Hello all Storm here with another mass update for several stories. Nothing much to say other than hope you enjoy. So without further ado.

I own nothing

Vegeta and Goku hovered across from the mysterious Saiyan who had just defeated Piccolo. Naruto looked back at the two with a smirk and a challenging glint in his eyes.

"Wow, this guy has to be pretty strong to beat Piccolo. Not to mention he's a Saiyan as well." Goku said setting Piccolo on the ground

Vegeta grunted in agreement, while he wouldn't admit the Namekian was a strong fighter, to be beaten by this unknown Saiyan was a testament to their strength.

For the moment the three Saiyans measured each other up not making a single move.

"Allow me to introduce myself, I am Naruto Uzumaki Black. A pleasure to meet you Son Goku, Vegeta." Said Naruto with an exaggerated bow

"Hmph, why have you come here?" Vegeta demanded with his arms crossed

"I have come here for one simple reason, to fight you two." Replied Naruto

"Wow, really. You must be really strong if you came all this way to fight me and Vegeta." Goku said excited at the thought of fighting such a strong fighter

"Unbelievably so." Said Naruto

"Fine if a beating you want, I'm more than happy to oblige. Kakarot get back, this ones mine." Said Vegeta flying forward

"Wha- hey Vegeta no way I'm fighting him first!" Goku said flying in front of Vegeta

"Yes way, it's my turn! You got to fight Kid Buu first, now I get to fight first!" Retorted Vegeta

"Well I beat Kid Buu and the winner of the last battle always gets to fight first!" Goku said

"No they don't, you made that up!" Vegeta shouted

Naruto couldn't help but sweatdrop as he watched the two argue.

'These are two of the most powerful fighters in all the Universes?' Naruto thought having been told by Baby and Black that Vegeta and Goku had strength beyond comprehension

"Alright then let's settle it the old fashion way!" Goku suggested

"Fine, but don't say I didn't warn you Kakarot." Said Vegeta

Both Saiyans made fists before throwing them down

"Rock, Paper, Scissors, shoot!"

Vegeta threw scissors while Goku had paper.

"Ha! Suck it Kakarot!" Said Vegeta

"Wha- ah no! I wanted to fight first!" Goku complained

"Can we fight now!?" Naruto asked impatiently

"Tsk, this won't be a fight, it'll be a beating." Said Vegeta flying closer to Naruto while Goku went to the ground by Piccolo

"Whatever you say shorty." Naruto taunted

"… You've just sealed you fate, fool." Said Vegeta simply

Nobody made fun of his height and lived, nobody!

Without warning Naruto and Vegeta charged at each other, Vegeta throwing a right hook which Naruto blocked. Without breaking stride Vegeta delivered a spin kick knocking Naruto away. Righting himself Naruto charged back towards the Saiyan Prince giving palm thrust to his chest before appearing behind Vegeta and smashing his elbow into his head.

Growling Vegeta gained some distance before launching a volley of Ki blasts, Naruto responding with his own. With both fighters obscured by the smoke Goku could only listen to the sounds of fighting and sense their Ki.

"Man, this guys keeping up with Vegeta. He must be really strong." Stated Goku barely containing his excitement for when he can get his turn


"Huh, oh hey guys!" Goku greeted seeing his friends and family arriving

"We sensed Piccolo's energy flaring along with another. We cam as quickly as we could." Said Krillin before looking up seeing two blurs colliding against each other creating several shockwaves

"Hey isn't that Vegeta." Said Gohan recognizing Vegeta's energy and faintly seeing him and his opponent despite their speed

"Yeah and the guy he's fighting called himself Naruto Black, he's a Saiyan just like us." Goku revealed

"Woah, another Saiyan, cool!" Said Goten

"Yeah come on dad beat that punk, you can do it!" Trunks cheered his dad on

"Don't think this will get you off the hook for destroying the gravity chamber, again! And you better win!" Yelled Bulma

"They're really going at it aren't they." Tien said watching the fight intensely though he could barely keep up with the speed

"Yeah, but neither are going all out, they still have a lot to give." Goku said as Vegeta hadn't transformed yet and he could tell Naruto was holding back

"Hey dad who's that?" Asked Gohan pointing towards Katsumi who hadn't taken her eyes off the fight

"I don't know, she showed up with Naruto, she hasn't done anything yet." Said Goku having not really noticed the woman to busy focusing on the fight

"Raaaaaah!" Roared Naruto and Vegeta both punching the other in the face at the same time

Jumping back both stared the other down.

