Oh my god, I am so sorry! I promised you this two months ago... I'm very sorry. I got caught up with family and school and literally had no time to write. It wasn't really part of the plot though, and since you weren't left with any cliffhanger... at least I don't feel too bad. Anyway, this is the real end of the story, so congratulations if you made it through! I want to thank everyone that left kudos and comments, because they really do inspire me and make me very happy. I also want to thank my beta because this literally wouldn't exist without her. So big thanks. And now I'll let you get on with the story

Alec looked at himself in the mirror. He was wearing a golden suit that Izzy picked out for him. Now that he thought of it, it wasn't very unlike the one he'd worn for his other wedding, with Lydia. It seemed like a lifetime ago now. It hadn't even been three years. Almost three years since he and Magnus had come back from their quest. Almost three years since they'd killed the queen of hell. Almost three years spent on fixing his father's mistakes. Slowly magic was coming back to the kingdom. Now, if you walked in the streets, you could see magic everywhere. New stores had appeared, selling ingredients for magical potions, or books about magic and magical creatures.

Magnus himself had changed. He was more open, more... magical. His magic had sprouted. He was the most powerful warlock in all the kingdoms, and one people looked up to and went to for guidance in their studies. Magnus always had time to help and teach, it was one of his favorite things to do.

They had made their relationship public about a year after they arrived, although it hadn't exactly been much of a secret. Alec's siblings and his and Magnus's close friends all knew, and many other servants and people that worked in the castle had caught them together. They never faced much judgment, which Alec was thankful for. He didn't know if it was only because he was the king, because they were scared to be punished, or if people really thought it was okay. Either way, he was happy.

"You look great," came Izzy's voice from behind him. "Magnus is gonna love it."

"Alec could show up naked and Magnus would still love it," Jace pointed out, having just come into the room.

"Magnus would definitely love it if he went naked," Izzy agreed.

"I'm not going naked!" Alec said, a blush rising to his face.

"Of course not, brother dear. You can get naked after the ceremony."

"Izzy!" Isabelle only laughed.

"Come on, we need to finish you up," she said, taking Alec's hand to pull him along. She ran her fingers through his hair, trying to make it presentable even though it wouldn't stay in place. She adjusted the bow-tie, checked that everything else was in order, and gave him a kiss on the forehead. "All ready. Now let's go get you married."

"Are you sure he won't think it's too much? Lots of important people will be there..." Magnus said hesitantly as he looked himself in the mirror. He knew he looked good, and that normally Alec would like it. But now wasn't normal. Not only was it their wedding, but lots of kings and queens from other kingdoms would be there. Maybe Alec wanted him to tone down a little. The red streaks in his hair, black eyeliner and eyeshadow around his eyes, and his black nails, were not exactly something you saw every day. He didn't want to freak anyone out.

"Magnus, it's perfect. Alec will love it, and if anyone doesn't then that's their problem," Catarina said, taking Magnus's hand and giving it an encouraging squeeze. "Okay?"

Magnus nodded, squeezing back. What would he ever do without Catarina? "Okay." Just then the door opened, and Ragnor came in.

Magnus had met Ragnor a few months after they came back from the quest. He'd joined Alec in a meeting, something that didn't happen often because Magnus found those meetings incredibly boring. They had been talking about bringing magic back to the kingdom though, so Magnus had joined him. If only for the sake of the subject. Ragnor was a sort of counselor, everything Alec wanted to do that would affect the kingdom had to go through him first. He approved almost immediately to bring magic back. And he never stopped looking curiously at Magnus.

After the meeting, he had approached Magnus.

"You were the one to change his mind, weren't you?" he asked.

"Change his mind? What do you mean?"

"You're a warlock. I can feel your magic. And it's evident that he cares about you."

"You... can feel the magic?" Magnus questioned, frowning.

"Can't you? It's more evident on some people, but everyone has an aura. Very few people born with the gift of magic manage to grow up. Maybe now more will."

"Are… are you one of those people?" Magnus asked. "Born with magic?" Ragnor had nodded and smiled.

"Ragnor Fell, full-time counselor, full-time warlock," he introduced himself. "You are still young. Maybe I can teach you a thing or two."

Their friendship had grown over the year, and Ragnor did teach Magnus many things he didn't know about magic.

"You ready, Magnus? It's almost time," he said.

