It had been a very long summer in which Manhattan experienced some of the hottest weather in meteorological history, Blair Waldorf soon to be Blair Bass was working diligently on putting the finishing touches on her fast approaching wedding.

Chuck had proposed to her in January right after New Years. She and Chuck had planned out every detail together with no budget they could pull out all the stops and create a wedding that they both dreamed of. It was a stressful time but only because of other people's incompetence. He would surprise her at school or she would surprise him at the office. With her being a third year college student and him being the CEO of Bass Industries, they knew they were, young and so did "other people" but they were in love and despite the blasts on Gossip Girl about "a speedy wedding," it was only fast because they could not wait to finally get to spend forever with each other.

And so on, July 25th, a beautiful Saturday Moring in Central park they were married. The wedding was absolutely to die for the bride wore and original Vera Wang dress made especially for her she wanted her mother to make it but who can pass up Vera Wang queen of wedding dresses offering to custom make you a gown well neither Blair nor Eleanor could.

The bridesmaids however wore JHumphrey Originals since Blair felt her mother shouldn't have to work instead she could help Blair plan the wedding. Jenny designed an elegant floor length combo tulle and chiffon gown that featured a beautiful deep v-neckline and back bodice. She added pleats at the front to enhance the full A-line skirt to create a romantic, sweeping skirt. Of course, Blair and Chuck chose the colour lilac for the dresses to continue with their purple motif. The maid of honour was Serena and the best Man Nate. The bridesmaids included Jenny, and Georgina. And the groomsmen were Dan and Eric. The Tuxedos were also JHumphrey Original designs and were tailored to have matching ties to the dresses.

Blair's wedding gown was the most extravagant dress ever. It was clean, classic, and timelessly beautiful strapless tulle overlay gown that fully embodies all things regal. The entire gown has been dramatically decorated with metallic embroidery, dazzling crystal and metallic purple beading. This grand gown has been subtly accented at the natural waistline with pearls, rhinestones, and crystals and finished with a chapel length train that personifies the traditional princess. It had a trail of buttons in the back led almost to her knees and it took a half an hour to do all of them up. Her veil was an elegant circular cut bridal veil with accent of purple satin ribbon. And her shoes were white lace Christian Louboutin's; Blair's signature style.

Chuck (who had never seen the dress) picked a fabric that matched the purple in Blair's gown exactly and his bowtie and vest were made of it.

An aisle was made with white folding chairs and a beautiful white carpet was laid out for Blair and her father to walk down and since it was white it was laid only after all guests were seated and all shoes were to be put on as soon as one reached the carpet so as not to dirty it before Blair walked down it.

However, that morning was just crazy. All the ladies were at the Waldorf's penthouse getting ready; Blair had her own make up team and then there was another for everyone else. Serena was the first one done and therefore got to help Blair with putting on her dress.

"So Blair, are you nervous?" Serena asked.

"No why would I be S, this is only the most important day of my life!" Brooke said sarcastically.

"So are you nervous about marrying Chuck or the wedding not going as planned?" Serena asked taking her by the hand and making her sit down to talk.

"Well I'm always nervous about preparations but hey I'm Blair Waldorf as close to perfection as one gets! Or so Chuck tells me! But I'm more nervous about being someone's wife what do I have to do, will it be hard does it change drastically from just dating?" she asked.

"Well you are totally not perfect B! LOL, joking you are pretty close except for that whole evil side you have, but Chuck is a bit evil himself so there's your first answer. And secondly I really can't help with the wife things all I can say is it's probably a thing you just feel like love and it will probably take some time to get used to being called Mrs. Bass; but other than that it should be just like your dating but with more sex." Serena answered.

"Well that part I guessed! Alright Serena let's get this dress on so I can become a Bass!" Blair said. Serena stood up grabbed the garment bag off of Blair's wardrobe and unzipped it pulling out the dress and placing it on the bed, she then helped Blair into it and proceeded to do up all the buttons which took her and Dorota who was called into help. As they, finished Eleanor and Lily Chuck's adoptive mother waltzed in.

"Oh my goodness Blair you look beautiful!" Lily VanDerWoodsen said and then moved forward hugging Blair.

"Yes you do look lovely dear! Except for these two curls out of place!" Eleanor said moving them.

"No mother they are supposed to frame my face not be pushed back and I like how they look!" Blair said.

"Well fine then. Serena you need to come with me the bridesmaid's won't listen to me and you are needed for pictures!" Eleanor said now frustrated.

"Oh Ok, will you be alright without me B?" Serena said.

"Sure! Go I'll just get my shoes and meet you down there!" She replied.

"Um Lily can you stay for a minute?" Blair asked.

"Why yes Blair!" She exclaimed.

"Well Lily I have always thought of you as a mother and well my mother and I are not really close and so I wanted to ask you some advice since you are Chuck's step mother anyway." Blair said.

"Ok Blair whatever you need darling and for the record I have always thought of you as a daughter to!" Lily replied.

"Well first does a lot change after you marry someone? And two how is Chuck today? No one will tell me and they confiscated my phone!" Blair replied.

"Well to answer your first question the only thing that changes if you are truly in love with that person is that the love runs even further and you two are definitely in love and will be able to conquer anything as long as you continue to trust each other which is something I have seen that you bring out in each other." Lily replied.

"Oh thank you lily and my second question." Blair said hugging her, sitting down, and asking about Chuck again.

"Well Blair he seemed fine when I saw him at the penthouse although I knew he was nervous and when we spoke he said that he just wanted to see you and as soon as he did he would relax because seeing you would make it all real!" Lily said. This caused Blair to cry.

"Thank you for being honest lily and I feel the same way oh and this tradition about not being able to see the groom before the wedding is stupid!" Blair said as she grabbed her shoes just then a knock was heard at the door.

"Oh I'm sorry Blair Bear am I interrupting something?" Harold Waldorf said.

"No I was just leaving! You look beautiful Blair, I will see you two downstairs!" Lily said and left the room.

"Wow Blair you look beautiful! I can't believe you are getting married today it seems like only yesterday you were a baby coming home from the hospital." Harold said wrapping his arms around her.

"Thank you so much Daddy!" Blair said hugging him.

"Well you are quite welcome princess. But we do have to get going because from what I saw this morning you have a boy waiting for you in central park who is going to explode if he does not see you soon!" Harold said helping her up! He walked towards the stairs and Blair stayed a second longer in the room she had occupied since childhood this would be the last time she lived here because Chuck had bought them a penthouse to live in.

"Goodbye Room!" Blair said and then descended the stairs.

"Finally Blair we were about to send out a search party." Serena said. Blair moved toward the bridesmaids and pictures were taken first with the bridesmaids, then her parents, then her mother and Cyrus, her father and Ramón, and then one with lily and Serena, and finally just her and Serena.

"OK B final check something old?" Serena said.

"The bobby pin in my hair was my grandmothers." She replied.

"Something borrowed?" Serena continued.

"The gloves I borrowed from Lily." Blair replied.

"Something Blue?" Serena said already knowing what it was; but asking so all could here.

"The Garter belt." Blair replied in a sarcastic tone.

"Something new?" Serena said.

"Oh no I forgot something new and before you say it the dress and veil don't count!" Blair said panicking.

"Relax, Chuck had this one covered!" Serena said passing Blair a bag. Inside was a gorgeous Tiffany diamond necklace, earrings, and bracelet set. She handed them to Dorota to help her put them on her and off they went to the wedding of the century.

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