
This is not a story about heroes or doing what's morally right.

This is a story about mobsters, gun fights, drugs, violence (not as violent as Gladiator), rough times, doing what you must to take what's yours, and other explicit things that I will do my best to call out at the beginning of the appropriate chapters.

With that being said, the inspiration for this story comes from the Public Enemies era of America (and the movie too). It's a very loose interpretation of that era and I have decided to take some creative license on the time period of the story itself (please don't shoot me if some things don't exactly match the era it's based off of).

I hope you guys enjoy this newest addition to the Bumblebee-ship.

"Three fingers of Jack on ice." A figure approached the counter dressed smartly in black slacks and a black coat, underneath was a dark button up with the top button undone – the person didn't bother with a tie for the evening.

"Just finish up a job?" The bartender was dressed in black pants, a white button up, and red tie. On his arms he sported the same dark red colored sleeve garters to keep the cuffs of his shirt from getting too soiled.

"Something like that."

Across the smooth bar top the glass of whiskey slid across from the bartender to the customer. With practiced eased, she caught the glass and brought it to her lips, she welcomed the warm sensation of the bourbon tickling the back of her throat – Yang Xiao Long thought it was the most refreshing thing after a job.

"First ones on the house."

"Appreciate the gesture, Junior." Yang raised her glass in thanks to the bartender and owner of the club.

Hei 'Junior' Xiong nodded his head towards the regular customer and business associate, "Give Cinder and Roman my regards."

"Same thing from me to the twins." The twenty-one year old was referring to Melanie and Miltia Malachite, the notorious right and left hands to the head of the Xiong Family, one of the best arms smugglers in all of Vacuo.

"Who was it tonight?" Junior leaned over the counter, a knowing grin on his face.

"How do you know that it wasn't just a regular job?" Yang cocked an eyebrow at the prying man; she returned his grin with one of her own smug ones.

"Please, Blondie. I know by now what you like to wear when you need to play trigger man." The Xiong Family head was self-assured; "It's hard to see the blood on all those dark colors." Junior liked to bartend every now and then because it let him get out from the back office.

"Got me there." Yang shrugged and then sipped her drink once more, "Low level bastard, cartel put a hit out for a useless dealer – came up short one time too many."

The bartender shrugged, "Go figure, you'll get those every now and then." Junior looked up from the glass that he was cleaning, "Other than the pleasantries, anything for me?" He caught a few patrons at the bar, but it didn't look serious so he waved his hand at the other bartender to tend to the regular customers.

Yang shook her head, "No business from me tonight, just here to unwind before heading home." Sharp eyes scanned the crowd inside of Junior's club – The Hyde Out. The joint was a popular spot off The Strip for both tourists and people like Yang and Junior. The place was pretty crowded, which is typical for a Friday night.

"You got our number, get on the horn and give us a ring if you guys need anything." Junior shrugged, "Also, not sure if you've caught word, but apparently someone big is moving into town."

Yang snapped out of looking about the club, her attention fully on Junior, "No, I haven't – or at least Cinder didn't say anything about it, I saw her this morning before I went out to work tonight."

Dark eyes that belonged to the Xiong Family head scanned the crowd, "We've been hit up for a pretty big shipment to some place in Downtown."

"So not on the Strip itself? How are you calling them big time if they're not moving to The Strip?" Yang chuckled, "Sounds like you're losing your touch."

"Word on the street is that they're going to be partners with The Grimm Pack."

Junior let that hang in the air while Yang took a sip of her drink.

"I take back what I said earlier." Anything regarding The Grimm Pack should always be taken seriously.

"Its just a rumor, at the end of the day." Junior's gaze snapped to a few customers that approached the bar – these gentlemen looked serious, "Well, back to business – see you around, Blondie."

"Later." Yang winked to the man and then polished off the contents of her drink.

The other bartender took her glass and quickly refilled the drink, a reassured look was shot at Yang from Junior.

Looks like she's getting free refills tonight.

Once more, Yang raised her glass to the old acquaintance before stalking away from the bar and towards the crowd. She recognized the tune the live band was playing, the swanky trumpet and crooning singer made Yang bob her head in time with the drums.

