Chapter Nine

Hermione was waiting at the bar after another long week of work; there were a few scandalous paper threads, unashamedly talking about underlining sexual tension and other nonsense.

Well, as she sipped her drink, she knew that both were attractive people.

Doesn't mean that both were attracted to each other.

Even though she was attracted to him.

As a distraction, Hermione carried her gaze around the bar, she was hiding in a corner but had full view of the other bar flies.

In the corner she thought she saw Theo Nott waiting for someone. He was dressed in a button down shirt and chinos, a lot more casual than his normal business attire that he wore today when she passed his office.

Ginny was already busy tonight as well at her family home, taking cooking lessons from her mother. So it wasn't Ginny her boyfriend was meeting.

"Thought I'd find you here." Before she could object, Draco Malfoy, her tabloid boyfriend slid in the booth next to her.

Hermione looked up to find Theo had disappeared.

"Goddamn it."

"What's wrong Hermione?"

"Ah, thought I saw Theo there, but I wasn't sure if it were him and if it was him, who he was meeting."

Draco furrowed his brow and looked around. "Nott doesn't really concern himself with a bar like this, he's way too old money for that."

"Like yourself?" Hermione grinned into her drink and only half spat it out when Draco nudged her with his elbow.

"So why are you hiding out here Granger?"

"Your mother actually, and the tabloids."

He sniggered, "Ah yes, well my presence isn't doing much for dispelling rumours is it?"

"Well if you took more of those bimbos out I'm sure they'll go in time."

"Now, now, you're the one who hates me going out with them."

"And your mother does too."

He nodded in response, sipping an amber liquid from a tumbler.

"Sometimes, I don't mind just sitting here with you."

It was the second tea date this week that was disguised as a meeting that Narcissa had carefully orchestrated in the public eye. Under Narcissa's instruction, Hermione was wearing a bright yellow sundress with a white blazer and matching belt and heels. The Malfoy matriarch was in periwinkle blue with a slate grey shawl. The sat in one of the cafes out in the open to have tea and go over Hermione's latest implementations, it was a far cry from being holed up in the Ministry office, hunched over a desk with Ursula warming her tea every few minutes.

"Mrs. Malfoy, the figures are fine, and Draco and my side project is running smoothly, we've just received the metals in a decent enough quantity that if all is confirmed, we can move onto actual human test subjects."

"Hermione that sounds quite evil when you phrase it like that, we need to work on your delivery. Perhaps we need to introduce and scout for people who are willing to undergo a trial in order to improve public safety?"

Hermione would never admit that that was a much better pitch than hers.

"This is only if Draco and I manage to transmute everything effectively. What else is on the agenda?"

"Blaise wants to launch his protective fashion line soon. However most lines just release some boring ball that have models showcase the designs."

Hermione nodded, "The idea of a ball just seems so played over, I swear that's all wizarding society release and dictate their lives with. Could we potentially look at doing a live demonstration? We could instead of a runway, have a dueling platform?"

"Fantastic, it would be an excellent way to take out the release plus the entertainment in one swoop. Are you able to get Blaise to go over your ideas with the events team shortly? This should only take a month to set up and roll out."

"That will be fine Narcissa, I'll need Draco's or perhaps Harry's assistance with the dueling side. They have attended dueling clubs and are well documented show ponies."

Hermione's small jib created a flicker of a smile across her tea partner's face. "I'm sure you're just as clever with dueling. How about if we just have all of your friends come in and we can have you all do something of a show."

"This will be to benefit early childhood development within wizarding society, the crowds will be looking for the big hitters in the limelight, I'm sure most of them will be more than happy to comply."

They had reached an agreement and Hermione noted it in her book as they finished their agenda items.

Hermione readjusted her dress as she shifted her weight. She had always had a burning need to find out or figure out every aspect of someone. It often bubbled up to the point where she almost stuck her hand up to ask.