"Yeah, I… I'm ready," Magnus nodded. Ragnor looked him up and down.

"Let's hope the king doesn't pass out when he sees you. That would be inconvenient." That comment gave Magnus a slight boost of confidence., and he smiled. Cat shook her head and chuckled.

"Come on, you don't want to be late to your own wedding."

They had agreed to walk down the aisle together so the first time they saw each other was before they met the others. Cat, Ragnor, Izzy, and Jace went into the chapel before them and so Magnus had a moment alone with Alec.

"Wow, Alexander."

"No, look at yourself Magnus, I… I can't believe this is happening."

"Me neither," Alec said as Magnus stepped closer to Alec to kiss him gently. He loved this man so much and his feelings were threatening to overwhelm him.

"Oh, darling… no need to cry," Alec murmured, cupping Magnus's cheek to brush away the few tears.

"Sorry… I just… I am so happy," Magnus whispered and kissed him again. "Let's get inside and get married before I fully ruin my makeup".

"I, Magnus Bane, take you, Alexander Gideon Lightwood, for my lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part."

"I, Alexander Lightwood, take you, Magnus Bane for my lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part."

"May the Lord bless these rings, which you will give to each other as the sign of your love and fidelity," said the priest before he handed the rings to Alec and Magnus.

"Magnus, receive this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."

"Alexander, receive this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."

Alec and Magnus exchanged the rings, smiling as wide as they possibly could. Alec was a bit surprised when he felt something wet on his cheek, he hadn't even realized he was crying. But having this, marrying someone he loved after thinking for so long that he would never know love... Alec was overwhelmed, and he felt happier than he ever had.

"Forasmuch as groom and groom have consented together in holy matrimony, and have pledged their love and loyalty to each other, and have declared the same by the joining and the giving of rings, by the power vested in me, and as witnessed by friends and family, I now pronounce you husband and husband." And with that, they were married. Alec leaned down to press a kiss to Magnus's lips, their first kiss as a married couple. It felt like they were back at their first kiss, confessing feelings, happy but also nervous about what would follow. But this time Alec knew that no matter what happened, they could take it. And they would. Together.

They had a rule. Well, it wasn't as much a rule as it was a routine. But every month, they spent at least two days away from responsibilities, from work, from the kingdom. They would go camping, or they would visit a nearby kingdom, or they would just spend a few days in their room, napping on soft beds, making love to each other, cuddling, and just being together. This time they had decided to go camping, and were riding in the forest to find a perfect spot.

Everything was perfect. Izzy and Jace were taking over at the castle so Magnus and Alec could relax and just take care of themselves. The weather was beautiful, warm and dry. They had their tent with them and Magnus' used his magic every day to build and destroy their camp. On the third day, they were following a small path, barely big enough for the horses. Alec had just been thinking about maybe finding some water in the cave they were passing by when he heard something.

"Magnus? Did you hear that?" He asked as he stopped Shadowhunter.

"Heard what?" Magnus asked, stopping by his side.

"I don't know. I feel like I heard something." The sound came again, almost like a whimper.

"Maybe a hurt animal?" Magnus suggested, having also heard the sound this time. "Should we try to find it?"

"I think it came from over there," Alec said, nodding towards the cave. He hopped off Shadowhunter. "It sounds like it's in pain."

Magnus jumped down as well and then followed Alec. They made their way into the cave, Magnus's hands giving off a little light to help them see. The sound came again, and Alec turned towards it. "Magnus, over here," he called, gesturing for Magnus to come over. With Magnus's light there Alec spotted a little silhouette in the shadows. He took a step closer and crouched down, trying to see what it was. And then he realized. "It's a child."

"I am not a child."

Magnus took a step closer, and the light from his magic shined over a little boy. "Oh.. well hello. What are you doing here? Where is your mother?"

"She was here," the boy said. "But the monster took her."

"The monster?" Alec questioned. "What monster?" The boy didn't answer, and instead pulled away from the light. Alec reached for him, but he pulled even further back.

"We can help you find your mother," Alec said. "If you tell us what happened. How long was it since the monster came?" He asked. He wasn't sure if the boy could answer, or how accurate his answers would be. The boy looked barely 3. But they had to at least try to help.

"I don't know."

"Magnus, can you help? Is there anything you can do?" Alec asked and looked at Magnus.