There was an empty table in the corner of the club, it gave her the perfect view of everyone in the joint.

It was easy for her to tell them apart – tourists and regular citizens from people like her and Junior and Cinder.

She could tell who was mob and who wasn't.

In her musings, she hadn't notice those eyes staring right at her.

"What a doll." Yang drawled out to no one in particular, she locked her gaze onto those striking gold ones – she took note of the luscious midnight hair that fell in waves around that lovely olive complexion.

And those legs, Oum, those legs that peaked out from the single slit of her elegant white cocktail dress.

Yang stood from her spot, drink in hand and her mind made up – she had to say hello to the sweet lady before she left here tonight. The woman sat alone in a booth, Yang thought it was a crime that someone like her was here all by her lonesome.

She tipped her glass to the Faunus, "Expecting anyone, ma'am?" Yang motioned to the empty seat across from her.

"Should I be?" Those amber eyes flitted to the newcomer that she had seen walk in and talk to the head of the Xiong Family.

"If you are, then shame on them for keeping a pretty lady waiting." She easily slid into the seat, "If you're not, then I'm luckier than I thought I'd be."

"Lucky?" A smirk grew on the Faunus face, the cocky attitude of the blonde in front her made the woman want to knock her down a few pegs. But how that confident and smug smile was plastered on the blonde's face made it all forgivable.

"Yeah, not too often I get the privilege to talk to a pretty lady who can't keep her eyes off me." She gave her wink.

"What makes you think that I'm interested in you?" The next question shot out of her mouth, the Faunus crossed one leg over the other, accentuating the dress' slit even more. Yang glanced for a moment at those legs that went on forever.

"Doll, you've been staring me down since I stepped away from the bar." The blonde extended her hand across the table, "Yang Xiao Long."

Gingerly, the Faunus grabbed it and gently shook it, "Blake." Was all she said in response.

"Just Blake?" Yang raised a brow, she sipped her bourbon and then watched Blake delicately bring the champagne flute to her lips.

"Just Blake." She affirmed, "And I was trying to figure out why a trigger man is here all by her lonesome." Blake said it as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

Yang paused, the drink in hand was placed on the tabletop, she didn't think she looked that conspicuous coming in. Unless…

Lilac eyes shot back down to where the dress parted, her suspicions confirmed at the sight of what Blake had tucked into her garter.

"Type 94 Nambu." Yang coolly let out, she took a sip from her drink, she hadn't recognized Blake at all and usually Yang was pretty good at knowing the names and faces of the important people in town. "Didn't peg you for the type."

"That's what I prefer." Blake leaned over the table, "Since I showed you mine, shouldn't you show me yours?" A mischievous smirk was plastered on those lips, the double meaning didn't escape either of the two. The flute of champagne was emptied, in a flash, a server appeared with a filled drink, "Thank you."

Yang nodded her head to the server; she knew most of Junior's men.

"It would be rude of me not to." Yang hummed out, she undid her coat and moved the material aside. The leather straps of her shoulder holster could be seen, amber eyes caught sight of the two extra magazines.

"Colt Model 1911." Blake whistled, "Impressive heat you're packing."

"Not nearly as impressive as you, doll."

"Do all of your lines work on the other easy gals?"

"Who says I like easy?" Yang quipped; the playful look she got from Blake spurred her on.

"Pegged you for the type." Blake fired back, "Guess I was wrong." She leaned back in her chair, "So what's a trigger man doing here?"

"Only if you'll tell me why you're here all by your lonesome." Lilac eyes looked up full of mirth, she brought the rest of her whiskey to her lips and then left the empty glass at the edge of the table. Like clockwork, a server grabbed her glass and shared a look with Yang. "Three fingers Jack, tell the bartender it's for Blondie."


"Junior's nickname for me." Yang eyed her companion.

"You mean Hei Xiong?" Blake asked.

"You new to town?" The blonde narrowed her eyes, what Junior said was fresh on her mind from earlier.

"Something like that." Blake drank her champagne, "Don't intend to stay long though."

