." Looking down at that particular memory and swallowing hard.

"I see. So you wish me to take him in? Why?" Her honey brown eyes again showing her confusion.

"Sirius was supposed to raise him if the worst happened, and Sirius is responsible for what happened to them, I know but...look you don't have to take him. I know several others who would love too but you will always have the stronger claim. All I ask is that if you wont raise him, is that you don't cause problems when I find another family."

The younger woman would remain quiet for several long minutes before speaking clearly and softly, "Sirius has a debt to repay to the Potter family, therefore it is my duty as his wife to fulfill it in his absence." Standing and walking over to Remus she puts her arms out for the child, "I will take him and raise him the best that I am able so that we may repay that debt."

There was no going back now as he carefully handed her the now sleeping baby and followed her out of the room at her direction. He just prayed to any and every god listening that he had done the right thing for James' boy.

AN: This idea came to me after reading several fics that, all written by different authors, make it out as though marriage contracts are a normal thing amongst the pure-blood families. They also make it out as though most are ironclad with no escape possible...Well if that's the case wouldn't Sirius have been caught up in one?