"I can see if there are any traces of the monster left. But if there aren't… then no." Alec turned back to the boy.

"What did the monster look like? Did you see it?" he asked. The boy nodded.

"It was black. And with red eyes," he said.

"Do you think it was a demon?" Magnus asked, looking down at Alec.

"Possible… Can you try and look if there are any traces? I'll talk to him a bit more."

"Yeah. I'll be back in a second. In the meantime, take this." Magnus waved his hand, and in it appeared a torch. He handed it to Alec. The boy pulled close to the flame, and it struck Alec that he had to be cold.

"Thank you," Alec smiled at Magnus and then looked back at the child. "Can you tell me more? How long have you been in here? Do you want me to take you out of the cave?" he asked. "I have a blanket outside, so we can warm you up."

"No, no I don't want to move. I don't need your stupid blanket."

"Hey, it's okay. We'll stay here then," Alec assured him. "How long have you been here?" He asked again.

"We came in the morning," the boy said. "Mom always comes in the morning. She says that in the morning there is gold in the caves." Just then came Magnus's voice.

"Alec! I found something!" He called. Alec looked over at the boy.

"Do you want to come with me now? We can help you find your mother, but I can't leave you here."

"Mom says I can't go anywhere with strangers."

"I am not a stranger, I am Alec Lightwood, the king of Idris and this is my husband Magnus Bane." He wasn't sure if he could expect the kid to know he really was the king, but the little boy nodded.

"Mom says the king is nice," he said. "Are you really the king?" Alec nodded.

"Will you come with me?" The boy nodded. Alec stood up and reached for the boy's hand. It was ice cold in his. Alec led the boy to Magnus and then looked at him. "So? What did you find?"

"There's demonic energy here. It's not very strong, but I'm sure it's recent. It leads deeper into the cave. I say we check it out," Magnus said. Alec agreed. If the boy's mother really had been taken by a demon, Alec wasn't sure if they would find her. He hoped he was wrong. But the more they moved through the dark cave the less he believed it. And when he heard Magnus call from ahead that they should stop, he had a feeling he knew what Magnus had seen. He told the boy Magnus had found her, but that she couldn't return with them, and that she had said they had to go back. He could try to explain to him later, but now he had to get the boy out of that cave. And they should probably leave the place before the demon came back.

"But why is she leaving me alone?" The boy asked.

"She's not leaving you," Alec assured him, crouching down by the boy. "The monster took her, and he made her go somewhere she can never come back from. She did it to protect you. She loved you. She didn't want to leave, but she had to."

"What?" he asked, tears welling up in his eyes.

"Shhh.., come with us. We'll take care of you." Alec picked the little boy up, and he didn't fight it. He waited for Magnus to come back before they together made their way out of the cave.

"I'll send someone back there to look if the boy has lost anything in there," said Magnus, Alec nodded. He understood that Magnus wanted someone to pick up the mother so they could properly bury her. So the boy had a place to go once they could explain everything to him.

Their horses, Shadowhunter and Jem, were waiting outside the cave. Alec handed Magnus the torch, which he discarded with a flick of his wrist. Alec immediately went to Shadowhunter and looked through one of the saddlebags, pulling out a blanket. He sat down, pulling the boy into his lap and wrapping the blanket tightly around him.

"Do you want to see a castle from the inside, little guy?" The boy nodded, and Alec smiled softly at him. He gestured for Magnus to come over and Magnus picked up the boy. Alec mounted Shadowhunter and Magus handed him the boy, who Alec sat down in front of him. He showed the boy how he could hold Shadowhunter's mane without hurting him. A few minutes later they were set on their way back.

It had been a month since they had found Rafael, and during that time Alec and Magnus didn't manage to find a family for the little boy. Maybe they didn't really try. They had asked the boy about his father, but he said he didn't have one. Alec had sent a scout to the villages around the place they found him. They found out he was from a small town just an hour away.

The people in the town confirmed it had only been the boy and the mother, and no one knew of any other relatives. This had taken about three weeks to find out and in that time Magnus and Alec had spent a lot of time with the little boy, who was slowly becoming more and more comfortable with them. It had taken a few days to make him open up, but as soon as he told them his name, he started trusting them.

It seemed like the more time Alec and Magnus spent with this child, the more time they wanted to spend with him.