"Gotcha." The trigger man leaned back in her seat, "But to answer your question: I'm relaxing with a few drinks before I head on home for the night." Yang looked over at Blake knowingly.

"Had to get away from someone for the night, they've been driving me up the wall since we got here." Blake rolled her eyes at the thought.

"Didn't want to get lost on The Strip?"

"Too conspicuous for me," Blake shrugged, "Just wanted to go some place where no one would recognize me." She looked downward; an unspoken weight sagged on her shoulders.

"I see…" Yang looked up at her new acquaintance, the band was switching gears with the next number. An idea sparked through her head.

Blake lifted her gaze to those lilac eyes, "What?"

"Dance with me, would you?" Yang stood and held out her hand for the Faunus.

"And why would I do that?" Blake huffed slightly.

"You look like you could use the distraction, doll." The blond inclined her hand a bit closer to Blake, "I can cut a rug, if you're worried about me stepping on your feet." She added a wink in for good measure.

Blake rolled her eyes, but mostly because the wink was a good touch, "If you insist."

Hand in hand, the pair stepped out on the floor, the upbeat tempo of the band cued Blake to start off with a bit of a hop, but before either of the two could get a step in, the band slowed it down considerably.

"You fine with this?" Yang grasped at the Faunus' waist, the other hand gently grasped Blake's.

"It's fine." Blake figured she'd look foolish to walk away now since they've already made it to the dance floor.

The two swayed into the sea of couples that danced along to the gentle tune. Blake placed her hand on Yang's back, taking note of how big and sturdy it felt beneath the coat. The scent of cinnamon permeated from her… and so did something metallic. The Faunus ignored it, it wasn't anything new to her.

Blake felt a deep rumbling coming from Yang's chest, the Faunus realized that she was humming along to the crooning of the female singer on stage with the band.

"You know the song?" Blake knew a few songs here and there, but not this tune.

"Yeah, it was a favorite of mine while growing up." Yang smiled down, "No one seems to love or understand me." That charming smile, "All the hard luck stories they keep handing me."

"Haven't heard the tune too many times." Blake rested her head on Yang's shoulder, content with the warmth that radiated off of her and the soft rumbling of her singing.

The blonde's lips twitched upwards into a grin at the Faunus stepping closer to her, Blake reminded her of sweet lavender and the tresses of her midnight hair felt incredibly soft. Yang noticed she was a couple inches taller than Blake, and she also pleasantly noted that the Faunus fit so well against her.

"Bye, bye blackbird."

The singer crooned out the final notes of the number, the band still carried the tender tune as the trumpet man took a step forward to the front of the stage.

"You're not a bad dancer." Blake pulled back slightly to bring her lips closer to the blonde's ear, "But singing, that's another thing." She teased.

"You wound me." Yang let out in mock hurt, a bright grin plastered on her face while the trumpet man went on a smooth solo that went along with the beat of the slow song. "What're you doing after all this?"

If there was one thing Yang learned from this past hour with Blake, it's that she couldn't get enough of the spirited Faunus.

"Should I be doing something after all this?" Amber eyes flitted to hers, the two slowed to a simple sway while looking at each other.

The trumpet finished his jazzy solo and the crowd stopped for a moment to applause the performance. The band announced they would take a quick break but they would be back with a crowd favorite.

Yang looked her squarely on, "Only if you're still looking to get away."

"Name one good reason why I should go along with a trigger man I've just met."

"Because you still can't take your eyes off me, doll."

Without much else to say, the pair made moves to leave the club, Yang spared Junior a glance and motioned to her new acquaintance – the Xiong Family head knew that she'd take care of the Faunus' tab later.

"Free drinks?" Blake raised a brow as the two walked out into the lively nightlife of Glass City, a city about 30 miles to the east of the capital city of Vacuo - the City of Shade.

"I figured it would be the polite thing to do since you've offered your precious time to me." Yang looked about area of Downtown, a few miles going north from here and you'll reach the Strip – the beating heart of Glass City. Even from Downtown you can make out the glowing lights and huge neon signs that made up the famous casinos and clubs that lined the Strip. The places that tourists from all over Remnant would come visit for a glamorous weekend get away.