"I must say I'm impressed, it's been a long time since someone actually made me bleed." Naruto complimented feeling his blood pumping in excitement

"Don't think this over punk, that was just a warm up. The real fight starts now!" Said Vegeta

Giving a shout Vegeta's hair turned gold while his eyes turned turquoise, signaling his transformation into a Super Saiyan.

"Behold the full power of a Super Saiyan and the last thing you'll ever see!" Vegeta roared before seeming to teleport in front of Naruto with a Ki-covered fist aimed at his head

Though before his punch could make contact it was stopped much to Vegeta's surprise.

"What?!" Said Vegeta before seeing Naruto's changed appearance

His hair now being silver, his eyes now cyber blue, red markings on his face, and a smirk on his face

"You didn't think you were the only Super Saiyan were you?" Said Naruto rhetorically before burying his own Ki-covered fist into Vegeta's stomach

Doubling over Vegeta coughed up spittle and blood feeling the wind knocked out of him. Continuing his assault Naruto flipped and brought his leg up right into Vegeta's head sending him flying to the side, teleporting ahead of him and delivering a quick series of kicks and punches, ending with a jump kick.

Teleporting ahead of Vegeta once again Naruto had his back facing him before bringing his fist up smashing it against Vegeta's face stopping midair before he dropped to the ground.

Flying down Naruto stood over Vegeta holding out his palm.

"Well you did put up a better fight than the Namekian, but I was expecting more. Oh well I suppose it's time I ended this." Said Naruto preparing to vaporize Vegeta

However before he could Vegeta's hand suddenly shot up and grabbed his wrist in a vice-like grip. Getting up Naruto saw Vegeta's aura now gained a flame-like appearance, his hair became more rigid, and electricity was sparking off him.

Vegeta ascended to a Super Saiyan 2.

Naruto couldn't help but grin in excitement seeing the defiant look in Vegeta's eyes.

With a roar Vegeta drove his fist into Naruto's face launching him into the air. Following after him Vegeta kept punching Naruto higher and higher until they were above the clouds.

"You should learn to keep your mouth shut! Galick Blazer!" Roared Vegeta firing the large purple energy sphere straight at Naruto

The attack hit dead on Naruto trying to push it back but Vegeta wasn't having that and poured even more power into it. The attack soon overwhelmed Naruto driving him back to the ground.

"And to make sure you stay down! Final Impact!" Vegeta shouted aiming his index and middle fingers, and thumb firing the high-powered and speedy Ki blast

Naruto gagged and coughed up blood feeling the attack pierce straight through his chest, but it still made him excited at the challenge.

'Hehehehe, to think he'd managed to wound me this much, I suppose I should stop holding back then.' Thought Naruto before he impacted the ground and the Galick Blazer detonated in a large explosion

"And stay down." Vegeta panted from all the energy he used as lowered himself back down to earth while dropping his transformation

"Aaaah, Vegeta I was supposed to fight him next!" Said Goku sad he wouldn't get to fight

"Quit complaining Kakarot, besides that punk hardly put up a challenge." Vegeta said ignoring the several cracked ribs Naruto gave him

"Uh guys…" Gohan said looking to where Naruto landed still sensing his energy and it was climbing at an impossible rate

"N-no way, how much power does this guy have?" Krillin said

"Impossible, he couldn't have survived!" Denied Vegeta knowing nothing could survive that much power

"Rrrrrrrr…" Naruto growled from beneath a mountain of rubble all the wounds he had sealing themselves up including the massive hole in his chest


"Wh-what is this, this power?!" Vegeta shouted covering his face

"Look, he's… transforming even more!" Said Goku seeing Naruto now a Super Saiyan 2

Though Naruto immediately evolved past that to Super Saiyan 3 his hair growing to his waist.

But to all there shock it didn't stop there.