"Magnus, we need to talk, about Rafa," Alec said one day after they had put Rafael to sleep in the room right next to theirs, since he refused to go any further.

"What about him?" Magnus asked.

"I don't want to find him a family," Alec said, straight out. "I think we already have."

"You… Are you asking me to keep him? As our kid?"

"Yes. I don't want to give him away to anyone else. And you saw how long it took for him to open up to us, what would happen if we left him with someone else now? He lost his mother. He needs something to keep him on the ground. And I feel like… if we leave him now, we'll ruin everything."

"That would mean a lot of paperwork for you and studying a lot of books. Basically the same effort it took us to get married," Magnus said.

"I don't care. If we both want him, and I know I do, then we can figure it out. Do you want him?" Alec asked.

"Alexander… I've spent the past 5 nights telling him bedtime stories which were over an hour long… of course I want him. Having a family with you is a dream come true."

"Really?" Alec smiled brightly, pulling Magnus close.

"Yeah, really," Magnus said and leaned in to press a kiss to Alec's lips.

"How do we tell him?" Alec asked.

"We can tell him tomorrow after breakfast," Magnus suggested. "Say he's going to stay here."

"Sounds great."

The next morning, after breakfast, they did as planned. Alec and Magnus made their way to their room with Rafael behind them. "We have something to tell you," Magnus said once they were alone, Rafael sitting on their bed.

"Are you gonna send me away?" The boy asked, eyes already filling with tears.

"Hey, no. We're not sending you away," Alec said, reaching out to cup Rafael's cheek. "Quite the opposite. We've decided you can stay here. Forever."

"Or as long as you want, well… you will probably become king one day since you are the kings oldest son."

"I will be king?" A smile broke over Rafael's face.

"If you want to, yes," Magnus smiled. Rafael nodded and reached up to hug Magnus and then Alec. That night, after they had put Rafael to sleep, Magnus and Alec were sure they could never be happier than they were right now.

"Alec! Alec, I need you!" Magnus called. He had just left the castle to go out to the market but on the doorsteps, he had almost fallen over something. As he took a moment to look closer he noticed that it was a child. A blue child. Magnus knew immediately that this kid was a warlock, the letter which was next to the boy only confirmed that. The mother of the child didn't know how to handle the situation, didn't feel comfortable raising a warlock and so she had left him.

By the time Alec arrived, Magnus had finished the letter and had picked up the boy.

"Yes? Wh- Is that a baby? Magnus, what's going on?" Alec questioned. Magnus handed him the letter.

"Oh. Well, we've thought about having another child, and if you are okay then… I'd love to take him in. Rafa will probably be angry at first because he will no longer be an only child but they will get used to each other and maybe he will love to have a brother."

Alec looked down at the child. "He is adorable, I mean the blue is something different but he is super adorable."

"He's a warlock," Magnus said. "The blue must be his mark. He's beautiful." Just then the little baby opened his eyes, and Magnus saw that those were blue too.

"Only a warlock could have eyes that beautiful, just like his father," Alec smiled, pressing a kiss to Magnus's cheek.

"He really is beautiful," Magnus agreed, smiling a bit at the kiss and the compliment. "Let's take him inside. And then maybe we should let Luke check him over, to make sure he's okay."

"Yes, good idea. And then we have to talk to Rafael, he needs to know… oh and we need to all the paperwork again." Alec sighed. The worst part of this was all the paperwork.

"How about you take him to Luke and I'll go find Rafael? We can do the paperwork later," Magnus suggested.

"Sounds good." Alec nodded, and Magnus pressed a quick kiss to his lips before going back into the castle to look for their son.

Alec looked down at the little boy in his arms, with big, blue eyes looking up at him. He made his way to Luke's house. Once he arrived Alec shifted the boy in his arms and knocked on the door.

"Alec? What… What are you doing here and… who is this?" Luke questioned as he opened the door for Alec.

"He was abandoned outside the castle," Alec explained. "Magnus and I were thinking maybe we could take him in. But we wanted to make sure he's okay first."

"Of course I can look at him, please come in. I wasn't aware you had been thinking about adding another member to the family."

Alec stepped inside. "Well, we have talked about it. And this is the perfect chance," he said.

"What about him? Why does he not have parents? Please lay him down there and take off the blanket."

Alec did as Luke asked. "There was a letter," he said. "The mother said she couldn't raise him because of what he is, but that she hoped someone else could."

