Disclaimer: I don't own Tokyo Ghoul.


TG: Set Post-Cochlea raid and Pre-Anteiku raid.

HP: Set in Goblet of Fire.

"Today's enemies can be your friends tomorrow. And today's friends can be tomorrow's enemies."― Suzy Kassem.

Chapter One: Captured.

Shadows creeped along the walls of the dingy Tokyo alleyway cloaking Kaneki in its embrace as he loomed over his dead prey. His left eye's blood red iris locked onto the fresh meat lying at his feet, slowly the half-ghoul raised a hand to the leather mask's toothy grin so that he could pinch the zipper between two of his fingers. Kaneki unzipped it.

Crouching down, he grabbed the kagune of the dead ghoul, a bikaku tail, and viciously tore it from his prey's body. It pulsed and twitched in his hand, still caught in its death throes long after the ghoul it belonged to had died. Kaneki bit into the squirming flesh and grimaced as the overly-bitter tang of a ghoul's flesh hit his tongue.

It tasted like rotting fish that had been left to fester with maggots for a week in the sun.

He swallowed it anyway.

'I want to be stronger to protect them. I need to do this,' Kaneki thought, repeating it in his head like a mantra as he ripped into the rest of his cannibalistic meal.

"So you must be the SS-Rated Ghoul that we're looking for. Well…I wasn't expecting to find you feasting on that. You're quite the cannibal, aren't you Eyepatch?" The stranger's voice from the alleyway entrance behind him was unexpected, Kaneki flinched violently, his uncovered kakugan eye glaring darkly at the intruder. A low animalistic growl instinctively rose up in his throat at the interruption as he bared his bloodied teeth. "I'm afraid you won't be finishing that meal tonight…you're coming with us."

Flesh. More flesh. He interrupted you. He'll pay for that. Need to eat. Ghoul. Human. Ghoul. Human. Eat. FLESH.

Kaneki found it hard to think clearly, with each passing second, his mind was becoming more clouded by his kakuja nature as the ghoul's flesh digested in his body.

The strange cloaked man raised an arm, in his hand a long stick was aimed in Kaneki's direction. There was a sudden shift in the atmosphere around them, causing the hairs on the back of his neck to raise as a dense electrical scent pressed down on him.

What is that heavy presence?

"Stupefy!" Yelled the robed man. At his words, a bright red light burst from the tip of the stick and sped towards the white-haired half-ghoul.

Kaneki sprang out the projectile's pathway at the last second, his exposed kakugan observing the sizzling pavement where the light had struck it. What was that? Some kind of new quinque?

There was no time to ponder as the robed man sent a barrage of red lights at him with rapid flicks of his wrist. Kaneki dodged each one of them with relative ease, finishing his evasive manoeuvres with a backflip that landed him on a rooftop. Wasting no time, the half-ghoul darted off into the night, bounding from rooftop to rooftop as he made his escape. Spying a high skyscraper that would make a good hiding place until things calmed down, Kaneki sprang from the tiled rooves and onto the thin window ledges of the glass windows. He quickly scaled the building and settled down on the building's roof.

There was no way that human could find him up here. He sighed, his shoulders gradually relaxing and his kakugan deactivating as the adrenaline left his system. Far below him, the cars zipped along the road, their headlights flashing like fireflies among the stars of the city's glow. Raising a hand, Kaneki wiped his mouth to remove the lingering foul taste of the ghoul from his bloodied lips.

A loud crack shattered the peaceful hum of the city, sending Kaneki whirling onto his feet to face the source of the sound. The robed man had returned, a cruel smirk twisting on his lips, he sneered: "You thought you could get away from me, Ghoul?" Kaneki's grey eye widened as he stared at the supposedly human man. "I can see the question all over your face, how did a mere human manage to get up here so quickly? Well…let me indulge you…I'm a wizard. Not a muggle."

Several more cracks filled the city air like a box of firecrackers and a large group of robed figures materialised behind the self-proclaimed wizard. Feeling cornered, Kaneki took a step backwards only to feel the edge of the rooftop, his re-activated kakugan staring wildly at the new threat.

"Remember, just like a Hungarian Horntail, all together on three!" Commanded the wizard, their leader, as he raised his stick at the half-ghoul. Kaneki dropped into a battle stance, his rinkaku kagune readied in a position to strike. "One! Two…" Kaneki crouched lower, his body tense.

"Three!" Hundreds of red lights raced towards him like a blazing meteor shower and leaving no area of the rooftop safe. The half-ghoul sprang into the fray, twisting gracefully through the air as he passed through a gap between two projectiles. His feet grazed the ground briefly in a light step which he used to propel himself through the red missiles, zipping left and right in a blur.