Or where small time hustlers and gangsters would try to move to in order to make something of themselves.

"So, where are we heading off to now, dear trigger man?" Blake teased once more, "Maybe a dark alley way so that you can finish the job you were sent to do?" She playfully raised a brow towards her new companion.

"If you're a job, then I could work round the clock." Yang winked at her, "It was a little crowded, hope you don't mind some place a little more quiet."

"And where would that be? Your bedroom?" Blake played coy, she's seen these tricks many times before.

Yang smirked, "I don't think my sister would appreciate me bringing home strange company this late in the evening."


"Well doll, I can' t exactly peg you for a type – and that's strange for me." Lilac eyes caught sight of the corner café that's usually open 24/7. "And we're here."

"Coffee?" Blake was a bit perplexed.

"Did you really think that I see you as a fast gal?" Yang held open the door.

"The way you're flirting tonight insinuated as much." Blake stepped through, the stiletto heels she wore made a soft click against the café's wooden floors.

"Two cappuccinos," Yang called out to the barista.

"Extra cream in mine." The Faunus added, she took in the quaint atmosphere of the café – a few stools lined the bar and about half a dozen wooden tables and chairs lined the brick walls. It was a little bit older in comparison to some of the more glitzy and glamorous diners and cafés that lined the Strip.

"Got it, Yang." The barista whistled out and got going on the orders.

"So you can tell when I'm flirting." Yang smiled cheekily, "But I assure you, I don't see you as an easy gal."

"What do you see me as?" Blake inhaled the smell of freshly grounded coffee beans that wafted through the place. It was just the two of them inside.

"Gorgeous, intellectual, even a little bit dangerous if I'm not careful."

"Big bad trigger man is afraid of little ole me?"

"Not afraid, intrigued." Yang relaxed and unbuttoned her coat, the holster of the 1911 clearly seen but it didn't phase the barista in the slightest. "You said you weren't in town too long, so what are you here for?"

"Not willingly." Blake paused once she caught sight of the barista serving the piping hot cappuccinos.

"Thanks, bud." Yang slid a quarter lien piece across the table, "Keep the change."

"Appreciate it." The kid walked to the back of the café to give the two some privacy, but he'd walk back out as soon as he'd hear the bell on the door go off.

"Coffee's only five cents, pretty generous." Blake glowed at the exchange.

"Known the kid for a while now, he's saving up to get a motorcycle one day." Yang took a sip of the cappuccino, "Knows he way around a mean cup of Joe too."

"You're pretty kind." The Faunus crossed her legs and leaned back in the wooden chair.

"So, not willingly? Something you want to elaborate on?" Yang was genuinely curious.

"Not that I'd care to, like I said earlier," A smug smirk "doll face, I just wanted to get away for the night."

Yang chuckled at the word being thrown back at her, "I can understand that, what would you like to talk about?"

"Tell me a story." Blake said it on impulse.

"You're in luck, doll." Yang stressed the compliment, "I happen to be a great story teller."

"Guess I'm luckier than I thought I would be."

"It is Glass City."

It was a fairy tale about a thief stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. Yang did her best impersonation of a fat and lazy king, and put on her most dashing voice when it came time to talk about the hero.

Yang used to tell the tale to her sister in their childhood, usually she would be over and done with in a matter of minutes.

But Oum, the way Blake would laugh at her horrible impersonations and how she listened attentively – as if Yang and this childish story were all that mattered in Remnant at that very moment. The blonde couldn't help but draw out the story to what ended up being a span of the hour.

By that time the sun was beginning to crest over the surrounding desert mountains of Glass City.

And it signaled the end of the story.

Tentative eyes looked out at the horizon.

"I didn't realize it's been so long." Yang commented, the cup of coffee long finished.

Blake yawned, she clamped a hand over her mouth to not be rude, "Time flies when you're having fun."

"I'm glad you had fun." Yang stood from her seat, "If you don't mind, I have a car around the block from the Hyde Out. I can drop you off, wherever you may be."

Blake shook her head, she did accept the hand held out to her to help her up, "Afraid not, trigger man. I'll hail a cab back to my hotel."

"Can I at least wait around with you until then?"