"I see." Luke nodded. "I can take care of him now, if you come back in an hour I'll have him ready to go," he told him.

"Thank you, Luke. I don't know what we would have done without you."

An hour later and he was back in Luke's house. Luke was sitting in an armchair, feeding the little boy a bottle of milk.

"How is he?" Alec asked, stepping closer.

"Healthy and strong," Luke told him. "Although a bit hungry. Do you want to hold him?" He asked. Alec nodded. He took the boys from Luke's arms, and Luke handed him the bottle. "Don't give him too much at a time or he'll choke," Luke warned. Alec did as Luke said, and let the boy drink small bits at a time.

"Have you thought of a name for him?" Luke asked. Alec shook his head.

"We haven't had much time to discuss it. But I'm sure we'll come up with something soon," Alec said.

"Well, you can take him to the castle, let Rafael meet him if he hasn't already. And if you need anything, you know where to find me."

"Yes. Thanks a lot, Luke. I'll see you around," Alec said before making his way back to the castle. Magnus met him by the door, and immediately leaned close to look at the little baby. Magnus had given Rafael the news, and he was waiting in his room to see the baby.

"Come on, let's show Rafael his new brother, yeah?" Magnus gave Alec a soft smile.

"We have to be careful, you know? Rafa isn't that excited," Magnus chuckled.

"I think he will be soon. As soon as he sees him."

"I just think he's scared that we will love him less now that there is a baby, so we have to make sure he knows we will love him the same way."

"We'll let him know. We'll show him. We can do this, right? We'll do this," Alec said.

"Yeah, we will," Magnus nodded. "We will. This will be good. Our little family is growing"

"It is. But we still need a name for him," Alec pointed out, looking down at the little baby.

"We could ask Rafa what he thinks, bring him in from the beginning" Alec nodded and smiled.

"Let's go talk to him then. Show him his brother." With that, they both headed to Rafael's room.

"Hey, Rafa," Magnus called, knocking on the door. "Dad and I are coming in with the baby, so you can see him."

"Do I have to see him?"

"Oh, come on, sweetie. Have a look at your little brother," Magnus said gently as they stepped inside.

"Why are you getting another child? I promise I will behave better."

"It's not about how you behave, Rafa," Magnus said, sitting down next to him. "We love you with all our hearts, baby. And just because we get another kid doesn't mean we love you any less. It just means our hearts will have to get even bigger to fit two people. And that you will always have someone to play with once he is a bit older. Until then you can feed him and you can name him if you have any idea?"

Rafael looked a bit unsure, but after a while, he nodded. "What about… Max?" He suggested.

"That sounds cute," Alec nodded and tilted Max a bit so Rafael could see his face. "It seems a good fit for this little boy don't you think?" Rafael looked a bit surprised as he looked at him.

"He's blue," he said.

"I told you he was blue, Rafa. It's because he's a warlock, just like me," Magnus said, his eyes flashing yellow. Even though he usually had them glamoured, both Alec and Rafael had seen them and knew of them. "And his skin is just his mark."

"Can he do magic like you?"

"He will be able to when he grows up," Magnus confirmed with a nod. Alec handed Magnus the baby, Max, and sat down on the bed, pulling Rafael into his lap.

"He'll grow up to be a fine little price. But you, Rafael, you will always be our king."


"Always," Alec repeated.

"Always," Magnus said too.

Rafael thought about that for a moment and then looked at Magnus. "Let me see him again." Magnus smiled and leaned down, giving him a view of him.

"Isn't he beautiful?"

"He's small," Rafael said, making Alec chuckle.

"He'll get bigger," he told him.

"And he'll always look up to his older brother," Magnus added.

"And we'll be a happy little family, the four of us."

I'm sorry if I wrote the kids all wrong... I haven't talked to or been with a child that small in ages... and toddlers are really hard to write. They just don't make any sense to me. But either way, I hope you enjoyed this! Thank you for reading!

Also, a special thanks to XxCubexX ( u/10037912/XxCubexX) and Lullaby baby rock a by bye ( u/8663407/Lullaby-baby-rock-a-by-bye) for leaving comments on pretty much every single chapter. I never replied to them, but I want you to know that I loved every single one of them, they really did inspire and motivate, and I just want to thank you a lot.