An errant shot was fired from an incompetent lackey, catching Kaneki by surprise as it hit him square in the middle of his back. It burned briefly but otherwise it had no effect. "W-What?! Why didn't it work?! It should be stunned by now!" Cried out one of the group's members in panic.

"Ghouls are impervious to stunning spells like dragons. That's why we are working together!" Snapped their leader. "Again! One! Two! Three!"

"Stupefy!" They roared in unison, a second wave of red exploded from their sti-wands. The spells were more closely packed together this time, leaving Kaneki no spaces for him to pass through.

He furled his four rinkaku limbs around his body defensively in a futile attempt to protect himself. A second passed before a hundred spells slammed into Kaneki's kagune with the force of rock-filled lorry. A crackle of magic zapped into him from where the spells had collided with his kagune, travelling into his back, up his spine and out into his four half-human limbs.

The world tilted around him as he slammed onto the unforgiving concrete, his vision engulfing in darkness as he was plunged into unconsciousness.


Ghoul investigators Amon and Shinohara collapsed wearily onto the restaurant's bar stools. All day they had been run ragged by various missions to exterminate numerous B-rated ghouls that had been plaguing the ward.

They quickly ordered their food, eager to fill their growling stomachs after their long day of hard work. A drink was poured and placed before Amon, who reached for it with a shaky hand. Just as his fingertips touched the glass' cool surface, a voice piped up from beside him. "The usual, please."

Glancing out of the corner of his eye, Amon observed the stranger in his peripheral vision. He noted that the man wore a horrendously coloured shirt that clashed awfully with the blinding neon trousers. Whoever picked out his outfit must have done it with their eyes closed, either that or they just had an extremely unfortunate taste of fashion.

"Oh?" The man turned his head, having noticed Amon's gaze, and made eye-contact with the investigator. "Do you work at the CCG? I remember seeing them wearing those coats."

"Yes, we work there as investigators," Amon politely replied, unsurprised at being recognised.

"Ah, yes, I see now. You must be the First Class Ghoul Investigator Amon Koutarou," guessed the oddly dressed man, a dangerous glint in his eyes. Immediately, alarm bells began to ring in Amon's mind at the suspicious behaviour of the man beside him.

"Excuse me, but I just remembered the pile of paperwork that needs to be completed before tomorrow. I've already been late once and they won't be so lenient with me a second time," lied Amon as he stood up and bowed. "Shinohara, if you would lend me your assistance?"

Amon watched as his friend's expression shifted from one of confusion to one of understanding as he caught on with the situation. "Of course, Amon. You know me." They began to walk towards the building's exit but stopped when the stranger stepped in front of them, blocking them in.

The investigators quickly scanned their surroundings, noting the lack of customers due to the late time and the chef now slumped unconscious at the bar. Thankfully, they still had their briefcases with them, so they weren't unarmed.

It was just the three of them, two ghoul investigators with their quinque and one supposedly defenceless man. The odds were in their favour.

"Let us pass," Amon ordered, his voice stern.

"I'm afraid I cannot. I'm just following orders," the man answered, unconcerned by the warning he was given. Amon and Shinohara glared at him, both with a hand ready to open their briefcases at a moment's notice. "Oh, don't look at me like that. I'm not here to kill you…"

Instantly, Amon's instincts screamed at him to dodge, so he did and only moments later the dark room was flooded in a bright flash of red. A startled shout alerted him and he turned just in time to watch as Shinohara was hit by one of the red lights.

"No!" Amon roared as he watched Shinohara collapse onto the restaurant's floor. A laugh sounded behind him followed by something striking his open back. He too had joined his friend upon the floor.

Amon blearily peaked through his eyelashes to see a pair of boots belonging to their attacker. "Now all that's left is the sleeping spell…" The man's words were followed by a lengthy pause and Amon struggled to try and see the cause of it.

"Our team has successfully captured a ghoul. There were no casualties. Send your report back immediately with a status update,"a second voice rang out, breaking the stifling silence. Amon's straining eyes caught a soft blue blur glowing in the corner of his hazy vision.

"Expecto Patronum!" their enemy enunciated carefully. "I have succeeded in restraining two CCG investigators. I'll transport them now." Footsteps clacked on the empty building's floor followed by the sound of shoes squeaking as someone was dragged along the floor. A hand fisting tightly into Amon's coat was the only warning he received before it felt as though the world was squeezing him through a small tube. His stomach lurched and he couldn't draw a single breath as the pressure increased around him.

He passed out.