"Miss Granger, before you lose all self control in public, just asks whatever is bothering you." Mrs. Malfoy smiled similar to the Cheshire cat again as she poured each party another cup.

"Why do set such criteria for your son despite him being a fully-grown man?"

"What ever do you mean Hermione?"

"I mean so many people have mentioned that you have set these ridiculous standards for Draco in order for him to actually enter into an emotional relationship that he cannot find someone. Shouldn't he be setting these standards? Dating should be about trial and error, not a checklist straight off the bat and just assume that that checklist will make you happy."

Narcissa raised a single eyebrow as she stared at Hermione over her teacup. "Hermione, I have heard of these standards that have been placed over my son's head. However I had nothing to do with it. I simply told Draco to be careful with whom he wants to have a relationship with as most just want appearances, titles or money. None of which sets up a joyous relationship."

"Then why does everyone dribble on about your impossible standards? Did Draco make these up for fun?"

"I think Draco just wants an excuse to not date, similar to yourself, he is not entirely keen of dating just for something to do."

Hermione paused the cup at her lips before drawing out her sip she re-crossed her ankles and gathered her things.

"Narcissa, the fact that your son is a coward through and through and hiding behind his mother is simply ridiculous. He hasn't changed a bit in that aspect."

"I think that's just a pile of bullshit Mi."

Ronald Weasley was never one to mince words, and after his second pint he seemed to annunciate each work like a slap in the face. Harry, Lee, Ronald, Luna, Ginny and Hermione had organized a private room at a new watering hole, Finnegan's Finest, so far the finest that the boys had sampled was the beer.

"It makes complete sense. You know how the Wizarding world is, remember when Harry hadn't come out yet and it was all rumours of who he was banging or if he his sexuality had disappeared after the battle. The bloke probably wants to not be in the spotlight and be constantly thrown about with people questioning his sexuality or taste in people." Lee's voice of reason came through as his arm slung casually across the back of Harry's chair.

"When you put it like that that's fine, however he's a grown man and he can't manage to say 'sorry you're not what I'm looking for' I mean come on. He didn't have a problem telling people they weren't good enough in other aspects of his life." She argued, her gin left by the wayside as Hermione threw her hands up in exasperation.

"Are you afraid that you won't meet the standards?" Lee shot at her cheekily, causing Hermione to flush crimson at the thought.

"Not sure if you've met this girl before Lee, but she's Hermione-fucking-Granger. She doesn't meet standards, she gets a fucking outstanding on everything." Ron snorted, tucking into the plate of chips in front of him and offering some to Luna.

"Ronald, save your crassness for the bedroom please." Luna piped up, smirking as her partner choked on his third mouthful. "Although I do share his sentiment, just not as extreme. Our Hermione is lovely and perhaps Draco Malfoy can be the one that stops her from going into full bitch-mode."

Hermione threw a chip at Luna and laughed at her joke, the rest roared with laughter and tucked in further to their meal. She noticed the only one not carrying on was Ginny. The youngest Weasley was tucked in the corner next to Hermione; she was gnawing on a chip and looked deep in thought. The others were a bit too involved in the commotion to notice the change in the female red-haired woman's behavior.

"Gin, you alright?" she prodded quietly, nudging her friend with her shoulder lightly.

"Theo's just been a bit busy lately that's all."

Hermione's thoughts immediately went to the night before last, Theo's appearance at that bar without his usual accomplices unsettled her stomach more than what she was willing to admit. "I'm sure he's stressed about work or something. I know Blaise, Draco and I have so it's no stretch that he is too."

Hermione refused to acknowledge out loud that Theo was one of the only executives that was vigilant about work-life balance and leaving on time.

"Maybe he's finally gotten your hint about the proposal?" she suggested softly, allowing others in the group to be their rambunctious selves, which hid the youngest Weasley's misery.

"Here's hoping." Ginny smiled softly, drinking deeply from her glass.