"What?! How is this possible, he has another transformation!" Vegeta yelled over the hurricane force winds created

"Woah, this is incredible, now I definitely wanna fight this guy." Said Goku

They watched Naruto appeared to start transforming into an Oozaru before he stopped part way and shrank back down, his hair now back to black only longer, but not as long as Super Saiyan 3, with two pointed bangs on either side of his neck, gold colored shadowing around his now solid cyber blue eyes, the same red markings on his face, and gold fur on his upper body except his chest. Only his pants, boots, and sash remained.

Breathing deeply Naruto jumped out of the crater landing a fair distance away from the Z-Fighters, a few still shaken from his power. Cracking his necks, arms, and back, Naruto smirked.

"Hmph, I'm impressed Vegeta, if I was normal Saiyan that attack would have been the end of me, but I'm anything but normal. Tell me what do you think of Super Saiyan 4." Said Naruto crossing his arms and floating into the air

"Super… Saiyan… 4." Vegeta said in disbelief that there was yet another transformation

"That's right, you should be proud Vegeta at making me use this. Though I should warn you when I'm at this power level, it's hard for to listen to reason. I just lose control." Said Naruto knowing he'll be more violent and instinct prone

"Now then I believe we were fighting." Naruto said

Before Vegeta could even blink he was sent flying before crashing into a mountain staying embedded in the wall. His eyes rolled into the back of his head as he gurgled from pain, shock, and likely a collapsed lung.

"Uh, Krillin, Senzu bean." Said Goku

"Senzu bean?" Krillin asked

"Senzu bean." Nodded Goku

"Senzu bean!" Said Krillin throwing a Senzu bean at Vegeta

"…Fuck… you…" Vegeta coughed

"Huh, guess I don't know my own strength in this form." Naruto said not intending to have hit Vegeta that hard

Everyone was shocked at what they just saw, Vegeta getting one-shot like it was nothing. Goku had a serious expression knowing this won't be an easy fight.

'I'm positive this Super Saiyan 4 far exceeds Super Saiyan 3 and the way he's using it without any issue likely means that it doesn't have the same cost in energy as Super Saiyan 3. I'll have to be careful.' Goku thought stepping forward, as Naruto smirked

"Ah, the main course at last." Said Naruto thinking of his opponents as meals which he gained from Black

Goku got in his turtle stance which Naruto mirrored, though before the fight could start Naruto spoke up.

"Wait aren't you going to transform?" Naruto questioned knowing at this point in time Goku could go up to at least Super Saiyan 3

"Huh, no way! I wanna get a measure of your power first, it'd be no fun to go all out at the beginning." Replied Goku

Frowning Naruto understood what Goku meant, going all out could end the fight to early and he wanted to savor this.

"Very well." Naruto said as he undid his transformation going back to his base form

"If you won't transform yet then neither will I." Said Naruto

"Alright then let's go!" Goku shouted charging forward

Both fighters met in the middle with their fists colliding in midair creating a shockwave. Reacting quickly Goku spun in the air sending an axe kick towards Naruto's head,crossing his arms Naruto blocked the attack though still felt the impact of it.

Retaliating Naruto grabbed Goku's leg before he could move. Spinning him around Naruto threw him off to the side quickly using Instant Transmission to appear in front of him with a jump kick aimed at his head. Though Goku managed to right himself in time to avoid the kick and flew up before cupping his hands behind him.

"Kamehame… HA!" Goku yelled launching the attack, Naruto retaliating with his own

"Kamehame… HA!" Shouted Naruto firing the black energy beam

Both attack collided entering a beam struggle with Naruto and Goku trying to overpower the other, though Goku soon used another technique.

"Kaio-ken…" Goku said through gritted teeth, while Naruto's eyes widened

"No…" Said Naruto


"No, no, no…" Naruto repeated

"…TEN!" Shouted Goku as he was covered in a red flame-like aura while Kamehameha quickly overpowered Narutos

"SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTT!" Yelled Naruto moving out of the way just as the beam shot past him

Taking the opportunity while Goku was still firing his attack, Naruto Instant Transmissioned behind him holding a black and pink Ki ball.

"Divine Retribution!" Naruto said firing the attack Goku's unprotected back blasting him away

Giving a shout of surprise Goku turned to face Naruto.