"If you don't mind waiting a bit." She took a peak outside, "Is there a phone around here?"

"If you don't mind walking back to the Hyde Out, there's usually a few cabs lined up around there." Yang waved to the barista before holding the door open for Blake.

"I don't mind it at all." Blake shivered once she stepped out, the warm buzz from the champagne wore off long ago. She felt the dark coat being wrapped around her shoulders, "Your piece is showing." Gracefully, the Faunus looped her arm through Yang's.

"I'm not concerned with the Laws, not around here, at least." Yang kept a leisurely pace, "Doll, I've got something to say." The thought's been racking around her brain since they left the café.

"What's that?" Blake looked up at Yang, the blonde's company had been an utmost joy throughout the whole evening.

"I think I'm gonna miss you once you get in this cab." Yang spotted the Hyde Out in the distance, sure enough there were two cabs in front waiting for a fare.

"Right." Blake rolled her eyes at the comment.

"I mean it, cross my heart." Yang glanced down at the Faunus, "You're different, in all the good sense of the word."

"Different how?"

"Not many people would call getting a cup of Joe and listening to some old fairy tale a good time." Yang paused, they were at the corner of the block, the Hyde Out only two buildings down. "I like that… I like the vibe you give off a lot, doll."

Somewhere between crossing the street and stopping did Blake's hand travel down her arm and into her own. The feel of Blake's skin at her finger tips electrified Yang all the way down her spine.

"I like your vibe too, trigger man." Blake turned to face Yang, "I think I'll be fine from here on." The air around her became still, as if the earth itself was marking the final turning point in the early light.

"Don't trust me to let you go off in that cab?" Yang's voice carried softly through the morning dawn, the words cut through the still air and unveiled something else – something wild and untamable in nature.

Blake stepped in closer, she could feel the heat rolling of the blonde coming in waves, "I don't trust myself to get in that cab if you're there." She let Yang's aura melt her exterior away, for once she felt a little vulnerable instead of her usual guarded demeanor.

"Then don't."

"I wish it were that simple." Blake looked down, "But I got to go back, been away long enough." The mood dampened considerably at the thought of what ever it was that Blake was trying to get away from in the first place, which was made more apparent by the way her ears sagged.

Yang bit the inside of her cheek, "I rather we leave on a happier note than something like this." Cautiously, she reached out with her other hand to cup Blake's cheek, the feel of skin on her own skin felt like a delicious burn – for but a moment, Yang felt like she was touching something forbidden, "Smile for me, would you doll?" But sweet temptation always trumps caution.

"Give me something to smile about, trigger man." The words seemed like a small test.

A test Yang was more than willing to take.

Lavender. Gentle lavender coaxed at Yang so strongly, the feel of Blake against her lips melted her. If Yang didn't know she was missing something before, she definitely did now. Just as the blonde figure it was the right time to pull away, Blake surprised her once more.

The Faunus pushed against Yang, she clutched at the fabric of the blonde's shirt to deepen the kiss – to satiate the hunger that riled up once she felt Yang caress her.


It seemed like hours past while the two stood panting and clutching at one another.

Blake leaned in once more, the kiss quicker than the last.

But so much sweeter – and bluer.

"Bye, bye blackbird."

Blake's whisper stayed with Yang as she watched the white dress step into the cab.

"Bye, bye… Blake."

A flash of golden eyes, a somber smile, and the cab was gone.


You ever get so excited about something that you become impatient?

I was going to wait until the end of May to post the first chapter, but I've hit a really good mood streak as of late and decided to post the first chapter of Public Enemies. Very ecstatic to share the first chapter of my new long term project with everyone - I still plan to work on Our Playlist and finish that up but I think I'll take my time with that one (i.e. work on that when I want to take a break from Public Enemies).

So the era of the story is going to be based off of the American culture of the 1940s and 1950s, I'll flesh out the rest of the world state with the coming chapters (i.e. there's a reason why I named this Vegas-esque city 'Glass City').

As for the central theme, well, it's obviously a love story :) a really dramatic, action-packed, and lots of hard-asses type of love story.

Hope you guys enjoyed the read.