"Man your really strong, how'd you know the Kamehameha and Instant Transmission by the way?" Asked Goku wondering how he knew his attacks

"Sorry but that's my secret, now enough talk!" Naruto said flying forward to continue the fight

Nodding agreement Goku and Naruto continued to clash sending punches and kicks, neither letting up for a moment. Though Goku was still empowered by the Kaio-Ken so Naruto had to increase his power to keep up with his increased power.

Meanwhile Vegeta, after being pulled out of the mountain and eating a Senzu Bean, gritted his teeth as he watched the fight. He still couldn't believe there was yet another Super Saiyan transformation and that someone had achieved it before him or Kakarot.

'Tsk, damn it! Now not only do I have to surpass Kakarot but this Naruto as well! It doesn't matter I will grow stronger than both.' Vegeta thought more determined than ever to become stronger

Naruto and Goku both jumped back from each other neither looking the least bit tired.

"Alright I think I finally got a feel for your power, time to take this to the next level. HA!" Goku shouted powering up to Super Saiyan

"Couldn't agree more, HA!" Said Naruto transforming as well

With that both Super Saiyans continued to fight there speed increasing dramatically making them look like two blurs clashing against each other to everyone but a few.

"Wow." Gohan said lowly he could just barely keep up with the speed his dad and Naruto were going

"Yeah, this intense. Not to mention we know this guys is hiding a lot of his real power." Said Krillin for once not sure if Goku could win

"Double Kamehameha!" Shouted Goku launching two Kamehameha's from both hands at Naruto

"Final Flash!" Naruto said firing a pink version of the attack

The attacks collided in another beam struggle only this time Naruto was ready.

Sensing someone behind him Goku looked for a split second and saw, to his surprise, another Naruto with his teal Violent Fierce God Slicer.

"RAAAAH!" Roared Naruto stabbing the Ki blade through Goku's chest

"GRAAAAH!" Goku shouted in pain as he lost his concentration with his attacks causing the other Naruto's Final Flash to overcome both him and his clone

Not stopping there Naruto immediately flew towards Goku and began delivering hit after hit on him taking far away from their original battleground.

"Come on Son Goku, your supposed to have defeated Frieza and Majin Buu, show me the power you used to defeat them! Come on show me!" Naruto said madly with an unhinged smile on his face as his inner Black was showing

Slamming his fists into Goku's stomach and sending him straight to the ground Naruto grabbed the other Saiyans and began dragging him across the ground carving a deep trench. They soon reached a mountain, though Naruto didn't stop and dragged Goku up it, just before reaching the top Naruto stopped and slammed Goku into the mountain.

Pulling him out Naruto gave a spin kick to his chest sending Goku back into the mountain deeper than before.

"Kamehameha!" Naruto shouted launching the attack at Goku

Screaming in pain Goku was forced through the mountain coming out on the other side. Naruto was already on the other side spinning in a ball and once Goku was close enough he delivered an axe kick to Goku's head launching into the ground where a large crater formed and buried in rubble.

Floating down Naruto scowled walking over to where Goku was buried.

"Get up, this isn't over yet!" Naruto demanded effusing to let the fight end now

Flying back into the air Naruto created a large black and pink Supernova.

"Maybe you just need some proper motivation, get up and I'll turn this planet and everyone on it into nothing but a memory! Is that what you want Goku for your friends and family to die!? If not then get up and fight me!" Demanded Naruto fully intent to drop his attack

After a moment Naruto frowned sighing in disappointment.

"So be it. Now vanish into oblivion!" Naruto roared throwing the Supernova

Not even bothering to see his attack hit Naruto prepared to get Katsumi and leave the soon to be destroyed planet.

Though he stopped when he sensed a large build up of power, looking Naruto saw gold energy appearing from where Goku was buried under the rubble becoming more and more intense.


Naruto was in shock, truly one of the few times in his life. Not at Goku trying to stop his attack, but for less than a second, he saw Goku's eyes and hair turn red and gaining an aura similar to a raging fire, before going back to the normal color of a Super Saiyan.

'That's… how is that possible?' Naruto thought before laughing lightly and smiling

"Honestly… what an incredible guy." Said Naruto

"YAAAH!" Yelled Goku delivering a punch towards the Supernova disrupting it's power and causing it to explode thankfully not destroying the planet

Naruto had no time to react before Goku buried his fist in his gut before giving him an uppercut.

"You shouldn't have threatened the people I care about, now I'm mad! Kamehameha!" Goku shouted launching the attack

Naruto was in the air stunned the attacks as the beam closed in on him, but unseen by Goku Naruto smirked.

"Final… Kamehameha!" Yelled Naruto launching the black energy beam with spiraling pink Ki around it

Once both attacks collided rather than enter a beam struggle they began merging in a dark purple Ki ball that soon engulfed both Naruto and Goku.

"Guys over here!" Krillin said as everyone flew down to where the large ball

"Where's dad and that other guy?" Goten asked

"They're inside that ball." Said Katsumi examining her nails not looking worried, while ignoring the looks now directed toward her

"Hey why are you and that Saiyan here? If you're here to destroy the earth then you should know Goku and Vegeta won't let that happen." Bulma said marching up to the vixen leveling her with a fierce glare

Rolling her eyes at the human woman's gall, though also respecting her for not showing any fear.

"Relax if my husband wanted to destroy this planet he would have simply blasted it from orbit." Said Katsumi

"Then why are you two here?" Asked Bulma putting her hands on her hips, Katsumi giving her a blank look

"Naruto-kun's a Saiyan, your husband and Goku are Saiyans." Katsumi said as if it was obvious, Bulma gaining a depressed air realizing she now had three hot-headed battle happy Saiyans to deal with

Suddenly everyone's attention was drawn to the ball of Ki as it began dissolving while two figures fell out of it hitting the ground.

Naruto and Goku laid on the ground panting in exhaustion, neither having the energy to get up, both covered in various wounds, their clothes torn up.

"Hehehe, that was one of the best fights I've ever had. Hehehe, oh it hurts to laugh." Naruto coughed though still smiling widely

"Yeah, I gotta admit you really had me there. You must have trained really hard to get as strong as you have." Said Goku with a smile at the great fight

"By the way sorry for nearly blowing your planet up, I just get really caught up in the fight and lose myself to my instincts." Naruto said not having intended to destroy the planet

"Hey, no harm done, besides that just pushed me to beat you." Said Goku understanding getting so into battle you lose yourself

"Dad!" Shouted Gohan as everyone flew down to them

"Hey guys. Krillin some Senzu Beans please." Goku Said

"Yeah sure here you go." Krillin said tossing Goku the bag

"Thanks." Said Goku taking two out handing one to Naruto who took it gratefully

Eating the beans both Saiyans jumped feeling all their wounds heal instantly.

"Much better, I feel stronger than before." Said Naruto feeling his power increased from the fights

Gotta love Zenkai.

"Uh Goku, isn't he an enemy?" Asked Krillin

"Huh, oh no he just wanted to fight me and Vegeta, he's not an enemy." Goku said

"He's right, sorry if I gave any of you the impression I was going to destroy your planet or something. But I'm a Saiyan and you know how much we love fighting." Said Naruto

"Well do you plan on staying here for long?" Gohan asked, Naruto shrugging

"I don't know depends really on-"

"We're staying." Said Katsumi, Naruto looking toward his wife with a frown


"We're staying." Katsumi repeated


"We. Are. Staying." Said Katsumi with narrowed eyes

She wasn't going travelling to other planets and universes just so Naruto could satisfy himself fighting strong opponents.

"Yes dear." Said Naruto looking down

Goku patted his back sympathetically, Vegeta silently sending his own sympathies. Both Saiyans knowing what's it like being at the mercy of their women.

"Vegeta don't think I haven't forgotten you destroying the Gravity Chamber and Goku I'm telling Chichi about you running off to another fight." Bulma said

All three Saiyan men now had their heads lowered in despair.

'Why me?' the three thought

So, what did you think, good. I really hope I captured the power of a Dragon Ball fight or at least came close and hope the fights seemed semi-realistic. Also Naruto can go up to Super Saiyan 4 at the moment, as he still has his tail it's possible, he'll unlock the god forms later on. And to all those who complain about Naruto not acting like he was raised by Baby and Black here are a couple things you can do for me,

1. Build me a bridge

2. Cry me a river

and 3. Get the f &$ over it

Naruto will show his inner Baby and Black in due time, so you can either suck it up and wait or hit that back arrow. So, review if you liked go away if you didn't.

Storm out